The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 24, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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I, Ryan's Auto Top Shop
Trading Place for Klamath's Most
Discerning. Motorists.
L 692-Or Call at 1315 Main St.
y3U ;
-fir liil i Hnnninneo
-lt' '1 II U II I I II III II .
Sunday, May 24, 1025
JlTY own your home, be comfortable when old.
own this aiwociatlon and divide all the profits.
it state supervision purely mutual.
10.00 a month for 100 monthi will pay out on a
M.0O account. Pay u $1,000.00 and wo will
you $2,000.00.
W. McNEALY ' 315 Main St.
District Agent
rT A &
Assets Over $1,500,000
Portland, Ore,
Th national Memorial Day oh.
aervance which 1 next Saturday,
May 30th, at which time the mer
chants, according to Roy Durbln
will cloie (rom 10 until 12 a. m.
will be observed by the American
Legion, Indian war veterans. Civil
war reterana, Spanish war veter-
ana, and with the co-operation of
the ministerial ataoclatlon br Rev.!
Arthur L. Rice, of the Presbyter-1
Ian church officiating Klamath
Palls will stage the greatest Memor
ial that has ever been been staged
In yoars.
The orator of the day Is Edward
W. Miller, state aenator, of Grants
Pass, who Is Is being brought here
by the American Legion, and the
next feature of the program la Mra.
Marjorle McClure Olds who will ap
pear In aolo and who needs no in
troduction to Klamath county as an
artist. Mrs. Olds Is the wife of
Commander Francla Olds of the
Legion and Is the Southern Oregon
Nightengale that everybody enjoys
listening to.
The chamber of commerce chorus,
according to Linn Sabln will be
there aa will be E. E. Valente, bari
tone iololest, who Is a member
of the American Legion and pos
sesies a great ability.
Exercises will begin at 10 a. m.
at the Pine Tree next Saturday
and just prior to that Fred A.
Baker who will preside at the gen
eral assembly will deliver a ahort
address at Link river and the par
ade with all veterans of all wars
and the school children of the city
led by Captain O. C. Applegate
and Major Caie S. Newome will
proceed to the Pine Tree theatre
for the main exercises.
Linn W. Nestnith Is general
chairman of the day.
Invitations Mailed For
Annual Chamber Meeting
Notices of the annual meeting and
banquet of the chamber of com
merce which will be held at -the
White Pelican on the evening of
next Friday, May 29th, were mailed
out to tho entire membership yes
terday. It Is the plan at these an
nual meetings' to summaries the
work of the chamber during the past
year, and to map out proposed wtrk
for the organization during the re
mainder of 1926 and up to April
30, 192S.
Ex governor Thomas Campbell of
Arizona, who arrived here today,
with tho board of survey and adjust
ment of the department of the in
terior, will be the principal speaker
for the occasion. The distinguished
visitor at thla meeting will probably
offer his Impressions of the agricul
tural status of the Klamath project,
based on bis observations here, and
the data presented to the board at
the hearings this week..
Pare F1W
contract to be entered into for mak
ing said Improvement. Each bid
must be accompanied by a check
certified by soma responalble bank
for I per cent of he amount- bid,
I a guarantee that the successful
bidder will enter Into contract with
the city for the making of such
Improvement within 10 days from
the date of making auch award.
The common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids,
and 'o make such Improvement on
behalf of the city.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
April 28th, 1926.
Police Judge.
AZV.3U Ml, 4,7,10,12.18,21, 24
for Ice Men Pass Your Door Daily
Hang Up Your
Courtesy and Service Our Motto
llamath Ice & Storage
Phone 58
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore.,
May 11, 1925.
Notice Is hereby given ' that
Frank Zumpfe, of Malln, Oregon.
ho, on November-12, 1921. made
Reclamation Homestead Entry, No.
011823, for Farm Unit "D" In
lot and SWUKEU, Section 21,
Township 41S., Range 12K., Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to make Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before C. K.
DeLap, Clerk of the County Court.
at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the
15th day of June, 1925.
Claimant names as witnesses:
A. M. Thomas, Joseph Jacob,
John Reber and Mrs. Anna Zumr,
all of Malln, Oregon.
M13 J131nc. Register.
Itepnrlinent of the Interior
17. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore.
May 6. 1925.
Notice Is hereby given that Wil
liam Orvllle Smyth, of H'ldebrand
Ore., who on June IK, 1920, made1
Stock Raising Homestead Entry No.!
09966. for SUNWK. SW, Sec. I
S3. StfNEy.SEK, Sec. 29. N
NE, Sec. 32. and NHNWtf , Sec.1
3.1, Township 878. Range HE..1
Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of Intention to makr Three j
Year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before
J. O. Hamaker, U. S. Commission
er, at ' Bonanza, Oregon, .on the
ISth day of June, 1925
Claimant names as witnesses:
8. K. Hartxler,. Willis Hoover,
Peter A. Johnson and T. A. Rob
erts, all of Hlldobrand,' Oregon.
F. i P. LIGHT.
Ml 4 J13lnc. Regia'-er.
Balloon Cords
The Only Balloon Tire With a x
Flexible Bead. . .
; Your Car Equipped All Around With' ' i,
(Kr " ' -
Will Give You the Maximum of Easy-Riding Comfort
. With a Minimum of Expense. ,
The Hub Tire Shop
f8! JOHNSON, Mgr.
