9 f Smulnv, Tunc M.-192S. Page Twelve Smulnv, .mnc M. ..'-. - CONTEST CLOSES 9 P. M. MQND; Contest Closes 9 P.M. Sharo: Prizes To Be; Delivered On Monday motored la Klamath Kail to ut-l toud the tent show .thore. A lunoe ;w elvi'n ly tlio club; girl ud boy Wwluosduy ovcnlng to raise mouoy to tiolp pay ha ca pons of the children who Bra to Mend the hre week courso wf summer vhool at Curvallis. Those who are going from hore ore: Misses Allio Ferguson. Juanltu Tay lor, lKirrto Nouli and Frank llrto coe. Frauk la the first boy who has gone to the summer school j i from here. The aum f MO was ADVISORY BOARD The Klnnmlll News la iMrrnilnnl to conduct tills Vlr rulallou llulliling foiitc from rt to finish In fair, honornhlo ami lniuirtll manner. fcicry mutlua has hern taken to safcguanl the Interests of participants, and absolute hoiv-sly In nil tlrallngs U guaranteed. However, not all wisdom Ilea In one man or Institution, aiHt for that reason'' an Advisory lUotnl lias bwn itrrliletl upon, whose functions shall be to deride any question of sufficient moment that may arise during the raoipalgo, ami shall art as Judge ami count the vote the last night of the jTputrst. Tr, personnel of this board I a follow I . tiro.' Rj l.lndlry. ' vice-president, American National hank; J. J. Miller, district freight and passenger agent of 8, I.J no Kabln, secretary, chamber of rowmeree. With the determination of cinching one of the two grand raise for that purpose. prizes in The News' great prize contest, contestants are today ! Mes. tiib savage, T. J. Jack gathering in every subscription possible so that they can walk Is00- w"r Bllm' ai Nr"' "' A tt iU i.ii.f .v... -i i :.. i- i Moon, were in Klumuth Fall Wed n-ti. x a i-A nesday on business. ! a e The News office tomorrow mght. Mr ,Bd Mnl Art N1,htlI., dauKh- deUvered the pl.lturr. to ho ho h.U at Wlul K... which will open The race IS close, and so far there has been very little !, and ,on-ln-1a-. Mr. and Mr. I had enlargement. ti..l. Saturday evening for th. flrat tlm. difference between the leaders and those at the bottom of pnni Abbott and .three mall oiw. HaroW Mullory rallvd olt I a very unique datvring floor the list. So little, in fact, that a very few subscriptions would Virgil. Leonard and Harold, are, Klamath Fall. Friday ufleruoou to and will be in clasa nil by Itself, brinir the lowest contestant in the list to thp ton. Anrl the'hore visiting. They expect to leave! attend to some busiuf's. Severul parties front Klamath Fall. realization of the fact is driving the contestants in cverv nook ! Sund,,)r for """lr home ,n '"" I and corner, trying to gather new and renewal subscriptions' whor r. Abbou CHILOQUIN .i.. mi ,. ... . .... ..... ., . i former work. su mat. mey win oe acctaimea xne winner wnen me awaras are made tomorrow night. have engaged camping apace for thai week-end and will lie on hand to enjoy the dancing, bathing, boating I Big Climax (U, Hours Away With tho cloning hour of thl.'. , I uutl moat HuvcoNtful uUcriut0l, , , four hours away, t.U(.h conUtUntL k every minute of hU or licr Urn. K.t ' hour. nd tho enthusiastic boouin,? lit proving an Important factor In Un The awarding of the PriZM m I event of lu kind In the hbtoS , tn Interest bordering on exclUm.nt now until the closing hour, TOMoK I I The ffirU Aome maklwc club met, rillLOQl'lN. Jwnu 13. roley,ttni1 'i,inln- nt Iht) hrttiiA nf Minn K)VA M(Mn i l,. tl .. n at Mia 1'itrf Vliimulhi Tan fiait rtliir nkint mittil!ial liMVit Listen, folks, today you have an opportunity that you may Wednesday afternoon nt S o'clock, road lnl tb day In Klamath been engaged by the committee with never have again. An opportunity to do a real kindness. Help Problems of the ten lessons were . Fall, on a purchanlivx trip. the best driver on the coast to out your favorite in the list by giving he or she the benefit of ' talked over, a report on dance; Klden Mttler. of the Fort Klum-iitake pant in th Kliunalh Indian your renewal subscription. It is not costing one cent more in 1,'llpt '"'d- was made, and ar-;th road and ninmber of the fl-j convention nUractliins and the navine vour stihsrrintinn nnu-. in fact vnii nr. avinc mno 1 rangements made for the girls going ! u0 wwinviKee for h Klamath : car. will Ih part of a atnrel par- . .,, . , . . ... ... , ','ito summer school were made. Af-' Indian eonvowlon left for Klatn and will not be bothered with the monthly payment. And ter tB, hmln, eilalon da!uty r6.lalh FuIlI 01Kl;wlll .lurn lnday then your subscription payment alone may be the deciding llreshnients of cookies, marshmal-l The cHliena.re arranging for I votes for your favorite, in which they may receive a small lows and cocoa were served by thejfmure meeting to ooiwlder the pUo fortune. For that is what the two grand prizes are. A $3000 j nostess- Those present were: Mia.; for incorporating the town. In this home on an acre of ground, and an Essex touring car, are the, amile tjratn. lla "" 'r- event the chiten. iuie to first two nrizpa: r- a"3 Swat. '.'