c yoltT IBP. ! LEFT IN . S CONTEST Doli!'0'"1 b" e,r" .iihilrawn from ' Lon liulWlPi Oonteit. ,i .iih us una going 'j,rt, Mrs. (loldswortby ...n her nwt aor L, Is " "lD ,hRt ,od Id y Tight wader she may win ..'i witch out. i, tint Mm. !llor Mrawn 'r"in 11,0 C0D" the conli'nt managers .. n I V. . tj. for ; trablwil the phono to the report su rrdlrled Ir- Ool.U- Lrrii In the nogatlvs. ,hould say I hsvent m mil to "In tht L remember thl nctt k, ,t a p. m. i tno 1rt "pnrlud of the that tlrao tho extra will he lKurd for the L voles for every 1Q lion money turned In ulsnlng of the content. it close and the cou- i know trom one day hn will ho In tho Icatl Lbllihod standing. Now to ut ill tko manoy La both old and new to that you can Rot LrMt extra vote offor U. There will ue other i!(crt, hut thl one la lie largest ono during only 20 mors daya In Juit 20 daya and w who the winner of ties are. Tne content it 15th at 9 p. m. At nd(M will count the ai the prlto will 'bo tie contestant baring Minding. R. H. E. 4 11 1 S 12 , 1 hSliiute. Speeco, Yow- (rVinRlldor and Dixon. NAL LEAGUE R. H. E. s ii i ...7 6 t Hon. Btoitland. Brett Ml; Krcmcr and Smith. - R. . II. E. 2 7 1 5 12 0 i-Barne, Winner and rlum and Gibson, lame n. H. E. 4 8 2 6 9 1 Mentloy, Dean, Hunt- Gowdy; Cooncy end r. m.. e; 10 16 1 i 4 10 '4 -Vinco and Dnhnrrv: P'U, Hlnes and Honllna. n h v. 3 12 1 1 i -Crimes and Hargravea; "'Ml and Wilson. R. II. 9 11 BtMMO.V8 nil 7? ';.nT OF THH VU?0I'KMN FOR THK KLAMATH. a i r, r'8n"ft Pearl tin,. -T "oionaant. ? tha Slut of Ore 4 . e,))r "Quired to it . B.r the complaint t J" '! ,h8 "ovs en C nf' ibe,OTe Thuraday 11 ?i Jllno' 192B' n ha i . nwr, for want iV'tt011",,1" a,,1"y 10 ""nplalSi el'er prayed for v l' ,0-wlt: 'or . .,on on tho a. '"li dum' ""'ring her "urdonsome and un- """"oni i. . . ublci,iu Mrved upon wClv. BC! e,ch "1 ''out Hh ' Puruant lud,,of ""horabla A. L. 4."m 'h love entitled D,,,' ." ed on April 1 b ' ?,f 'Irit publication Adi.?'"c? Bttsl- ' a ..!" 201-202- V fall. ,V"uln. Klam- ORTS "d from I'aico Hlx) r7n.io ic.c.un.m , ; ,i . T"--f 1 1 t u.tlertes Sothoron and O'F.r- roil,, wunauue, May, )rj. Utugla.' and TODAY'S STANDING PAt'lIK: (Aht LKAtil'E Club W. ...24 ...27 ...27 ...21 ...22 .. 21 19 ...15 I Iimt laHaa a.. I i . tumii, ui I11M1 DOir Of -I 11 , -..v..ht nuuiurDn nil rvw I irtismHr,.. - . I L. Pt. 12 .739 20 .674 21 .6J 22 . .488 24 .471 25 .457 2 .404 24 .306 K L. Pot. 10 .701 It .883 la .600 18 .480 17 .486 18 .466 20 .394 23 .389 flan Franclaco Halt Lak .... Lus AngoU .. Portland Seattle Oakland Hacrsmsuto .... Vernon NATIONS I, .KA(;IK flub- W. ..24 ...21 New York Ilrooklyn Pittsburgh Pblladulpbla ... Cincinnati Boston Ht. Louis Chicago AMKIiK'.tN l,K(K H (;lul' W. L. Pot. Philadelphia 33 g -7j9 Washington 23 12 Cleveland 20 13 .006 Chicago 20 18 .671 m- '"' 18 21 .442 Now York 13 20 .394 ""trolt 14 24 .308 Boston... ...'....;....n gj .321 NOTICK OK HIIKIIIPfH HALH Law No. K-1077. IN THH CIRCUIT COURT FOR nr. biaik or OREOON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. . Prank C. Ilrsmwoll, a Superin tendent of State Hanks for the State of Oregon Plaintiff vs. T. M. Cunningham. Floyd Cunning ham and Mra. T. M. Cunningham Defendant. By virtue of an execution and order of sale Istued out of the abov entitled court on the 19th day of May. 1825. uoon a iurtr. j ment and decree of sale under ex ecution entered In tho above ac tion on the 20th day of June, 192. fAHIItllllHInv ma In n I. a sals of ths property hereinafter dea. j crlbed, or o much of it a may be neceaaary, I will on the 20th day iof June. 1925. at ten o'clock In tne- forenoon, at the front door of th Court H! In the city of Klamath Falls. Klamath County. Oregon, offer for sale and "proceed to aell to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the real property herolnafter described, or so much thereof aa may be necessary, to sat