Thursday. May HI. .Wti,. i 'O tor ron.U.r.ll.,, V ..! lii'linVKMKNT Hi"'' IUI-A. lull ..r Hi. rliv "' i'.i. immm. notice Inl prepared by the C. Engineer. ,1,-1 bids will Iw re li. Judge ' t ..'' r : ,"h,; v..r n.u. " 7 in.-iuilinK M(nn.iy. r ,'.",1 i '' M ' ii il Improve- "' Yin turret rroin Klamath ' (IL , ... Inelud- Walnut Avsnue; fillet ('"" KI.niKlh I Ml"1 ,..!, ""ritr'rrt from Klamath u. I" ....... Kl.wath Av.nue la ft"" . ..... U.....I from A""'" ' "".. "vv" ,:, A..-U. "., in. Imllnic intersections ! .k Av.ntH' 4.... AVI'llUi , " . P" SI reel easterly to !.,.,...( mid Avenue frnm ,,,1 cn-t'-rlv I" Hi Wroct, ",;,- itit.-rf.-.-t i..n ill Onk Ave .,n, llli Street. .,r,,,M,, Improvement 10 be 'ii , in Hi, i r.i . il i' rx-u grain), in ,lh t .11 l,i.l. eaiupt till 11 .. . ..w l. V..II I a' on him. hi IhniiiKhoiit Ha entire I ui ,i4li Avrnue. wnere tne anine""' " .jirv-4, Meriion 21. I"- !.V i- ....... ' "'" hfiii. ronMruriion, mutiriaia i niorK itaieing nomenieaa r.niry ro. ntlllie. and the like. 0a6, for W'ANWVi, SV 'A . Sec. Lid Improvement will he let ln.2. H NK .SK . Sec. 29, K Ird fur !., h kind of pavement 1 33. Townahlp 378, ltange 1110., i llfcl alii've. and wlll he open-; Willamette Meridian, li.ia tiled for rnnsld, ration by the Com- notlre of Intention to make Three d Conn, il on the aald 26th day Year Proof, to eHlabllnh claim to hr, V'J'', at the hmir of 8:00 the land nhove desrriliid, before a r. V lllddera wlll he re-! J. (). Ilainaker. II. a. Couiinlaalnn to .ibmil bid on blanka : er. at llunanu, Oregon, ou the ;ind In Hie City Knglneer. an.' 1 I Hh day of Juno, 192I . u i; ii lie considered itnlem i Claimant names an ltnesve: ahnnn. ,1. lllunka for blda S K. Harnler. WIUU Hoover, . Iir niitaini'il at the office of.I'cter A. Johnnon "and T. A. ItoL- I'uMi. Judge. !erla, ail ol Illldi'lirand, Oregon. p mi... - ful bidder will hei K. 1'. l.ltiHT, kiind i" tne luiiid In a mm tn SHO Jismc. iiegis-cr. (aril I v the Common ( oiinrll : ihe fan i.f ul performance of the, A booster fo Klamatn couc-) ui to Im. entered Into for mak-1 ind Klamath Kulla and every legit kii, approvement. Karb bid : linata Industry therein tba'.'s tbi I be arrompanled by a check j Klamatn Newa. :Ilrd bv some reHponalble bank I per rent of I he amount old 1 mar, mice that the successful i trt will enter Into contract with, city for the making of such r-mm.r.' within 10 day; from'l due i f malting such award. I T rummiin Council reserves the ihi :o n Jei t any and all bids, ij 'o milt,, eurh Improvement on 'half nf tin. city. Hated at Klnmath Falls, Oregon, Ml 2lh. 1S25. l.KM L. GAG HAG EN. Police Judge. V30-M1 4. 7, 10, 12. 18, $1.24 iTK'H IWITIVO IIIDR FOIt KTItKKT IMI'HOVKMK.M' I nlt No. S17. Pumuant to ordvnnnrc of the city I Klanuth Falls, Oregon, notlre iiirihy g:en that bids will he re. "d liv the l'ollre Judge of aald; . at his office In the Cllv Hell. I1 lo niii) inrluding Monday, May j wiwwwwwwwwwwiaii n. i:2... at 8:00 o'r ock P. M.. r makine ihe proposed Improve nt of Second Street from Pine 'it northerly to Jefferson Street. luding intersection at Jefferson reel. The proposed Improvement to be aie include, the grading of said! ret to the established grade, to ulth of twentv-four 1241 feet.1 "pPt al Intersections, where aald Jwmtnt is to be full