The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 22, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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United News and United Press Telegraph Services
Lii Everv Mornine Except Mondavi
Price Five Cento
V.ll.l- " - J. ! .. 1.
W IS!?ll Gjrl
IN ciruTnun in frontier
Guy Cash, Winner Of K. F.
Rodeo Wins Wild Hone
Race In Cheyenne
cher Guilty Of
Against Bible
Yokels Get
MOVES'Weed Dentist Is MAN DlSAPPEARS;Shifting Winds
- ieiiaaua iauiuD, M . I .1.
oiuc near Liamuuu L.aKt.
TT 1 1 A ' T 1
t'HKVENNK, Wyo., July 21.
(United News) Tim huuf beats of
tho wiry mustang worn heard over
western plains again Tuesduy nil His
nn . Jiiif - , jdays' celebration cams to an end
1II1S narfl lotion tftiiiu
y of leaching erolu
mini Tennessee iilKb
U on hla way to a
red Bcott on the shelf
Lpeaks- th Jury haa
Ity. The court now
Li at I too and Ini
tio ihould be heard
t i pronounced." Ir.
one of tha defense
the court apologises.
ku to any before sen-
kinced upon you?
j) prisoner apeak for
In this historic trial:
11) Con bird"
I hare been con-
11 II an unjust statute
nllnue to oppoae In
an. a law which I
he Ideali of freedom.
(he truth, and my
and personal freo-
,iw having spoken.
k from the part Irl-
k eichane of cordial
lied out any sting
Boated clashes of tho
h1rh could only w
iltalile country court
dignity ! nut totod
ii rt hour.
on MrKenile, of tha
Jff, declared after the
of It liea county and
aid. "I want to
flighted to have had
We have learned
lul to take a 'broader
To Carry Out Increased
Activity Planned ; South
ern Oregon Combine
Few rssualtlea have occurred In
the two daya' celebration. Mabel
Htrlrkland, an entrant, fell from the
belly of her horse while doing slums
Tuesday. Blie was slightly Injured.
More than 10,000 persona from
practically every western state were
leathered around the arena when Ben
Johnson, of Oklahoma, came within
fonr-flfih of second of shattering
the world's record for roping a aleer.
Johnson's time was 19 4-f seconds.
Fred l-owry of Oklahoma was second
and Ike Hood, also of Oklahoma,
World Record Hmanlieil
Hide 'em cowboy." waa the cry
that went up when Mike Htewart, of
Inrlalre, Calif., riding "Flashlight"
won first prise In the bucking con
teat. It I Icy Heck of Kstee Park.
Coin., brought "tiotdle" In lo sec
ond place, and Dew McDonald on
"Dirty Jack" was third.
II. K. Ilerrln of lotoke. Neb., made
the world's record In bull-dogging
tremble when he ant up a mark of
IT seconds, 1 1-3 seconds over the
low mark
Tha wild horse race was won by
Ciuy W. Cash, flrangevllle, Idaho.
Paddy Ityan, world's champion cow
boy, and
trophy, , which It symbolises, fulled
to place.
YRBKA. Calif.. July 21.
(United Nesril Dr. W. J. Wlon.
I 30, a dentist of Weed, Is under
Commttee Chairman Named, arrest here. He is suspected of
oetng tne mas-ier mina wnicn
has directed aeries of boldupa
and robborles In this aectlon, cul
minating In the theft of 400.
from the Kl Monte hotel at Weed.
Dr. Wlon waa a member of the
Weed team In the fllsklyou
Klamath baseball league. Police
expect further arrests.
The series of robberies has
baffled Weed and Siskiyou
csunty authorities tor eeveral
months. Wlon has been under
suHplclon for the past month but
arrest was put off while be was
being shadowed and the link of
evidence tightened. A number
of arrests may be made within
the next few days.
In order to make all members of
the Klamath chamber of commerce
board of directors take an active
and responsible part In the func
tioning ui committees in the work
of the chamber, chairmen and com
mitteemen were named at the di
rectors' luncheon yesterday at noon.
The following committee heads
wore appointed: Agriculture and
land settlement. K. M. Iliibb: new!
