it Pave Eighl Punilav. .Time 7, 192.'. ff LOCALS f I In KIwiMih Falla H. L. Clev-. Merrill The week-end waa engar. prominent dairy rancher of. busy one for the farmers and many took advantage 01 ine guuu ruaua the Dairy aertion, was among the out ot town visitors to transact bus iness in Klamath Falla this week. ' i from Mtrlll Among the Mer rill visitors who were aeo.i in Klam ath Falla this week waa L. J. Coole from hia ranch In that section. In the tit) Louis Schmidt prom Cooley raises cattle and other live- luent rancher of Klamath county stock and weather to make trips to Klam ath Falla. Among those from the Merrill district was John Kobustall who spent some time with frieuds and local merchants.:. Ill wills Klu Miss jM'i1iliK' Meissner I" n n lined In her limne with a severe attack of Indiieiua. although her condition was reported ' to be much iniiroved lust niKht.; Miaa Mciner waa a memlier of Ihej senior class of 1 25 of KUmalh County hlith school and look an active part in achool activities, ea-1 pecially in muair. . From the tmiitry L. It. Paw aon. rancher ot the Merrill route, was among the - out of town visi tors In the city during the past week.. Dawson . made the trio into Klamath Falls twice, calling onjwo" " Lakeview route was among the business visitors In , the city during the past few days, j Lakeview Among the Lakeview ranchers to spend some time In the city transacting business and , calling on friends waa Albert Saer- From Malln Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Daltctt were among the out of town visitors lu the city from their place in the Malln district. Mr. Dnlton came in to confer with officials of the American National bank, of which he is president, and Mrs. Dalton to enjoy the day shopping in the local scores. merchants . and transacting other business. - Out of Town Fred Dingier was among the visitors in the city dur- in which section he conducts a ranch. Returns fruiu South Miaa Alice Miller, daughter of J. J. Miller, has returned from San Franclaco, to lug the past week, calling on mer-'8l,n, a 'eek ln wlh her chants and transacting business. Dingier is the proprietor ot one ot the finest herds in this section of southern Oregon. - : Leases Herd Among the busi ness transactions of Interest in the county during the past few days has been the leasing of the fine dairy herd belonging to H. V. Bogus of Merrill to J. GISord, al so ot Merrill. GJBord was a bus iness visitor In the city over the latter part of the week. ' From Merrill Merrill ranchers in the city, during the last tew days include many of the most promi nent of the land men. L. D. Jack son, who has a splendid herd of dairy cows, was among those to visit here. Kigrr Here Merrill visitors in the city Include C. R. Kiger, rancher of that section. Kiger was a Sat urday shopper, calling on the va rriia merchants. Dairy Rancher Among the visi tors in Klamath Falls during the week waa R. R. Lytle of Bonanza, who spent some time here transact ing business and visiting with friends. father before returning south to enter training in St. Francis hos pital. Miss Miller motored south with the Ramsby family to spend several weeks. llcnlcy Itcslilent Koads and good weather during the latter part of the week proved the main 'at- i tractions for the arrival of the many ranchers and farmers Into Klamath Falls. Among the Henley j residents to stop In for a short j visit and transaction of business was R. C. Short, successful ranch-. er of that section. j i-f Urania I'aci., as a Mtor In Klamath Kalli l-t nlglif. coming here from the Hampshire highway roiiKtrui'tlon. camp ' Sal"' rr"'"- where a big ii I nihlng the completion of the 17 mile siret.n of The Dalles I alltorula highway uirlherly towards H'd. Approximately six miles ' r,"'k base haa been pul on the new grade completed last summer on thia section if the highway. Cuney said. Illg trucks are hauling the crushed rock 1 miles for the sur faces of thla road. The top coat of flue rock und, the final com pletion of this atreliii of road will he completed In October or early lu November. I'rosliYlrrUii laulles Ladles of the Christian KnJeavor society of the rreshyterlun church will have charge ot the refreshment booth at the Chautauqua grounds this week, according to llev. A. "I. Wee. I'res liyterlnn pastor. The money ob tained from their refreshment booth operaliona will he used to send del egates to the Christian National convention In l'ortlaud In July. 