The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 25, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page Two
Thursday, .Tun,. 2'), l'.2.r.
THE in 1
painter was culling al the Hooper! I.OS AXOKl.KS, June !J. Thoilliut I km!! to humanltv I airril
ranch Sunday. ............ ..i .i,v.,r-. hi. Li onn nliu Ills tourt.
A fishing trip and picnic was en-
Joyed by a number of .Midland p-.'o-
..r ii . P' Sunday below McCollum'a mill.
every three marriaai's. JtiilKe Will
ter S. (liitcs, who pre!dea over the
The party roiuisteil of Mr. and alimony court he sometimes c:ill
Mrs Frank IZrv anil i.hirlr.n M i ' lr nn nlihf rrtni't hilitvea that i'lt-
?" i , .ir"1 Mra- Ed?"" Kur,,,'r aud U:, and par.i.ularlv apartment hou.
I the hospital a Klamath Fall5Lews "
for the past week Is expected home ' s L Kmftt anJ fi . r to Ul.n,e.
Edd The Party returned ""'trr 'lk "-.
Mrs. J. W Corkery motored to home with quite a uuaiber of trout. ' omi"'" ,aiJ- "Maybo it la tie
the Lang-ell Talley post office Tues- c. K. ratterson is expected home cause people who do nt lire in
dap on business and pleasure. from his visit In California with his cities have no time for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett vVhetatone, family. ".Manr of our divcrce rases aprina
Miss Esther Atchison liaa return- from apartment houses coiiKested
ed home after her visit with Mix' district. Civilization is too strvtiu
N'aydene Gregory on Miller bland, ous and people cannot le happy.
Mrs. Constance Williams Is visit - J cooped up In cUvse quarters."
business ing In Klamath Falls this week. Judge dates declares that every
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hooper an.l ache and pain and financial woo
of Bly were visiting at the Ben
Brown ranch Monday night and re
turned to their home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Cerber of
Horsefly section made
trip to Bly Tuesday.
. jura. Tea muon ana boo rreu-
tfle made a trip to Dry Prarle to the
Hilton and Clary sheep camp Sun
day to visit Mr. Hilton before mov
ing the herd of sheep to the new
Among the old timer of Langell
valley that had left acme time ago
who attended the picnic In this sec
tion Sunday were: Mr. nad Mrs.
Miss Opal Hooper were Midland vis
itors Saturday evening.
J. C. Sevlck of Midland spent Sat
urday evening in Klamath Falls
where he attended the Frank 41
King show.
Mr. Travera was calling in Mid
land Saturday evening.
Frank Flowers and family were'
Klamath Falls visitors' Sunday. j
Oscar Potter of the Lower Lakei
"The county hospital has nothing
on this court." ho said. "To hear
many of the liiigents tell their stor
ies this la a city that, is poverty
.st 1 1, k. u : all the meu are. Ill und all
the ouin a 10 hungry.
"With uu average of on divorce
to every three marriages, me. might
get duttuuranej uliuui the safety
at matrimony, but I aui still an o
:imlst. I believe the old pendulum
will swing back the rliihl way event
ually." Judg- dates declared that many
separations could be avoided if
some mediator either appointed by
the court or chotien from niiioiin
friends of the warring couple were
provided for by law.
Ed Waiters. Mrs. George Clin
Marr E. McDonald. Jeff Wilson. ,'5,rlrt waa purchasing supplies in
Mrs. " Nate Otterbein. Cecil Deal,
M, .na Mrs. Dave Camnbell. Mr. I Tom O Conner spent the week-end
.nil Mrs. Silas Obenchain. Thomas I1" the county aeat,
WilkersOD, Mrs. Kittle Lull Bate-
nan and many others.
policy, to secure tin best possible
price for cattle sold, as determined
by quality, supply and deiuuud.
These objects are based on snuud
economic principles aud can be ac
cutnplishiMl for the ratlin Industry
throuxhj co-operutlve effort ouly,
end tn'o rapid development of the
new cattle co-operative association
Indicates that California has another
! pioneer undertaking which la hound
to succeed.
'. A. E. Gale and Leland Harris ot
Lorelhi. have purchased a fine
bunch ot registered milk . cows,
which they are beginning the dairy
F. P n rolls made a trlD to Klam
ath Falls Monday on business.
