The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 29, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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....I'll -KM AT rhuroh at
'J, Mrrrllt ha ben
-I. a
r!L in th etanre
L, Ml. Ukl h'tl -
u )ijr 31-.
..h Bunds? chuol I
L u now on of th Ur-
L ,chooli in
Klimiih Fain.
Lnlliun uperlnund-
j, ibo fin corp 01
,ro at! iurprwod inai
nool U growing.
Ltirliin Churrh
Mrrrlll, "
. Sabhalh -hooi.
L Morning worship.
L. CsfWIan Endsavor.
m. Evin!ng orlo.
.1 H Vessels, of Prtnce-
will fill ili pulpit both
Li oninK.
L Monday, Junior C. E.
th city of Klamath v.u. ......
u .Dd p,o,a t. ,; i "
nignpit biadnr for cash t
tli. real propsrt, hrolnn,r 4a.
jrlbrd. or to mucli tWuf a a...
b! to "llify th. sums
o iaT.IM.Oo with lnt.;t 'h'r.on
at tU rate of p,r cent per an
num from lorcmi, 22ni1i m,
and the fun bur aam of 17 677 41
with talsrcat on th. ..m i im
1 Hi. tit i t) ri, of p,,, B1
pr annum from January 16th to
July ;it, 121. and Interest on
the i.m of tT.6TT.41 at th rat
of I per cnt per annum from July
,J".,.,I,li,.,,Bl th ,ur""r
of I17.77M7 with Interest thereon
at th rat of I Dr cm d .
nuin from August lllh. 121, and
th further aum of fj, 136.4 taa
for th yeara 1K(I, m) mj.
Friday, May 29, 1925.
Page Tltreo Foil PUnMOATION
llarunrnt of tlis Intxrlor
U. 8. Land Office at LikevUw, Or.
ay , iZ6.
Nottc la hereby given that Wil
liam Orrlll Bmyth, of H'ldebrand.
Ore., who on June 11, 1V20, mad
Stock ltulalng Homeatead Kntry No.
0, for SttNW. SWK, Bee.
8. Ui4.NliVi.BiCK, Bee. 29. NV4
HK'A. Bee. 12, and N V4 NW , Bee.
13, Towniblp 278. Hang UK.,
Willamette Meridian, ha filed
nolle of Intention to nakr Thru
Year i'roof, to establish claim to
th land abort described, before
. u. iiamaaer. u. .
hereby la declared to be benefited
Lola 1. 2, 7 and I, block 12,
Original Town of Klamath
' Valla. Oregon; and lot 2, 1
and 4. Illock 47, Nichola Addi
tion to Klamath Falls, Oregon
and that laid property abor dea
crlbed be and hereby li declared
to be benefited and aaaeaaed for the
expena of aald Improvement; and
that Monday, the 15th day of June,
lZ5.- at th Hour or 8:00 o'clock
p. m.. at th Council Chambera In
th Common Council that th pro- a Resolution adopted by th Com-'
perty hereinafter described be and i mem Council at I la regular meeting
neid on Monday, May 18th. mzb.
and of the whole of aald resolution.
Folic Judge.
M21, 22, 23, 24, 2, 27,28,29, 30,11
Commission- ih. n, .. it n vi.M.,h v.n.
a u,nn."' Oregon, on the.Oregon. be fixed aa the time and '"t 2 and SWNE. 8e.
13th day of June, 1925 ptc. for the hearing of objection Township 418., Range 12E.,
(Jalmant name a wltneaie: ,ind remonalrancea axainat aald oro- " Meridian, has filed i
U V tl Willi-
and lh addltlinal aum of 13,000.00 i Peter A. Johnaon'and T. A. RoU
' " ana me roau ana
expenera of and upon this writ,
mlnua th aum of 15.990.00 here
tofore paid, the aald proparty being
altual In the County of Klamath
and Btate of Oregon, and particu
lar! described aa follows, to-wlt:
Lola 19, 20, 21, 12. 27. 2. 29.
10. of Reetlon 11: all the merchant-
auie limner lying atandlng and be-
arte, all of lilldehraud. Oregon
F. P. LIGHT, ,
M10 Jlllnc. Reglater.
Ninth Htreet Pavement Number 89
Th City Engineer, pursuant to
reaolutlon of th Common Council
and remonalrancea agalnat aald pro-
poaed Improvement; and
The Folic Judge be and he here
by la directed to cauae notice of
aald bearing to ba publiahed aa by
charter provided.
State of Oregon.
County of Klamath,
City of Klamath Kalis, aa.
I, Lem L. Caghagen, Police
Judge of the City of Klamath Fall,
Oregoa, do hereby certify that the
o than our ninny
their sympathy and a in
fer Ihf ho.iiilliii. rrii
tcalvoi' t -ir'na th' " "nt
n t. r-
ia t : '
t. Mt i- i: .
s.i ..Z. . I" q?arteJr ' heretofor adopted, having on the
ni.T . . ? , " f.Uu"n,d,rr 4,h dl"r ' May, 1925. filed plana.
S , ,LVJ, t0,S?r . "'O! PeclflcatloBa and eatlmate of the
a I the merchantable timber lying Cost of lmorovlnn 9th atroet from
k)f MtK t.F POtiK-
kliy No. U-ITUO.