Industries.' John Hoy If : community I
advertising, It. K. Trego; civic wel
fure, K. ('. Crivsheck; roads and
highways. K. II. Ilalslger; railroads,
W. C. Dalton: schools. (I. A. Massey:
federal building, II, D. Morlenaon;
atop forest flrea. K. II. Hall: mcr
chanls' bureau, E. W. Vannlre: fi
nance and budget, J. A. Cordon:
membership, Fred Fleet and J. W.
Kerns; forum committee, E. B.
Hall; executive committee, cx-of-ficlo:
program of work. Dr. U. A.
The appointment of Ihe committee
heads with their committeemen fol
lowed the return of the question
alrea or "feelers" that were sent
out In members of tho chamber of
commerce In order to find out which
jifiuucii iii i mi worn uiej coDBiocrcQ
tne most important,
Houthern Oregon Combined
Klamath Falls, Med ford. Ashland.
Father Of 4 Takes Sudden
Leave With $1,000 And
Family Cat; Officers Con
ducting Search
Mystery surrounds the disappear-
ance of J. Kufeldt of Klamath Falls
who has not been seen since early
Monday morning when, according to
hi; wife, ha drew SI 000 from the
Fought By Rangers Of
Umpqua District
8hlfting winds and a heavy down
pour of rain prevented what started
to be one of the worst forest fires
In this section In years, according to
a long distance communication last
night from the supervisor's office
at Roseburg.
The fire, which started in a thick
timber belt, 12 miles northwest of
irorrc tv
j flUIIMMi a w
Drastic Acton Being Taken
To Curb Progress Made
By Destroyers
holder of the Roosevelt itlrants Pass, S'nrlh Bend. Marshfleld.
and Iloseburg may form ft closer
eo-oporatlve plan, working for the
betterment of southern Oregon, If
plans dow under way are completed,
according to Secretary Sahln in his
report of the secretary's school.
According to 8sbln it Is the hope
of tbe chamber of commerce to meet
in Medford during the first week In
September and dlscusa future plans
First Owens Valley
Family Established
As a result of consistent sdvcrlls- for the winter's work.
ing on tho part of Klamath county, -Its
merchants, county functions, and ' prftkp f PyPPSBIVA
general publicity through Owens val- 1 1UUC UI -EiALCSM V C
ley, the first family has arrived In
INTO LEAGUE!". ! " "u,ca " uuu"
Fraak Dearborn, his wife and
family are the first two ranchers
from Bishop. Calif., to mako their
home In Klamath county after the
Stage Kates Started
Auto Bus Rates As High As
8 Cents Per Mile; Many
Complaints In Ore.
y 31. (United Newal
is agreed to the allied
she enter the league
This agreement " f.nious water fight with the city of
the (iermon rejolnder Anl.ea.
r i vui ii netruriir nuie. ..... . . " -
arte public Tuesday. c' A. iienaerson. couniy agent. ; Ncws) investigation of auto stage
and particularly Great !now """p ,n 'n," ,,a'ley '"' rates throughout the state la now
- .... . torcsted In bringing other farmers , Thnma. K. Camnbcll'.
Germany to fore, her '!''" Tl "lZ lZZ ;"" ' ." "on
U......H . ..... - vice commission, announoea upon
Serious Infestations of army
worms are reported In Bonanza, and
the Fort Klamath districts. C. E.
Corpening of Merrill has been au
thorised by the county court to su
perintend the mixing station bear
Merrill, which will supply adequate
poison for the. eradication of this
pest in the Malln and Merrill dis
tricts. Ho was in town yesterday
afternoon, accumulating the supplies
necessary for this emergency task.
County Club Agent Sexton, with
Judge Bunnell, stopped In Bonanxa
Tuesday afternoon to ascertain the
extent of the Infestation In that sec
tion, as reported by John Sparre
torn, with a request that the county
agent's office send aid and instruc
tions in mixing tho proper ingred
ients for this control.
Dr. J. R. Cooper of Fort Klam
nh rt.tret irenorl depredations of
army worms in vegetable gardens.
and about to encroach 'on the lush
pastures of thst section. He secured
the formula and Instructions for
mixing the mash and will co-operate
with Dan Ryan of Fort Klamath
Immediately upon return.
fornia. The money represented the
family savings.
