. . 1 bMATH - - Sunday, May "81. 1925'- Vi -,- Pajre TKrs iesenberg Special Breaks Indianapolis SpMiy KcBHl k DE PAOLO DRIVES HOME TO GLORYOF'TWO GREAT HITTERS ' Doomed to Be Dimmed By Tivd Rivals Still in Game OREGON U. AND 0. A. C. MAKE POOItf SHOWING IN PACIFIC CONFERENCE TRACK MEET; STANFORD WINNER ' i: tei. SEATTLE, May 30. Smashing their way through the weight events, hurdles, jumps and relay, Stanford this after TORY IN 500 MILE AUTO DERBY, tlNG 101 MILES HOUR AVERAGE Crowd Ipto Big Speedway For American Racing : a( The Year: Last Year's Remr,l mj. n.. Royer Is Smashed blANAfOLIS SPEEDWAY, Ind., May 30. Brcukini? ious record lor mm mammoth bowl, Peter De Paolo ij Duewnbcrg special to victory in the 13th annual autoinolJilo swecpHtakcs hero today. Paolo's time was 4:56:39.47, an uvcraRo of 101.13 hour.,, Tho previous track record was 98.2 miles an hint year by L. L. Corum and Joe Boyer, who piloted inbcrg. ly 150,000 madly shouting motor enthusiast witnessed t fpectaclc, according to estimates. The stands were color, many thousand, women making up the roam- rone, winch was ubout twice the size of tho crowd r the Kentucky derby. Paolo carried away a prizo of f 20,000 by the terrific It he set. Benny Hill and Dave Lewis, who took turns ng the,, second best car, will divide second money Uaccording to tne number of laps they drove. W. D and Phil Shafer, who divided honors in driving the r, will split $5,000 tho sarne way. roar of the mightiest motors built on any continent, promptly at 10 a. m. They were paced on the first Kddie Rickenbncker, formerly a speed devil himself. Paolo jumped into the lead on the first lap and wasn't until the 174th, when he was forced to the pita. Com- he took up the mad chase, and in the last 100 miles to his own. last 50-milo stretch was the test. De Paolo was being by Bill, who had replaced Lewis in a junior special Around and around they flew, motors roaring .against U of the crowd. Hill did somo gaining, but his spurt late De Paolo flashed across the finish line an easy Bill ivus credited with an average of 100.82 miles - y& a k : Tots 6pexes? JZttrf ' MAioie.' . noon won the annual Pacific coast conference track and field meet with 62 points. ' , . s'. University of Washington was second with '46 points. Between five and six thousand, the largest crowd ever 'As sembled here for a track contest, saw the battle, in which Leistner, Stanford, and . Sweet, Montana,-were tied for 'id-r dividual scoring honors. ' ... Numerous conference records were broken. ' Outstand ing was the accomplishment of Hartranft, Stanford, who threw the shot put 11 inches short of the world's record. His mark was 50 feet 1.3 inches. A strong southwesterly; wfnd retarded track times. The" final score: ' ' 1 Stanford, 62; Washington, 46; Montana, 15 A. C, 14; Oregon, 13, W. S. C. 8; IdahoS; Whitman, 01' : Wilde, Washington, broke the conference mark for the mile with 4:24.5. Listner, Stanford, set a new conference mark of 15 seconds flat for the high hurdles. '. Maginnis, Washington, the suprise of the day, won the two-mile event, with the new conference meet mark of 9 :37.5". . . Only five men In the history of the big leagues had collected 3,000 hit onta Tri" Speaker rantf .i .i.. . . 1.1 c t r-.u n Vn I-aioie. HanWaimer anoj BY. ' A lie live were xj vuuw, iv. . r ' . . .. nAAAt. ,1.. ,l. j... Tl, K,.n Tv f'.Jih Pnn AnHnn.' NaT Laioie. u,, .... .uwui ' - . -.-. !,;,',,:. .mm-. jford. '. Speaker, barring any mishaps, will pass v,rawiora iuu ?' '" ,.. , t : ( J and, if he plays part of next seasoncan pass Lajoiei total of W6-yyj. ' hits bclii'm Speaker. " ' 1 .