The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 13, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    Salimlav. Jim IS. 1021.
While uImi ill section liv gather-. K.turiis To I 'II y II. I'. l.or.'ii Tu Min-Mre. Hoy Ilk It-
led additional fuel. roiLvrniu the returned th middle of the week men and daimhler. Mix Mildred
j Modoc ludiuu war Tor his book now r.,.m Portland, where lie has been j lllckinnn pluu lo leave noon for Md
belli written lomerninu the Indians tor the past week 0;i .uliiei trip. lord, where they will visit lor sev
and Indian wars of southern Oreon. ' While III Portland, l-reiu pulled eral dv with friends and relatives.
j ,. U,.ky number from an Klks and then continue their trip to I'ol-
I i ii i..-o 1.....1, rded the'orado. where they will remain visit-
. For Ashland Chester IleLap. in, Krom Wonl.-n-Amon the out of lro,pr ,(f MM Klm j;.llsol ,, Kl- l, althoimU he was aroused Uu for the balance of the utiimer.
company with Mrs. Del.ap and their, town visitors In Klamath Kail, dur-l . .ur,.v. . u, hour of th. nttht and In-' Mr. Hickman will remain In the
two children, plan to leave this ln the past few day. is Mrs. ' or-. ,,, hll, arriv, ,n Klauiath ,,..,, , lhe f,e,
moraine for Ashland, where Mrs. ' Nelson of Worden. who was a bust-!
I city.
DeLap and the children will remain nesa visitor here yesterday,
for the early part of the summer. I
t-miiuy irom stun uaae i iiy ana is
.with the OreKon Trunk line. Mr.
llreitks Ann I.eon HUhop,
10. 1 in rruiny ivsieruaya visunra in
J-nm-n .in -.,.i ih. k .j .1.11. . ,., .... ... u. ui.i.nn iviuinain rnui irom out 01 uiwn in-
brother and sister. j ,, Alxon.n camp, fell and broke to'-" ''' - t Woru. j chlldr.. , ,hll
Al rH. uvump urn vwu huiiitiiik c- iu it (i-ivt.iiu n. . ji u j With hll
verely from attacks of rheumatism kins of Klamath Kails ts among thoi " TV -,,w,mi Mamh, who Iraiwaclrtl bualnoaa anil
during ,h. past winter, and It I. resident, of the oity who plan l , , , """"" plaited with frl.nds.
hoped the valley climate would het-Jspend a few davs at Diamond lake. ' ..,.,, . . ., , , v' . , . .
... .,.L h.,. h h. n, k'... h ,h. K,""nl ,laI" r" l,M,kl" frrd the Klamath Valley hospital, where
county health utricvr; Dr,
jonnaon, pnyait'ian of th
reservation and Mlaa Lydla
.,...., ,.,, nurse. Mrs. Lulu
'ni. tell, of Chili
also assisted
Of the II children examined, n
were while d 10 ware Indian
children. Defect. fUnil to
eye.. 4; vara. I; tonsils. I; adnold.'
6; lungs. S; liver. I ; o.,, j; ,,,'
I; hernia. I. The number ..i!
William Pr,,,77v
rri.-k.JDrr: lw?
land they will visit at the home of to the remainder of the Jenkins
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert family.
Casey. i
to the dance on the barjee. "Vene
tian," which I. scheduled by the
orxaniiatlon for Thursday night. The
... ink nv skits a v
the injured arm wa. set. , He re- Dno I .L.iniV At
malnrd In the hospital last nlslit
and was renting- easily. Leon Is one
To Spend Wn-k-Knd A party of
dance, under the auspice, of the f the Klamath News carrier Imya
! club, will form a fund to add lofor the Alxomu camp.
Xurse Loaves Accord in to Mrs. ; Klamath Falls residents plans to;,hp of hR fromj
Jack McAuliffe, who was a businew, leave this eveninK for Diamond lake Klanillh Fals , ,,,
visitor In Klamath Fall, yesterday, where they will spend the .week-end
r.ninv iiiiv. kikii u. u w. .
' . mia, ar-
cordlm to Mlaa Krhke. being an
especially amsll numher.
The rllnle waa fostered by the
Women'a Community club of Chllo
quln, of which Mm. T. 8. KUh la
'"' 9l Ik,
"... m m
convention In St. Paul, held the lat-
Keturn Home Miss Inei Jenkins,
An exceedingly small number of
bable and children of nre-arhool
Ml. Ilessie Tull and Mlsa TuH'a age who were suffering from ab
mother, Mrs. J. 8. llateman. arrived norinal conditions were found at
. . v. u - ........ ......ii.. . i. ..
