The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 22, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE K
l Iavr Mr and Mrs
miJ'im of Faa Fraa-
Pate Two
1 'f
i f jl '
eaJ aw'.. '
J '
A I'oit. ..... - r
irrmt triiivrr - w..r rvia-a -
.mi urTYiDle Lfllf I I: a I f K I II A v r. I i . . . ..
tbman kiaaalii oar
VISITORS TO PARK EXCEED CALIF. ",'Z"':'2 EV " K" ;.";cr-i"
: Jy
T'rt KuWl I ' I . .... .
W,, , f For- Trerc, h
. X " T 1 I,;. !- Ik. mwl
tior, :. t.d ia ttne ' Jt f ,4 .-,t 1 -
?! ii ere ri"- Si, u,. ,t:,.-Bl Or-M
to 'V tut tor d-a4 r i?-r- 9 urr.stl To i t''a,
is 7Q- P-Uu Haw Entered Park la Fir.t 17 Day
OpenSeajon; Surprising Number Of Women Tr-rd-
inj Alone I Season s PccuLanty
HI ij.Jrir. wita "
Of I' a. :v el :t
It I"-" - A -
:t lit k:k
a:k m.aci'a ' ',1 '-:
iirr.- of
Si- J'l
Ik IVa- m !: Ut 1U1 J
TV fr '-
t f'.rt Ku'k c4 '-
4eat4 ikrir S-' of t;.
ft UI. w. !fa
JiJT lot of
h ii ct f llirw r-j. .tfcr
. a a r !)!. ar i'f
4r I f rrtiifn of rra J', la rll
. :-e j:t -a:: air:-' t
.im la - Crtr
A ra-ri'.r aj.rt --t of Para
:ri-; it aurr-x-.- .Urra
r of r.'3 oa
. twt h 1 ti Ilf at!
ar.p iroaB'H. - i- raft b
u a. f n- t.-!:
ial aaaui
r,f Ml fit "o a
Ea . .'-'I a i
:! :t t t i
r-taitar (.: r- awj
asicIC ti .. o- nj
Cv a.aii-
K.:a wi-a) f
ftftj tt' r U'1k-i
a9 at i'v.H Ct-a:
a-.k U-
r ' c f Ka
ynr. ftii alra o." a
a l.t'i- oir 2.. -rf iod.'a'i'jfl
trjia:a to l25 ara.r. brak.tjr
rt'&r't. it i -'iU4 thai California.
A booT fr Kraxa! roBt
a:4 K:aia-a Fa"! aal irr
aa: iid jatry tir:& taa;' th
KUxa-.h New.
kU V.- aid Vr
aa4 Sa3ji-r ar as
a'.a rtk-ti f:;:or
II rt rr rl.
ta ailo-4 wa 3a for lao jan baa R3 na
tb tn tlaia to rriAe atl ()rn', to Jor trar.!. haa droptl
tke food. :! ai tai' afk i oua. -rt a toiaj of lvT'-
i Writ Uwciaroa- ' "
lV7 Bcrdunu
Local Briefs
IK I1iihiaia - I'
dEI of I'J lc-jai. i
day frwa t. fcoc
'i.-t rr:
tie rwr-
kJts aad fcy nA
A f mir thaa
im e talu is- Tire
m Terjr terfe crowd, tacii cSa
aalr of crol f"'a ra.J
rjrv:Bila Btar:? nrj atai !n bhtp BnT I' " M'lormvi. ,
tii lrvm Japas. Hawaii. Caaaila. n!wi la citjr froa the
5oa'li Asr.a. nxla&d aad Snta aootb.
ild th Urrt T7'tfttt ol -r Tl trrrel terccfa t H'Wra Pr m t Jk- . J ifnt
intr.ti pol "law rroa(l-'w;rofe hn uka aa n5md 0f f;rj.r Lii Naiioaal Park ia is
tor towaa and wastry. ixn'.a thia rtar. Iadinx Kiaaia'.n th s l,n,5j for the rtcaia-
Tbe oma wo"fe4 rhari f traa in tie ji.-oportioa of llil,iT of tb rk. .
to tnkta-.ko -jv' : r;:r ' -ttt ...
