Vi-AMATH NEWS Friflay. July 24, lt25. PS TKre4 T. Leave M.hiMIm Mildred l.eahy who him ),,. Halting for I hi. past two Wee, ,h. ,,,. nf Mr. (I. (. I.on.ui ! i.lntiln 1 Briefs Frank M. Kulr-jl" lv Hunday f,T ,,. ho Jn his flrKi vlalt 'tol Mulnm uftor iiii emendi-d vfaatt ton .... -.. itinip i 1I111 tfollthnrn miiimi ui.a t ,. .... Tliia aiili. la Imna-fldo In !l offorlnga and valuea, and mirrhanrtlao carrlea workmanahlp and Imperfection guarantee!, ai they ahould. H 33 yVUrmt .MlflH htnu; 1,1, bom. III tn '"" " ncaiiiu well aa v.lrfleld and thulr, Vancouver, II. . unci other north- uMrrtlona ' "''"'i"rn I'"'1"" arriving In Hi" J Yu A rvnuwluK OKI ' " t ' r.iii niirnrir. U. Halrd of Mrdfnrd madii a pleaauro trip tn. Klnmulli Fulls yoHiitnliiy. thle bo-1 l.u hill lit flrut vlult ,.ir.. II... ilr..i.. iii-cllilll'""" ' ' - WH'.'M ,, ii Drown are, Hprlnga hlxliwuy from hla hnmn In time ul '' Iionm iifjlli" valley. Wlllard T.iyton on . , ' I ' n ttnv fn IVnli'C Mr unit Um Tl.y plan Hi milium - ,r linen wcoka mid, r-u"' aiii-.-m-r iwnaeu uiiv will enjoy Bi'- llirnni'li Kliiiniilh Kalla (rum their In. hiJIi.K Vn-!'", "' l-n"l"W with Mr.. !ru- Jlwr'a parenla. Mr. mid Mm. C. A. jlluty. Tliry plan ti loavu (or Cru- . .... .i "f I'1!"1 wli'T" H"' will ap-nd lbn lima Altlioupli ) In tho' Cliiiidn llrown of. a t it l-t day foreign ar a nnm- la vlallora n i ! -' Oregon- 1 .1 n II Itnoihcr In Among lie vlaltora III KI.iiiiiiIIi Falla Tlmraduy wua K. A. rullrln.r rrnlil llin Ktluu- h Included Arllmr W. wnod r(lI11.h ,.B., tho Bwun . if VI U'lUnn j.KoifH. ' luko rouiiit.. ,-. I,. Milan. Han! irmnrlto I'imIiI. I mm il.i irti- -Mr. and Mra. W. CM Mi IHinald. Kdwurd i)Un, i, unr-r-x llie vlajlors III lleaih: "HI I'ithn rliy yi iiteiil.ii. trannactlnn bua- i . . . ilia: 1.. twin. nvm. inina ami aliop:;nK. Hlvcrliank: F- lilenn A. tirluin.1 l w h.mhi niuona m J W. l.yonH. SIIH'K-I rvllllllliin ilnu-lim III m neiiuii- .. . u V I MHQ ill m" i iiimiii uir uiifir wren- nlan anm-i. .. ., ,,.,, Pr8 W)l, i,Miliwto 6r,d R' ,"M"!, , JiiIIiib Mm-llr-r. :.. an.- plaiinlllK to M.ranii'iitiv l . "-Iinv,, Hiumiluy iv.nlnit (or tlie ,i: J il n K "''"""jlialilwln iiilinKi-. Wlilln nt l.nke o( iKiifnl-i-'-'i. ' ' Ul 'y. ! ilui Wnnda ai'Viral railloa will M f n IT., ii 'ro; ; iiintalli'd hy Mm-llrr. ba; k,, , - .'.:.; J-fa) Mii:: . I..u i!iar., f t. !' r.ini Kinky I'.ilnl-Mr. and Mr. DoukIii J. I''ll, rcaldi'iilB of ' ICot'ky l'uliil. wluTfl I'urk.'it la a . .l ' loim Ina rnnlrarlor. wern atiinnK the ,., M..,Bor. o. ",, . , .,.. , KlnlIlaIh p.,,. ib will m.t rmt-. t,mv f Mra. II. A. Em- atrect. tiiniil Tlmr -K. K. Mrl'oy of fiend, proiiilni.nt Raraicn man of that rlty. Llr. ('. A. Andxraon ; arrived in Klamath Kalla laat nlithl Mra. A. K. Jji Hleu . ha li'd fr Mlnno- thy will rinln for Mra. AmliTnon ba fcliy (ur all wikn la- kr daimhtir. kfunl Jnlin I). McAul- ( Klrklnrd wua non In Klaniulh Kalla fcl.AulKfo la a pruml- uf that wirtliill. lo vllt lila brother. Orel M.Coy. Klamath Kulla contraitor Mr the re mainder of tho week. Arcordlnn to McCoy, the rnada nro tn better rondltlnn than Ihcy have len for aome time and he mode the trip in five houra und five i.iltuilea. l'uliil - Mlxn Ci rnl- k nd hr un.le. W. K. biliM Toint were ntnotiK In the rlty lliia wm'k i mill. I- Kmployea of th Flrat k havu their noaea'deep tlon novel, edltetl and tleorife Mi lnlyro, on to Pronnile" In three iM.iiiiyro ia no lolu;rr p. I wiiidiiA-a hut ia now i.isairtKOr of a deak nnd k own next to l.ealie Itoic- To Ijike nf the Wood Among th vlaltnra who nre plnnnlnic lo apend the we.