DAILY THE KLAMATH LnW Circulation Official Paper of City of KLAMATH FALLS 0KT Cntaf News and United Press Telegraph Services NEWS KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1925. ' 4 . . Amundsen Hops NAT flNll fi IHRfl Sheriff To Be III AS NOOSE teATSAIBIiFE-iJ TEXAS RIOTING? Price Five Cent UII lor Terns rmrnnnnni Sued For Deln v Of North Pole " " ' vLL 0fShowTmin DANCE PALACE !S iPolmanGetsjOn, r t Cld.,.nlVi rnor kciuc . 1 1 n:fKi por Men' Live UJI, Mi)' - ,d oim from Coos L, op their lives caimiy mis 0g the scaffold of tne r. Plane; Will Deicend At Close Range And Finish Journey On Skis LONDON. May 21 -Roald Amund sen baa hopped att from Spitsber gen for the north pule from Oslo. The mart waa in the nature of a Woman Gov. Calls Out State Troops To Guard 2 Negroes From Mob Near $10,000 To Be Asked By Carnival Co.; Dining Car Relaesed By Action Of Sheriff's Jury j r. i a a t BUG BUILT AT mhZ .can up vincer rirea For Associating With New Structure In Altamont District To Be Ready By July Fourth Women Of Redlight Unitary her. after liov. j '" " toward. . fl . gbi n.fu-d -l-vento ! - Am.t.rd.m Island, i gu.rd,g , ,, ,5 friend, of the coo.!b",:, " "n,e- " Kr"k " j Suit for approximately $10,000 DALLAS. Teia. Mar 21. A com-111 be brought by tbe Snapp Car pany of ' national guardsmen, aug-j nival company,, through tbelr local mented by a erore of city and county I attorney Frank L. Mara, charging olflcera armed with aawed-off shot 'that the carnival train waa beld here nun and tear bomba, tonight were! for 43 boura. making It necessary the county fall ' where! for tbe company to cancel tbelr first Lorenzo Noel, negro ' night engagement at Medford. The , Centralla. Wash J. E. Cooper, city patrolman, waa given bia walking paper by Mayor Construction work will atart to- Goddard yesterday morning. Tbe morrow on a 113.000 dancing pal-! specific charge was that Cooper bad ace on South Sixth street, just north jbeen associating with women of 111 of tbe Altamont camp grounds, lt'repte waa announced VAsfprrinv hv W Hi Martin, a retired retail rlnthier of1 11 wa Cooper who, according to it mm tTprjl hours the governor I prams aieallng4fur a con- i,f sentence to life lin- E'.rnt. after wnico n n I br reason for over- order uf I he courts, su Arthur ('iivcll. 47-year-'roliisrr and cripple, who ill siatrr In -law because hr dictated ly the atara." Insaully I'lra 'alls other was L. W. Peare. of Floras creek, who alew r and a neighbor after be. rraieit by moonshine. He jroirhluK &9 yeara of age. ought without aut'eeaa to :br noose on the grounds aaity. (Nivalis strsnge of the slurs lent itself to such a contention. It JKht out thai Covell watch- locumal signs In the beav- b on iy those uf hU cult uortbward. confessed slayers, are! suit will be brought agalnM Sheriff continue led pending trial. Burt Hawkins and bis bondsmen. I (iovernor Miriam A. Ferguson or-1 A sheriff's lury yesterday decided Amundsen lnitru-ted the pilot of dered the guards mobilized after 1 that Klamath county had no autbor the aiHond plane t proceed to the 1,000 citizens, bent on lynching tbe lty to bold, for attachment, the din pole without him If rontact were negroes, stormed the Jull early to-Mng car belonging to the Snapp Car- lost during ih first hour, and If the day and fought hund-to-hsnd en-' nival company which has been held the testimony of aeveral witnesses, Tbe new building, which will bet brutally attacked Mrs. McQueen last used as an auditorium also, will be month when be entered the home of tile construction for both walls ,hrh . k. ...fc. and roof. According to the plans! the f reToTer drawn np by I. Travis, local con-'hrt ,,, ,h v. u ,' "" o uu"1: search of liquor. wiwi laigo Baciuus winaowij mat HEADWATER PASS Surveys Of O.C. E. And That Of HiU Lines Tra- . verse Same Country -! pilot of tbe se.und plane thought i counters wltb police, and were dls-lhere since last Saturday until yes- will give the auditorium tbe aspect! " Waa rumored la8t n,n' teraay auernoon. wnen It was dls- of an open-air dance floor In the " ' tne nival train. weather conditions were propitious. ! persed onfy after five of tbelr nu The Amundsen party plana to land ber were shot and wounded as hear as niifntllilM In t ha north twtt ! nn...-i.uu ' I - ... " ui uurin me com weatber. can ..... . ,.,M,-,r M,r ju,u.