isfy the ums of 16.634.25 with Interest thereon at the rate 'of eight per cent per annum alnce March 26th, 1922. and tha sum of 8660.00 as attorney's foes; and for tha further sura of $1,163.45 with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from February 4lh, 1923, and the sum of 8125.00 as attorney' fees sncl I he further sum of costs nd , disbursement Incurred In said ac- Jlon. the ald property being ettu- ate In the County of Klamath. I LKtato of Oregon anil moro particu-: Tarly descrihed as follows: The southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of tho south east quarter of Section 20; the west half of Section twenty nine, the smith half of the southeast quartor snd the west hnlf of the northeast quarter of eoctlon Iwonty-nlne; the north half and, the southeast quarter of tba northwest quar ter, tho northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and tho southeast quarter of tho north east quarter of Section thirty two; and the west half of the northwest quarter of Section thirty-three; all In Township thirty-eight South, of Range ten East of Willamette Merld-. , lan. In Klamath County, Ore gon. BURT E. HAWKINS. Sheriff. Of Klamath County. Ore. MS0.27 J3.10.17 OTICE OP FINAIi ACCOUNTING Notice Is hereby given that the nndersixned ha filed with the dork ot Klamath County. Oregon, hi final accounting In the estate nf Kmantial Dunn, deceased. That by an order of the County Court the 8th day ot June, i hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been set aa th time and the County Court room a the place for hear ing of objection to alowance of aid accounting. All person In terested please take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. Administrator of the Estato of Emanual Dunn, De ceased. M6,13,20,27 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ..n nf the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore- May ii. x?.. i.. ii harahT aiven that Prank Zumpfe, of Malln, Oregon. who. on Novemner u, s. '" Reclamation Homestead ntry No. ......... t-.-.vi i in 1 1 "IV in lot 4 and SWKNEK. Section 21, Township 413., Range las... DR. O. GOBLH Olasar Fitted and Grout 70t) Mala Street phone 188-W aUOKUB K. ROSKNQUW General Insurance Boom 4 Bnarman Bldg. Pbone 820-W Honrs to 5 Bat. Evening ette Meridian, haa filed notice of'j I Proof to eataliliab claim to the luitTiiiiun in mi ira tk.. v . - i , uwriucq, oeiore u. n. ui.ap, Clerk of tho County Court. at Klamath Falli, Oregon, on the 15th day of June, 1926. Claimant name a wltneaaei: A. M. Thomaa, Joaeph Jacob, John Reber and Mra. Anna Zumr, all of Malln, Oregon. p- "OUT. " '!. Keglater. NOTICK FOR Pt'BMCATION 1'PiHiiient of tlie Intnrior U. 8. Und Office at Ukevlew, Ore. May , 1926. ' Notice la hereby given that Wll flam Orvllle Smyth, of UMdebrand, Ore., who on June 18, 1920, made Stock ItaUIng Homontcad Kntry No. J9908, for 8WNWH, BW, Bee, . 8HNIi.8K14. Ilee. 28, NV NE14, Sec. 82, and NViNWtf, Bee. JS, Townahlp 87B. Ilange HE., Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intontlon to make Three Year Proof, to eatabllah' claim to the land above daacrlbil. before J. O. Hamaker, U. 8. Cqmmtaalon or, at ltonanza, Oregon, on the 13th day of June, 1925 ' Claimant namoa a wltnease: 8. K. Harttlor, Willi Hoover, Petor A. Johnaon and T. A. HoL erti, all of HHdohrand, .Oregon. f. p. Light. 