Uthnews, Y0sA vOxDnaimfty News j Vivian Friday June 5, 1925. Page Hire UER1V ,on hununj. UycT ha rKturn- tlalilnK hor sum cf iliu Williamson tnil Mr". l wrro hero one Lr slid fmlly. of tcodlnx diurcn noro ho has Hie InKKlng Camplifll dumber Bore one day last of Clillmii'ln. was r, Snniui.'! C".. Son's a and family were their way l Ry. Uwyer. of Wyun- li'd hero one day paid a visit to lUir. i. Clark wan ut one Mndiir. Okie.. ar. a wit well acqualnt- 1). WalliiiHi, of biuilni-m trip to C. A. ( ' -.a wore r -. Celdon ;. k. ,1 Mm : : y of :. i V va Dan 'l r: 1- n Ucy ai d f un";- ' 'o h h l-.1u.U7. Kudo i.ru . . r.i. II.'- f Ya . . v. I. : . Bdi'il v. h 1 1 (4 rd and f ni ' ' t tiiailu In Kl'.imtli Knlls week. ilifjr ri'l timed home Palis Monday much quite a ra In full here and Sunday, and the r covered with uo k who ban a position of Wolford & Wann Hp 10 Ilcntty on Krl- people will have their ' lent Friday evening lark made a visit to cat Monday, roturn-dy. here very approprlale- hcmurlul Sunday by a a speech by Kov. lon. the manager of lie a trip to Klamath returning Saturday. I Claintun who has p to his room for scv- ahl to I10 Out attain. Clinton, of the Wll ' dlmrlrt. Is visiting this week. t a children's day at r Sunday, June 7. with M a lunch at noon. quite a crowd at the 'k cemetery Saturday, leaves wuro decorated Prosram, cnnslaling of 1 peech by Ilov. Mra. hen a lunch at Dontty, and In the allrnoon the Hev. Mcln tub delivered in addrosa. Mm. Ilar.ley. was . Klamath Kb,1" Tl"ltor one i.y it WMk Mr. Bmlth. who ha. tWB work. Ing at the mill baa coniracted to build Councilman Frank Coliern'i hem... Mr. Cobern will have one of the moat up to dale houeea In thla vicinity when rompleti-d. Ivan Pnnkey was , Kpragua river vlaltor last week. Judge Jeff,irc,n (. mddle waa here ono day laal work. The Judge Informed ua Hut he w4 not ao Well a he hud been Thurmon Jackson Is the proud! owner of a new car. j Waller (Iregg, proprlntor of the' Earage here returned home from Med fur d lint week where he wen', to take hla high bred Sparkplug to he trained. Mm. May Reynolds hua accepted a poalllrn at the Klamath cafe. ' Horn r ilutchson waa In town hint wer I: a Irjelness. Mr. Hutch, snn In :1.p r""'rnment farmer at the old Vnnlx t.:rm. and Lorrotta: Mlaa Fern'a. t. nt ihi. . u . . m HunOB of Klam. Thoae attending tb. dance ram were gueate of Mra. W. Clement! Sunday. Mra. Btevena of the Ewauna log glng camp wa a vlaltor here Sat urday, , Louie Gervali waa a Klamath FalU vUltor over Sunday. M. D. Hufberger motored to Med ford on Luilneia laat Saturday. Mlea Margaret Denaon apent the week end with her parenta, Mr. and Mra. W. A. Hunon. Mlaa Mary Cloldthwalte arrived here from Berkeley. Cel.. where at Fort Klamath Saturday night frcra thla place were: Mr. and Mra. J. K. Mansfield, Mr. and Mra. Charlie Sevlta, Mra. W. E. Clement. Fred Jackaon, Andy Anderaon, Norman Anderaun, Charlie Cbaataln, John, Leo and Jamei Brophy and Ted Savage. CHILOQUIN William Crawford, well known rancher of SpraKue and Mra. Craw- ahe haa been attending Mlaa Head's; ford have been spending the paat school, to apend the aummer vaca-jfew daya In Klamath Falls on a I IILDERBRAND Itll.ltKllltANH, June 5. Joe Itoceel .and r.lero wcro visiting at the Hitler r.imh Siinduy. Mr. an, Mri. Warren Kllgoro Bpont Saturday night with Mrs. K'll gore's parenu, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Flaekua. j Mrs. l'eto I.oreni returned horn Runflay after an abaence of several weeks. Must of tho people In our valley vlnlted tho llonnnta cemetery Sat urdny. May 30. i Owing to reci.nt ralna the loggera have had to lay off for several daya. ' M. Kliick and son Fred and B. (louche moved a cabin Wednesday from the W. I). Miller mill to their ranch near llonania. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Flackus and children and Grandma Flackus visited at T. 1'. M.'chuels' Sunday afternoon. Marvin Michuul lias been work InK for Mr. Kmllo Egert the past week. Mr and Mrs. W. O. Smyth and babies and Mrs. S. K. Hartilor and children were dinner guesta at the T. P. Michael ranch Sunday. E. P. Pool Is quite sick with typhoid fever and was taken to tho Klamath General hospital Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. George Smyth and son Orval delivered some beef to Klamath Falls butchers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flackus and children and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kilgore were fishing at Sprague river Sunday. Mrs S. K. Hartzler and children railed" cn Mra. George Ritter and Mrs. Charlos Woelk Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horton were transacting busluess In Klamath Fulls Tuosduy. James Vllira has returned home from his Sprague river ranch. F. A. Roberta and 8- K- Hnrt sler were transacting business In Klamath Falls Tuosduy. Hon with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ooldthwalte. Charlie Chastaln and Leo Brophy motored to Fort Klamath Sunday A. J. Fender, Mr. and Mrs. W.'a. Benson and Margaret Benson mo tored to Anne Creek Sunday after noon. W. Doney vn ft business visitor in Klamath Falls Monday and Tues day of this week. J. K. Mansfield and Pete Oade are setting bp a rock erusher at Lobert station for L. K. Porter, contractor of Klamath Falls. J. Dufoot left here Tuesday morn ing for Yanix where he has accept ed a position as blacksmith. Ray Hofberger and .Louis Ger- vals were business visitors in Klam ath Falls Wednesday, Charlie hevlts was down from business trip. Word baa been received from Chief Montanlc, of Pcudleton, who is well known here on tbs Klam ath reservation, that If possible he will come over to the Klamath In dian convention. The Chief la well remembered In religious circles, having appeared before large gath erings many times. Harry Demspey. newspaperman ol San Francisco, who has been In Klamath county tor the past week and making a tour of Inspection of the habits and conditions of the Indians on the Klamath reservation left for Klamath Falls enroute to northern Oregon, where he will spend the week-end before his re turn south. Mr. Demspey says all the roads he traveled over were in fair condition with the exception of The new Oelnger. building la lng ahown nearly completed and aoon Chllo- horse race, quia win be able to boat of having quln will be able to boast of having Klamath county. R. C. Spink, local Justice of the peace was a recent visitor In Klamath Falls. The Unique dancing floor will be thrown open to the public Satur day night at Wlul-Kae, music be-! lng furnished by tbe Broadway Novelettes, which have a great rep for giving the public the best dance music. Walter J. Kerrigan, director of publicity for the Klamath Indian covenl'on has returned from Ash land ere he went In the Interests (nf the convention and Is spending' a few days in Klamath Falls. Ben F. Mitchell, treasurer of the Klamath Indian convention and W. . C. Balfour, local hotel man have returned from Klamath Falls. Weather permitting there will bo a rodeo at Riverside park Sunday afternoon and great Interest Is be ta tbe com:ng blooded Chief Alex Temcsch left (or Klamath Falls enroute to Grants Pass with over 30 head of bucking horses and two mules, which will appear In tbe comlrg rodeo there. Cecil Jackson, Alvln Jackaon ar-1 Francis Silvers went along with t horses. Elden Miller, of the finance com mittee of the Klamath Indian con vention was a recent visitor In Klamath Falls. If you must think of price. think of this roofing "No Interest" Calimua camp to vlalt with his fam- the road between Chllnquln and lly Tuesday evening Mrs. Mort Curtis and brother Billy Crown were visitors at Mrs. U. Anderson's Sunday. Andy Anderson haa accepted a position at Bray's mill on Sprague river. Fred Jackson Is working on the irrigation ditch at Fort Klamath. Sprague (known as the Cave road) and that his and two other cars were stuck in a lane above Bray's mill for over a hour, also that below the Bray mill that fallen rocks endangered public travel. He leaves Klamath county with pleasant thoughts of the bearttiful trip. Wade Crawford, who has estab- Backed by Johns-Man ville Inc., with over