Phone 616
502 So. 6th St.
' Unit No. SO-A.
Pursuant to ordinance of the city
jf Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice is
lerehy given that bids will be re
ceived by the Police Judge of said
city, at his office in the City Hall,
jp to and including Monday. May
25th, 1925, at 8:00 o'clock P. M..
.or making the proposed Improve
ment of 4 th Street from Klamath
Avenue to Walnut Avenue, includ
nr intersection at Walnut Avenue:
5th Street from Klamath Avenue
to Oak Avenue, including Intersec
tions; 7th Street from Klamath
Avenue to Oak Avenue, Including
Intersections; 8th Street from Wal
nut Avenue to Oak Avenue, and
th Street from Klamath Avenue to
Dak Avenue, and 11th Street from
Klamath Avenue to Walnut Avenue.
ncluslve, Including Intersections of
Walnut Avenue; and Walnut Ave
nue from 4th Street easterly to
lltb Street; and Oak Avenue from
th Street easterly to 9th Street,
'ncludlng Intersection at Oak Ave
nie and 4th Street.
The .proposed improvement to be
made includes trie graaing oi saia
streets to the established grade, to
i width of 34 feet, except 6th
Street, where same Is to be full
width, and with concrete sidewalks
8 feet wide on both sides of said
improvement' throughout its entire
distance, except 6th Street from
Walnut Avenue to Klamath Avenue,
where the said pavement Is to be
full width, and on the easterly side
of 7th Street from Klamath Avenue
to Oak Avenue, where the same
I. to be full wlctfh, sidewalks on
the westerly side of said 7th Street
only, the same to De in an respects
according to the plans of the City
Engineer on file with the Police
Bald Improvement shall be made
of concrete pavement, reinforced
concrete pavement, Warrenlte Bltu
lithlo pavement; Warrenlte Bitullthlc
pavement with .bituminous concrete
hnn. aanhaltle - concrete pavement
with rock base, or same with as-
phaltlc concrete base, all of said
proposed improvements -to be made,
together with the majeriala to be
used. In accordance with the said
plans, specifications and estimates
of the City Engineer on file In. the
orflce of the Police Judge of said
city, reference to which is hereby
made regarding further details for
plans, construction, materials,
qusntltlea, and the like. '
. Said Improvement will be let in
one contract and bids will be re
ceived for each kind of pavement
specified above, and will be open
ed for consideration by the Com
mon Council on the said 25th day
of May, 1925, at the hour of 8:00
o'clock P. M. Bidders will be re
quired to submit bids on blanks
prepared by the City Engineer, ani
bids will not be considered unless
ao submitted. Blanks for bids
may be obtained at the office of
the Police Judge.
The successful bidder will be
required to give bond in a aum to
ha fixed by the Common Council
1924 Studebaker Big Six,
Calif. Top, ( new tires,
guaranteed 11550
1923 Studebaker Special 6
' touring 825
jl922 Studebaker light six
Rox Top 625
1923 Bulck 4 Coupe, guar
anteed .t 850
1924 Bulck 4 Sedan, guar
anteed i 1250
1923 Essex 4 Coupe 700
1924 Essex 6 Coach 775
1921 Oldsmoblle 8 touring S50
1922 Bulck' C touring 675
1921 Oakland touring 300
1921 Oakland roadster 300
1918 Cadillac 7 pass 650
1920 Nash touring 300
1920 Chandler 4 pas.
Coupe 525
4917 Bulck 6 touring 225
'1924 touring 375
1923 touring . 325
1924 I pass. Coupe 700
1924 5 pass. Sedan, , like
new 800
1924 2 pass. Coupe ., 600
1922 Touring 245
1920 Touring . 150
1924 Coupe 475
1923 Coupe 375
1924 Tour., 5 balloon tires 360
J924 Tour. Ruckstall axle 375
923-r-Tour, license 290
1923 Tour. : .. 225
Frank & King's .
Th Big pit Tamil.
6th Street South and City Limits
Jazz Orchestra
Vaudeville Between Acts
20 Clever People
1923 Tour.
1923 Tour 300
1923 Tour. 260
1923 Tour 370
1923 Tour. 390
1923 Tour. .... 325
Also a big selection of 1023 ami
' KM Chevrolet of all models.
Reconditioned, painted and guar
antral. California driven cars
will bo in tills week.
Oregon California
Used Car Exchange
L. G. HOAGLAM), Mgr.
. Eighth and Pine.
Let Us Help
You Save Money
This bank wants to help every man, wo
man and child in this community to save.
Whether it be in large sums or in pennies or '
nickels, they will both grow into accounts
which will mark you as a thrift citizen. Save
regularly out of your earnings. v.
Let us lend you one of our handsome little
coin books to save the stray nickels and pen
nies in. There is no charge for the bank
Open a savings account with a dollar, or
more. r J ' ..
4 on SAVINGS 1
First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank
Capital $200,000.00
Paint Now Pay Later
' Ten Months to Pay by Using My
Special Painting G ontract
You don't have to pay cash, but on completion of,
work pay 20 per cent, then pay balance in ten equal
monthly payments.
Your buildings will last longer, look better and have
a higher cash value if properly protected with a good
paint job. '
F. R.
Shop 902 Klamath.
Res. Phone 192-W
tor the faithful performance of the