NEWS Sunday, Junc 28 1925. Page Sere u Notices ITIIMCtTIOif Or. i Mirrlll Hosd. Klira " hn on Mrrh r..d. lUdsmalloB Home- flU. ... j riui, " I". . -II..H in mull Three VJ ia ..tsbllsh claim to f . .,. I'l.univ Court, at rll. Orgon, on the Oth i. : - - II"1 - U-ta.ll la. - il. lira frhoMi'. 8r. Klamath IrrU r. P. M01IT. ; sc Haslalar. . EniiDMir. pursuant to Im ot th (.oinrnon Council fll.-d Diana. pnrHlig- i nilimilM of the coal of . j.irroo iiwi from (ta Litrlr ,h" I'""1"' Htatee ,aI Cinl Tigni ii war, aurawium at loth ttrwl oinrll having taken anme Liim.nt and Minting aald LcKlrallune and esllinulea to hrlorr- ..!, i TIIKKErUKOi nr.iir.iii ED that aald plana, apxcl ud aailmalM for thir Itn- Ui at aald purtlun of aald f ud lha aama ara hereby tr IkUIITIIKR RESOLVED 1 Cenuioa Council hereby L Hi intention la Improve Frlos of aald atraat In ar. h alts aald plana, apeclU- ui tlmatea, Haul Im--tl dull cunalat ot paring rUoe of aald atraat wlih tiT.m.nt. Warren lla llltu- nmtnt wit a roc a ease, or 1 concrete pavement with lot. at aa estimated coat. t eemtnl aldatralka, curb- im. dramas, laraouia and . of ,0J 60 (or alttiar of pecUiadl laiprorementa; or. i.-mltt llllulllhln fiavement .uBinott rvatiwta base, or c wacrela pavement with c esorrele base, at an eall- mt ot IMVa.GO, aald Im- kit Ii all her event, to In rntlag. rolling, curblgg and . im aald pavement In tat to be twenty-five -(ti) i. with roacrato idewalks b ildet Iheretif. IT nilTHKK FKHOLYKD K COMNHIW. Mim7U..hat Scopes Prosecutor I 1- t a.: I ' " je III "" II. C. lliili baa brrr choitn lijr Mbra county autliorifica ai rrlal proK-cutor in the trial of Julin T. Scopea in Dayton, Tcnn., (or vlclullon of Tcnnrt arc'i anti-evolution law. , V'il luin Jinningi Bryan will work with him, lliat Miinduy, the 2(Hh Any of. July, ittit, at the hour of :0 o'clock I'. M , at lha Covin II Cham ber, la iba ( llv Mall of Kiaiuatb rana. (Iregon. b Iliort aa thu lima and pUi fr 4 lie Iwarlng of ui-i Jecilona and roiuonatranioa aaaiuat aid propoacd linprovfiiiunt : and! the Pnllra J ml ire ba and ha la here-j "y directed to mine not Ire of aald hxarlng l ha puoMahed aa by Char ier provided. Classified Ads BTATR OP OKKOON, . . i (numy of Klunalh, aa. City of Klamath Kalla. I. Lemuel 1j. (iaahaaan. Police Jiuiga of the city of Klamath Kulla. Oregitn, hereby certify that the fore golug la a duly enrolled copy of a rnaiilutlon pueaed by the Common Cuunrll at lla regular meeting 00 Monday, June 22nd.. laliG. and of the whol of auld resolution. l.fc.M L. UACIIAUKN, I'ollca Judga. J21 Jy S Inc. ItKHtlM THJ.N The City Englneor, pursuant to reaolutlon of h Common Council heretofore adopted on June 16th., IS 21. having filed plana, apeclfl- cations and eatiraatoa of the coat of Improving Lincoln atri-et . from Ulh. atreet eaaterly to h Link vllle Cemetery, together with Inter aectlonji not paved, together with turnouta, and the council having taken aama undur adviaenient and finding aald plant, apeclficailona and eatltnatee to be aatktfactory, IT 18 THKWOKOKK. HEREBY RKHOI.VF.I) that aald plana, apeclfl ratloua and mtlmatea tor the Im provement ot anld portion of aald street ba and the aama are hereby approved: and MB IT - FURTHER REROl.VED that the Common Council hereby declarea Ita Intention to Improve ata portion of aald atreet In ac cordance with aald plana, apeclfica ilona and eetlnintea. Said Improve ment shall conalat of paving aald portion ot aald atreet with concrete pavement, aaphaltlc