.'. Por iih prot ri.atiua TrhlA ,, . . , . . 1 rla Noah, Miss Mildred Ferguson,! vallt. linn r l-mr frte Tho Anntacfqnfa n A nHA,,HJ J i " -"-""'!"' aiuunu a..u c , Ms Klva Moon. Miss Marfan Bunch A largo crew of men and five you today or tomorrow. They are all out working hard these and Mr. Joe Taylor, who is tho ' team, are fast getting .the new half jast iew nours ana may not be able to get around and see you. leader of the home making ciub.nuie track at Wiui-Ko in excellent If. you have already .given them your subscription give them Mtese Norma Uorden and Klale!8hape for the race which wlU take a second payment. A second payment at this time will count for twice as many votes as the first payment did. relieve pre Tia Vtallf Kv TUa XT... 1 1 I 11 , ... ""- i. iuc cna umte uaa ueen iuckku, ana(i Klamath Falls Wednesday. will remain locked until the closing hour, tomorrow night, I r. a. Moon, who quit working when the judges will open the box, count the votes of cacht "be eimoqunn Lumber wm contestant and then award the prizes. j I"" 'nas accepted a jb working on ; In making your report tomorrow, be sure that you have' the road with lA Hoyt and Jcrry written thp namps nnrl nrlrlrpucos tho cl,unv;i,n0 i. .;.,!,, ;Sisemorc. . that thprp will n m7a In " "7 . SitZ " ? Tho seventh ond eWtth grade ex-Uho telephone company expc'.a " " ... ....,.b imc .iuwi.iiuuiia. amlnaittons wcro Rhen by Miss Contestants should not neglect to sign their names to the col-!Aike Ferguson in the public school lection stubs, and in case of second payment be sure that youl Thursday and Friday of this week, have written it on .the stub, marking also the amount of the Thoso kiag them wore: Mis i first rjavment Marian Hunch and Harold Moon Moon were visitors. nuce r the Klamalh Indian con- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denton, and'ventlon, June 22 to June SO in- son. Delbert. were business callers olualv. This will be the faiimi half mile dirt track In tho state whore tciiio records will bo broken. Jack Gardner, JochJ inen-Jiant Is In Klumuth Fat Is on a business trip. John IIcMlg, genernl manager of ade wltich will take place the Hat-! urday before h opening of the, convention In Klamalh Fall. Th Grand Hondo Indian band will furnlah mimic with It he KUatn ath Indian band for the eight day.! of tin KU.i.itU laJ'.aa cer.r?-it!oo j meet. . j Word ha. been received from the varhiu. part of eastern Washing ton that Cher will be a Urge dele-1 gallon of Indian, from that part of, the country Jn attendVnr at the Klajowth Indian convention. WARNING! Every contentant must comoari si. J with the record of The News, y fl,, In not abHolutely correct, accordinir t. J and records, notify the contest mature, in' no that the proper correction will b mtdtS close of the content. j Contestanta MUST verify and attest ta rcctriam of 4h!r account IMMEDIATELY, j ALL WHITE BALLOTS MUST BE I TO THE CONTEST MANAGER BEK O'CLOCK TOMORROW NIGHT. t 2 Promptly at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, the doors of the contest department will be closed. to enter the contest department after that time for the pur pose or turning in subscriptions or renewals. Those inside by that time, however, will be waited on before the contest is declared closed by. the judges. The judges will then count the ballots and the prizes will be awarded. r- r . II TTJVTl n caj I II fin ff m n V1T , I : T FT. KLAMATH 'of the eighth ?rade und Misses T,irf'.l!n C.nrAtm nnH Mi1r.l Vnn.,.. No one will be permitted son of the seventh srade. Mr. end Mrs. Lew Winter and Mr. and Mr. Scott of Kirkford, were here Thursday evening visit ing wtth Mr. and Mrs. Wlmcr'a rel atives Miss Mildred Ferffitson has re cently taken .the mail Toute for the dally morning distribution of the I Klamath News. j Gussie Voss waa here Wednesday afternoon viwitlng Mr. and Mm. E. B. Bennett. C. L. Simmon, en agent for the imcago i-OTiratt. company, was ai . coe are risiior this week. at Rocky Point business caller ihere Wednesday. He the loca.1 people In the have tho new phemo Imik In the. hands of his , Bubseribcra any day now. ' Ilarry Jackson, local rancher and; family left for Medtnrd whc.ro they will spend a few d.iys. Thnro was a menUng of tho