It-ao'-b a aa ..i ,v i i. h. v.m. .v.
i KMi k-' tviy .u.-.uu --- - i if ji ttaaa. w-r. idvdi ii w
taa affair wiia
ecrawravtd ia aiakiar it
' atB tooatrr. Th Wt aad Ea.u
f:hraan of '.he aeaara to
ta!raaa are tyrrh tlrtxir aral n.ak a trip to raxtbll Ike. near
of laat rear. Th-rr U a ttt h-arr ll A.cordibr lo .)rboom the fi'b.
jlBcrtat ia th B! of p,; 9Ktr lluux n ini tl)r raarbt
d-toorlr.r from lb Paruir n;ia- tlj, ji-,,, in rtrr .ltj 1Jme.
aaf to tb Crater Lake Hithwaj
t1 Goldhill. traTtl coo- i.f,!M, Mr. iMrn.ll
llsttt beix btary. i ruidtan of Terr Haat. IndiaBa.
Wita a I15,$00 atock d.ftla7e4 The Klama'.b aa4 Medford ap-:a-t in the ritr to iit their cooina.
OS ila hr a aew Goid'-a kole r-:a "u 'Bt eoa-j vn. Una Noel of Klamath Falla
Mitr. will a In rhl!in:a aViat am Jin. a. n. campoen u. uiei...
tb firat of the aioa'.b. J. '.
Golden Rule Starts
Store'in! Chiloquin
SeU) "Mrw .''" l- f-
Mr. aid l!n. Jl. R l'rri,B wLo
p:'. Suaiay at tk rjit.
-ie t;i!fl laa- t ii. Har
n.n it c.ibai-ti w.-i .x p. i:raa
Kay UsVr cortr
Ja!aBl Utrit k'-ir f"r a
;udmBt of H Ah-
arat. attoraey. filel a it ara:at
Lala Laat aid Itim la
rlrroit cocrt rratTilar Ahrt
derlarfrl tbr amouat ri,i'-te-i In the
folt repre-v-nts atlora-- f'-. rr
taitiax from bia d-rn of the
Laazi ia tbrir trial rl" ia. ipr
P I A X 0
Summer Specials
The Piano you want at
the prite anj tcrnis you
can afford to !:y.
Earl Shepherd Co.
Pianos. Kailio, Records
507 Main St. Tliono -'
v ,?? ; K
Let Us Give You An Estims
On Screening Your Home
F-etimaU-s Given On Cabinet Wj
Work Guaranteed Prices Rigf;
6th and Klamath Pfc
to aar of the natWnal parki. Dan to rma:a in thli aettlon
'Within the bark roada were nYrT ,t ik. .,t. ir.r . M,nn.i.
CrooU, maaaner of the drrrooa. nd lhe u intertrtcce r , '
departat of ll KaaatH with Sae! fc'.3..of ;V j,.,. a,.,,.. K.lin aa
lda Ro: fliarf .lie pat-in pro J act nod-i' the freoa(.ct jfa;iB TUiton
of th Cbflaa!f jp-r The rim road to: open a. far wt-j jn tfJe r.,r , ,ranaact ouainen Jf
tor la aa oatrr.wtb o: thi?"Kla3i. war aa the watchmaa. anl.eait- ,rJr
atb Falla enterprUe and will sell ward to a distance of Jl milea.
(oods at Klama'.b Falla prion. Trarel to Mamoad Lak throarb, VijtinK Mr. and Mri. Harrr
Crooka ha W aawrta-d with lce rIrI t"w P"""' ine ' Haai'ton of U Amt-lea are rlalt
tb 1.1 .tore f'r o.r!r f!j year.'"1 "' '-" The ,, at th. oome of Mr. and Mrl. :
nd bath b aad Ola aa jtaat JforU- r"rT T 6rl,X on tb' T""S '-"narle. Maoplln of Maiin for lomt;
and both to " bw tb. W.tcha,,. and the, , dnr1nr th?!r Tf,lt 1a tne Dor.h. t
Bier Le. ar thoroughly Backbone are bow biB cut throarh
with all anirlea of the departmtot wl,h T. s T. and .horeia. ao that .t tlw Arcade Mr. and Mrs. '
Hot baaiaeaa. ; the entire rim road wlli be opea J. Kran and Mia A. Haron. tooriiu
to trarel well before the end of from New York are anions the
JUDGE GAGHAGEN S ,n 1- Tb principal trall'gutts at the Arcade hotel thla week.