concrete pave ment with aaphaltlc concrete baae, or Wnrrenlte bltullthlc with bitum inous concrete baae, at aa estimated Including cement aldewalka. curbing, gutlera, drainage, turn outa and tba like, of $8,179.60 for either of aald apacified lmprovs- mcnta; or, for Warrenlte bltullthlc pavement with rock base or aa phaltlc concrete with rock base, at an estimated coat of I7.JH.40, aald improvement In either event, to In clude grading, rolling, curbing and drainage, aald Improvement In eith er event to be twenty-four (24) feet wide, with concrete eidewalke five (&) feet wide on both el dee thereof, with all parking atripa lev eled and rolled throughout. BE IT FURTHER KESOL.VKU tXAHHIUKD 1 Una 1 day 1 line I dayi 1 line 3 daya .. 1 line 4 daya 1 Una 1 weak 1 line 1 month .. AD HATKH I "Ida ! llie 2e Z6e lOe 75c three gallons dally. Conger Ave. Inquire 424 J2 Jl For Sale Raal Eatat FOn BALE -Dairy cowa. All breeds, well bred. Fresh. Come see them, all good milkers. mile south of Joe Wright's on Mid land road. O. F. Zumwalt. . J27-SO FOR HALE Two houses, buy from fiUV nooiinlaalon. Fhouo 344-W or - call 630 California Ave. J24-Jyl near niodarn , FOR DALE OR TRADE For wood owner. save , i, or car, two large horses, sad dle and bridle. 303 Washington Ht. Phone SS4-W. J27-Jyl FOR BALE Six room bungalow In not eprings Aunttion, vs r.iaor ado Ave. Furnace, oak floora, etc. Hea W. B. Wiley. I. O. O. F. Bidf. Mlatf For Rent FOR RENT Two room furnished apartment. Inquire C41 No. 9th or 733 Main. ' J28-S0 FOR RENT Three room- furnlabed house. Call 1H7-W, 334 Bo. th St. J28-30 concrete pavement, at an estimated coat of 11438 IS. aald Improve ment in either event to Include grading, rolling and drainage, and said pavement In either event to be fifteen (lfi) foot wide, except aald court or alley-way which ahall be of the dimensions of 32 feet by 10 feet, and tha eaaterlv ti feet of aald alley which ahall be 14 feet c0,t- wide. ME IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL that the property hereinafter dvarrlbcd be and the same hereby la declared to be benefited, to-wlt: All of block 14, and lota 1. I. 3. . 7 and 3 of block 15, Original Town of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that sold property above dea vrlbed ba and the same hereby la declared to be benefitted and as sessed for the ccei of aald Improve ment: and baT MondaV the 10 d.'y of "J L?.5?J.NSIh.fl5 Jnlv lH'i.1 .1 Ih. hn,,r nf It-OA ," FF" 'r pntr hurclnaltnc. doactlUsd w aarae nrraby la "uociareu I f llud. to-wit: . . !'. . 7 and 8, blocb 50: It. 7 and I., block 61: I. I. 3 and 4, block 33, lu 1. J and 4. tilork 17. I Nichols Addition to the of Klamath 'alls. atlrd.. I uli property above- dna I ai and the wanie hereby la M to be benefited and aa l Its cost of said Imiirove- " ri' lUHULVLUI me E"in. o;ir ui at tha hour of 1:00 I' P. M . at lha CniinrH Cham. the City Hull of Klamnth ornog. he flip, l the lmo for the hearing of oh- t and remonstrancea against urupoiea improvement; and 'lie Judge be and ha la hera- to ranse notice of aald l to be published as by Char- E OF ORROON. I1' ot Klammh "'Klamath Falla, """I I.. (Inithaian. Police the city of Klamath" Falls, !. Brel)V rnrlirw that th. tn. U 1 dull, enroll ,nn. r . "0i PaMSCfl hv Ih. I'nramiili I at it. . ''. June 22nd 1926. and of fD0lfl nf .11 . ... nun) rtNiuiun. I'tM L, OAOHAGKN, 1 Inc. IIKMOLI'TION Cltr v.i ' . in- 'iiM-i.