I, ATM NEWS 1M fBriefs Kl.lmlllS f . vlaKillR Willi .. in Kit millim L. III -t jg (IrM't. "rrTMInii Anno Mi ll,,, in BnpurlMlnn- :j ,.f Kluinuth Kulls n, 1 1,0 lunik on i mi Hut llll I HO VIII- rciiiriiiil 'fin Hie AiiiinlliiK to Hu ll, ni'iri' Hum ItlOOj .,1 fur bunks fur Hie ill.' hunks III be l,ullon nrl full. Of i. ulluwi'ii irnin i mi Lnil iiml "" rrul" l. IiikiI Al o:in. juni- ml ni'lioiil. I plnn ni'iir tuliire for ,Ik iliniKlilir, MIkii hi fnliT ori'Kon Aurl- fur ii i wooks'j n:ii. MIm:i Conn Is I the 1 '.U j cluMi or liii.li n IiiiiiI. Hlie llii- illy afliT Ibo plauniuK lo resume K luti r In Iliu full. Trli ihIm nf Mm. J. siilin ut 1 137 Mon II hi' Klml lo know nrnl ii rti-r u stirliius iik ! frlriiiU of tho :ttloii muy ho iiocoh- r ful lire. Ll -MrllllllTS of tho of llii' Kn-wnli-kali- i i.luniiliiK nn Intcr- llii. inllm IimikHi of i Klwiinliin ruhln on r. MIkh limb Mlnlcr iWillon mboiil will r.iri iiii tholr trip. Iiiiino MIks Mltitor liuiiilii', Or.'uun. lo uib r of I ho summer Harry Thaw's Mother Arts f,'U "Begins Another BroadivaySprec Saturday, .Tune fi, lfl2.". Pf e Fiiff- I- w i I ' AH A " H ,feTRv w y? a1 X$' I :."'v LWs H ifo TODAY W'l V J?-'1' 1NE LU1ER GO. His Dash Vain ! Throuxh tlio efforta cf ilarlon Nlnn, prcn!dunt and gunerul man ager of (ho ShaaU View Lumber & Dcx company, ull employca of the company ore offcrod an Insurance under troup Inmirantp with all ben uflti returned to the pulliy bolder. Common labor ni:iy lie Insured up to an amount of 1.000 with the pclicy ownur paying GOc atid the company the balance on tho sum due. Ilcada f department and of fire employeii are allowed lnaur an.e up lo the sum of f.1.000 with the aame prlvllexe allowed them. The pollclea are held with the Aetna Inttnrunre company. The rfforla of .Mr. Nine, who had the Intcreat of the employes at heart ( i the subject for some time, ; wi re brought to head cn Friday flf- tecnoi ji urn! more than to em ! ployea of the company took 1m med'ato advantage of tho ofTer. The policies ure tranafcrabte ao that In case of death the money will be turned over to the per am designated on the policy slip. fi'-.iV 'J''"' ' . : IQMtalB Conditions in China Show Improvement (tllANGIIAl, June 6. With for eUn I roil pa posted ' ut strategic. points throuEli tho city, serious out breaks as a result of (bo student and labor agitation have ceased, but the general strike la spreading, and numerous Isolated attacks against Individuals, notably Ilritlsh and Jup aneae, are reported. Klrm action by tho defense force, consisting of all able-bodied foreign ers, reinforced by British and Am erican naval detachments, have caused cessation of mob rioting. Foreign naval forces received fur- from the cruiser Tatsula, which tuu just arrived. The Tatsuta carrlo total of 600 marines which will bo held in readiness in case of ofw rioting. w (.'oolles, who assist the loading and unloading of ships, have joined tho general strike, paralysing work at the waterfront," and eansing for eign cargoes to pile up unattended, Antlrforelgn acltatlon continues, and foreign boycotts are being or dered,, but generally the situation is improving and representatives of the foreign powers believe they Jiave.' l( under