- ' . ' Sam Crawford. swung a hurt! left to aa tho round and fight XICAN LEAGUE tme n. II. E. 7 9 S li. 13 2 f Shocker, Johnson and tics and Perkins. nme ' R. H. E. I, U 2 hh, 6 18 2 N I'onnock- DonRough n; Iinumnurtnor, Roinmol ln, Cochrane. It. II. E. 9 15 1 os - 4 9 1 's Wlnsrfiold and Moving; Marberry, Itussoll and same n. H. E. 2 10 0 7 IS 2 os Khmko and Tlclnlch; 'id lluel. :ame . it. E. 7 14 0 12 16 2 ies Smith, nuckoye. Hoy u Scwoll; Colllna. Wolls. i Voodall. gams n. H. E. : 2 7 0 10 10 1 Vowoll, Shnute, I.evson, na h. Eewoll: Leonard Her. : UiTlciilmcli tlip jaw ended. -'. ' ' -' Ilcrlenhach Trlns tho dccLslon. American Association Columbus, 2-4; Toledo, 6-5. MlnnMpolls, 3-15; , St, .Paul, 7-5. Louisville, 0-6; Indianapolis, 3-1. Kansas City, 2; Milwaukee, 6. ROUND IS Mlko jabbed Itcrli-nliach with three li fts to the face, llorlcnbach ! landed hard left to the Jaw and Mlko held on. tlvrlenbach put a left to the body. They locked amis again, wrratllng about the ring, both working on the other'a body. McTiguo staggered llerlenbach with a l'ft to chin. Ih-rlrnbarb, landed a hard left to the chin and Mlko brltnl lilm with three hard right. YANKS 1)SK TO ATHLETICS PHILADELPHIA, May 30. Ding Miller's single, oft Tennock's glove In tbe fourteenth .Inning gavo the Athletics a 6 to t decision over the New York Yankees In a hectic fray here this afternoon. Miller's hit brought home Jimmy Dykes. . The victory was tbe fifth In a row, giv ing them a four-game lead on first place. The Athletics defeated . the Yanks in tho morning gnme, 9 to 7. COBB TRIPLES TO WIN" DETROIT, May 30. Ty Cobb's Tigers slugged themselves up to sixth place in tbe Amorlcan league by taking a doubleheader from Trls Speakers' Indians, winning the sec ond game 10 to 2. . Cobb's triple with the bases full In tbe fourth, cinched the game. pale bose got 13 bits in the opening game to win 6 .to 2. WRESTLING TITLE IS IN TERRIBLE TANGLE The Jumbled claims of the world's heavyweight wrestling title were muddled still more hopelessly yes terday when two o( tho three rlaim ante of tbe crown were defeated. At Michigan City, Ind., Stranglcr over' "foe I la Twi clamped Wayne "Bib" Muuh's shoulders to the mat. : Munn bad won a doubtful victory - stranglcr lasc winter. , At St. Louis, Joe Setcher's jyne crushing holds forced Stanltdaus Zbyszko, who took Mann's disputed title away from him, to relinquish his claims to 'tho throne.. - SENATORS RED SOX DIVIDE WASHINGTON, May 30. Thej Senators and Red Rox divideed a aouDie ncaner- nere toaay, jjosion tnklng the morning, game, 9 to 4, and tbe Senators tbe matinee clas sic, 7 to 2. '' WHITE SOX CRAB TWO CHICAGO. May 30. Eddie Col tins and his crew of pennant-asplr-t ing.Whita Sox took both ends of a doubleheader with the St. Louis Browns here this afternoon. The BOXING sssiia-s SSa " i" Scandinavian Ha ii R. H. E. 2 7 1 . K 8 0 rles vanglldor, Davis, ana Dixon; Lyons ' and Jiamo n jr. w - 2 9 1 '. i ft 9 fsB-Daiirorth find Rnvnr. nan4 Schnlk. FnFout to A GAME TODAY hed From Page One); 8me this afternoon df ' a fartn. U- vuuuuie oauing - win vn . . Dull. miu wm oe; SK ""'-Buries, -8b; . Norwest, s; Noel, cf; Clark, If; Arnold, lb; - .w, p. 3v p ; "s: Courtney, cf; '. S!,c.hw.r- lb" p: Won. tjninony p., it, EnraT; r U Z "'INS DECISION Umh! Boy! Some Food! For a rjeal feed, after the ganle today come in here A dinner that will please both players and fans One that will satisfy the pangs of hunger and make a real Hit! Welcome Weed! COME AGAIN! The Triangle Cafe Tuesday, June 2 Klamath Falls, Oregon -i r , ! i, ;..;!' Main Event Ten Rounds : J( i fcj . J SAMMY OLSON vs. JIM (Firpo) GORMAN ? v Galesburg Fighting Swede Who of New .York", who fought' a ' "fought a sensational draw. draw with Fred Fulton, and with Focco Stramaglia on the . ' has boxed the leading heavy- ' last card." , ' weights in the East. i r;lixWl Six Rounds S'S-lffifiMli1 Joe toffmari, of Portland, vs. Johnny Carlson, of Spokane , FourR J TObur Harrington, K. . vc. Jack McCarthy, S. F. J ".Richard cptt.ys.JBabe Lightfoot v pr Ringside Seats 3.30. : i :i General Admission $1.65. ; ) "' Reserved " $2.20. ,.: .; ; Seats on Sale at Mecca, Waldorf and Pastime and : 'The Smoke Under Auspices Klamath Falls Boxing Commission i Brownie, Matchmaker , 1 'J Put , , of thoin. Mc ' II r0"!. Vt b0,,y n,, I o tho chin.