-r, purauani to Common Council . l-.rU wu JUDV 1IU., ' 'a pinna, apecnica- f Si 1 r'"1" anoy in tne J' Falls. Oregon, ex l ..J0? Plno between h ef lri L,OCI 10- original I' or Klamath Fall.. nrnn innM .... . truet. ;...uJ--",0.n" ,"e)r lo 'l or ii "l,,Br wiin square block '"7"' m tne "titer of 'rlv ill . '''"naing from the v.... ?f 71 b " easterly b. rerly. ,,ne t tb atreet, " idtkam" l",Vln, """m "me u "?"' nd finding aald IX nd estimates ilm.t..rt . p'ttn" "Pedflcntlona hZVi ,h0 Improyemenu nwtM for tn. improvement wm are horeby apDroved: Kla7rr,mT1IBR RESOLVED "'a It. I Council hereby M 3rtu.. ""Minn to , Improve ... auuf in nt- wnt. . oy in c (! . . , . u JMBn"1 P:lca ll aai T . Hal Improvn- o ,!"ta,t t Pvlng eaid "Ullthle "ey wlth wn-o-K, , Bment with rock ? W reel 'J 'oncr' P- y-iSl it,ln?!,,1lln,l "utter,, L'"'r of sIm Ukt of ,062.35 or Improvo ' 'wuh bltullthlc "Pha t bUun'non concrete tanL.'. '.Ic concrete navement ''c concrete baae, or o'clock P. M.. at the Council Cham bers In the City Hall of Klamnth Falls. Oregon, be fixed as the time and place for the bearing of ob jections and remonstrance against auld prnjosed Improvement: and the Toiler. Judge be and he as here by directed to cause notice of aald hearing to be published aa by Char ter provided. STATE OF ORKOON. County of Klamath, aa. . Cltv of Klnmuth Fulls. I. Lemuel L. (inghagen. Police Judge of the city of Klamath Falls Oregon, hereby certify that the fore going la a duly enrolled copy of a resolution passed by the Common Council at Ita regular meeting on Monday. June 22nd. 1926, and of tbe whole of said resolution. LEM L. UAtiHAUKN. Police Jiidee. J24 Jy 5 Inc. ItlCSttLITION The City Engineer, pursuant to reaolutlon ot the Common Council heretofore adopted on June 15th, 1926, having filed plana, specifi cations and estimates of the cost of Improving Washington atreet be tween "th atreet and 8th street. Including Intersection at 7th. street. and the council having taken same under advisement and finding aald plana, apenlfiratlona and estimates to be satisfactory. IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY RESOLVED that aald plans, specifi cations and estimates for the Im provement ot aald portion of aald street be and the game are hereby approved: and HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby declarea Ita Intention to Improve aald portion of aald atreet In ac cordance with said plans, speciflca tlons and stlmatea. Said Improve ment shall conalat of paving anld portion of aald street with aaphaltlc concrete pavement with rock baBe, . w.rrenlte bltullthlc with rock baae at an estimated cost. Includ ing cement aldewalka, curbing, gut ters, drainage, luruuin- like, of $4,000.83 for either of laid specified Improvements: or, for Wnrrenlto Bltullthlc pavement with bituminous concrete base, aaphaltlc concrete with asphaltic concrete baae. or concrete pavement, at an estimated cost of $6,300.03 .aid Improvement In either event to In clude grading, rolling, curbing and drainage, and .aid Pvomnt In cither event lo 'be forty (40) feet wide, with concrete aldewalka i five 7.) feet wide on both .aide, there of, with all parking stripe leveled flT FURTHER RESOLVKU BY THE COMMON COUNCIL that the property hereinafter described n. and the same hereby la declared to be benefited, to-wlt: All of the northeasterly one- er of block 41: lota 6 6. ? .d 8 of block 4,. nd lot. In Nichols Addition to Klamath Falls. Oregon; and lota . ,ni io of block 45, First Addl "on to the city of Klamath artd0nproper.y above -ea-crlbed be and the same horeby la declared to be benefited ad -; eased for the coat of aald TrT: FURTHER RESOLVED hereinafter described he and the samo hereby la declared to be benefited, to-wlt: Lota 4. 