(ati j s N It1 '4.3 rliaj H II I, JH NEWS, Notices, IlLKATIO! u lnliTliir, it Lakeview, tiro. I lB. irdW ' Hi1"1 ",t . of Morrill, Oro. r;,nilor II. kg lloinnatead Kii- fur rirm uuu ml IS, Section E un. UK. Wll- hnfl ilifla ninira make Three Year nh clulm lo I ho ibi'il, bi'fora C. K. (ho l.'ounty t-aurt, Oregon, on the Ml. fcpi aa witnesses; of .Mnlln. ore. of Morrill, Ore. i. of" Morrill. Ort. of Mnlln, Oro. F. I. LIOHT. HKltor. ,M,B OP Nl'HK so. u-noa. KOItK- bT COURT OP THE BOON run KUU- Lrll aa Suparlntond lisnka for 111 State Plaintiff vs. Saddle mher Company, a iod J, W. Siemens, tn elocution and i I limed out 01 tne court on the 14th. upon Judg- of mortgage fore ii (ho above entitled ih day of October, Bine me to mike tony horulnafter dee- urn thoreof may twill on the Uth day at the hour of 10 foronoan, at the the Court Houae, In nth Falls, offor for d lo sell to the for caah In hand, Irly hereinafter dea- uch thereof a may o aatlafy the auma frith Inlereat thereon I per cent per an- trmlior 12nd, 19J1 r aum of 17.(77.41 the aum of 118,. rale of V per cent m January 25th. to 1, and interest on .677.41 at the rate r annum from July d the further aum frith Inlereat thereon S per celt per an uat Uth, 1921, and fci of I3.13C.42 taxoa 520, ltl and 1922 kal aum of 13.000.00 In and the coata and nd upon this writ, of 16,990.00 hero- said property being County of Klamath Oregon, and partlcu aa follow, to-wlt: 21. 22. 27. 28. 29 11; all the merchant ng standing and he- outhwest Quarter of to be cut and re- July 16th. 1930 Untable timber lying Ming on the eouth- ii Section 13. aame to Bioved prior to March il the merchantable landing and being east Quarter of the "tor and the west ineast quarter of Sec i to be cut and re to November 26th, merchantable timber ' and belna ' on the r he aoutbeaat quarter aame to be cut and to December 22nd. merchantable timber nd toeing on the Her of the northwest outh half of the Pfter of Section 24. ft and removed prior inn; an the Umber lying stand- K On thn nnrthwaat f northweat quarter ame to be cut and to December 22nd, merchantable timber g and helntf An the rler of the antithwoat fc"nn 24, aame to be od Prior to December ".mz.ooo feet of tho niDor lying standing me northeast miflrtnr Fat quarter, the west "urineaat quarter, the the eaat hair tr -the Fartf of Section 27, " buy all lh atii and above the 1,232.- price or 13.00 per all to ha flit mnA tr to July 1st, 1926: toreald fcelnr. eltuata ni3. South of Range "lamettn MrMi i. tn,l- Oregon. ' ifiURT uiHTm. Hawkins, Sheriff. .Here's Nearest; Approach totorth Friday. "June 12. 1925. . I . . if I'll u MA 7 t n am W V Tta. Ill . . I 3 tflw Mi. 10 conic, the nearest to emulating Babe Rath'l.7!,. inuc, lot to the game? Bob Mcul Ja v5 SSfi ""V '.Ste .tanc i' U,fic'd $Ur' " "it in aiyie, atance and terrific driruii power. Goalin la ..n th junttcr, too. t Not. "'NOTICK FOIl PfULICATIOS lpnarliurait of tlx Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore. ' ' June 8, 1926. Notice la hereby given that Marion II. Wampler, of Odewa, Oregon, who, on June 6. 