ranch ers of Modoc Point this afternoon at the government farm station pertaining to th oupply of watrrj and care of the Modoc Point Irrl-1 (ration .project, hero being sirmo 8,000 acre under this system. Walter J. Korrtgan, publicity muti' left for Klamath Full, via motor and will return to Wliil-Kie thin1 evening. F. E. Drady, locaJ tolephone man mado a trip to Dornls ,ttaa l inspect the phone offlco fhero, itrav-' eling on the Southern Pacific. l.reat Interest 1. being shown by new dance. rimr kuamath, June 13. rrank Briscoe and the Miasm VTTi Miia Elva Moon, who hns refmflv ' Alice FArpiin anA T...ua K1 iiad an nnermtion fr,r nnnpnrlUJtlB ''Kr will tera fon r.jvFlln nn c..H 'I is home now. . Diva is rapidly re covering aittd will soon be around as before tier operation. M. L. Ferguson and family were day. These three olub workers will represent Fort Klamath clubs at the two weeks summer session held M at O. A. C. for state club boys and girls. Mrs. Ray Loosley and daughters are visiting nt Medfotrd. Mrs. Loos ley expect to be in Mod ford for in Klamath Falls shopping on Tues day. ' Francis Dorothy Loosley, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Loosley is reported to be ill with!-'0 weeks. Bcarlet fever. Her condition since I Tl,. , last Sunday i not known. me be, no Frld' nlht , meetings or Sunday sorvice ait the Melvyn Cardwell has acccepted a ; church unl June 21 due to the position with Harold Mallary during fact that Reverend and Mrs." Wei. the summer monohs. Melvyn now. are taking their, vacation at this has pharge of the service station at; time. Their trip will be to Eugene the -forks of the Cralter Hake and, where a sister of Mrs. Weta will Bend highways. .graduate from (high school. The Messrs. Bin n&smon4, Bob. Mrs. SmyUle an(, gon by Dustin and Fred Weber were Mia. Juanita Taylor were In Ktam caller from the Keatcrson mill on'auh Falls on Monday Sunday. i Vere Smythe and Pete Oard were! Ji! down from Crater .lake Sonday. Mr.!day bu8lne85 Tue Oard reports that the road to Cra-I ter lake w-iH be open la a very short L Rebtercd at the Fort Klamath time. atcl are: p- M. Toothakor, of Mer- Mlss Jesse G-ray, of Klamath Agency is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cray at tho Seven Mtlo ranger station. Mis Mrie Engl., student of the Sacred Heart academy, Is home tor vacations Stewart Nicholson Is expected ' home from Modfard on Tuosdny. He has Leon lin Medford for the past week. The Messrs. Charlie Chastain and Iick Varnum, of Chllcquin, were caller here on Sunday. ' A meeting wasfliold alt the chuiroh on Saturday, June 6, to decide on matters pertaining to future church work. The' Binhom Shepherd and Uamford, Mie Reverands Dean, Channlng and Yarn on, were present ut the meeting. Reverend Wels, lo cal pastor had cliairg of the meet ing. Paul. Wamplcr and Millard Brla- rju, i'et Oard and John Mabon, of Crater Luke; H. E. Croos and L, a. ltoos, ot l'rlnovlllo; Frank italcy, of Klamath Falls, and F. E Semon, cf Medtord. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bennett and daughter, Irna. wore business call- era in Klamath Falls Thursday af. tornoon. Misses Norma Brophy and Nel.ln Sargent are at Caillmua Bufjtor look out station visiting with Norma'. randfather, Charlie Brophy, who is there taking care of tho sta tion this Bummer. Brophy illvc! at Klamath Agency. Messrs. Loran Moph, Marcus Brewer, Freddie Gordon and Mel vln Englo, motored to Diamond lake Friday to upend tho week-end ildhlng and boating. They will return Saturday evening or Sunday moroinig. Gus rae end Miss Opal Smythe Voting Power Of Subscriptions Old One 1-year Subscription 10,000 One 5-year Subscription 90,000 Six 5-year Subscriptions 1,040,000 Twelve 5-year Subscriptions 2,08o!oOO New 20,000 180,000 2,080,000 4,160,000 V Stop any Studebaker Owner you meet on the street and ask him how he likes his car. Then come in, and see us.' Dunham Auto Co. 6th and Oak Sts. K T A Car Need Repairifi If your car is in need of expert attention, if therei a slight knock or squeak that puzzles you, just lift the ceiver off your phone and call 2 1 2 for a. R. R. R. .You'll get perfect service at a moderate cost. i Complete and modern vulcanizing equipment & your disposal. ( USED CAR SALE 1920-NasK ...:...J3S5'00 Six Good shape ,.: 4 . 1925 Oakland Coupe, as good as new Investigate Studebaker Special -This will be worth while in- . L i vestigating. ( . j . i 1919 DodKe Tourinc .. J ) .-$225.00 J , ............. Ford Bug : .j..;.. ;..fl5(M. 1 925 Star ...;,..;..., :..:....: 75.00 OPEN ALL NIGHT i i v R. R. R. Gara TKree regular fellow Roy, Rex, 831 Klamath Ave.