When last seen by his wife. Mon
day at 10:30 a. m.. Kufeldt was
without a coat, lie told his wife
not to expect him home for lunch
but he would be home for dinner.
Mrs. Kufeldt with friends, was
walking down Main street early in
the afternoon, when she saw their
Stephens car parked on the curbing
with two strangers In the front seat.
They did not think at the time that
Kufeldt'a absence portrayed any
thing wrong and were not alarmed
until after dinner when he failed
to put In an appearance.
Morlry Aiding; Search
Up to a late hour Kufeldt had not
been located and the Stephens car
Is not In Klamath Falls, according
to the sheriff's office, which was
Immediately made familiar with the
Kufeldt had .been working until
last Saturday as carpenter with
Cofer brothers. Ho Is tho father
of four minor children.
According to Fred Morlc who is
interested in the case, there were lio
domestic quarrels,' according to the
wife,-who Is aiding In the search
for her husband. Kufeldt is a man
bank, exnlalnlnc thst he was sending ! Diamond lake, threatened to reach
tha monev awav to relat ves In Call- serious proponiona ana a nyins
squaaron was aispatcnea trom tne
Umpqua ranger station early Mon
day, according to the communication
from tbe supervisor's office, who
said fire control was being directed
from the Umpqua station.
About 200 acres of timber were
affected by the fire, only about one-
half of this being seriously dam
aged. The flames Sunday night lighted
up the Diamond lake district with
a scarlet hue, but only smudge and
smoke was reported last night from
Diamond lake.
Jingoist Hurls a
Pessimistic Bomb
War Between U. S. And
Japan Sure To Come
Says Noted Bishop
MARSHFIELD, July 21 (United
le of nations, her mem
It considered a prime
tho drafting and en-
ny European security
Calif., July 21. Tho
Ionia liquor war has
Iher victim. The body
rich, husband of the
dead on tho beach
ndlng, was discovered
k Horn near tho spot
ittlo between rum run
i'or occurred two wooks
Identification of tho
f" who had known Gar-
brought here this eren-
fosumed that Oarlch was
" activities in "tipping"
Inns of tho liquor smug-
undor cultivation one of the finest
soctlons of Irrigated land In this
section of tho state.
Hill Line Official
Attempts Suicide
K.F. To Be Featured
MONTREAL, Que.. July - 21-
(United ' News) Money-mad" Am
ericans are so absorbed In their wild
scramble for dollars that they do
not realise they are sitting on the
45 years of age of medium height ede of volcano. Within three or
tour years mere win ue iruuuie in
the Pacific between the United
States and Japan." This was the
warning of Archdeacon B. D. Bryant
of Australia, here.
"Japan Is aggressive now and
will grow more so. People of the
Carl E. Stone Saved When emP're """'T .th,at'he l'm
Chambermaid's Scream lot the Pacific."
f'Ili liie Ilavtaiiau iomuiu, iuoi'ti
are 135.000 Japanese, almost as
many Chinese and many Koreans
and Filipinos, who would doubtless
-le with Japan in event of diffi
culties," he said. "The United
8tates universities In the Hawaiian
islands are crowded with Japanese
students receiving the best sort of
education and specializing largely in
technical subjects."
his arrival here Tuesday.
"Rates on so mo stages run as
high ss seven and eight cents
mile." euld Campbell, "and we be-
llcvo such chnrges to be excessive.
An Investigation is now under woy
and hearings will be held In a short
tlmo. Complaints have ibeon re
ceived against virtually all lines In
tho state."'
Summons Help
LOS ANGELES. July 21. The
screams of a chambermaid who
saw Carl E. Stone, SS, former gen
eral traffic manager of the Great
Northern railroad about to leap,
from the 8th floor fire escape of
a Jiotel. probably saved the rail
road man's life.'
T.. . H'nn!MA Attracted by tho screams, a clerk
By OregOn MagaZine rushed to Stone and grasped him
ny tne arms, in ini struggle stone
fell or jumped two floors where
ho hung on a fire escape uncon
scious. He sustained a fractured
PARIS. July 21. France will
pay her debt to tho United Slates
... n . 1. n . ... f n ... )..,! 1 1 1 1 U
the requirements of the Dawes plan, Stubborn Admiral In
and the terms of the Franco-American
settlement will 'bo agreed to
beforo Novcm-ber 1.