1923, made Additional Homestead Entry Act, April 28, 1904. No. 012049. for Lot 5, Section 30, Township 369., Range 7E., Willamette Meridian haa Tiled notice of Intention to make' Three -Year Proof, to -estab' liah claim to the land above des cribed, before C. R. DeLap, Clerk of the County Court1, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on 4he 16th day of July, 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: Grant Fouch, of Rocky Point, Ore. John Meek, of Rocky Point. Ore. Fred McKlmmonda, - of Rocky Point. Ore. Oak Boggs, of Klamath Falls, Ore. F. P. LIOHT. J 11 Jyll Inc. Register. NOTICK FOR IH'KLICATIOX July, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: Jess High, - Ed Richardson. Mr. Miller, R. Roblson,, all of Dorrls, California. P. P. LIOHT, J 11 Jyll Inc. Register. NOTICE OF ANN'l'AL MEETING SCHOOL Di.pnrmiimf. of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lnkevlow, Ore. June 8, 1925. Notice la hereby given that George Hurdling, of Dixon. Cali fornia, Rx.lla., who, on July 13. 1920. made Homestead Entry Act June 9, 1916, No. 011603. far SW'U SKV4, Section 11. Township 413., Range BE., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Three Year Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above des cribed, before C. R. DeLap, Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 15th day or Corsets' v- t? ' OwwUett Mode l uiuramteaa v rt RAnnat r. ' Phone 177-W WOOD ia down to SUMMER PRICES Phone in Your Orderal Our supply is large and the blocks arc good and dry. BUY EARLY, get a few loads each month on these cheap prices, and your fuel bill will always be light. ' Peyton fif. Co, 601 Main Phone 535 1 Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of school District No. 1, of Klamath County, State of Oregon, that the Annual School Meeting of said District will be held at Cen tral School: to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on the third Mon day of June, being the 16th day of June, A. D. 1926. This meeting Is called for the purpose of electing one new director and conducting any other business which may legally come before it and ' the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this first day of June, 1925. Atteat: 1 IDA B. MOMYER, District Clerk. C. H. UNDERWOOD, Chairman Board of Directors. J2-12 Inc. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be received by the Common Council of the City of Klumath Falls, Oregon, for the purchase of Sixth Sewer Deficit Im provement Bonds aggregating Nine Thousand thirty-seven and 16-100 Dollars ($9,037.16) to provide funds for the payment of the De ficit Assessment for the construc tion of the Sixth Sewer Unit and authorised by Ordinance of the City of Klamath. Falls, No. 668. ' Proposals to purchase ituch bonds will be received by the underslan. e'd up to and -Including the 15tH day of June, 1925, at tbe hour of 8 o'clock p. m., and opened ut a regular meeting of the Common Council Immediately thrnatter, said nnnas to oe auica renruary 16tb, 1926, and in amounts of 6600, due ten (10) years after date of Issue. Optional at any coupon date on and after one year, and will bear Inter, est at the rata of not more than 0 per annum, payame semi-annually, principal and Interest payable at the office of tbe City Treasurer at Klamath Falls, ' Oregon, or at the Oregon Fiscal Agency in New York City, New York. Prcpcnals to pur chase must be' unconditional and accompanied by cnrtlflid check in tbe amount of 6 of the proposal. By order of the Common Coun cil this 25th day of May, 1925. LEM L. GAGHAGEN, ' ' Police Judge. Of the City of Klamath ' Falli. Ore. J4-14 Inc. Page S'evefl Classified Ads :.-!.Q,o..f, '" OLAHMFIBD AD RATES 1 line 1 day . lot 1 line 2 daya ........... 15c 1 line 3 daya .. 20c 1 line 4 daya ,-..-,..... 26c 1 line 1 week ....... ........30c 1 line 1 month 76c ..... -,-,-.', , ril i.ii.ii.n,,ni,, ,-Lryi.ru l ij'u l i li'.'l-- l . For Sale Real Estate NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UnnaHman, nf II,. 