1 M10 J13lnc. Jleguiter. HKHoi.inrioN 7 1 Ninth Street Pavnnont Number SO The City Knglneer, pursuant to resolution . of the Common Council heretoforo adopted, having on- the 4th day of May, 1926. filed plana, specifications and estimate of the cost of Improving 9th street from Pine street northerly to High street, excluding Intreseotlon- on either end thereof, and the Council having taken same under advise ment and finding said plans, snec- iflcatlona and estimates to be satis factory: BE IT HEnEBY RESOLVED that said pinna, specification and estt mates fur the Improvement of the said portion of Ninth street bs and the same are hereby approved; and BE IT FUUTHBR RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby aeciare It Intention to Improve said portion of Ninth street in ac cordance with the ald plans, spe cifications and estimate. Bam Im provement shall consist of paving said portion of said street with con crete pavement, Warren Ite Bltull thlc pavement with rock base. War ronlte Bitulithlo pavement with bltu. mlnoua concrete Lase, asphaltlc concrota pavement with rock dm, or asphaltlc concrete pavement with asphaltlc concrete base, at an estl. mated cost. Including curbing, gut tors and drainage, and a five toot sidewalk on the westerly side there of only, for concrete pavement, Warrenite Bltullthlc pavement with rock base, or asphaltlc concrete pavement with rock base, of 83,- 295.60. and for Warrenite bltullthlc pavement with bituminous concrete base, or aaphaltlc concrete pavement with asphaltlc concrete base,' of 38,446.20: said pavement In either event to Include grading, rolling .,, ,rhi, di-ainnee? pavement t0 be of tne wld.b and dl menslons shown on tho plans and Bpeciricattonsi of tho City Engineer on fn w,n tne Police Judge, in Klamath Falls. Oregon, with a con- creto sidewalk five (5) feet wide on the westerly side thereof, only, with parking strips loveled through out. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Common Conncll that tho pro perty hereinafter described bt and hereby la declared to be benefited lo-wit: ":- Lota 1, 2, ' 7 and 8, block 12. Original Town of Klamath Falls, Oregon; and lot 2, 3 and 4, Block 47, Nichols Addl- , tlon to Klamath Falls, Oregon- V and that said property above des cribed be and hereby la declared to be benefited and assessed tor the expense of said Improvement? and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Monday, the 15th day of June, 1925, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m at the Council Chambers In the City Hall of Klamath Fall, Oregon, be fixed aa the time and placo for the . hearing of objections and remonstrances against said pro posed Improvement; and - , ' The Police Judgo be and he here by Is directed to cause notice ot said hearing to be published as by chartor provided. (. State ot Oregon. County of Klamath, City of Klamath Falls, ss. I, Lem L. - Oaghagon, Police Judge of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing I a duly enrolled copy of a Resolution adopted by they Com mon Council nt Its regular meeting held on Monday, May 18th, 1925, and ot the whole of said resolution. LEM L. GAGHAOBN. Police-Judge. M21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27,28,29, 30,31 Try LORENZ CO;' First For Garden Hose. J. A. GOLDSMITH . Ctos Tailor ' ' 10 Winter Bldg.S Salts From 9S9.50 to 70.00 B. U ELLIOTT . -i - Attorney At Law Address H-8 Bng-arman Blrtf . Tel. 120 Office. Home Office Honrs av to 8180 f. Classified Ads?' OLAHHIKIBD 1 Una 1 day 1 Una 3 days 1 llns t day 1 line 4 day 1 llns 1 week AD IIATKS 10a 16c 20c 25c .... 80c 75c 1 line 1 month aseVwaeaViW For SU Real Estate FOR SALE Four room modern house, laundry, atone foundation, garage. $3,600. Term. 630 California Ave. M20-27 FOR BALE Six room bungalow In Hot eprtngs Addition, 739 Eldor ado Are. Furnace, oak floor, etc. Bos W. 8. Wiley, L O. O. P. Uldg. Ml9tt. For Rent FOR RENT Modern furnished apartment. Phone 149-W. Win ter' Building. M27-28 FOR RENT Bedroom, single or double. Inquire 303 Washing ton or call 284-W. M27-29 FOR RENT Pleasant sleeping room. Close In, reasonable rent, 521 Jefferson. Phone 277-W. M26-28 FOR RENT First class apartment at Evans Apt. " ' M23-29 FOR RENT Bleeping room with hath. 324 3o. 6tb atreet. M24-31 Real Estate 740 ACRES, 500 In meadow, good house, big' barn, spring water, all under fence, 1 mile from Stra horn R.R.