control. ' ' Hcports from llong Kong describe a condition approaching - anarchy, due to fighting among the Chinese tber reinforcements late today, when factions. Foreigners are leaving the seventy Japanese marines landed city. f iik.it kills mm: PHILADELPHIA. June ii. Nine persons dipd here Friday from the heat, Ivlnicinr; tho total this week to 15. Tho mercury reached 100 at 4 p. m.. end stayed until 6 p. m., the hot teat In six years, t Pushing his vessel through boil ing seas at 20 knc'.s, bis flier. .om crew working like m31( Capt. Rob erta, of Ihe big Bi.Uiii liner Ho meric, sped lo the rescue of the Ill-fated Japanese steamer Halfuku Maru, reaching her iust aa aba foundered in a gale aouth of Hall fax, N S, but being unable 10 lauLCh nts lite boats to save anv or iht Japanese crew who., in quaint. . English, had wirelessed Mf.'ow very darker. Come quick." VJ. ; ;. : SnKNCK KOfTKTY try llllililllllt nil Mtllii KlH, Sunday school. Sumliiy aervlco. Wrdnnsrtsy meeting, room and frne lend a from S:3fl lo 4:30 Jays. Thursdays, and C'lionisT niriifii id lliKh His. Ynriifn, livilur. i. Sunday arhool. Morning service, m. Kpworth league, (veiling worship. I.V.WIOX ARMY . K. Iliiiicr in 11inrR In. Rev. Oaborn will AS AT TlMtOrTklAL How loiijr will it be before lie is locked up again? The ques tion is iiiiiijr lm.u n!oii(5 liroavsy ss Hsrry Thnw nnplics an otlii r coat of nil paint to tlie Grcnt Wliitc Way of which he once wns kiiur. 'Ilic alarrr of Stanford White, now gray-haired and broken, lin Imcii Im -i sliinpr money and clmmpnfrnc on women and men Iriciids imc lie made a suildcn nnd dramatic reappearance in New York. Hi mother, Mrs. Mnry Copley Thaw, who has spent more th in 2,000,0(11) to keep him out of prison, is Liking steps to end the 'Spree." Meanwhile. Evelyn Ncsbit, Thaw's divorced wife, is in CliicitKo, fearsome that Harry will injure her. Bishop Remington Sneaks To Local Reserve Officers; lllnhop Willlum P. Remington was the apeaker of tho evening at a meeting of the Officers lloaerve I association held In tho White Pell-1 can hotel on r-riiiuy evening. jimn.ii ItenilnRlon who Is spending week-end In Klamath Falls hla home In Pendleton, tho from waa not Sunday School, Kvenlng service. cordially Invited, lis- I 1 M'TIST ( IM lU'll Slininons, Pastor. Ililite aeliool. . Moiiiliis services. n. y. p. it. Krenlng sermon. ! Prayer meeting Ved l. m. KPISCdl'AL rHL'UCH nry Ileiiiliiiurters l;. W. Hull ra. Cliurcti school. n. Morning prayer. . rTTAN ( IH IK II Itobliltt, Pastor. "I. S. S. ". Morning service. C E. Evening services. THUltAN CHURCH f oiii,iieeee Rooms "ofriiim, PiiHinr. m- Sunday school and m- Morning service. "r Trinity Sunday. 'ti Il.iPTIyr. r.tttTirii f'li a( IIIkI, hu. "nvls, fiwtor. ' t '" '"hie school. m- Mornln ..rvi. . Evnnlni. 