1 , l. U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore. - aiay zs, jhzis. . NntfrA la tinrAliv .Ivan .tin, A,n A. SchulU, " of Merrill Road, Klam- Hia rails, uregon. wno, on March 28, 1923, made Reclamation Home stead Entrr. No. 01199a tnr Varm Unit MJ"'rti. T.ttla A mnA IS Cnninn 43, Township 418., Range HE., umuieiie meriaian, naa Hied notice of Intention to make Three Year Proof, o establish claim to me iana above described, before the Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath FaIIm Orffnn nn jk. etu - . a " . wu . u viu day of July, 1925. claimant names as witnesses: Jean McAullffe, of Merrill. Ore. Joe Zumpfe, of Malln, Ore. Oscar Hammer, of Merrill, Ore. Ross'" Drown: nf fai.lll Dn.j Klamath Falls, Ore. Mr. Thomaa. Rapv vrinmoih t.i gatlon District., F. P. LIGHT, M31 J30 Inc.' Register. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior V. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore. ' May S, 1925. ' NottrA la hn.ohv .1... -art! flam Orrille Smyth, of H.'ldebrand, Ore., who on June 18, 1920, made Stock Raking Homestead Entry No. 09966. for- BtfNWW, SW 14 . Sec. 28. SHNE,SE14. Sec. 29, Ni NEK. Sec. 82," and NHNW, Sec. . lownsnip sva, Range HE., Willamette ' Meridian h 11.4 notice of Intention to make Three Year rroot, to eatablish claim to the land ahnvn ilAanvlViAjt KAA.A J. O. Hamafenr. IT D CnnlmlHU.. er, at Bonanza, Oregon, on ' tbe tiia a ay or June, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: S. K. Hartaler, Willis Hoover, Peter A. Johnson and T: A. Rob erts, all of ' Hlldebrand, Oregon. " F. P, LIOHT, M10 J13lne. , Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION MONEY FOR YOU Owner has 40 sacrifice. If you buy this irri gated ranch, only $60 per acre. Good terms. Some dairy cows. You sure will double your money In abort time. Only 20 minutes from Klamath Falls. Also corner lot on busy street. Pavement paid. Fine ton apartment house. Address C. B., The News. J12 FOR SALE Nine room furnished house. 248 Broad St. J12-26 FOR BALE ( room house with bath, furnished. Mills Addition. $2,675. Small payment down, balance like rent. Phone 367-R. Jll-12 FOR SALE 160 acres,' Langell valley. NEK. Sec. 16. Township 40, Range 13. Located about V4 mile west of Turner Springs, about 120 acres timber, balance cleared. Price $8 per acre. Will consider trade, Sacramento ' or Stockton, Calif. property. Ad dress owner: E. W. Bergquest, 91$ J St., Sacramento, Calif. -J10-12 FOR RENT Five room bouse, partly furnished. Call Empire Hotel. Phone 406. J13 Found II I ..... --n.nn-Ln ILIU FOUND A bunch of qeys, owner may uaro aame by Identifying aame and paying for tbls ad. t J 12-1 5 Wanted WANTED One 3'A'ln. wagon with 4 In. tires, for cash. Box C News. J5-12 Help Wanted Male WANTED Young ' man for street sales.' 'Guarantee. Circulation manager. News. J7tf Help Wanted Female WANTED -A , woman cook for Sum ner resort. Phone Rocky Point JI2-13 Klamath Lodge NV 37 vory Friday olgbt. W. fi. N. O. - Canton ; Crater ' No." 7 avery Wednesday evening. 8andell. Commandant. Land, C. P. MeetaU ' Bocg.. , ; Heat Ewauna Encampment Mo. 46 Meets every Tuesday night, A. B. Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. 