5. and 7. block 58. all of block 69. lota 1. 3. 3, 4 and 9. block 60, and lota 1 and 3, block 61, all In Fair view Addition, sometimes known aa Falrvlew Addition Number One to Klamath Falls, Klamath County. Oregon, and that aald property above dea- cribed be and the same hereby Is declared to be benefited and aa- sessed for the cost ot said Improve ment: and UE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Monday, the 20th. day of July. 1925. at tha hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M.. at tha Council Chnm- bera In tbe City Hall of Klamath Falls. Oregon, bo fixed aa tbe time and place for the hearing of ob jections and remonstrances against said proposed .improvement; mi the Police Judge be and he le here- hv directed to cause notice ei aaia hearing lo be published aa by Char ter provided. STATE OF OREGON, Count' of Klamath, m nr Klamath Falls. I. Lemuel L. Oaghagen, Police .In dire of the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, hereby certify that the fore going l a duly enroueo copy ui a resolution passed by the Common rminell at Its regular meeting on Monday. June 22nd. 1926. and of the whole of said resolution.' LEM L. OAOHAOEN. Police Judge. J24 Jy 6 inc. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION i Department of the Interior, U S Land Office at Lnkevlew, Ore. June 8. 1925. Notice is hereby given that Rmrene McAullffe. of Merrill, Ore gon, who, on November 22, 1922 mnrfa Reclamation Homestead Kn try, No. 011979, for Farm Unit "H" or Lota 10 and 15, Section 13. Townshlo 41S. Range HE, WIL lamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R, DeLan. Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on tbe 18th day of July. 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: O. A. Schults, of Malln, Ore. Oscar Hammer, of Merrill, Ore. Elmer Stearnea, of Merrill, Ore, Claud Oaines, of Malln, Ore. F. P. LIGHT, Jll Jyll Inc. Register, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior; U. S. Land Office at Lakevlew, Ore. June 8. 1925. Notice is hereby given that George Bardllng, ot Dixon, Call' forniu, Bx.lla., who, on July 13, 19 20. made Homestead Entry Act June 6. 1916. No. 011503. for Bw 14 SEU, Section 1 1, Township lis., Range 8E Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make Three Tear rroot, to eatan lish claim to the land above des cribed, before C. R. DeLap. Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 16th day of July. 19J5.. Claimant names - as witnesses: Jess High, Ed Richardson, Mr Miller, R. Roblson,, all ot Uorris, California. F. P. LIGHT. Jll Jyll Ino. Register. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Light, wood, water and path. $36. 343 No. th St. - J28 . FOR RENT 2 TOom 'furnished apartment, private bath. 64 Main St. Phone 183-W.1 , J28 FOR RENT 4 room bouse partly furnished. Bath, hot water, gar age. $30. 1927 Main St. J28 FOR RENT One room for light housekeeping. Suitable for a man. Phone 746. , J26tf FOR RENT Three room plastered bouse. Partly furnished. Va cant Monday. 3127 White Are., Mills Addition. J26-28 FOR RENT Two room apartment, also single room, all partly fur nished. 