DDrtTLiirD ic nrxn ln con'll,!l"1'1- " eampj
BROTHER 15 DEAD .round, are la foil .wlnit. and thei f "liiloo.uln ;orge G. Bell, rl-
f . ji'ark neanon la folly nndcr way. dent of Chlloquio waii amom the
Police Jodxe j-.m L. Oagha.ea , r'o'lowlnr the Innpectlon of Crater many biulnesa TlKltoTa In the city
rectivwl word yeaterday erenine of iM - ""on' "J uirector , thu week, arrirlnit lant niKht
the '.'t.'-h of hta !drt brot.t-r.
it: W In Ord, Nebr. The notl
Stephen T. Mather, on July loth.
1 and hia approrai of the general
road program, work w. tmiwti . -':::)
i atelr nnderuken aimultanfioiiHlv nn ripm
m journal wn..n aewTiLei the Medford and Klamath roailn.
t .:a'h
for I.
from Portland An intereatlnr
l-vuiiaiii iuciuoea alls, flen
Moore of Portland, Mrs.
. JiiHEih Tal Of Pnrtlanrf Tfalr.h
nd funeral ctr.:raoniwi ; Thla program call, for the eipendl-i Thompson and Herman Ilawkin.nn
itit V. GaKbagen. I ture thla year of 23S,000.O In ' alo' of Portland
Accon.'a? to the account In the
Ord -t, limns W. Garhagcn JfZ
was n' 'f wraniirti. l'a in
184 a:id mord to .Valley couAly,
Nebraika, In 112, nacre he nettled
upon a farm.
The city council of Ord acted
pallhearcri!. Death aa due to
a heart attji'k which followed th
Judge Gaghagen had ant acen bia
brother aln'c IDS".
MJ May Marcadler, a former
'h'il teacher In the Fort. Klam
ath chol a,-fjve'l' m, the ty
Tuesday icolfiu -tfrUn-' her horn
in U)e aouili to vtui with frienda
wlth'wh'irn he he' ;iriie a- fiia!iit.ed
diirliig her r.h.,.e In Klamath
roil rtl '.
I Ji M
Chases the "Blues"
foundry enren fn n, tM nll-n
vtifilt-il the niitiii(!iit yiii phtfi! vour
wiisli In i iri! or ii,e rrenet, Hand
Ni need lo look forward to that
Mooiluy morning piia of drudgery
- Cidil un ami we'll relieve yini of
It at nil greater rout.- -
! Till-;
m,N. Jill HI. PlM.ue 4(10-11
tn ember Willard Battery men
WeVe Selling
v Qenuine
I Willard
11-Plate Wood Case
8-Hour Charging
Floyd Henriot Co.
234 Main St.
: II 75.00
j fY ,-Jr Buffet Type :
! : with French Cooking Top
-in The French cooking lop, universally uaed in hole' rnjiflO
j Jl'! advantacei that readily itself to home ute. HcaU qaidli
' Tla? noniical. Bring very tmosth, and with large flut aurface,
utcnriU fit ar.utjly to it. Steak, chop, fith, esn and hotealaj
i be cooked !irectly cn the French top, particularly where thK
! i"'pi Ta : : i - i i I
ii mm u vi'Jiri.i.u nun a tiwu.
m MS I 4m
fcV" JlV it - I fiA ' ' 1 ME WIDE A NO I
mHLWi) ; fi-rc-Tw ' " shallow firebox I
m it; hvt A- Bt V4'5 C . .V,-. in.. I 1.1 . . j.-
M aSi11 aiJWij--aJU?nJ;. new rang. a. th. ow
C irSff;- .' ',0,, "
atwa y V -V w" culJ uk" ,he Colonial rnnge apart and eaplain erery detail of
' -aV ( i'""t con.l ruction, you would agree with ua that lor quality of material and
sjrrt' V I workman.hip. it ollera the utmo.t in range value. You will be inltantlj
t.ik IA HA mV'"K wi,h ,,,u,ll' "Ppenrnnce. its wn.iblo and aanitary de.ign and .
ff 1U.UU . "rA ''' lul not until you hove one in your home will you know how weU
: and how economically it cooki ,nd bakea.
ffi' delivers this
l- Range to your :
; home. Balance on 3
S. easy terms. :o
as low as
13-Plate, Rubber Case
Fits Ford, Chevrolet,
Overland, Maxwell,
Star, and others.
Phone 397-W
Don't allow another day to go by without seeing
thit snappy, new Buffet Type Range.
Lnu price, easy lermt, and a reatonable ' ,
allowance for your old range qr coolslooe.
Your Credit- Ia Good
House of Quality " McCarthy,