width of In- 'enion. with concrete sidewalks tot wide on both aide, of aald 'UPtOVf meiit Ihrniiffhiiiil II. nnll.a '"nee. the same to be In all res ets according to the plans of the "v Knglneer on tile with the 'e Judre. fold iniiir....An.nH -V-ll 1 I- r '"iimui Biinu do innuu L t0n"',"! nnvement, reinforced him favement, Warrenlte Bltu " w Pavement; Warrenlte Bltullthlc M'tmcnt with bituminous concrete , -v. aHpnaitic concrete pavement LhLi.,r0rk ""e- or ""m wh s i'aillc roncrelA h... .11 'XHZT ln,l,rov,nienta to he made. l0Hher with the m.l.,1.1. i k. d. In . j. '" m, ' wince wnn tne nam of il. ;,'!',rl",1nnB and estimates "J. referee. . vJ,uaK8 01 "ala marie ... V, "men is nereny "' regarding further details for qiianioi r"n,"rnction, materials. 1"?.n,l'li. and th. tik. 'd linnn..nm.-, . . . , "He rii.i. . 1,1 wl" ne " ... '""tract nnd hl,l. m k. ... Pwifi.. ,"r ,'''"'h klnd of pavement ""ve. and wlll be open try LORENZ CO. First Fo- Garden Hose. iiiud I ouurll on Ih. zr.ih il. a p ork P. M. . Hidden will ho r. quired III nuhlnil ... i.i. ... win III, I 1,0 Minillder.d un o suhmltird. fr ,,, III" I'ullr JiiiIkx Th. u,r..uJr bd,,Hr wlll (if . !L 'd. ('mnion Council for the t.lthfui performance of ihe contract In b, entered Into fur mak ing null) Km h bid ?iinn '!." 1"c""""""'' hr check certified ,,. r,lnn,,i haak for per rent of tb iimniml bid a guurnntee thin ih. bidder will enter B(0 ronlract W,h the rlly fr lh making of such lETTaTr.!.1 I'l",'" ?"V" ,r"m! A, -- au.n awara. lie iiiniiiiiin t'oniirll ,.,... n,. HkM lo r..)iii ,y and all bid-, and lo niikr. aurh Improvement on lirlialf ol tin- cily. Iiaii'd hi Khimilh Kail", Orrgon Aiirll Shili. 1925. I. KM I.. (iAt;iiAf;K. I'lllllp III, I,... grading of aald AIJ.IO M 1 .4,7,10.1 2.1 h. 2 1.24 Mil h i; i nn ri vi iu wlirri' Mini" ia i " . ' nil wllb r,,iii-rlo alilewallie1 l'irtiiii in f th,, li,.ri.r, , In, in ami oi anici " i "huh hi iiki.vh w, ("n ,.i M.iv II. l'J2.'.. .1. U,r..t rr.nn ' IMII IC Ih liMroliV t'l.-i.n .I.... Avi'iiii, In Kluinam Avenue, i .. im.-, ,,i .,unn. tir.iuli ilie nal,l pavrnirni la io oi' " -.....-i, r a. j:.fc-i. iriii,l. .idili mid on Iho eaalerly aide . neriamaiiiii ll, Kntry, No. ih SI nil fniia Rlanmtli Avenun ' 1H23. for Karm Inlt ic In hi- lull wiiirn, aini'WaiK on ", up n.i , unnge izr;., lllam Mirrlv aide of nulcl 7lh Btrret ' " .M'-ridlan, Inn f II, , notjiii ol ihp h.iiiii. I be In all reaperta Inlenllon to make Thrie Year ding I" ""' Plana of the City ', I'ronf. lo eHialilleh claim In the n,cr un file wllb the l'ollre land nliovi. diHrrlbi'd. hefnri. ('. It. . 1 1. .Inn l'L.,1, ,.f ik.. , i,,ii, inint uliiill ho made!?' " '"' ";'". " me iiiuti-ii. i.ivi-Hienl, relnrorcen , ' ' .!,. p.-nniM-ni Warrenlie Illlu-1 ' niiim-a an wllni w,.: r eaw m. nl : Warrenlle llltullthlc' , A- ;M Tinmiui, Jnm-pl, Jaiob. ,,, :th lilliimlDona roiitTete.J"l"'l,', "r MrM- A""il Zu,"r. .,.(,.. i..r n.iiirele pavement " "' M'lln' rin k or aame with aa- , , ' I-I'i HT. ;r , r.-e linne. all of mild , M ' 1 3,nr- Wejlater. mt-d iirii'iuvi-nii'iila to he nindf. - h, r i'li Hi" material to ht OTIl l: KUt I'l III.ICA I KIN in a, iird.ini o Willi the sh In Im parl m. nl of the liilrrlnr , ,rn ifiratlona and eatlmalet : V. H. hand olfire at likevlew. Ore. Ciiv I ngini rr on file in the I May 6. 