313 Alameda. J25-Jy2 FOR RENT Furnished apartment and sleeping room. Phone 266- W. J13tf FOR RENT Swamp pasture land, 800 atores. For lease by head. No wtock haa grazed 4hk year. II. B. Lac-gent, Mklland, Ore. J13 Jyl3 FOR SALE Lumber, bay and grain, i Delivered any place at lowest) casta price. A trial order will convince you. 1. N. Bramball. J26-28 FOR SALE One Byron Jackson 8 In. centrifugal pump almost new. $350. J. N. Bramball. J26-28 FOR SALE One Molina tractor in flrat class condition with mowing attachment. - Price $450. J. N. Bramhall. J2G-28 SAVE $100 In buying s first class Chevrolet touring direct from tbe owner. Car looks and runs like new. Driven 7,100 miles. Price $325. Call at 419 Nelson St. Two blocks above Crescent Ave. J6tf Miscellaneous MATTRESSES REBUILT All kinds made into latest styles; stationary or collapsible. Drop na a postal card or call, and our estimate man will call and show samples and quote prices. All work guar anteed, have beat of references, will deliver any place In county. Feathers renovated. Klatnalb Mat tress Co.. 721 North Ninth St. J16 Jyl DANCING Classic dancing given children from five to twelve yeara. Price reasonable. For appointment phone 843-J. .... ilO Jyl0 For cancer conditions see Dr. Jackson, i Winter's Bldg. Phone 105-J J6 Jy5 Lost NOTICE OF ESTRAY Small black 2-year-old ateer. Split on right ear. 'Brand on right hip Indis tinct. A. 'C. Rpenee. Midlsnd, on Wllllta ranch. J27-34 LOST One mounted Kelly Spring field cord I Its, alxe 37x8. Please notify Pacific Fruit ft Produce Co., Klamath . Falla. Reward. i J26-28 Big Dance R. C. SHORT RANCH " 7 JUNE 30, 1925 Ladies bring a Cake and gentlemen bring your iYienda for a real good time. . Proceeds go toward a Central Community Hall LOST Pair ot light - amber Tim mod glasses in black leather hold er Thursday evening. Finder please return to News office. J21H' Wanted MABEL Call 1017 High St. Frank Hooton. J28 WANTED Clerk, night work. Ap ply Western- Union. J28 Jyl WANTED Ranch mer work, P. rill. Ore. hand for sum D, Lewis, Mer J28 Jy4 WANTED A woman to care for six months' old baby ; during day, while mother workj. Call 609. ' : J28 Jy2 WANTED 2 young able bodied men to work for week.. Phone 151-M. before 4 o'clock , Sunday afternoon. J23. WANTED Sewing by tbe day. Rea sonable rates. Phone 277-W.' J27-80'; WANTED-Experlonced stenograph er wishes permanent position. Reference. Write XYZ. - 901 Rose St. J26 Jy$ CHIMNEYS SWEPT. Lawn mow ers sharpened. Satisfactory work. Phone 65. J26 Jy2 WASHING WANTED. Prices right. 2342 White Ave. J26-30 For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE A good milk cow, gives NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lakevlew, Ore, June 8, 1925. Notice is hereby given that Marion . H. Wampler, ot Odessa made Additional Homestead Entry Act. April 28, 1904, No. -012049. for Lot 6, Section 30, Township 369., Range -7E., Willamette Meridian has filed notice ot Intention to make Three Year Proof, to estab Hah etalm to the land above dos crlbed,' before C. R. DeLap, Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon,- on' the 16th tiay ef t..i.. . nnrt . tfUiy, 4V4U, r , - ..... Claimant names as witnesses: , Grant Fouch, 'of Rocky Point, Ore. John Meek, ot Rocky Point, Ore. Fred' McKlmmonda, of . Rocky roini, urs,, jv- . 