1 '"vltatlon oxtonded to h'HliVTl lI - y.. L. i.s s.llLJtUn f nnn nne Hts. "he, SJInlsler. "' v.nurph anhni m- Quarterly commun- Jor s sermon topic 8nPherd m- C. e. " ervlrP. !" AY ADVF.XTiaT . ... J'Mniiy llldit, . """"-''i Pastor. .8aW""h sehool (Ratal awnro of the fact that he was to apeak at the dinner hut arose to tho occasion In splendid extempor aneous manner. Major O. S. Ncwsom presided at tho meeting for which rovers were, laid for 2$. Thtso present were: j iilnliiin ltemlncton. Major I!. S. I Vni.iim and Ilr. Hardin Carter, J. M. (ilnvcr. . Prorlor. Rob Kuyken ilall. Linn Nesmith, Taul Noel. Dr. I (i. A. Merryman, Francis R. Olds, j K. D. Johnson, Jack Knowles, E. j V. Dtl lice, N. It. Wagner. Ernest' K. Hayes, F. U. Oftleld, Dr. Ber nard J. Una. nr. II. I). Lloyd Stew art. William Canton, H. S. Mathews. .virreil Collier. Marlon N'ine, Morris; TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SAVE lino in buying a first rb.is Chevrolet louring fUrect'Trom 'the owner. Car looks nnd runs like new. J'rlven 7,100 miles. Price $.123. Call ut 41 Nelson St. ' Two blocks ubove CrescenT Ave. J5tf 1 "No Interest" ft Thle one Terms . $8.00 cash $5 per mouth. No interest. ! ffiH ipffi-KajESf j M . . LSfP. ISA " lM Mr Mm Meat's From Miller's Market -''"'Are the Very Best " Every' time a meal is served in which Miller's Meats comprise the main dish, we 'get another boost for quality, lusciousncss and our bill says most economical, too i , MILLER'S 80S Main St. MARKET Phone 750 5 arl Shepherd Co. 1507 Main St. 1). Johnson. J. M. lieuioru, n. . nudke. of Klamath Agency and Harry Dobbins, of Klamath Agency. Choccn Director of Immigration KODAK FINISHING 8 Hour Service The Peasley's Opposite: Court House RESERVE JULY 234 The Biggest RODEO Ever Given in Klamath Falls 4 ... , Uncle Sam lias n new '""' keeper. Harry )'.. Hull ' formcrllowaiCotiRrcssnmii, I"" bccnlnnmcil commissioner g'"' "crnltof immigration,' snccccmna W 'WIIuslmnd, now second as 'ijt.ntlscrctnryjof labor. DANCE At The New Pavilion South 6th St. Next To Frank & Kings Tent. Tonight FRANK & KINGS Jass Orchestra. New Music Entertainers Novelties Dances 10c. 3 for 25c Dancing 10 p. m. Until Midnight. Waslsissg A few cents cleans all your windows now. In stantly! Without water powder or soap. No muss. No bucket to carry around. Just ask for MOLE. It comes in a bottle with a rubber nose that feedt liquid to surface of glass as you wipe it across window. Then wipe window with a cloth. That's all. The window is cleaned and polished. No matter how dirty it was. Money bacK if it doesn't. Instant Class Cleaner At Any Grocer VRAoi un m. us. pat oh MAHON l'.tiUMAN I II. 'Digs Under Dirt" ' - KIClMtaalCMratlM-CMus ' 2S "Pay Cash, It Pays" Gold Dollar Strawberries Grants Pass Green Peas, 2 lbs. ........ Grants Pass Raspberries Grants Pass Cherries Grants Pass Gooseberries ..........;..L. Grants Pass Lettuce '. ..J... Grants Pass Spinach Grants Pass Carrots, 3 Bunches .... Grants Pass Turnips, 3 Bunches .... Grants Pass Beets, 3 Bunches Grants Pass Radishes, 2 Bunches New Potatoes, lb Oranges, 2 doz i... Fryers, lb Euckqt. Soap Sale '. .. 15c .25c ...L.L...2Sc . .,.........;.20C .1 ...ioc ..u...;.:.08c ...-.a ilOc ......... :.....25c 25c ............25c !l5c :.ioc 33c ....:...........40c i.:l.$i.oo Public Market Phone 169 126 N. 6th St Pot Roast Beef ......... ..... ..18c 2 lb. Shoulder Steak ......35c Boiling Beef :..12!4c Good Veal Roast J.l. 18c 2 lb. .Veal Steaks '. .......35c Veal Stew ....12V&C Good Lean Pork Roast ...25c Fryers - ...35c Sanitary Market CHOICE MEATS Special Attention to Order Trade. 7th and Main St. Phone 22