P Wtmnews Wednesday, July 22, 1925. ELECTRICITY EXPLAINED llFORNIA RAIL COMMISSION to where thel th. eluto. Iiidlratna ili.t ,, coat ,,viir has been euuuU .0(M per kllunuti huur for L Boll""0' Pf I' l diivllvri-d from th ,,Llroa(l commis- nyurii-oiccirio iiams. Ill kilowatt Lr, question fro- hour produced from lis water pow tinuinn'M w llnlB, when delivered Joo tu ,o why I "- "'- wl at Ihu auhsla- ,uoiir pnya from tlim, coat approximately $.0(175 por , rents pr kiln, kilowatt hour. This lurrcasn rlclty when trt mulnly In Dm transportation of tho large power rnn- kilowatt limir tho 1i.uk distance. lr enemy The kllowult hour produced hy thn llowult hmr. tnam plunt tu upply Uumo not ilcin In th" prlt"" avallubln from tlm water powor ilnly dun to thSrplunti com approximately onn cent runt of render- a kilowatt hour end thn energy from :iertrlr ultimo., both sources delivered from tho var l,. rsrry On '"'! loua auhatallnne avenues n p print - l,.tn retail enter- mainly 1 .0014 per kilowatt hour, lino nmipany haajTh, energy delivered tu tho lurge rixltt rntimnnnrnl rM0 companies, railroads and c- bnonllily Blent planta. which la taken dlrect- I it la im'IIIiir l"w-jy from tho auhatallona, co.t approx- ms wnnrn tin. . malcly I 0003. ror $ I ." I! l, rates aro n-i commission, i nd more money . fire and ten ernl for their tdeo-i To Ashland Mr. and Mrt. B. w I K,-,rn'1 Henry Crimea, Jr., re Muaa of Klamath ralla, returned ,urDed to Klamath Falls laat nlht Monday evening: from a brief visit ,ron I'nrtland, after visiting In the enjoyed n Ashland at the horn of!,,orth ,or tb p"' wel, Bm" Mr. Mow' father, Alvln Muaa. , lirown, who made tho trip with Orlmaa, returned to bla home earlier former lU-sldent Mra. Dorothy:"1 ,b wek- Lure, a former Klamath Valla real- ., . . dent. I... returned to the city Iron, h, ' C.', 'T' her home In Idaho, to vImII at the rcomJtt . i II. E. John home or Mr. ...i. A .,, ("n. haa returned from a month'a ..in v. miiia i or aoum lime. Her many frlenda welcome her to the city. This la Mra. Luces first vjnlt to Klamath Falla In fire yeura. vacation apent In Nevada and Utah Johneoa and hia eon left before the Fourth of July on their pleaaure Jaunt. Iti.iiir... Tu . ' Wlrr on Htrwts Quits a com- I T?', I I V . "'den wed-1 Klamath Kail, ahortly befor. I p. m. dhiK on Muy of her parenta. Mr. an Mm. It. A. Kinniltt, Mra. II. c. Mlera returned to her homo In Han Franclwo the early part of the week. Mra. Mlera waa a former Klamuth Full, renldcnt. VUlllnic Mr. and Mra. Charlea yentnrdity, when a youth with a pet badger atrolled alnna Main atroet with a beautifully pelted badger under hla arm. When the animal had been aufely eacorted acroaa the treeta he waa placed on the aide walk. , where he wadled behind hla ,, i ..i . i ... utM Mill, IBIUIUU Ul . ,,.,una in me cuy rrom'the pot doaa of a Klamath Falla their homo In Bunt Crua. While In i cu,h. niamain ralla they are the bouco Xueata of Mra. Laura Walker, and amo nt the home of Mra. O. Ii. To Konehurg Mlaa Ruth Dixon, who recently returned to Klamath ma, apeni l ueaoay at Falla ' from Loa Angelea, left the t rater lake, and plan to leave to- early part of the week for Roaeburg. where ahe will vlalt for a fortnight Local Briefs aay for Portland, returning down the rovit on their way to Santa Crux. vlrr. peapllO me ,,1, irr! l "' )inea. and tho bill Hid of the month. ial ft to thn tlv n. and Ihc fxlna Ihc p ca, r niiy of the ii n '! 't'ton that ir electric Mlla. rapany pu:a Into of "producer to l heralded aa the. bijr the coat of llv-j L, all of tha actlvl- her line of bual iuimIM y numer ahnea were inar- 1 eamo conditlona I of electricity, the kuld have to In tutloni the cattle Vent plaint of the hoot to your ItllltlM. by the lu ll dllrhea and pipe I divert the water ietreama along tho mi and. through kilve ylnnta, trnna- energy represent- high alrovo tho mountain 100 to Bio cltlea where wo E energy; transmit hnsmliwlon llnoa to ireduced In preanure I for dlatrlhutton llllea. Inula for the gener- ..,. ...... Itiea to produce olec- thn water supply Im lummers, and In dry dequutn supply of trrs. We could not 4 wo wltth, were It i en in plums which air hnvlng ulectrlrtty om the euhatutlons rlrlly Is nimlii nvnll- Unn tliroiiRhout tho lea. Inrgn uinounls i dvllvorpd dlrertly Is, lurgo Industrial nt plunts, end other nirlpalltlea for dis- u the same aubsta- nntaorks