- near highway, coun ty road by .house, $30 per acre, one-half down, per cent Interest on unpaid balance. One of the best stock ranches In Klamath county.- " l( A REAL NICE NEW home In a 4 room bungalow, two bed room, large living . room, nice site kitchen, white .enameled, breakfast nook, two porches and full basement, stationary wash tubs In basement, builtln conven- ' lences In bath, living room, and kitchen. - Price $4,250, on- terms. FOUR-ROOM plastered house with bath, garage, woodshed, quite a little shrubery, lot 50x100, In good location, . close to school Price 83,000, two-thirds down. reasonablo monthly payments. THREE ROOM . house, garage. ; a good little home for 31,900, $250 down and 325 per month,' on balance unpaid. " ' '. NEW THREE "ROOM house with Inside toilet, good sized rooms on large lot, plenty :of room for another honse. In good location in Mills Addition. House '.is not quite finished but will be 'short ly. ' ' FOUR ROOM modern , .bnngalow, garago, wood shed, J largo lot, trees and In.lawn, good location, partly furnished. -Trice ?3,000 on terms. SPLENDID LOT on Johnson Ave. A splendid view of valley and ' city. One of the few left lit good locations. Price J500 cash. FOR SALE Modern rour-room fur nished bungalow, close to school. Laree lot in good location, price 13250: 1660 down and . J75 monthly paymonts. t FOR BALE-New modern home of 4-room.ST With breaKtast , nooa, shower bath, very nicely arranged little home. Prlco $3,000, rea- 1 sonable payment down and long time: term on balance. ( . . ALSO a new three-room houso with shower bath; a neat little new home for $2,000; reasonable pay ment down and good terms oh balance.'- TWO SPLENDID warenouae ion on Market St- One corner,, on pavement, price $1,700. the other an Inside lot Just off ot pave ment, price $1,300. GOOD RESIDENT lot on Herbert ' and Hillside St., 60x140 bh-'cor-- nor, price $400. $100 balance at $1 Per montS. I HAVE A NUMBER of good lot left In Mills Addition. Price from $200 to $400. $ ROOM modern bungalow In splendid location, on good lot on , 9th street. , Nice lawn, garage, "paving, paid. Price $6250. Term. ONE QF THE BEST .resident lots on 6th.'tret with garage. .Price $1,000.. . A BARGAIN In a two year ota : modem 3 room ' honse, bath hreaknist nook, large clothes closet, garage, on corner lot on paid up paving. Price $3,1X0, on terms. . ' - MRS. NATS- OTTERBEIN -001 Macon St. , Phono B80-M Wanted ' WANTED Middle' aged woman wanted to do light housework ' and be companion for elderly ' lady.' Box W, New office.' M27 J2 WANTED-,-Work by hour, morn 1 logs. Restaurant or hotel prefer ! red. Phone. 266-M. M27-30 WANTED Competent lady to rep resent a line - of ladles gowns. Call room 227, Hall hotel, from 9 to 2. , M26 WANTED Situation ax cook In camp, hotel or restaurant. Write 310V Tenth St.. Portland, Ore. Mrs. K. . ' M26-29 For Sale Miscellaneous FOR 8 ALE Two A-l Holsteln cows, lust fresh, giving six gal lon each dally. Six miles south ' of town, near Miller hill. Wal-I ter. Zetxman, R. F. D. No. 1, Klamath Falls.. M26-28 FOR SALE Dairy cows, with or without milking machine. Would trade for atock -cattle. Phone 11F12.' box 536. M24-30 BARGAINS IN HOUSE dresses snd . aprons. Watch Hemstitching Shop Windows, 181 No. 4th St. M2S-26' FOR" SALE Secondhand" furniture. Plenty of stoves isnd furniture at , Icenhower New and Second hand Store.' 389 E. Main. Ash land, Ore., hear library. Phone 171. -1 M6 J6 FOR SALE Cheap. Jordan toun ingv car, has all: accessories, .! tkst das condition. Must be teen to be appreciated. , Writ R. 8., Klamath New tor appoint ment. . M26tf Miscellaneous OARDENING, LAWNS. Phone M27 J27 620-W. DRIVING TO COOS BAY Sunday, May 31. Can take 3 passen gers.. Share expense: Write News. - M26tf 10 INTEREST Our summer Phon ograph Sales Campaign Is based on "No Interest" on any make of Phonograph and "better terms." Wise buyer trade with Earl Shepherd Co., 507 Main St. M21 J20 0. A. WESTMAN. contractor and builder. Phone 881 or Inquire at Scandinavian hall. M14 Jii' AUTO LAUNDRY Phone 823 Cars called for and delivered. "Spring & Esplanade St. M9 J9 JtEMEMBER THE PRIDE yon 'took In that shiny new car? Para gon Auto; Laundry can make U look just like that end do I ' quickly, too. .127 So. 11th (a! Klamath Are. tor service. Phone -894-J. . i ' . . JA27 M27 f HE. WAFFLE KITCHEN . serve real cream' waffles -at oil hours. 