fifty years experience in the manufacture of roofings. Madeof carefully selected rag felt thoroughly saturated with life-j giving natural asphalts; Johns-Manvilie Pilot :Koof ing H. D. Lewis, of Marysvllle, Calif., llhd a fnx farm at Fort Klam Is a guest at the W. Doney home ath, left for Klamath Falls on a this week. Lewis la a brother ct Mrs.: Doney. Mr. and Mrs. R. Goings, of Seat tle, Wash., were house guests of Mr and Mrs. Troy Miller Monday business trip. John Hessig has Installed over 25 telephones In the new Gelnger building and expects shortly to have his new phone book off the press. $30.00 Portable Terms as low as $5 cash and $5i per month. References required. No interest. Earl Shepherd Co. 507 Main St. pup HOOFING V Ffi3si As Quantity output and distributing economies make possible the production of this roofing, which combines moderate first costwith really good service. We recommend the application of Johns - Manville Pilot with Pyramid Kaps, fasteners that in sure an absolutely weather -the tob. Ask us about this feature. W. D. MILLER General Distributors isrraw-iirijvv iils5s-alM.3 A L L A ASPGROVE ASPGROVE, June 5. Fred Mul lenaux was down from the Calimus camp Saturday. Mrs. May Daw and two daughters MAKE MORE MONEY WITH fOWER FARMING MACHINERY k Crushers Road Tractors Pays For Itself J-1. Case Threshing Machine Products. Sole Agency For Klamath County. J. N. BRAMHALL, Mgr. i 4 rwiamatn rails, vre. , , fne 149-J. 208-209 Winter Bldg. Colifomiana Inc. will fTUullv arrange polf privileges for visiting members of private accredited clubs. San Francisco IS YOUR HERITAGE This is a great year to see Califoriiia Celebrating this year the 75th Anniversary of State hood, all California is in festival. In the mountains along the beaches camped beneath the giant Red woods, everywhere it's holiday time, with the holiday spirit of recreation and play. , gMany new scenes It's the Year of Years to tour California. Motor over velvet highways, or take advantage of low summer excursion rates on all railroads. It's the ideal time to enjoy the Wonder Tours of Na tional Parks. Redwood Hiehway and forests, chains of Lakes, ' x geysers and petrified forests, the High Sierra and Lake Tahoe, the miles of snowy beaches to fish, golf, dance, swim, motor, to play as you please. Follow the map Come first to San Francisco, sparkling, cool, piquant fascinat ing in a thousand ways, and the starting point for everywhere you will want to go. Whenever you come you are nearly sure to be just in time for some of the many celebrations being held, such as the State Beauty Pageant at Santa Cruz, July 10-14; La Favorite Pageant, Los Gatos, July 26-27; Water and land festivities everywhere July 4; California Rodeo, Salinas, July 22-2 i; Indian Field Day, Yosemite National Park, July 31-Aug. 1; Water Carnival, Redding, Aug. 1-2; Egg Festival and Fair, Petaluma, ' Aug. 12-16; Dons of Peralta Festival, TJakland, Aug. 27-29; and the great Diamond Jubilee Celebration at San Francisco, Sept. 5-12. with many others. J5k Send coupon now for free illustrated .booklet r "tantornia wonaer lours. i.r r f-r . x CaMorniansIoo Msi 1 4 V VJ . Ti r. - Of W L ...: ::;:::.:;:!! f-:-" M M F -;: ::( ill "X. tfaw la 11 1 I 1 T1 JfrmdcuartiT SANfAANCUCO A NON PROFIT ortaaitaHra that will welcome you, help you plan your trip, and assist you in every possible way. 1. Son Francisco Bay cities 1. Yosemite National Park 3. Lake Tahoe 4. Feather River Canyon 5. Lassen Volranic National Park 8. Mt. Shasta (14.000 ft) 7. Redwosd Highway 1 8. Clear Lnke 9. Petrtflrl Forest and Gey acra 10. Muir Wnrcris National Monument 11. University of California M. Leland Stanford University 13. Mare Island Navy Yard 14. State Capital 13. Santa Crus Big Trees 16. Monterey Peninsula 17. General Grant and Sequoia National Parks 18. Minion Highway to Santa Barbara 10. Lon Angeles 20. Son Diego Mail coupon for FREE BOOK Californians Inc., Room 2 . 149 Montgomery Street, San Francisco Please send me "California Wonder Tours." Name - . 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