. k i w . m hnixn? In . , ... Tuesday, June 2, 1925. AJr" , ( .r .uuro free. inVB Juno "w7 ' ai uy Ilofuerjor wore tliltora n Momm rain L, MIII'T waa In Klamath d,r on plcaaura ana uuai- fiullBcaux. wood! 'foreman jludoe Vine company wi n Cillmua camp Friday n Ah worth Tlalttd with t. JlrCala at Chlloquln Frl- i Mra. J- Dufort were In Fall Friday en buslnaaa. i Aoderaon and Mra. Kr- r apent Friday afternoon wllb Tiul Hnyder at Chll- ,,1 Mra. J. J. Brophy and Mri. fieorgo Cnaataln were md pleasure vlaltora In Falla Suturday. J, Chaataln. of Tlonania i with Mr. and Mra. Onorgj i Smith and L. Bcralton, Kraaclaro are tourtata at iamana river reaort. The owned Mr. and Mra. erton. Smith, of Klamath FaJla kilneas Tlnltor here Friday. Kore. of the Klamath knd Robert Tlrnphy, of returned hare Monday, af- llni the week-end flahlnir oor Eyerfeht i ariln npnn "'iir n-"'" aailtb, ana jvur c- .'fcr when the reaiely Is correctly fitted Uj. Atk any wtnrer n( r kimlaalloB of- the er if complote. We huv mm the latest Jnutri p kaowa to tha optical GOBLE 1mm Vramltiaul OTCK SERVICB ) I. Xii m ainin Btrea .1 Frame 1 Repaired pent Haturd.y . Hun Imua camp. I)av. (i.0rM home for a f wm! ',"M '" P vlaltlni BevH. er Mr'- Chsrlle Mra. n..:rt BropUy. ercompunlcd b her ola.e, M, 1e( par l t here Sunday fr Central I'olnt " V"kft' I""". Mra. nrophy 'll return the end of thl. week. . "C(1", Mr. Hnmaker. of the Dunham Aulo company, of Klamath Falla were here on tiutl neaa laat week. Ted Havana motored to Anhlund Saturday, roturnlni; In the evening William MorrlMon' ;.. a home uat of W. Doney'a Thuraday night. Mr. and Mra. Ktovo Jewell, of Oranta Pa,,, yi,4 over Hunday wltK W. Dtaey, who la Mra. Jcw ell'a comln. They were accompan ied home Monday by Mra In.. and children, who will apend cv eral weeko In I ho ItoKue Itlver val ley vialtlng. rolatlrea and frlcnda. Ernie Krumrr waa over from the Annie t'reok mill to anend Sun. day with b!a :m''.v. The event of tti aoaaon, Moe'a tth Annu.il :;4B rf Proareaa. Come. rniiay, Jine i,t i.. a . m. adv. J 2 W. I)OOev hum (pftnlu.t a nn.l "vu m yus. "on at the Kwauna logging camp. Mra. D, Anderaon and Mra. E. Kramer visited, with Mra. Carl Wll Ham, ot her ranch on the' Fort Klamath highway'. Mra. W. E. Clementa and eon William visited with Mr. rinm.n.. at the Topay Lumber company Sun- unr Waller Kaalman waa here Sat urday from Klamath Falla packing lila household gooda for shipment to Medford where he haa a poal tlon a( aawyer In one of the mllla there. Jumna Drlscoll, Inaurance man. of Klamuth Falla waa here ou bual nesa Wedneeday. Pete Deck waa attendtnr In luiul- nesa hero Wedneaday from hie camp at Chlloquln. Louis K. Portor, of Klamath Falla waa a business visitor her8 Wednesday, Watch for the IJura;aln Event of June, Mnos nth Annual gale of rroarpM. Heaina Frlduy, June 5th. 9 a. m. adv. J2 RUMMAGE SALE Ladlea of i-rusoyierian unucn win have a rummuKe sain Baturday. June 6, In the .MuKiiIre IlulldlnR, next door to Herald Office. Ladlea of the con gregation and frlcnda of the church are especially solicited to contribute. Either deliver or call Mra. Marlon Hanks, by Thursday. Sale all day nmurnqy. J2j .r.n".v. v.vilt j; .i'i Jfousewives! Join Mile you May! GLOVER'S COMMUNITY PLATE CLUB is for this Jveeonly too ot Paudos Daaew rltj Kwhrn ,. i : . tlrl u.jf . , Gseewjos Dtsm '7 ft?) FAtkieMM DtncM w 1 AbamDbuh -V. 1 1 ffSVv'r";; WW !i i! :i 531 Piaas :!).-. Silverware in i- AfiAWCeaat Here, CftCadam, is Tour Qhancel A real opportunity an opporttmitv too good to miss! Haven't you always lonwd to cwi enough beautiful Table Siivcr.' -iro far all occasions? Our aim is to put Community Plate the Tablauart DcLuxi within reach of every homclover in this locality. Join today and make your own selec tion of this celebrated ware. It's an in vestment you'll always remember with pleasure. ' ' 46 Piece Set 70i2 lltililll 6 tea spoftus - 6 rmnnni rMtrca CONTENTS 6 tails croons 6 DiNttrnt xiru i socab srooif ' i Btrrrms KNira 0r 0ub Wan VOU. SELECT all of this delightful Community Pij..te Silverware you VOL.' PAY &s Iktic as 2 now, depend ing upon amount of purchase then a small sum weekly. YOU RECEIVE the Silverware at once. How easy if you ac"t htwtb fejulp ' your table like new, and at an expense that scarcely is noticeable. i . YOU PAY OUR REGULAR CASH PRICE AND NO MORE OLD EN KRUST BREAD 12c 12 c G Dark Rye Bread French Bread Pullman Loaf Toast for .breaUf ast, toast for tea, toast whenever the occasion requires. You get the right kind of toast by using GOLDEN KRUST BREAD. Did you ever come home after an evening at the theatre, or bring 'the "gang" home for a feed after the dance, and wish for something dif ferent to serve? ' Try This CINNAMON TOAST Cut enough slices of Golden Krust Bread, sandwich thickness, to serve your guests. Butter the bread well. Mix sugar and cinnamon together, two tablespoonsful of sugar and one of cinnamon to a sandwich and spread over one slice of bread. Place another slice on top and cut across. Place in a flat baking dish and toast in a hot oven until golden brown. Serve with tea. THE KLAMATH BAKERY Between Eighth and Ninth on Main St ' Phone 542