-l. -e:id ut Luke o( the Wnoda nro Mr. and Mm. Jack Klmlinll und l)r. and Mra. Ceome A. Mlinaey. I rum llliiiiionil Ijike Mr. and Mra. Ilert t'nak and Coldle Miller have ri'tiirned (riMii Diamond Lake, where tliey have heen enJoyinK the pnat forlnlKht ciunpliiK out and iiiK In the lake. Mnlin -Anionic the Mulln vlnltora ti, apend Thiiradiiy In Klamath Kalla wan Mra. J. W. Sundora of thai aectlon of KliimatU county. AH the aiiminer h.ita at Bee Ho Kin'd iiruia Shoji have lieen marked fur In-low coal. J24-2G Improvi-il The twin h.t Mr. and Mra. C. II. kxine Culi. and Muriel lii-iiime aufflclently Im- pii an uttuck of mimmi-r ln-y were able to .leave fr Meilford with their hre i hey will vlalt for a filini- weeka. The young llie have not reached thut fe where two cundlu on cuke almilfy their no. KLAMATH VALLKY HOHIMTAL. Tn cure (or all new niothera rlxht Is i our purdonulile delight. adv. 11 KODAK FINISHING in at 9 out at t p. m. The Peasley's 1 Oppoalto Court Home Green's Night hawk at JIETIAN BARGE TONIGHT A furnace in your home will keep the summer at your command all win ter. Prices $135 up. Phone 371. Xii3tJ 'l VT III cii1ria- i r' III LEWIS ;i OUR OWN BLEND wo pounds for 95c. . 50c a pound FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DAILY ten P. ' Lewis, Grocery J'Je W Reliable Coffee House." la. !;-... 1' lpJI6- -4, Frocks, Ensembles, Chic, Stylish, Correct and Priced To Please You XX ERE'S an extraordinary selling of spring and sum mer apparel, in georgette, crepe de chine, flannels, radio, chiffons, voiles, with every garment taken from our regular stock and radically reduced to insure immediate Clearance. So extensive is the range of selection ' 'tha't every woman and miss who comes to this Sale will appre ciate the wide choice that is of fered to' her. ' -i S.s, Ensemble Dresses At llnlr-l'rlie, these nre values which will appeal 4lruni;ly to the women who are cconomlral anil demand llie best in style, serviceability for wide range of oc raslous. ;. $28.50 Ensemble Suit, 11 ?C Clearance 4 1 T ai $32.50 Ensemble Suils, (Vj 1 J - Q J Clearance $10i6U 35.00 Ensemble Suits. t 7 Ztfi Clearance P1 I xJXJ $55.00 Ensemble Suits, (07 CH Clearance .'. P eOtP ! Voile Dresses $2.69 to $8.75 , These pretty models In a great variety of patterns and trimniinRs, serviceable, washable and dressy, tell tho story of the popularity o( the Golden Rule's retdy-to-wear department. . ' Silk Frocks Printed anil plain silks, with and without circular flares, jabots, lace and ' embroidery trimmed. Many of them recent arrivals. $9.98 $14.48 $21 $26.38 For choice in one lot "of dresses which were good values at 12.3u to'14.60 For choice In one lot of nice pretty frocks, which aold originally for f 19.50. ' , i ." :! A O For cno,ce ln one 8rouP f smart .itlrS frocks, which were pretty , values at . 124.50 to 328.50. . For choice' In one group ot ultra chic and smart frocks, which were 32.50 to (35.50. . , Ginghams - 2212C; 18c, 15c ' 1 Hero Is where the thrifty wife anil Wother can ac complish wonders with a small amount of money. There are 83- different colors and patterns in these three groups, ln almost every conceivable summer shade. 1 ' Included in this Mid-Summer Clerance Sale are suitings, voiles,' Shantungs, rayons, crepes, silks, sweaters, sport shirts, challies. ' Stock Up STOCKINGS Stock Up ' ' ' '"'.,! i . t . -1- i '.... i A I. ' Children and , 25c Infant's Socks , 36c Stockings 79c ' Throe KroupR, Including silks and rayons, " In half, threevquarters and seven-eights hose. Allen A Silk - - 89c -Ghiffon j' 3 pairs Stockings $2.50 Colors: Beige, French nude, black,- maple cream, cannon biscuit, blush guaranteed. Kayon hose at same price. ' . ' ' . 6 Yards Special Bleached Muslin 95c --Regular 21c Value (Ifp)) Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll .'V ' liiiiinl.hl.hhi.hnliiiliiiliiilil IS I IUATU r " '. Sale lasts until August 1, but to be sure of obtaining your desires you ahould take ndrantngo of these money savings without waiting. , "l 5 pao Sixth St, . ; . Phone 355