119 So., tn Bt.-- '."-- .Atltt KLAMATH- ART SHOP Hemstitch, lng. pecotlng, stamping, embroid- . ering. 130 So. 7th. street. Klam ath Falls, Oregon. M5 J6 A booster, for Klamath county 'and Klamath ' Falls and every legit imate Industry therein that's the Klamath News. - Phone 106-J. Boom 10,- Looml Bldg. DR. W. A. LEONARD - Dentist .Specialist la Extractions, Oral Surgery and Diseases of the Month. , PR. PHILIP CPLE , General Practice of Dentistry Open Evening, by Appointment Phone S60 . BIS Mala Oyer Hoc' Store FRED BUSSING . . ) I ' Real Eatate, Reatale and Fire Insurance 1080 Mala St. Phone 9T4-W 1 Sou&weD SiitioneryCo. . WSI INSTALL . , BOOKKEEPING 8YSTEM8 83H'Ialn Bt, . Phone 802 ... ... a . ... - Ma Boaei Oorweta, HlaaHe Re daoers and Ooreetletta Made ' to Measure. Guaranteed. ROSE RANDALL 821 Jefferson St. Phone 7T-W , SVEBrnflNQ FOB .. : JiSi THE OFFICH V LO.O.F. Klamath Lodge No. 137 Mast (very Friday night. W. E. Beck, N. O. , ; , ; . . ; Canton Crater No. 7 Meat! very Wednesday evening. Carl Bandell, Commandant Lund, O. P. Ewanna Encampment No. Meets every Tuesday night. A. B. P rospsrlty Rsbekah Lodge No. 104 Meets first and third Thurs day.. Mra. Viola Jones, N. O. Bring Us Your HIDES and PELTS We are fa the market foe Hides' and Pelts, and will pay the highest market price. - Lewis Grocery . 223 & 6th- Phonr3SS ; EVANS Se Repairing ; Good Work Rlfbt Prloea " ) 1014 Main Strut Klamath Falls, Ore, Browne's Paint Store 1029 Main Street Phone 75 ALAINE BEAUTY SHOPPE Open Tuesday, Thursday and Haturday evening. 107 80. 7th St. Phone 7M ? Z. PETERS I' . , Teacher of. Violin and Plnno. Accredited by the Bureau of Education, Phone 451-W MRS. NATE OTTERBEIN v Real Estate Ot Lincoln St. Pbone 5S6-M C. C BROWER Attorney-at-Law General practice Sate and Federal Courts Willits Bldg;. DR. F..R. GODD.UtD Osteopathic Ph yslclau-Sonroon ... Pboae 821- Office, and Res. . I. O. O. F. Temple Klamath Falls, Oregon 1 ,1 Send it to the Laundry Union Laundries 1 Z FRENCH, HAND . KLAMATH SUPERIOR a Iidry. Workers Union No. S3 BEND-KLAMATH FALLS ... STAGE ' . w Now Operating Ually Trips CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE 108 So. 7th Phone 518-W Edward B. Ashurst Attorney and Counsellor at Law State and Federal Courts Suite No. S, Loom Is Bldg. Phone 227 Iet Your Glass Troubles Be Ours - Window Plat and Windlield Glass; Sash, Door and Cabinet Work. ' THE GLASS HOUSE 11th and Pine TAXI Phone 185 Large and innaU' cars. White Ste:lh Better Service' Gray '&ibja - ' tiixi r'pu- ; Cord Tire soa -B." ma at; .1- ' ' ..v I. JI JV JC! .'snfc JW AMD NQ INSUftAMCR " Ion always fed sorry'' 'for'thVtyS low who loses his bom?,'r t of his property byflre- aad' ha no insnravace. Bow ebomt. YODtt KELF7 Are. yon cevered? . B not yon better call as today." MOMYER & MOMYER ,!; insurance cartU;,.,, ' J Bepka Balldlnsji ,..,',( . 1 is down to j SUMMER PRICES l'T 1 y Phone in Your ' OrJersl' Our supply is large , and the blocks are good and dry. ' BUY EARLY, get a few loads each 'irionth' on these cheap prites.'and'' ,your fuel bill will always. be- light. ' . v, .-tin PevtonfrCo. 601 Main Phone t3& ' -r...i r. MjriBrta SCANDINAVIAN t ROOMS. .;):" 'Are Nbw Oft. ,. -.. t. ' ' '" nil . Stricly up-to-Dale. Rooms From $6.00 Up. TRIANGLE if? CAFE ; r '1- Th place to Jtet good .1 . -. u. OPEN ALL NIGHT, , , 623 Mala " Phoae ev !I t.'.lll lo ri'-T Phone 477;. '"-w.4,ll " '