1925. , ol il.,. I'olu-e Judge of aald Nollrn in hi-rehy given that Wll- rrfi n il. r lo whlrh la hereby flam Orville Smyth, of M id, brand, . rrf.mlinc further detulla foi 'Te., who on June IH. 120, made roairn.l nnd bids will he re- NK. Sec. 32. and NViNWV., Sec. R. t. KLI.IOTT Attorney At Law Addreea S-8 Mignrnian Hldg. Tel. 130 Office. Home B24 Office Hours 0 a. 8:80 . Na Hone Comets, Kinetic Re dncers and Ceraetlctta Made to Measure. Uuarajiteed. ROBE RANDALL B21 Jefferson St. Phone ST77-W 1'hone tm-J. Room 10, laMimla Hldg. DR. W. A. LEONARD Dentist Specialist In Extractions, Oral Hurgery and Disrate of the Month. DR. PHILIP COLE (ieneral Practice of Dentistry Opi-n Evening by Appointment Phone BOO SI (4 Main Over Moo's Store FRED BUE8INQ Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1020 Main St. Phone 974-W (IKOIvUB K. ROHHNQVI8T General Insurance Room 4 Sugarman Bldg. Phone 830-W Honrs 9 to 5 Sat. Evenings IN OUR OFFICE 3 f BE FROM fSi.0 KNOBS .THEN eO OUT) m&m I lTwS?R0A A I ftOR LElVtV y J AND DON T FERGET V ON COLLECTION T ! VJ0UR. Ast). y V fRflNV NOURWMtK f T1 PUNCH THE CI OCK. A V TetEM e ' ! VVWV. a-T V EITHER f R jtf -0 Real Estate Mill OTTKIIIIEIN ' foil HAI.K Modern funr mom fur- nlnln il bungalow, cloae lo school. Lnrre lot In il locution, prim llZfi'i; C r. 0 down nd 76 nmnllily iiuymrnla. Will HAI.K - Ne-w niodarn homa of 4-riMima wllb braakfaat nook howr bath, vary nuely arrancod i Hill horn.. I'rl... n.noo. rra- onabla paymrnt down and long llllli. tl.ri.lM .n Imlun... I ' - W hr rom hooae ,,h , ,., l,.. a tiral III I If npw lionie for 12.000; ri-analile puy miMil down and gmd ii-rma on lui In lire. Wilt SAI.K Well In,;, ol 21 e n a of -h.. i improved; rloNO In I'-iiiii and liuriie'ii.. d Ii'iiih-' I bil l, well Splendid iii.i. liiuerv I'W Willi plliei., i .;ii,,,.mI for ilalrvlng uiiil poultry rinsing, city ' i Wilier lillcl light. I'liee tHUO per n re, ineluiliilK iiliproveinentH, or 1 ii.4 Ml on good tenon. iNK COOl) reaident lot on Pleas ant street, prlie 1300. 3-room house with garage, price (2.000. 1326 down, anil 325 per month, arlth t per cent In terest on balance. TWO SPLENDID Warehouse lota on Market Kt One a corner, on pavement, price $1,700, the other an Inside lot Just off of pave mrnt, price $1,300, FOH SALE - Five-room plastered botiiie In 'Corvnllis. Hath and htiilt-ln conveniences; garage; woodxhrd. Several fruit trees and two mnple shade trees In yard. Will sell furniture or unfurnish ed; located near college. Will trade for Klamath Falls residence property. OOOD RESIDENT lot on Herbert and Hillside St., 60x140 on cor ner, price $400. $100 balance at $10 per month. ( HAVE A NUMBER of good lots1 left In Mills Addition. Prices from $200 to $400. A VERY CONVENIENT 4 room with bath, large corner lot ln good location. Price $2S00, on terms. j ROOM modern bungalow ln splendid location, on good lot ou 9th street. Nice lawn, garage, paving paid. Price $5250. Terms. ONE OF THE BEST resident lots en Cth street with garage. Price Jl,00o ; BARGAIN' in a two year old modern 3 room house, bath breakfast nook, large clothes closet, garage, on corner lot on paid up paving. Price 13,160, on terms. NEW 4 ROOM bungalow with closed-ln back porch, all large rooms, nice built-in kitchen, gar age in basement on paid pave ment in good location. A very nice home. Price $4,500, on terms. MRS. NATE OTTERBEIN 001 l.lnron St. Phone 596-M CHIROPRACTOR DR. GEO. E. MAIXETT Office over Underwood's Reeiilence Phone B67 7th and Main Office Phone 49 DR. i. G. CrOBDl Glasses Fitted and Gronasl 700 Main Street Pbone iaa-W i. A. GOLDSMITH Custom Tailor 10 Winters Bldg. nit. From 9SBJM) to fTO.OO CLASSIFIED ADS I f'l.AHHIKIRD 1 Una 1 day 1 line 2 days 1 Una 3 days ..... 