When agreement has been reach
ed Franco will seek a hugo loan in
the United States.
Collodions from Germany, how
ever, would boar on tho amount
France could pay.
" Premier Paul Palnlovo made Ihe
forogoing statements to Ihe United
News, In tho course of an exclusive
Intnrvlow Tuesday!
. Ore.. July 21. Faced
f the severest sentences
ing on record In tho on-
Bud Ilndgos and R.
Klamath Falls, wore hnld
night, following thnlr
before JudirA Thnmn In.
his morning.
fnd Dawson, with their
arrested during tha n.
f'l encampment here in
snsportlng a carload of
Keno to Medford.
Penalties, three vor In
tnttentlary. six months In
juii. nnii a fino of .r.on
wero rocolvod with stoical calm by
the men.
Although the clinrges ngaliiMl Mrs,
Hodges and Mrs. Dawson were dis
missed by tho court, the sovorlty of
the sentences given .their husbands
rnnsnd them both to sob hysterically
Both wives nre the mothors of
three children each.
The fact Ihe mon were armed at
the time of their arrest Is said to
have nromoted the harsh sentence
The last state legislature enacted a
law declaring the selling or trans
portation of intoxicating liquor while
Hot Water At Astoria
ASTORIA. July 21. (United
News) A combination of unwilling
ness to berth a baltloshlp on the
face of pier No. 1 or tne port ot As
toria terminals, and to accept the
pilots' plan for anchoring vessels
in ihn Tonaue Point anchorage, and
tho fact that the Sanborn dock was
not available. Influenced near nu
mlral C T. Volgclgsung. communn
Ing tho midshipmen's practice cruise
..nidrnii. to order Ills vessels an
chored In the Columbia river off
Fort Stevens.
Three hundred mmsnipmon wore
.i.en sl oro liberty Tuesday morn
ing, undor ordors to bo aboard -Uioir
vessels again at sundown.
Flvo hundred enlisted men will be
given liberty extending until sunrise
Wodnosday morning.
Funeral Of Man Drowned
In Klamath Lake Is Today
Klamath Falls and Klamath coun
ty may form the basis of the Sept
ember's Issue of the "Oregon Busi
ness," official organ ot the state
chamber ot commerce, according to
word received yesterday In the
Klamath chamber from the editor of
the maguxine.
According to the communication
number of pictures and cuts of
Klamath Falls and the suaround
ing country is wanted by the maga
zine In order to give- tho entire
September Issuo over to Klamath
county. The cover page will also
carry a view or sceno ot mamain
Industries or country, according to
tho choice from the chamber.
Coclllo Garcia, Moxlcan laborer,
.irnwnod In Klamath lake Sunday, h hurled In Llnkvlllo cemetery
today, following services at Whit-
lock's mortuary, to e
-..h. i.nter. The body was re-
, .......j.u The deceased's correct age,
only known relauve Is a brother llv-l "Sure I'm 35 year. old.
ing In Jiinres. Mexico. . I "Vny It?
Dramatic Reunion
Of Civil War Vets
Fire Dept Hindered In
Answering Morning Call
"Men Must Be Bluffed
Just Like Children" Is
Ethel's Advce To Girls
(United Newsl If you want to
get along wllh men, girls, bluff
This Is Ihe advice of Ethel
Leginskn, noted pianist and first
woman conductor of largo sym
phonies who stopped off hore cn
route to Los Angeles.
. "Mon must be bluffed Just like
children," said tho pianist. "Let
them know you are iboss and
know what you are talking about
and they will follow. The first
Improsslon counts."
Miss Leglnska has reenvored
entlroly from Hie nervous lllnoss
to which was attributed hor disap
pearance in New York last Jan
uary. Although she appears to
be extremely young. Miss Leg
Inska told mewspapor mon her
ST. PAUL, July 21. (United
News) This U tho 4 1st annual
story ot the last man's club and its
famous old 1101110 of wine rich,
ruddy burgundy It Is that some day
tho last survivor of tho fantastic
organisation will drink to the mem
ory of his dead comrades.
The years havo whittled tbe
membership down to three now
threo tottering veterans of the war
of 'SI. When they assembled here
Tuesday, It was of glory of battles
long ago that they talked.