-, u IU niuu oeisan garnering at 1 1 " mmuies. u. u. uurie. L.ioyd during the winter months. Tbe In Heavy cloud banka. which are nor-. o'clock, when It was learned thejKJ'sn, c. L. Holllday. D. M. Smith, 'aide dimensions of the building will nial In the polar region, will make I negroes had confessed killing two'Koy Anderson and William Ross ' be 60 by 130 feet. It will be equlp accurate observations difficult, and! white men. and assaulting their j wre the Jurors. ! ped with double floor for dancing Inaccuracies, Amundsen said before ' women companions. Speakers In- Attorney Mara said yesterday that i "I looked around in many places'" omen ot the redlight. The officer he slurtvd, might cause fuilure. j cited the mob. Seventy policemen.! 'he exact amount of the suit will be throughout tbe state of Oregon fori apparent,y persisted, and was caught Two I'lnne In Tarty i powerless against the hostile throngs 1 withheld pending word from the, a suitable location for an enterprise on tbe 8treet Tuesday night by the Amundsen will navigate the first 1 re reln,orc,,1 clty firemen, who! SnaPP carnival officials as to the of this kind." declared Mr. Martin! mayor. company with a woman of nlane with Lieut it ini.r t gmin 1 repelled the raiders with high pres- ect extent of tbe damages incur- yesterday, "and I believe Klamath I known nnderworld character. His as pilot and Carl Fought mechanic !""re nvdraullc un, additional re-:red holding the entire train up j Falls haa the best prospects, not only Immediate dismissal followed. Lleutensnt L. Dletrl.-hson, will pilot .1 lnfor,"ements arrived. I hours, and the dining car for 5 In this line but in ail others, for a Rumors are gathering groan the second plsne with an American i " "na "le wer "urled "ou is oeiug orougnt. city of its size." Monday nlghfa council will find Lincoln Kllsworth as navigator' , ,nm ,h mnh' on and ; he "a'd". Purely from a monetary loss Work will be rushed on the new! Patrolmen Argravea. who waa fired and Lieut. Carl Oscar Omdal me- i wouu1,n Sheriff Schuyler Marshall, stonapoint. ana not out of personal building with a view to having it by the mayor for alleged Incom morning through the district attor- The Jury was out but' in the ..m ...iw K ..ief" office, charging Cooper with a mure serioua oirense. According to Mayor Goddard Cooper had been warned by him several times not to associate with cbauic. The lo teaaela attached lieu ol his life were guided ilraoxe Influence. hi.'r that tried him. how- vlt that he knew the differ wn rlK li t and wrong u guilty of the dlobollcal srtil'h be planned In his! rommtiatration wmi tne be exhausted If tercd dlfflrult weather Kvne counsel for Peare; It was Amundsen's Intention lit he Ultrttand Important and lo ,he expedition, the Farm and Hobby, commanded by Lieut. Hor geU and ('apt. Ilagorup, respectively. carried the planes and filers from' Copenhagen to Spllzbergen. A relatively sruull supply of fuel I ..u ...e . p.snea. aim n ,,, Wfre arreBtod and herded into is prooame inai mis reserve would ,he Jtt, LatBr they were released' the rners entoun- without charges being filed couflllion. I ThursilBV nlehl a nnxl nt :erul hundred nersona bad siithereri was extremely nor-1 speed northward to some point about ti, ,..ihuv nf ,hp iii i,. rr. i mizlii lie mude insane midway to the mile and there, if n ,n i... . . .m i utwnuri n us uui leurea, aue il. hv almost any unusuul t Inndliig pluoe could be found, to ' to the presence" of the soldiers. Of Tlie fun Hull be was, bring both planes down, remove nil 1 fruu said the jail was virtually th liquor did not save him I the fuel from one and to make the ' impregnable and could withstand deather sentence, however. final flight to the pole In the other, j tbe onslaught of a small araiv but "HI murder mystery liaf-, Whether he will proceed In thls'pvery precautionary measure was county authorities fnr""Bnn,'r depends upon the weather, token. Mr. Kblt;i Cov.ll was found lf 'de' conditions prevail the two, Prnnl, v . h nu . Member i, 1923. with evl- Plsnes could go north and return ' rnn lha, h ,, . hm(h 'lirsling that she had died"" ' 'h.'lr tanks. ,lcv w L Mtllstend. Washington. Amundsen was ready for a slm-'n a,i tu.n a.ivin n n Strange Miinlrrs ; liar polar flight last year, when his , motorists, and attacked their wo- 'tlr was somewhat bruised. : planes proved faulty In final tests. mon companions, will be placed on Iwho M a cordon of police with animosity or grievance with Klamath ready for use shortly before July 4. drawn