Jeff Wilson, now of Klamath
Falls one ot the old pioneers of
Langell valley spent Sunday in this
. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner mo
tored to Klamath Falls on busl
aess Saturday.
" Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ticknor made
a business trip to Klamath Falls
the last of the week.
H. J. Ticknor has purchased an
other tine herd of Hokuein cows to
add to the bunch he has and now
Is milking nearly 30 head.
Mr. and Mrs. Minnls were Lan
gell valley visitors over' night Sun
day from their home over the moun
tain near Malfh.
Mrs. Nate Otterbein, accompanied
by Mrs. Addie Walker of Klamath
Falls spent Sunday evening at the
McDonald ranch after attending the
- Miss Zell McReynolds is spend
ing her vacation at her country
home in this section after attend
ing school at the convent In Klam
ath Falls last winter.
- Virgil Deal was able to attend
the barbecue last Sunday in this
lection after going through an op
eration for appendicitis a couple of
"r',:z a-o. H'.s friends were all
xsd tie- t.Sm o'!t.
;. - - ". F. V. Crohs and
iHren ! trip to the county
-cat aljd- biwiiit-ss and pleas
ure, returned home late Monday
night. .
Wm. Deal is visiting in this sec
tion from Rim Rock ranch for a few
Ben Brown made a business trip
to Klamath Falls Tuesday.
Miss Bobbiette Tuttle has return
ed from the Little mountain ranch
and expects to be at her home in
this section the remainder of the
Little Freda Smith of Klamath
Falls. Is visiting at the Tuttle ranch
at present.
Mrs. Violet Turner and Mrs. Bet
tys Pepple called at the McDonald
ranch Sunday morning on business.
Acquainting Oregon rattlemen
.with the California plan of co-ou-
Edger Furber sm-veyed off some clame niarneung or beet, an liu
tn.i f, s T. tw.. mi, rortant meeting will be held in the
... . . 'chamber of commerce rooms at 3,
m T J IT ' "" afternoon,
calling in Midland Sunday. I , , . . '
. . . W. C. Dalton, president of the i
American National bank, and one of
the Island Friday evening. lne blggt et growers in Klam-
Jack Mars was on the island look- rlB county. Is taking an active part
ing over his cattle and horses he has la boosting the California movement '
on pasture there. i before local growers.
William Lee. county assessor, was
(Continued From l'Ke One)
plea for the verdict giving "the
Tho tw.ii... r.t ,k. ..u...i ., ; vengeance ot (he, law." and thnnd-
a business caller on Miller island tlemen's association as announced by-
I that organisation, sets forth the
purposes of co-operative marketing I
( red in the endv "the wages of sin
Is death."
Stewart had not romnleted his
Juna fcrMa to, tmh i""fuo,- ul tojperaiive niaraeiing i . ,
June Oride Was Illlle,... . . , a.KUllleuls whftl murl mlliiuriifri tur
Brundage who was married to Ros-' ' .M"'0' j the day. II. will resume the argu-
coe Largent at Chlloquin Thursday ln California nient Thursday morning and when
evening. Mr. Largent is the son of iviillo catt'le constitute, a I he "'l'i'le W.:w. O ltrlen. Shep-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Largent. real- class of commodity, tho problems of
dents of the Island. The marriage marketing are similar to those of
was a surprise to their many other perishable products, and the
friends and relatives.
There was a road meeting held
. policies of the cattlemen nre very
similar to those of the citrus, rice.
raisin growers assneia-
11 of which have proven to
herd's other lawyer, will sneak
Thereafter slate's Attorney, ltob
,ert K. Crowe will conclude tho slate's
aiguments. Crowe, who fought for
a hanging verillct foi Dickie l.oeli
' ' loel
I J. W. depuy et us to W. I). Hill,
ill 00 I. It. S. Ileitis' III block H&.
Iluena Vlsla Addition.
I K. M. Anderson t u to The Am
erican National batik. ta con-
sldei-allon. Mills Hw-tnd Addition.
I lots ?. . bl'X'k 213
j Ida M. I'asobeer et vlr In the
American National bank of Klamath
'Palls. till coiiilderution. Mills
I Second Addition, lot 2. block til.
Wllella T. Htewart to Henry
liloysteln. f HO I H- H- Kalrvlaw
jAddlllrn. lo 7. block I.
Kmum T. I.nusley t als lo ('. V.
