The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 22, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday, May 22, 1925.
Vge Eight
I turday for Roav!ll. Calif.. ware
he eaJ month" aailon
visiting rrlalives and frieuiK
I'aul M D.i!'r.j. 'f !" .:ic'l.
(JssMaskKurderl 1 FailhfuIBrWc J
T T 11 A Ck V lir 1 i
Mr and Mi
KiUtire and
Serves You Best, Saves'
' V m "V
Mrs. Arthur who haa been re
purted ill at her home, is much
V. C. Hansen and J. T. Kirk,
rtmalructlon men for the Shell Oil
voinpany are registered at the Em
ilre hotel from San Francisco.
.Mrs. V. N. Mover. Mrs. V. F.
Jmette. Mrs. V. F. Hi'.l a:ul Mrs.
K. I'raiR. were in from Merrill
yesterday shopping with local mer-
Mm. Docla Xorri. who hold a
position at Moe's. returned from
Medford yesterday, wlicre lie has
been visiting since S.i:ul.t.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Shirk, of
lu:is:mi:r. 1 alif.. are i:i Klama'.U
Kails on business.
sun Shirley, were r. -ti vcd at the
Kail hotel es:erday from l.;;ime!l
iou most
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bonanza weie transi.titu
in town yesterday.
ol, of
till sill ess
Frank & King
Dramatic Stock
Tent Theatre
On So. 6th St.
At city limits.
The Great Swede West
era Drama
Jazz Orchestra
Special Scenery
Between Acts
20 Clever
Doors Open 7 p. m.
Orchestra 7:40
Curtain 8:00
Price: Children 25c
Adults 50c
Vr. ami Mrs. Attn in tx " i
: nn fro:n Albania i-mo: J.i) afu;r
:: vn.
Anient; sume of tile "i' of tin
tis:tor are: Iv.iirM H.trwy. M
i'!um!; K. Jolin.-t-u. Mr.IfurJ;
Mrs. TeftVn. Twin Kails. M.tlio. ami
K. W. Shields. Vernonij. Ore.
B. Williams, of Main w;u a
iMtinty seat business visitor )ts-:erday.
hove o:i
l: iv oil.
A very pleasant time w.i e'lj.iv
el !:tt evenir.s at l!i. h. of Mr.
an J M: II H Jenkin- :t !U : srrt-:. Te eeil lir-Ini a
liiri lui.i.v il.niu-r. i elehratiru l!u
n i ne t ee nth birthday of Mis 1 u e x
Jenkins. A!tut twelve fri-iuts were
invited and a very enJoyaMe t ven
itiK was spent lv all present ,
: - (J
HenrT Stont was a city vi-itor
Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Wriht are yesterday from his fish ha'.hery
spending a ahort vacation in San above C'hiloquin.
Francisco. , ljwrini.(, Horten was In front his
I. R. Millen. of Sacramento, an ranch yesterday on business.
official of the Standard Oil com
pany, is here in the Interest of his
Mrs. John Lewis. Mrs. Iverue
Buck, of Dorris. Calif., were sho
ping with Klamath Falls merchants
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Pelton and yesterday.
L. C. Sisemore were here yester
day on business from Fort Klamath.
Miss Dorothy Dunham was a
passenger on the morning train yes-
Build with
Security From Fire
Buildings where people i-ousre-gate
should be fire-safe and
Stone-Tile construction offers
this type of protection to a high
degree. You will feel greater
security if your home and schools
are built with Stone-Tile.
The cost In many cases compares
favorably with frame construc
tion and is substantially less
than reinforced concrete. Safe,
permanent construction with
Stone-Tile will interest you.
Vft Sune-Tile rHtimatert
before you build.
Klamath Concrete
Pipe Co.
70.1 Market
I'li mc ."itta-W
Miss Vera Houston. Mrs. Charles
Martin and Mrs. Fred Cofer motor,
ed to Ashland yesterday. j
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Townsend
were business callers yesterday from
their home three miles east of
town. i
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Murdock
were attending to business matters
in town yesterday from their home
on Keuo highway.
one or Hie stiauitest niunlers !
the annala of American crime oc
cured at Waerly. when
Alei.imlT llucuanan. former
(.' soldter. was liken Into
tlie cellar u( au unused building of
Ihs Mcl ean Hospital, where a r
time fas utssk was lied over hla
face aii'l he was chlnridrtnet 10
J.aiti The l.ullio believe tie waa
statu by wai time "bundles"
Dorothy I A Puzzle;
Don't Know Whether To
Plead Guilty Or What
Alihouja bar Husband waa ar
resinl on two charget of allegsd ',
laiteur while on their honeymoon,
and her laiher insisted ah lea
mm. Mis Itamon Alvares, daugh
ter or a millionaire Cuban coffee
aiil sugar merchant, etiota to hire
lawyers to obtain release of bar
tiou-e. held in Nv York tor ixira
dition to Fiurlda.