revolvers against the Irate county omciais. crowd. Fire trucks were brought Into play, and amid a hall of bul-j FlVA AlTIAripiinQ Aro tel. .j k...... ""'VllMMW a.UL I rioters were dispersed.. Hct j res Are ArreNtiMl More than 100 men andone wo Admitted Into Hall .. : ,. Of Fame Yesterday "uftclintly lo cause "I , was altered will return to tha' coiil.i not be explain- ond nttempt he decided that Splts- "t ti'-r hifluind. Fred Co-'hergen offered greater advantages. Icropra.tor. was held for a "e Relieved at first that his second 'Meted of slaying her. i flight would carry him high across "age messages were "e topmost point or tne eartn to I'.ten hv Arthur fnvell In Alaska, but this plan character. r,....lli,.r nlv! ""' ,l,e P"t"e tmlngi,t. When '" deciphered these they dlehullcal schemes lo mur- rol. After maklns the trln to Klamath "'"Minn m.io Arthur fnvoll , from the veterans hospital at a Covell. his nephew, then ! Walla Walla to get acquainted with "cd I, ci,.Velone,i thai the new member of his family, Wm. of Klam- authorl- - - -" I.IMINt: UKTIHNS -'Planned the. murder be-: (laming ('"fell was not alien- ni"i on several occasions. Muod on l'ae Four) district attorney ath county left Wednesday for tne return Irlp to the Washington hospital. TEK LAKE BEAR CHASES COUPLE K. P. RRAVKS. WHO DON'T PAUSE 00K BACK 'TILL IN FT. KLAMATH '"Itlinilu. one nf the turn. ' lake park liluck bears, n''l .1 nun, I.. r il. kl'r tresiinsslng on the "H road iusl within the "nilarv Til.m.i .... near ,j, ''I lurk net lv mlrili hi .. .. r " ' "illcr. 1 1 1 in ii-v.cuieu 1 "''"'"T and II. ,. Illelter- "nlesniilll, tleHPrtlng under lis mantle of winter snow. The lizzie crawled up on a high snow centre, wheezed a time or two nn.l then passed out. Confer ami Illckersnn climbed out to rustle a polo t W iMr J,'l,Cy hack into the channel, when Con fer looked up the road. Pvo a gasp, then yelled ' HhkoMon, 'for (iorf Bakes, look what's coming. Illckersnn look one look, and there approaching thorn not 100 feet nwnv was a black bear as li as a "I jlttlcv 1 . , ...... ..I In 1' steer. h'Khwa, i,..,.,i- v,.,.tl i,'rt Kluniulh residents along t. on fui . . . .. .... ...... .i...e iwu boys li ..nu ui'. nir ! " uflernoon, las n Hi'iise of I111- stlll eon- over the sight "ay C ""''r explains the slt- ihey H, A "le P"rk boundary illinium will be tried June 24. District Attorney Shelby Cox to day appealed to the state adjutant for a contingent of rangers to guard the negroes from mob vio lence when their trials begin. Court Holds Pierce Acted Within Law In Ousting Fish Chief PORTLAND. May 21. Governor Pierce acted "within the scope of his authority" in removing Dr. Thomas Iioss, as state fish com missioner, according to the decision handed down by Circuit Judge Hewitt today. Tho court after re viewing the arguments mode and the legal points raised In support of the contention that the Ross re moval was Illegal, held In favor of the governor and dismissed the pe tition. The case, arising out of the re moval of Ross as a member of the fish commission aroused state wide Interest generally and has been of exceptional Interest iu legal cir cles, as It is the first time the question has been raised in this slate as to tho legal right of the governor to discharge a state of ficial appointed by executive act Presbyterians Make Deputy Sheriff Jailed After 12 Years' Service For Stealing Co. Funds Statues Of 2 Women And 3 Men Are Unveiled; Varied Fields Are Represented THE DALLES, May 21. G. L. Coleman, deputy sheriff and Jailer of Wasco county for 12 years,! Thursday was stripped of his star and placed In the county jail on a grand lury Indictment, charging! theft of funds from the sheriff's of fice. The indictment was brought In by the grand Jury at 11 o'clock Thursday morning. Coleman is ac- Ameri-j ..j h t(. rraA r ih. petency, submitting s . complaint against the major's action, and ask' inc that an investigation be made. Harold Collins, a former motor cycle policeman ot Seattle, haa been given a temporary appointment to 1111 m. warna!.? sivn - oy. -jxTgnmr discbarge. ' Ambulance Hits Ford Hard Tap On Main St The big white ambulance of the Klamath General hospital collided Strahorn engineers, diverted frons their original task of surveying that proposed route from Klamath Faibx to Lakevlew, and placed at work at a point near Sprague River, wher original surveys were made north ward to Silver Lake some