'unable lo charge ot Hie torn 1 muulty house sl Crater lake Ihla ! summer as had een previously 'planned. Mr. Itlcs has decided that a vacation l the T.UUO level would ' probably not be as beneficial em nearer aea level considering thai he puts In mist of the in dua,T"!SV each year at Klamalh Falls mrk ' O Is 4100 feet shove the aea ! W ki 1 License l-uclHugh lloM )rUv of Malln. son of Hugh Hose, ranch,,'., of that section, and Mlaa Amy Kay H1 i i To I-eave Soon Miss Agnes Gal lagher will leave today for Yakima, Wash., where she will visit with friends of her former home. Miss Gallagher, who is employed In The Womans Store, will enjoy a vaca tion for several weeks, planning to go south as well. Her place in the store will be filled by Miss Olive Wilson. To Enjoy Trip Mr and Mrs. W. W. McNealy left yesterday for a few days Jaunt In the Siskiyou county country to 'hunt and fish below the Happy Camp district. They plan to return by Wednesday night, leaving for Yakima- where they will visit. They also Intend to stop in other Washington towns. Construction Supt. Here Max; Her. ltlcc I'hanicea Plain Merer- Cuney, superintendent for the John, end A. L. ltlre. of the Presbyter Hampshire Construction company. Ian church stales that he will be Lore 11a Visitor Among the visi tors in the city from out f town .and neighboring cities was Nova Noble of Lorella, in during the week from his dairy ranch. From the Lake Mrs, Hansbury. who conducts a silver fox farm on the upper Klamath lake was among the out ot town visitors in the city yesterday, enjoying Saturday shop ping. Mrs. Hansbury returned to her home after visiting with local! friends. Forbes Pure Drugs - ' Eighth at Main Good Service Good Drugs ysru'"i i .Ck J77 J s3 f wra i Ml DUNHAM AUTO CO. Sixth and Oak Sts. 6T Paint Now Pay Lat Ten Months to Pay by Using My Special Painting C ontrt You don't have to pay cash, but on completu ( work pay 20 per cent, then pay balance in ten et monthly payments. Your buildings will last longer, look better anrk a higher cash value if properly protected with a f paint job. F. R. OLDS Shop 902 Klamath. Re. Phone lC The Opening Day of NINTH ANNUAL Group A. L1INLIN DRESSES When you Inspect these lovely frocks you will be dellBhted with tlielr becomlnic lines and the de liKntful shades they are so, cool and will adapt themselves readily to street or mornlnK wear. The sizes range un to 46. Irop In and s-e them. There u not a difnp polntment In the group. (J s j-v p Durfntr Mala Ar d.,....,..- SALE of PROGRESS Proves To Be Extremely Popular There Is A Reason Group B. ALLURING DRESSES are created from such desirable U Bought especallly for this sale. They i mlng. are of. filmy lac. 'wltn" "' na "L?!": r'L '';. C 1 C -n vi riuttrvHS I or It comes at the exact time, when women are particularly anxious to acquire the newest in merohandis while the season is young. The Quality and Prices Speak for Themselves , (Our Show Windows Tell The Story.) Group E. ALLOVER LACE DRESSES Is at Its height. Home of this assemblage has under sllp. or .Ilk In shades of malle, orehld. peh pink and blue These are .o becoming that you 3 wonder how they can he .old at .uh A , n mi Bofa"nlle price. They're now selling 3,iy,5 Group C. Consists of SILK DRESSES lUnlly thla collection ot drrW rHiitlvtttrs I It n Mt th first KluniT. Thrv r ml ( 0 t'rttpr dr Chlnsi and KM "P and the nhml.ii nre aurh lht vtry woiimn who thrin In compi Ird to top nd Imlr. Hon hav ne lnr trimmlnit and but ,tona. othfra arr almlUrly lrlmmt4 with thn addltlnn of RMoraii" plraia. A I 1 ar trlt'td for thla aalv at or BPfioroi" $12.50 Group D. Lace and Crepe de Chine DRESSES know that ynu will be nlcnsrd with this chf,''T,SS' an new and becoming. The materials r t j. We kn .1" ..r"." n"W and becoming. The materlsls r o mi" irimminKs are lovely. Home of the lace aresin ", rosette. wih ro.e renters. A few of the crene d. rhls ar" I ,v'l"mo' l'l pocket., During the Hale of Prog iW f JlnlrU lit -iU ,. "y""'" .' COMFORTERS Bright puffy comforters, flood and heavy In n neat patu.rn. of .llkollne. comforters a. j nr. Bali 'a""y vonh 6!i,. during thla JJ)4.y ij Group G. . CHOICE SUITS 14 OFF Group H. ofi. , , CHILDREN'S COATS UrTrttZT " ', ,.. and . siltchlng , y3 OFF BLANKETS t Nashua .upreme quality. A very fine blanket with proven durability Jt4 A- Large pink, blue and tan checks. A 10.10 quality fur !...' . V".TJ ' "f : Group F. i SPRING COATS . Th.i th shown anywhere this "r""... pnlrtl T'"l sre mode up from such ninl.rlsii i s. mjpj etc. Home have contrasting color" lMs buttons. There are severnl """"'prsis W now much In fti.ninnd. Hnle 01 rr A Oi l ENGLISH PRINTS it" n.y print, '-i1,? tics to fashion's wlnso n. MrT,J part of Ihe day. , from - . ,..fectlv anil v.rr l ,4 1 high colors, 60c value. n ATTEND' THE ROUND-UP OF THF HTY pnnrn ASSOCIATION, KLAMATH FALLS ORE? JULY 2-3-4. ' FIGURED VOILES L A III """V Figured voiles win i.i... i thla summrf asa Mlt,rt . one fr,.k of V0)J) w( nol hi;vt) R cmnvit, wardrobe. n l oruicri. t- nrjng. sre wonderful. ........ yq. Any desired shade. I llll " u. 'jjjj : , -o-t. II ' -