Just arrived, a sltiptrent of hemi
tiful new summer hats, ul liee Me.
Sin's. es Iteadv to-wear Store
1211 So. 7th. MJ2-2i
lug. pecoling. stamping, embroid
ering 130 So. 7th street. Klam-
th Falls. Oregon. M5 J'.
Mrs. Laura Chamberlain and
daughter Ceclle expect to leave
shortly for Ashland and other
points on a visit to friends. They
will be away for a couple of
months and will go as far north
as Olympia, Wash.
'' -II; gigsaSSZC
ther steps in the stnle s murder cuse
against lKirolhy Kllingson lunge up
on the young matricide's plea when
brought Into court here tomorrow.
I mA desire to end the sordid affair
affair as quickly us possible was
shuwn today by District Attorney
Matthew Brady and by I r J. M.
Attorney V. C. Van Kmon has Scanland. whose report thut Dorothy
returned from a short business trip not 'nsane. reopened the entire
to Portland. Case.
, Brady said that he would recom
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Houston. ! mend a curative Institution for Dor
who have been visiting wi'th rela- othy If she pleads guilty to the
fives and friends for a few days in --harge of kllliug her mother. Dr.
Rogue River valley, returned home Scanland. medical superintendent of
yesterday. 1 the Nupa state hospital, declared
ithut the girl should lie treated for
Venetian Barge Puts "abnormal social behavior'" instead
or being sent to prison.
Dorothy, who filled her life with
drinking orgies' all-night dancing
The Venetian, the Ewauna lake Parties, and Intimacies with Jnn
dance barge built by the Klamath ITaed young men. killed her mother
Amusement company, weighed an- ,n a of a"g"r at being rhlded for
chor and put to sea last night with hi'r tontinued dissipation. She was
a full car.i of local merrymakers. 16 'ears old at the time, and a fa
While the evening was a trifle Ulillar figure in San Francisco's
To Seat With Big Crowd
. chilly for outdoor dancin? the haunts of vice.
HI iiiili I
The Nev Edison
When choosing a phonograph, allow
nothing to influence you, but the judgment
of your own ears. Remember, hearing is
The Only Phonograph
Ever put to test of direct comparison
with living artist's models, range in price
from $100 to $325. Concenient terms of
payment can be arranged.
crowd is reported to have enjoyed ..T73 77.
.hom,ivDJ ... fci.k,. TK R.MS rtnance
prospects of crowded dances three mobile.
night of every week during the sum
mer months
the plan in the
your house
like you buy your auto
Ten months to pay. See
News Sunday. May
M 2 2-2 3
In fact practically all
items for construe
tion or repair work.
Drive out and look
it over.
Faces Attack
C r .
"V.S T- : rj
Klamath Falls Music House
George A. Wirtz
Phone 125. 122 So. Sixth St.
t f
II Ii v
VU lit
ii V ' '!if Kii t. lit f;.t
t.,it"f ! '-(- -i ml t., i
Furniture Sale
Today and Tomorrow Only
2 inch post, bed and springs, and 40 lb. cotton
mattress complete
Sale price $23.95
1 Mohair overstuffed suite, reversible
latest style
Sale price $205.00
1 Baker's cut velour 3 piece set
Sale price $145.00
1 Baker's cut velour n piece set
Sale price $150.00
40 lb. cotton mattresses
Sale price $7.65
Solid oak. leather seated chairs
Sale price $3.85
42 piece dinner set
Sale price $5.50
Ice chests from $12.00 to $30.50
These goods are all new, not shipped in spec
ial for this sale and all regular merchandise!
Lots of other good prices not mentioned in
live ' them yU C0Uld ha"y
Balin Furniture Co.
129 North Sixth St.
Any time is kodak time and Undent,
Drug store is Kodak 1 leadquarters W
purchasing the Kodak to those income
aoie rvi i o i rtL t, Kodak prints.
Box Brownies $2.75 to &H
Kodaks .$6.50 to $70.r
8 hour Kodak Finishing service Mail J
bring your films to Underwood's.
Office Supplies
Ledgers and Journals
50c to $6.00
Letter Files
85c to S3. 00
Tickler Boxes, Solid Oak
SI. 50 to $5.00
Cash Boxes
$1.75 to $2.50
mm aima mmhm tm
Ink Wells
50c to $6.00
Show Card Printers
75c to $9.50
Show Card Ink
25c Bottle
Show Card Brushes
30c to $3.00 each
50c to $3.50
Price Tags, Pin Tickets, String Tags,
and everything for the up-to-date
Sun Visors for Out-of-Doors Wear
35c to 65c
a ft
rm Mid
. inriflN mm
V rvLAHATH FALLS uklw" am
uritvI BUY TMtlFf ORU63 &