I Hon. (J. C. I. (iardner Addliton
to Kort Klamath, block. i I. 3. 4, eon
talnlng II acres, in Sec. U. Tp
3.1. It. fi,.
Vivian It. Wilde to James A
U'o and t hus. (' Crawford, t? UU
!l. It. S. Town of Malin. Ms 10.
block 1.3.
! Edna A. Ilradburn Kellog lo Hose
K. Keeare. 1500 at 10 per rent.
due I monihs. Property In Ash
lland, tire.
J. F. Uxisley et ix to i. W.
Iltyan. II. Sou at a per cvnt, due C
months. SW of See. 1. Twp. 33. H.
; lots 1. 2. 3, 4. a. . Sec. 1. Twp.
34. K. .
Edith Kandra et vlr to Julia
Lage el als. 1100 at per rent,
due 7 notes, 8 years. All of town
site of Clinton, en-ept tots 1. S,
3. of block, lot 3 ot block Z. lota
3. 4. S. C, block X. Also in Sec. 11.
Twp. 41. R. Id, containing In all
4S.3 acres.
Kdlth Kandra st vlr to the First
National bank, Merrill, tliou loan,
due 1 notea, 1 and 3 years. Town
of Clinton, tola 3. 4. 5. 8. block
8, also property described in al ore
Satisfaction ot Mortgiigra
Olive II. Powell to Russell A.
Austin el in. Sat. of Mlg. Hot
Sprlng.i Addition, lot 10. block 37.
Chai C. Crawford to Frunk
Wilde. Hal, nf Mlg
7, block 1; lot' I. block 3
Mlarellnneoua Mllnn
. W. H. Ilulenitn t tig to the (V
ifoinla Oregon Power ('. H...
of damages. Affect, Flrat AddllLhi't
IJ, Mock 3. j'
Ronald K. Jeffera lo Norms J-f.
fera. Iubii. Portion ot Iota 1 aid
J f block A, Nichols Addition.!
In Urn mailer of Spraguu While
Pine nulla, bankrupt, lug
II. J r'lnu, Ironlao.
lo th matter of Hprague Whit
Pine mills, bankrupt. Certified
copy of bund of l. J. Kliiu, In
amount of tt.uuu,
i an Inge l.lrruao
la-on Um. Iloud lo Ruby Agnes
Schtellier. y i ,
t'lnull t'liurl tllltg.
W. P. Myers Vi. The iiregonlan
1' to, a ritru. C. A. Wirr-
deii. K. H. Piper and W. II. pr I
kins I'll! demands Judgment fur'
ISii.uiiU tl h in n trial.
Jiidfiaeiit K. tl. Itourk and lliu.'
ale C. Itourk. lifts. Ileorre M. May,
i. k . . .
in ii .
"vtoVXi HI Pat
l. .: ,j 'kl'
; For (sari;
... -W. P. MV
I Miaaulk ttb
A shipment of Runny llrvmmer'
dree have Jul arrived at Ilex
llegin'a Ureas Shop. 121 So. 1th
SI J35
Be sure of your
Your comfort svosv your
health depends on the kind
ot heal you obtain from your
furnace. That kind of heat
depends on the ronatrurtlon of
your furnace ana the skill with
which it la Installed In your
home. Health requires an
abundant circulation ot warm
moist heat! Not Just heated
air. C omfort requires ade
quate beat at minimum eg
penae and effort.
1023 Main
Phone 323
' "tat Alert,.!
U th briihl ikn
lift hs.Mll... al .
r win m
and nun,- y,r
,(r yuar vuioi u
as clear ,04 J
It lhol4 k. 1
' Voa sko14 saw J
rauiini;ii. at tat 014
vni re 0 if
Rve I
- (ji'wiinri
70S iu. ims'i
Ground '
. .t .... . iwalnut and raisin ernwr ,u..i. ',aa "M Leopold in the h ranks
at ine uirgeni nome :ainraay even-' . ,, . . " imnl
tifkna 11 1 tt, l.m-n ....... ... 'iiiiio
ing. The meeting waa held for the!. , ,
& 1 be very successful
purpose of deciding on where would ;
be a good place to make the follows
The policies as announced are as ;
in eipected to make a
typically fiery address.
It is eitiectrl the case will go lo
conntjf road.
the island.
which they want on
The City creamery moved into its
week, into a building 60x40, with
fill modern conveniences, including
a hardening room for the Ice cream.