And It was In the clicking of
the classes that each felt the
changes wrought by the years.
Thirty black-draped chairs sur
rounded tho long while table, chairs
that wore once occupied by Joyous
living men. Perhaps It was this
ominous sight that caused tho sur
vivors to discuss dissolving the or
ganization. ORDERS RECOUNT
The Improvised "bridge" con
structed for the fire department to
get off Fifth street, while paving
operations Is being done there,
proved a source of trouble at 1
o'clock this morning when a call
came from the Triangle caie. re
spite the Incumbrances, the run
was . made in quick time. A very
small damage was done from the
fire, which scorched a partition In
back, ot the Triangle.
$3,000; TWO MEN
Two men were slightly in
jured and the rock crushing
plant of the Porter Construe-
tion company temporarily
wrecked with a loss of $3,000 .
as the result of lightning,
which, attracted by the nu
merous heavy wire trolley
cables overhead, struck the
Porter plant yesterday even
ing at 5 o'clock, just as the
men were about to leave for
their homes.
Louis Porter, owner of the
rock crushing concern, located
at Lobart siding, a few miles
out of the city, and A. J.
Lewis, were knocked uncon
scious, remaining that way for
nearly 15 minutes. They were
rushed to Klamath Falls for
treatment, where, last night
they were reported at their
homes to be severely bruised
and shaken up, but otherwise
not badly injured. y
Fall 30 Feet ';' o
Lewis, who was atop , the
bunker at the time, was
thrown 30 feet to the ground,
while the bunker was split in ?
twain and splintered when ' it
crashed to the ground.-Lewjej
fortunately, fell far . enough .
away to prevent his being bur
ied in the ruin3. " ' .
Five men at work at the
plant heard lightning strike
several times on the high foot
hills surrounding the plant,
just before it struck the Por
ter plant.
A crew will bp put- at. work
this morning to rebuild the
wrecked plant, which expects
to begin operations again in
about 10 days. The accident
comes on' the eve of the Por
ter concern's supplying the
Warren Construction company
with materials with which to
start paving in Klamath Falls.
The first carload was to have
left the Lobart siding for that
purpose this morning. '
PARIS. July 21. Preparations
for a major French offensive, which
await only the completion ot Marshal
Petaln's strategy and his demand
for the number of troops he believes
necessary, have made an impression
on Abdel Krlm. Rlffian leador, ac
cording lo dispatches received here.
14 Year Murder Hunt -.
Believed ' Successful
RENO, Nev., July 21. -A . 14
year search for the murderer of
two men near St. Anthony, Idaho,
Is believed to have 'been brought to
a""successful conclusion 'by . polico
Tho authorities are holding a man
known as J. W. Andrews, 44,- in
rhe belief that he Is the notorious
Hughie Whitney.' wanted tor-, tbe
murder of an Idaho sheriff and a
railroad conductor in 1911.? ;
Joseph Jones, assistant chief spe
cial agent of the Oregon Short Line
company, was expected here from
Salt Lake City Wednesday to verity
the identification.
count of tho ballots In election of
Senator Smith W. Brookhart. Iowa,
over his democratic opponent, Dan
iel C. Steck, was ordered by a sub
committee of the senate privileges
nd elections committee, when In
vestigation of the oloctlon was bo-
gnn here todsy.
Support of tho proposed road
from Roseburg lo Diamond Lake
making a scenic circle, including
Roseburg lo the lake and from
Diamond Lake through Crater Lako
and down the Klamath Lakes to
Klamath Falls, was urged by Secre
tary Antles of the Roseburg cham
ber of commerce In a communication
Ing all Information of tho road pos
sible. The cntlro matter waa plsced In
tho hsnds of roads and highways
committee, but definite and favor
able action Is expected In the near
future which will aid materially In
the tourist travel through the valley
to Klamath Falls
A stretch ot 20 miles, now un
read yesterday. Fred A. Baker,
who served as a representative of finished and which must be traver
the Klamath chamber to Diamond sed, if at all, by horse. Is the bone
lake to confer with Rdseburg rep-ot contention In tho scenic' circle
resontatlves. succeeded In obtain- as described by the Roseburg group.
under nrma wns n felony.