5 - -, Oak Boggs,. of Klamath Falls. ore. . .. iw .v ... '' ' F. P. LIGHT, : Jll Jyll inc. ...... Register, A paper wbere all tbe peonls hate opportunity to express themselves sf may desire that's Tbe Klamath news, Real Estate i -I FOR SALE One of the nest 'Irrigat ed tracts In Klamath County; less than 4 miles from center of city; In best farming section; 160 acres. can be easily cut op Into small tracts. $125 per acre. ' FOR SALE 20 acres.' near city.! $175 per acre, under Irrigation,1 half down, balance easy terms. FOR SALE Strictly modern 2 apartment house, completely fur-1 nished, good location $7,000,, terms. i FOR SALE 3 room bungalow, Mills Addition, $2,500, terms. ' FOR SALE 3 Toom house on large corner lot, with one Toom house In back. $2,250, terms. I FOR RENT 4 room house and bath, partly furnished. ACREAGE in small tracts. Close In. . Price $200 per acre. LARGE LOT with garage, 14x18 ft. on paid paring, on Shlppington road. Garage could be used for house. Price $575. $325 down and small monthly payments. A. BEAUTIFUL four room modern stucco home in Mills Addition. Well Improved, nice yard, gar age, 'shade trees, cement walks, one of the test bargains in: the city. Price $3,200, on terms. . ALMOST NEW three room house with bath, plastered and furnish ed, lot 60 by 170, In good loca tion. Price js,000. $1200 down, 135 iper month with interest on unpaid balance. , BARGAIN, 25 ft. lot on Broad street.,' Price $276. SOME SPLENDID lots in Mills Ad dition, very cheep. NICE RESIDENT lot on 'west side. in good location. Price $275. GOOD LOT on Johnson Are. Price $560.. ONE OF THE BEST resident lots left in desirable location. Price $500. $300 down , and $50 per month. , 6 ROOM MODERN plastered house. In good location for home. Price $$.600. $1,000 down, or would take $500 down with good secur ity on $600. Balance $40 per i month. 1 AN UP-TO-DATE beauty parlor. ! Splendidly furnished, with a tire year lease, centrally located. $1,000 .down will handle the deal. 4 ROOM MODERN home, large lot, 90 by 100, Improved, will raise anything In vegetables or berries, a splendid buy on easy terms, rrfce. IJ.GOO. ... APT. HOUSE of S apts., four of them furnished. Garage for 6 cars. . price $8,500, on terms, SPLENDID large business lot on Klamath Ave. - Price $5,000. ' Terms. ' LOTS IN MOST Parts of the city tor to ter cent down and 3( equal '.payments oft unpaid balance. '. "TWO OF THE BEST resident lots in the city. Price $1,200 each If . sold separately or both tor $2,300. MRS. NATS OTTKRBEIN ' -SOI Uncosi 8U riioua 630-M Here is Economy Insurance Gruss Air Springs are not makeshift Je vices. They are built with the precision of a fine watch. ' ' They cut your repair and depreciation bills in half. They enable you to get greater tire mflc age than you have ever known before. Gruss Air Springs ae die cheapest form of economy insurance you can buy. Ask us to show you how much they would ave you. W. D. MILLER ;, ' Agent. , f , Phone 293. ' 6th and Commercial St. In a Few Days hundreds of savings accounts will receive the interest that has accrued for the past six months. ; 1 . You owe it to your children, as well as yourself, to start a savings account Plant the idea of thrift and industry in the minds of the youth. - - " Come in and start the' account today. Interest paid on deposits made before the 5th of the month. . 4 on Savings First National Bank ..', aiW 4 111 Klamath Falls Hundreds of " Many Business Needs Homes Buildings It is 1 YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Make' Real Money. BUILD For Yourself and Save Rent, For Rent and Have an Income For sale and Turn Your Money. ' Consult' With V. H. R. PERRIN Advice Designs Plans Estimates 209 Hopka Bldg. Phone 250-J 3