of polo Icrtrlrlty along tho ila to our pumping and residences. The ,''d on tho farms to Irrigation, by tndus- k Rinnitfarturlng ma- nur homoa and ng, heating and run- cirle iippllnnnea. lectrlcHy wo ao oc rloiis rattans: Fuel m power, labor and pernio and maintain s nnd various equip- here Is the annual "ley Invostod In Iho y Intornst upon tho' h has been ntado, In transmission linos, I distribution llnoa; "t of the cost are h have to bo paid federal govornmdnta million. An analysis largoBt utilities In Knlii! Alfonm reported more ruin yesterday llinn prohahly any other section of thn rounly. accord ing to reports received In the county highway department's office from the boy working on the road. Dur ing tho early imrt of the afternoon, when Kliimnth Fulls waa under a alight drlrxlo, Algoma was under a perfert deluge, fnr loo perfect, In fact, to ault tho boys a the highway. MlicrpmKO In C. M. Merrltt of Merrill, prominent sheepman of that section, was In the city yesterday from bla ranch to visit and transact business Willi Klamath residents. Visitors 1-ave Mr. and Mra. W. A. Handera, after visiting at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. W. L. Handera, havo returned to their home In Long Hcaeh. Whether or not the visitors will go directly south to their home, or whether they will make a trip to rortland, they bad not decided when leaving here yesterday. Ilunrlier In Joo Krlxo, rancher of thn Mnlln district, was among tho many out of town visitors In tho city yesterday to transact business. To Ml. IM - In the Interests of . t .1. .nnl. U.'hnnl I ine IMnilimil W mmm, ,..,.. .......... Kuperlntendetit Fred Peterson spent yesterday In the Ml. I.skl district, where ho Inspected Ihe work of mov ing the Falrvlew school. OH BOY! VENETIAN BARGE FRIDAY NIGHT with her sister. Mri. A. F. McKenxle. jl(0 .i "Chew I Ml fa RINE USTE THROAT TABLETS SjfgfrrlflBriflfrti TTLIftlnTtlTtfaiJUljx. Camping Trip Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. "Pat" Holcomb and Miss Itulh Llndsry are planning to leave the latter part of the week for Campbell Inke In tho Illy district, whero they will enjoy a week'a vacation. The purty plans to ramp during their visit. KI.AMATII VALI.KY HOSPITAL. Hero a auuny room and nursery await mother and now baby. advlO SEE OTHERS FIRST . Visit other Music Stores First Without fall then you can readily aeallso why wo aro eelllng moro musical Inslruinenls In Klamath Falls thnn all olhera combined. Wo grant first pnymenta Just half as lurBn nthnrs also cut prices and "no Inlereel" on Phonogrnphs. Wlao nnrm will see us luflt. Earl Shep herd c.i. 67 Mnln ft. J KODAK FINISHING In at out at 6 p. m. The Pealey't 1 Oppoalte Court House A furnace in your home will keep the summer at your command all win ter. Trices $135 up. first Phone 371. I SPECIAL! -; . 1 Extra Heavy White Enamel ') 1 6 Quart Sauce Pan ' Made of extra heavy steel base and quartz rock I I smooth pure white Burface. I I it Very durable clean and sanitary. i SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY, JULY 25TH 1 Baldwin Hardware Co. 1 I "The Wincheter Store." j 418 Mirt St. Phoint 261 La Vogue Store's Creditors' Sale OPENS TODAY Drastic Reductions Have Been Made. WE MUST HAVE MONEY AT ONCE. Our Loss Is Your Gain Bargains of a Lifetime in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Millinery. Doors Open at 9:00 a.m. gue 5th and Main Streets Hot Weather News i I pougha, Colds, c, Kbeumatism ches and Pains ""CSslmraahbM, rol.(aiUdfbnu). a Mustard Plastn The qtioatlon t -what will It cost Let us lro thcro'a nothing lost In gettliiB work of highest Rrniln Or finest fixtures o'er dis played ' Esterbrook Co'a Serviceman snys: Wo'll wlro for you when you wlro for u. Phono call for us to give you an estlmnto. How much and ' when that's what we will bo ploonod to toll you. Mactune D. D. VAN FLEET MOTOR SHOP. 20H llnlll HI. Dny Phono 7.18. Mlit S7I. PURCHASED HERE Is Built Por Work And Works For Profit Prices Right. Let Us Supply Your Needs For Binding And Sack Twine. J. W. KERNS 6th and Broad Phone 557-J 2 Florence ; The Best in the World . BLUE FLAME Wlckless! Smokeless! Odorless! 2-Burner $19.75 3-Burner $24.50 4-Burner $30.50 Ovens $7.75 Mantels $9.00 to $11.00 COLMAN and KAMP KOOK GASOLINE CAMP STOVES For Your Outing TripsWith or Without Ovens Roberts & Harvey "Hardware for Hardwear" 422 Main St. Phonel73