The building is ot brick, rein
forced, and contains a brine tank
cii'i an arrnon'a proes in the
Iree7.i1:.; nif.-s with which to manu
l i'turc all Ire used by the plant and
'liir patrons.
The company will specialize In
I.utter and ice cream, with their re
cently installed York refrigerating
tlant. The butter will be placed in
the storage room, where it will be;'
cnt and packed.
With a zero temperature at nil :
times, the Ice cream room will pre-!
vent any Interference from hot:
The adjustment of production to
meet demand by keeping producers
informed on market conicllionn.
Improve the quality ot beef by
selling on grade, which -will allow
sufficient spread between high and
lw quality to Insure the profitable
pioduction of well finished cattle.
Orderly marketing through effic-
j lent distribution to markets of the
Through a proper merchandising
the Jury Friday.
A circulation covering the city of
Klamath Falls and the county ot
Klamath that's the Klamath Newa
2nd aV HJ1 I tat Aof.llY
50S Bath. New. Mo.lrrn '
Close to Shopping District and rhontres
FREE CARACE Tsri.f Irom $1.50
Dances Every Wednesday and Saturday Night.
Galloway's Orchestra from Portland will
furnish the music.
All conveniences and first class floor.
Rest Rooms Lunch and Soft Drinks.
1 Ifl : :
A booster for Klamath county
and Klamath Falls and every legit
imate Industry therein that's the
Klamath News.
Silk combination suits in all pret
ty shades, for only $1.95 at Bee
Begln's Dress Shop. 129 So. 7th
St. J25
MIDLAND. June 24. Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Furber spent Thursday af
ternoon at the Alex Cheyne ranch
ln the Spring Lake district.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anderson and
family were visiting at McColIum's
mill Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Burnett and
son George were Klumath Falls vis
itors Friday.
Orr Hoopor was calling at the
Burnett home Saturday.
Quite a lot of cream was shipped
from Midland this week. Those
shipping cream were: Arch Spcnce,
j ' p piirnett nnd Mr Poffle
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Spence are
visiting in Shasta, California this
week. Mr. Spence will look over
some machinery while there.
John RobuBtelll spent Friday in ;
Klamath Falls purchasing some ma- j
chlnery so he can start haying soon. ;
He brought home a new hay mow-j
er and rake.
Mr. Coffee and children were' call-,
ing In Midland Saturday. j
Leroy and charlotte Wright were:
county seat visitors Saturday. j
Mr. Smith,' a Klamath Fallal
The coffee we make
here can't be beat.
Coffee Dan's
616 Klamath
Sold f Mm Here
Don't Bug Imitations
rieht kind of renairft neA now fe
1 A w. a - - .
' vuur macnines, - jna tne only right kind
are those made from the same materials and
by the manufacturer of the original machine.
Use only genuine IHC repairs for your
McCormick-Deering farm operating equip
ment. A genuine repair part fits exactly and
becomes a perfect part of the machine; a
substitute is simply a patch.
H- When you buy genuine IHC repairs from us,
you also get the benefit of the McCormick-DeerinK
1C' "eSerV1Cf that L9 P"Pt, dependable and
permanent, and one that saves time and makes
money tor you.
"ioo.i K,ip.t M,lk,., ,.,,;, vnni;r IMUt
Hlslh Ht. anil Klunmih Ave. I'hone n
If you spent 60 days
straight at the kitchen stove
t-4 e& L.
you'd see why It Is that nearly eighteen
hundred homes within reach of the Copco
lines are now using electric ranges. ..
Two hours a day, every day in the year, ,
Is probably a low estimate of a housewife's .
, time in the kitchen. Sixty full, days, In
all and they're worth making easier!
Electrical cooking Is easier, and cleaner.
It puts an end to dirt and aohes. It means :
less sweeping of floors, less cleaning of
walls, cleaner utensils. '
Electrical cooking is tastier. Uniform,'
controllable heat saves the flavor of dainty
foods. "
Electrical cooking is economical sur
prisingly so. The average cost of electri
city for cooking Is only about twice the
cost of the electric lighting current in the
same home. (Actual average figures for
your own neighborhood will be shown you
upon request.)
Don't pass the next display of electric
ranges without Just dropping In and ask-:
ing your dealer more about themao -
about the convenient payment terms b
ir offering.
: -1