Ircuit counT op Tin:
Rraatwell aa SiipTlntrnd
ut Baaka for lb ?-
kt, PUIntttf T. Hadla
Lumbar Compaav. a
lit, and J. W. Sicmous,
at ef an elocution and
ul Issued out of th
lilad court on th 14th
lir, 1925, upon a Judg-
dxrre of mortgage fore
Imd In th above entitled
ft 1Kb, day of October,
atndlng me to max
iroperty hereinafter dea
lt auch thoreof a may
It. I will on th 13th day
Jim, at th hour of 10
lis forenoon, at tea
of the Court Ilouae. In
atandlng and being on the aoutb
weal quurti r of Brcllon 13, aame to
b cut nd ri'Ciovcd prior to March
22nd, 1927: nil the merchantable
timber lying standing and being
on th aou'.hcrat quarter of th
oulhwoat quarter imd the weat
half of the southeast quarter of Suc
tion 14, same to he cut and re
ranrod prlcr to November 2th,
192t; all the merchantabl timber
lying atandlng and being on the
at half of the southeast quarter
of Soctlon 14, aame to be cut and
removed prior In December 22nd,
19)(; all the merchantable tlmbor
lying atandlng and being on th
northeaat quarter uf the oorthweat
quarter, the aoulh half of th
nnrlhwnet quarter of Section 24.
aame to be cut and removed prior
to September 7th, 1927; all th
merchantable timber lying atand
lng and Doing on the northwest
nmrter of the northwest quarter
nf Section 24, aame to be cut and
amoved prior to December 22nd,
1'lne atreet northerly to High
street, excluding lntreaectiona on
either end thereof, and th Council
having taken aame under advlaa
ment and finding aald plana, apec
Iflcatlona and estimate to ba satia
aald plana, apecltlcatlon and esti
mates for the Improvement of the
aald portion of Ninth atreet be and
tbe aam are hereby approved; and
that th Common Council hereby
declare It Intention to Improve
aald portion of Ninth atreet .In ac
cordance with the aald plana, ape-
clflcatlona and estimate. 8ald Im
provement ahall constat of paving
aald portion of aald atreet with con
crete pavement. Warren Ite Bltull
thic pavement with rock base, War
renlte Bltullthlc pavement with bitu
minous concrete base, aaphaltlc
concrete pavement with rock baae,
or aaphaltlc concrete pavement with
asphaltlc concrete baae, at an eatl-
foregolng la a duly enrolled copy of Mil J13Inc.
Department of the Inl!rlor,
U. B. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore.,
May 11, 1925.
Notice la hereby given that
Frank Zumpfe, of Malln, Oregon,
who, on November 12, 1921, made
Heciamatlon Homeatead Entry, No.
VU8Z3, lor Farm unit D or
Section 21
rldian. haa filed notice of
Intention to make Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before C. R.
DeLap, Clerk of tbe County Court
at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the
loin aay of June, 1925.
Clafmant namea aa witnesses:
A. M. Tbomaa. Joaenh Jacob.
John Reber and Mr. Anna Zumr,
an of Malln, Oregon.
1121; all the merchantable timber I mated cost. Including curbing, gut-
ng (landing and being on the
f rtheaat quarter of tba aouthwest
r i trier of Section 24, aame to be
cu and removed prior to December
20. 1. 1929; 1.232.000 feet of tho
merchantable timber lying atandlng
and being on the northeaat quarter
of the northeast quarter, the wost
half of the northeast quarter, th
eatt half of th east half of th
northwest quarter of Section 27.
with option to buy all the excess
timber over and abovo the 1,232,
000 feet at a price of 13.00 per
thousand feet, all to be cut and
removed prior to July 1st, 1925;
all of the afor;,a!il being situate
In Township 36, South of Ranga
10, East Willamette Meridian, In
Klamath Connty. Oregon.
By Burt E. Hawkins, Sheriff.
M1.V22.29 J5.1Z
tera and drainage, and a fir foot
aldewalk on th westerly side there
of only, for concrete pavement,
Warrenlto Bltullthlc pavement with
rock base, or asphaltlc concrete
pavement with rock base, of 13,
296.60, and for Warren Ite bltullthlc
pavement with bituminous concrete
base, or aaphaltlc concrete pavement
with asphaltlc concrete base, of
13,4 4 5.20: aald pavement In either
event to Include grading, rolling
and curbing, and drainage; ald
pavement to be of the width and di
mensions shown on the plana and
specifications of the City Engineer
on file with the Police Judge, in
Klamath Falls, Oregon, with con
crete sidewalk five (5) feet wide
on the westerly side thereof, only,
with parking strips leveled through
out. :
An Enduring
Glidden Endurance Paint
is made to endure, and
because through years it
has measured up to its
claims, it has earned a
right to its name. Every
can sold is backed with a
guarantee of satisfaction.
If your property needs
Glidden Paint, don't put
it off, put it on.
Steel Counter Height Filing Cabinets
Southwell Stationery Co.
Phone 602. 626V, Main St.
6th A Klamath ' " Phono 389
Klamath Falls, Westwood, Susan-:
ville Stage Line
.... t
Geo. A. Scott, Owner,
Starting Thursday, May 21st, 1325
Leaving Klamath Falls
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7 :30 A. M.
Arriving at Klamath Falls
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6 :00 J. M.
Leaving Susanville
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:30 A.. M.
Arriving at Susanville " '
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 6i:00 P. M,
Making through trip in one day.
Connecting at Klamath Falls for Ashland,
Medford, Portland, Bend, and points north. Con
necting at Susanville for Reno, and points east
and south, also Fruit Growers camps. . - . -
New comfortable stages will be used on this line.
Best of Service Guaranteed.
i i
This Shop Will Be Open All Day Tomorrow
Come in for some of our Pastry
Specials for your week-end camp
ing trip. We will have on hand;
tomorrow J
Chop Suey Cup Cakes
Angel Food Cakes
Apple Saiice Cake
Danish Pastry Doughnuts
Parker House Rolls
Finger Rolls
Sandwich Loaves
Between Eighth and Ninth on Main St
Phone 542