104 Meets first and .third Tnnrs daya. Mrs. Viola Jones, N. O. FOR SALE One lot In the town of Dorrls, Siskiyou Co., Calif., and one In Mt. Hebron. The person sending me the best cash offer will get it, both or one. Jennie Morgan, R. R. No. 9, Box 946, Seattle, Wash. J9-18 FOR SALE Two room house on two lots 102x102 feet. On cor ner. Total price $1400. Also corner lot across street, 61x102 feet, $250. Call 1901 E. St. J6tf FOR SALE Six room bungalow in Hot springs Addition, 739 Eldor ado Ave. Furnace, oak floors, etc. See W. S. Wiley, I. O. O. F. Bldg. M19tf For Rent Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore., May 11, 1925. Notlcn In-' herAhv - vIvam t.n Frank ZumnfA. of MaHii n,nn wuu, vu novemoer iz, jyzi, made neciamation Homestead entry. No. 011823. for Form TTnlt TV . lot 2 and 8WKNEK, Section 21, luwuauip 4ia., itange izts.. Willam ette Meridian, has filed -notice of Intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to tbe ana BDove aescriDea, before C. R. DeLso. riArk- nf thA rnn,v r..... at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the n aay or June, isze. Claimant names as witnesses: A. M. ' Thomaa. Jnianh : Ianh John Reber and Mm. - Annt nmi all of Malln, Oregon. F. P. LIGHT, MIS J13Inc. Register. GEORGE K. KOSENQUlsx General Insurance Room 4 Sogarman Bldg. Phone 820-W ' " ' Honrs V to B Bat. Evenings E. L. E1JJOTT Attorney At Law Address 2-8 Hogarman Bldg. Tel. 120 Office. Home B24-J Office Hours 9 a, ta 5:80 n. ' 1 phone '1994. Room 10, Loom Is Bldg. -DR. W. A. LEONARD . . Dentist SpecUUst In ' Extractions, Oral Surgery and DlopMfA of the Month. kt Your Glass Troubles Be Ours Window Plato and Windtbield Glatt; sh, Door and Cabinet Work. E GLASS HOUSE odPine 477-W LUMBER FOR SALE) CHEAP Boards Shiplap Dimension- Siding Lath Mouldings In fact pp-actically all items for construc tion, or repair .work. Drive out and look it over. ; PELICAN BAY LUMBER CO. ; . DR, J. Q. OOBLH , ; CHaaaea Fitted and GrooaS ' TOO Main Street '' ... ,..lhonVl8S.i;'. Southwell Stationery Co. EVERYTHINQ FOR THE OFFICB WE INSTALL BOOKKEEPING BYSTEMS 939H Main St. Phone flOli FOR RENT Nicely furnished apartment. Wood and water. 2301 Wantland Ave. Mills Ad dition.. - J12-14 FOR RENT Two room furnished . apartment. Brannan' Apts. 812 Oak St. JIO-12 FOR RENT Two 2 room apart ments, and one single room. Stove and bed In each apartment. Wa ter and wood furnished. $10.00 for single room; 115.00 for 2 room apartments. 813 Alameda St. '' -, J2,B,8,12 FOR RENT Room In private dwell ing. 324 So. 6th St. ' J5-12 Rlstate 4 ROOM MODERN home, large lot, 90 by. 100, 'improved, will raise anything In vegetables or berries, a splendid buy ' on easy terms. Price 13,600. ' " " NEW MODERN 5 room bungalow on Crescent Ave., dn good loca tion. Price $4,600. 31,000 down ' end monthly payments like rent. ONE OF, THE best strictly modern 6 room homes on 6th St. Fur nished. Garage and nice yard. Price 33,000. LARGE TWO story house and two extra lots. Garage. A bargain in a home where you can raise everything. For sale on account of poor health.' ; Price $4,200, on terms. ' ' '.'..' STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE fully equipped beauty.' parlor centrally located. Price $2,000. Half : cash, terms on nnpaid balance. ' SMALL TRACT ; homes close in, from one to forty acre tracts. Prices reasonable. ' BEAUTIFUL 9 room home on good - cprner; 4j desirable location. Gar age, nice yard. Price $9,000. Terms. '- : APT. HOUSE of ' 6 apts., four of them furnished. Garage, for S cars. Price $8, E00, on terms. SPLENDID large businese lot on Klamath Ave. Price $5,000. Terms. LOTS IN MOST parta of the city for 10 per cent down and 36 equal payments on unpaid balance. TWO OF THE BEST resident lots In the