time ago. have nearly completed their work In this area. It waa learned yester day on rollable Information front Sprague River. - ' According to this information, that O. C. ft E. engineers have prac tically reached the much-coveted railroad pass at the head of William son river. The pass is of further Import because. within its immediate, vicinity is 13 square miles of good timber, recently purchased by tbe Long Bell Lumber company. Identical Territory The territory being surveyed by the O. C. ft E. Is Identical for some miles with that to be surveyed br the Oregon Trunk engineers, now working out of Bonanza. It was pointed out that tbe only available other pass by which tbe Oregon Trunk could come into Klamath lies about three miles west of the open Ins; at the head of the WUllamsoa river. 8hould the O. C. ft B. be granted tha paaa at tha hsad at tha Williamson river, the Oregon Trunk would have as it alternative the west pass, which wonld mean they would have to build considerably out of their way., as planned Jy. their -. Strahorn indicated several day's ago that as soon as surveying was completed on the north spur near the Williamson headwaters that the crew would be rushed back to com plete their Klamath Falls-Lakeview survey within the allotted time for presenting' to the Interstate com- jmerce commission. with a Ford touring car driven by! E. J. Bartlein, at the corner of xf rn A siv.h m.i- .t-,. v..,Ha!N,ne New Elks Are u .. j NEW YORK. May 21. The achievements 01 live more Anion- .ls.d nv tn .rand 1urv cans, all of whom worked in differ-j theft , $256 36 from tne vault , afternoon, bumping the lighter car ent fields, and Borne wnose names 1 (he sheriff's office. already have been all bill forgot-j The depo,cd dPp,y sheriff was ten in the passing 01 years, nave not susDected of the crime until been recognixed as worthy of a me-jsherlff Levu chrl9man- returning morial in the hall 01 lame. - une,pectedly ur tne live ouisianoing Ameri cans of whom busts were unveiled In the hall of fame today, two were women, one au o., """ 5tood open but which was left lock an author. One of the men was a I . . ... .h-,f. lawyer, another a military genius. and the third a scientist. None was noted tor amassing material wealth. to his office a few j minutes after 1! last Friday, caught j the jailer apparently tampering with the vault door, which then up on tbe sidewalk and resulting In a loss to the Ford owner of The ambulance was being driven to the Elks temple where It was to have been used in a pre-ln Illation Put Through Maneuvers Nine candidates for membership in Klamath Falls lodge of Elks rode the festive goat of the order last nlgbt and the survivors are reported to be nursing aggrirated stunt for nine candidates for last bruises and sprains In the darkened night's Initiation in the antlered ! rooms of their homes this morn- order. but each was a Heavy contributor to tbe general wealth and progress of the nation's life. The women honored were Har riet Beecher Stowe and Charlotte Cushman. The men vrere John Marshall. William Tecumseh Sher man and Asa Gray. Their busts have been added to the fifty-two already In the hall of fame as rep resentative of tbe highest citizenry that the United States has produced. Of the fifty-seven busts now in the hall, which was designed eventually to accommodate 150, seven are of women. ed at noon. said, leaped Into i an effort to hide. Chrisman, thinking It was an In truder who had entered, reached for his gun and covered tbe cower ing jailer. Coleman, he said, then became hysterical. He was re leased late Thursday on 12,000 bail. Coleman, the sheriff: , . , ., no a small closet in'Rebekah President To Visit In Klamath Falls Ontario Goes Wet But Detroiters Get No Kick Ont May 21. No WINDSOR kick! The words were whispered lnjcelve her Saturday night amazed horror ten minutes after the first straggling American advance ing. A big turnout of members were on hand to enjoy the excitement and the usual cafeteria style ban quet was served in honor of tbe in- 'ltlates. Immediately after the cere Following the announcement that monies, the newly-elected grand master of The nine new members are: Ed the I. O. O. F. would make his visit! win C. Knight, W. P. Buford, T. S. to Klamath lodge No. 137 this even-' Abbott. Clark C. Johnson, Frank ing, comes news ot the intention of 1 E. Beardsley, R. S. Ballou. George the new president of the Rebekahi