" " ' ro.. ...!.... .uu B,.ruu,a .... uu, ,e. prI uf ,1H mmili
Klamath, a trained nurse, Mis. Fran-; Sunday, flshlne. The party Includes.
ces Clark, left yesterday for Lake-iJack Murphy, Ralph Newell, Arling- To Arrive HiMin -Mr and Mrs it ! In Klamath Kalla last night after a the baby rllnlc recently conducted
view, where she will care for Jack.ton Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wcbbl Thomas, residents of San Francisco. ' ''k,' Ytalt ia s,m n Chlloquln by Dr O R. Newaom,
MCAullire. whose condition Is bet-; ana .Mr. and .Mrs. thanes Caruther.' sre expected to arrive id Klamath olh,r eouthern cities, ineyen
tered dally,
Merrill Student Miss Mae Sham
hart of Merrill, daughter of G. P.
and family
To Give Prises Chria Barnstable
of the Hurry Cash grocery an-
Kalls Saturday, where Mr. Thomas J") especially enjoyable trip
will be interested in business for"""1 r,'Por",, "P'endld weather. Mis.
several days. Jenkins la employed In the First Na-
Itlonal bank. Mlsa Tull In the offlcea
Shamhart, rancher of the Merrill nounces that the first hit made by filvans Leaves E. T. Givan. of of Horace Manning, attorney,
district, is expected to arrive inja Klamath Falls player in the Sun-jBly passed through Klamath Falls j jt'l , . .
Klamath Falls Saturday evenlngiday game of Klamath Falls and , yesterday on his way to Salem. To Leave, Wmhi Miss Josephine
from Corrallis, where she has beenj Dunsmuir, the player will be award- where he will return with Mrs. Ulv- ipp. accompanied by her brother,
a student in the Oregon Agricultural ed a 24-pound sack of flour, and toins and their daughter, who have' Frank fpp, will leave this morning
college for the past winter. Miss the first home run made by a Klam-been visiting with Mrs. Givans' par-'for Monmouia,. where they will visit
Shamhart la a member of BetaUth Falls player a five-pound can nts in the capital city for the oast 'for a few days and return Monday
Forbes Pure Drugs
Eighth t Main
Good Sorvlcf Good Druga
Kappa, woman's social fraternity and ' of coffee will be the reward. Barn-! few months.
ia majoring in a pharmacy course.
stable feels that the "groceries" will
be more heartily received than a
wreath of laurel.
Kcdron Picnic One of the most
delightful evenings of the month
waa picked by the Kedron club andj Meeting A meeting of interest
their friends for the annual spring to (lle Public of Kiamath Fa lis will
picnic at Charles Drew's ranch onJ0,en Sunday night for a week at
Lost river last night, when the func- :,,008e na"- where Dr. Andrews will
tlon ended their activities until the conduct the meetings. He is assist-;
Forbes Pure Drugs
Eighth at Main
Good Service Good Drujrs
night with thjir alstrr. Mis. Kath
erine Vpp. wlu will upend a week
' in the city visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I pp. Mis.
I'pp will leave after her visit for a
summer session at the state normal
Fchool, where aha will continue her
Les Sailings' Orchestra
Supper nerved at
ffl .;
ffl -
fall. More than 50 enjoyed the af
fair, as members were hostesses to
their friends and husbands. The
trip was made In cars to the Drew
grove, where a picnic supper was
served early In the evening.
, Returns Home Mr. and Mrs. H.
G. Broadland have returned to the
city after an extended trip to Walla
Walla, Wash. Mrs. Broadland is
employed in the Club cafe. Mr.
Broadland is a mechanic at the
Expected Here Miss Pearl Pat
rick, sister of Roy Patrick, is ex
pected to arrive in Klamath Falls
this afternoon to' make her home,
having obtained a position in the !
city. Miss Patrick is a resident of
Portland, and plans to remain per
manently in Klamath.
Scout Meeting A Boy Scout
meeting of the troop under the di
rection of Percy Murray met last
night, and were Interested in the
plans announced by Scoutmaster
Murray, as previously outlined by
Scout Executive Cecil A. Cook, be
fore his return to his scout head
quarters in Medford. The plans In
cluded the schedule for the outing
to be enjoyed by all Klamath county
scouts at the scout cabin at Lake
of the Woods.
To Leave Soon Miss Gertrude
Llndley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George R. Lindley, plans to leave
this morning for Medford, where
she will visit with Miss Marlon
Brown and her Bister, MisB Leila
Brown. The Misses Brown were
guests in the city during spring va
cation several months ago, at the
Llndley home.
Visitor Here Among the visitors
In the city yesterday was B. E.