city. ' Price $1,200 each If told separately or both for $2,300. MRS. NATE OTTERBEIN ' 001 Llnccn St. " ' Phone S80-M WANTED Competent woman for housework and cooking. Mrs. J. N. Bedford. Jll-13 For Sale Miscellaneous $3,500 will take the best paying ten room hotel 'in Klamath Falls. . Located In the heart of the busi ness district- Ill health the rea-i son for selling. See W. J. Kerri gan tor details, at 631 Main St., Klamath Falls, Ore. Jll-13 WANT A BARGAIN? See the '24 Bulck Six at Powell and Dale Motor Co.. 8th and Ktamnt-h Avp Phone 349. Sure will trade! I Jll-13 ! FOR SALE Horse, wagon, harness and bull dog. Address East 6th. and Railroad. - Jll-12 SAVE $100 in buying a first cla3s Chevrolet touring direct from the owner. Car looks and runs like new. Driven 7,100 miles. Price $325. Call at 419 Nelson St. Two' blocks above Ctescent Ave. : tr. FOR SALE 1924 Star coune. first class condition, 1925 Henna,' all I accessories. Priced at $525. Howie. Motor Co. Phone 379. J617 Miscellaneous DANCING Classic dancing ' given children from fire to twelve years. Prices reasonable. For appointment phone 342-J. J10 Jyl0 PIANO TUNING Apply W. ' H. Morgan, at tbe Earl Shepherd Co. ' - J16 CHIMNEYS, SWEPT, lawn mowere sharpened. Work guaranteed. Phone - 65. J16' ' For cancer conditions see ' Dr. Jackson. Winter's Bldg. Phone 105-J ' ' J5 Jy5 ' NO INTEREST Our summer Phon ograph Sales Campaign la toeed on "No Interest" on any make of Phonograph and "better terms." Wlae buyers trade with Earl Shepherd Co., 607 Main St. M21 J20 C. "A. WESTMAN, contractor and builder.' Phone 881 or Inquire at Scandinavian hall. M14 J14 fHH WAFFLE KITCHEN serves real cream waffles at all hours. 119 So. 9th St. A8tf TAX1 1 or Phone, 1QJ Large and small 'cars. White Star Line. Better Service 1 . . J., A. GOLDSMITH ,, ; . . Custom Tailor ' v 10 Winters Bldg. Butte From fSCSO to 170.00 1 SCANDINAVIAN ROOMS. . , .. . . Are Now Open. ' Stricl up-to-Date. Room F-om $6.00 Up. j Try . . ; ' LORENZ CO. First For Garden Hose. KODAK FINISHING "lrat t out at 6 -p. m. ' The Peasley's M ' Oppoaite Court House ' . FRED BCESING Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1090 Mala St. Phone B74-W DR. PHILIP COLE " General Practice of Dentistry "Open Evening bj Appointment ; Phone MO - BIS Main Over Moe'i Store Bring Us Your HIDES . and " PELTS We are In the market for Hides and Pelts, and win pa the highest market price. Lewis Grocery; 223 &6th Photu 3SS EVANS' Shoe Repairing:",; Good Work Right Prices 1014 Main St'i , Klamath Fall, Ore, Browne's ; Paint Store 1029 Main Street. Phone 75 ALAINE BEAUTY ' SHOPPE Open Tuesday, Tharsrtay and Hatnrday evenings. -107 Bo. 7th St. J Phone 700 '' " z. peters; Teacher of VloUn and J PUno. Accredited by the Bureau of Education. Phone 451-W KIU. rTATB OTTERBEUf "" " Real Katate ' "''''(' BOl Lincoln St. ' r Phone SSd-M r. 1 C C BROWER Attorney-at-Law General practice State' and ' Federal Courts1 Willita Bldfcr. DR. F. B. GODO.UtD Osteopathic Phystdan-Sargeoa Phone 821 Office and Bee., I. O.'O. F. Temple : . Klamath Falls, Oregon, : Send It to the Laundry Union Laundries:' ' FRENCH HAND KLAMATH SUPERIOR ai Ldry. Workers' Union No. S BEND-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE Now Operating Dally Trips ' CENTRAL AUTO 8ERVIOK " loa So. 7th ' Phone 818-3 Edward B. Ashurst Attorney and Counsellor at Law ' ' 8tate and Federal Courts. Suite No: 5, Loomls Bldg." ; Phone 287 TRIANGLE CAFE The place to fet good eat. OPEN ALL NIGHT 838 Main ' Phone 804 J one