Metx, A. A. Vogelpohl. and T. L. assembly to visit Prosperity Reb-' Whipple. Four old time Elks trans ekah lodge No. 104 aa th first offerred their membership to tbe lo her official visitations. This mes- cal lodge last night. They were: sage was received yesterday and C. C. Kelly, state highway engl preparatlons are being made to re- neer. W. A. Massengill, D. P. Mal- loy. and S. M. Harper. scout harf arrived on Canadian soil The rapid accumulation of numeBl . ,ha h... 4.4 Der eent and popular idols In the public mind !cohollc content lntroduced Into has dimmed to some exieui 1110 names of some who have been sing- hitherto dry Ontario. led out as the greatest ' fleet '3ack At Anchor . After Strenuous Drill cans. At least one 01 ine live nou- ored todny. however, was never much known beyond a limited circlo of his fellow workers. William Tecumseh Sherman will live forever in the hearts ot the youth of the land. The stirring story of his march to the sea. of breaking the heart of the south, and destroying its strength," fires the popular Imagination. John Marshall, as chief justice of the supreme court, and as a mouldor of the constitution, has always been fumed among lawyers. Cut his Erdman New Moderator early Interpretations of the rights of American citizens, as reveatea in bis many decisions, has brought him little popular renown. v CAP" APPLEGATE TAKES QUITE A SHINE TO YOUNG ACTRESS, PROVING HE IS CHOCK FULL OF YOUNG IDEAS mile lo safely. inn ,,rr tun nisi euiiui. ' . ....ni-.p nnlim neck und neck, aim . - ru COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 21. Dr. Charles Krdmnn, of the Princeton theological seminary was elected moderator of the national assembly of Hie Presbyterian church, here to- signallzlng victory of the mod ,, a liewioay, -n bear! overy Jump, state t' , ,., faction of which Dr. Erdman 1 n..i. . ,rrt Mr the six u... -- that 1 gorge ior a woriu iv....- - was leaner. the si re grand canyon' sprint hus been pros" LAHAINA. Island of Maui, T. H.. May 21. The United States, fleet, after simulating battle conditions in maneuvers off the Island of Oahu, is back at anchorage in the Lnhalna roads. While the V. S. S. Seattle re mained at her moorings today, a portion of the fleet steamed out for torpedo practice. Admiral Robert E. Coontz, commander-in-chief of the navy, left his flngshlp and boarded the U. 8. 8. California to witness the exercises. The drill is to be repeated to morrow, with Admiral Coonlr. aboard the U. S. S. West Virginia. Instead fJWYXNS PltOl'D PARKXT8 of the California, which Is flagship Mr. and Mrs. Jack Uwnn are the of tho battle fleot. At 1110 same proud parents of a 12 pound boy .time Admiral R. C. Cole will go which arrived yesterday. Jack Is so aloft In a seaplane to watch sub elated he's trying to set 18 em's 'marines and battleships go through I In one column. the war problem. Lillian Montague, leading lady Reived and a great many members with the Frank & King Dramatic i expressed themselves as delighted . . u .. . 1 .j.i'l'h the quality of the visitors' mel tent shows playing to big crowds, ... ...... ody and entertainment. Miss Mon of Klamath people Just outside the , WM accompanled at the plano city on Sixth street, created a mildly pearl Wellington and the tent sensation before the Kiwaninns club j show's "Four Horsemen" orchestra, luncheon yesterday noon when she 1 Professor U. G. Duback, dean of sang "Teach Me" in a most alluring i men at the Oregon Agricultural col style to Captain O. C. Applegate, lege was the principal speaker at Klwanian, and respected Indian war ! the luncheon. The professor gave veteran of Klamath county. I a most enlightening talk on the The Captain again demonstrated 1 problem of preparing young men his bravery under fire when he j and women properly for their col asked Miss Montague, Immediately lege work. He emphasized that the after the entertainment, how long! young folks must have a definite she expected to be In the city, and purpose back of their quest for Intimated that he would be tickled higher education and he continued, to death to get better acquaiuted. j "the college cannot Instill funda- The musical feature presented to ( mental honor and honesty in the the Klwanlans big turn out yes-1 students after they have entered terday by the Frank ft King com-, the school, they must get that pany was exceptionally, well re-, from the homes." II.. If It i it, it, - I, r