Kerns, rancher of the Keno district.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerns are anticipating
the return of their three children
from Santa Cruz, where they have
been attending school. They will
leave the south June 22 and plan to
remain In Klamath county for the
remainder of the summer.
From Medford Mrs. Wilbur Jones
of this city Js enjoying a short visit
from her son, Don Newbury, who is
no a resident of Medford, although
a former resident of Klamath Falls,
where he was a student in the
cbools. Mr. Newbury Ib now prac
tlclng law in the valley city.
ed in his work by Blanche Bliss,
who will be interesting with her ren
ditions on the guitar. The meetings
are scheduled to open at 7:30 p. m.
Plant 'Opens Klamath Falls has
another new enterprise In the man
ner of the White Tellcau Bullliug
works at 715 Spring street, when
the most nationally advertised
drinks will be made In this city.
The standard drinks have been given
to the bottling works, which has ob
tained a franchise for their manu
facture. The building is of concrete
and tile, and the structure is built
by the Concrete Tile company. The
space occupied by the building Is
75 by 25 feet', end Is said to be the
most modern and completely eauin-
ped plant in southern Oregon. After
the first of the week, visitors to the
plant are cordially Invited to inspect
the work's.
Returns To .-hluncl c. B. Wat
son, resident of Ashland has return
ed to his home this week-end after
spending the past week visiting with
his daughter, Mrs. Jack Kimball and
Mr. K'.mball. While In Klamath'
county Mr Wation. who was at one
time a business man of this section.1
as well as prominent in legal af-i
iairs. met with old friends and made
the acquain-.aace of old residenia.
You'll Spot
Them At
Not only Grocery Bargains but Fish
ing Tackle, Picnic Eats, Soft Drinks
and Fishing Licenses.
Keno, Ore., on the Ashland Highway
are ripe
Our trucks will be haul
ing 16-inch green slabs
for a few days. Our
customers are buying
this good cheap wood.
$30 for 10 Cords.
Block Wood At
Cheap Prices.
601 Main St Phone 535
Are Always To
Had Here
Low rent no ftirerl S
With real oak pa
Jello, 3 for ;
Corn Flakes. 1 for
r i a -i . "i
Aovai rtnn uiernfi,
No. 2
Yellow Free R
in Syrup .
And many cm
gains on our i
Pay Cash-I
fjj Mac's
ftj I Phone 855.
" . sBBaasasasjsjsjaaaMK
Whitaker's Groceteria
Headquarters For Good C.nA. .H . mr price8
From Illy Among the visitors in
the city during the past few days
were Frank Obenchain and Al Rich
ardson. Doth Obenchain and Rich
ardson are prominent ranchers of
the Bly district, and they are par
ticularly Interested In the success of
the Bly rodeo, which will be put on
In Klamath Falls July 1 to July 4.
The Bly ranchers returned to their
homes last night, after spending the
day In the city.
Return Home College students
ara arriving In the city to spend
the summer with their parents, and
among the first to return from Ore
gon Agricultural college at Corral
lis was a car Thursday night. In
cluded In the car was Delos Mills,
Kenneth Perry, Martin Rnmsby and
Noah Truax, Klamath Falls boys
who spent the past winter studying
ia the Institution.
Today is pay day. Where can you find a better place to use
your money than here where cash really counts? Read he nrice.
below and be convinced that real cash speak, a language all its Z
Choice Bananas, 3 lbs. for 25c
Fancy Rogue River Valley
Tomatoes, No. 2y2 Can 15c
2 for
Fancy String Beans
No-2Ca 18c
Margarine Best Butter Substi
tute, 3 lbs. for 67 c
Extra Fancy Small Pea3
1 Can 20c, 3 for 55 c
Pure Castile Soap,
IK2 lb. Bar 23 c
10 Bars Crystal White Soap
Washing Powder ,..'45c
1 0 lbs. Pure Berry Jelly $1 .45
Pure Berry Jam Put Up In 4 lb.
Pails, each 80 c
100 Lbs. PURE CANE SUGAR $6.75
A Good Supply of Fruits and Vegetables.
Serve Yourself and S
Whitakers Groceteria
407 Main St
A Service Store
You Time
By Telephoning Us
Quality guaranteed on all phone orders. .
Complete stock in our telephone service store.
Porann.l i i: A mtered to
- sei tiw wucrc yuu are Knuwu aim T7 ;,
A package of Citrus granulated soap with each V??
rus Powder.
3 for 25c- 2 for 25c and 20c;
. ,The. fit Klamath ball player' getting a hit in SJf
wll be g,ven a 24 lb. bag of Klamath flour. Five p"
Supenor Coffee for a home run.
Phone 576.