1 lin 4 daya 1 line 1 weak 1 Una 1 month ... A I) HATH 1 C. lOtt' v.,.Uc, ..20c , a 26c ..uvi. . ,7Bc Lost iw nm alderabla mon.y. Keward. O. N., Newa office. Ml-22 I ' LOST White Foi Terrier, collar, one white and one black eye. Ke ward. Call 109 Broad St. M21 I For Sale Real E.tate Kdlt SAI.K - Knur room modern ' none, launnry enme foundailon, Kliraee. SI liill, Tfirma R til California Ave. ..M20-27 W!1 .1AI.K -i:!r,,fiin house. in-. rome i.ia ni'iuih. at a liargmn. Ownem. 'hone 7C6. M19-21 K(t SAI.K Six room bungalow in Hot springs. Addition, 739 Kldor ado Ave. Furnaee. oak floors, etc. See W. S. Wiley, I. O. O. F. Hldg. M19tf FOit BALK Attractive three room modern hou'.e: lots of bullt-ins, bath, etc. Only $2,000. Terms, j 2025 Reclamation St. Phone S-J. M13-18' i FOR SALE Large apartment and rooming house, best location in town, modern, steam hehted. , 12,000. Part terms. 835 Mar-i kot St. O. Peyton, 601 Main St. M13-20 Help Wanted Male i WANTED Good live hustler for street sales in mornings. See La Dleu, Klamath News. M14tf Waited WANTED Closed Ford delivery i body. D. & .M. Cleaning Co. M21-22 I WANTED Man to solicit for clean ing. D. & M. Cleaning Co. M21-22 WANTED Passengers for Suan ville car leaving Thursday 6:30 A. M. Upps Auto Service, oppos ite post office. M19-20 For Rent FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment, close in. Phone 473-M. M21-tf FOR RENT Furnished Apt. St.' Francis Apis. 62S Oak. M21-22 j FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 305 j Pine St. Ml 9-21 For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Seven gray African j geeae. Price $35. O. E. Rae. Phone S39-W, . M21-23 j FOR SALE Two teams. One of these teams 1200-1300 lbs. other 1500-1600 lbs.; young, willing animals. Heavy logging horness es. at prirea which must sell them. Phone Swan Lake Mould ing Co. Phone 759. M21-23 FOR SALE Household furniture. 237 North 5th St. M20-21 BUY HKR GIFTS for graduation at I Hee Begin'. Ladies Ready to I Wear Store. 129 So. 7th St., op-1 posite Telephone office. M19-20 FOR SALE Secondhand furniture, pi nty of stoves- and furniture at lrenhowers New and Second hand Store. 389 E. Main. Ash land, Ore., near library. Phone .171. M6 J6 FOR SALE Cheap. Jordan tour ing car, has all accessories. In first class condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Write R. S., Klamath Ncivs for appoint, ment. M2tt( Miscellaneous ji.ii.i i niuumnr. ''''' NO INTEREST Our summer Phon ograph Sales Campaign is based on "No Interest" on any make of Phonograph and "better terms." Wise buyers trade with Earl Shepherd Co., 607 Main St. M21 J20 WIL TRADE two heavy horses for lot Inquire 803 Washington St. M19-22 ' A. WKSTMAN. builder. Phone fihl or Inn.alr at Scandinavian hall. M14 JH FOR BALE Two freah cowi, glT. mi MIX KBIlntia nr mlllr alan ona to ! freak In a few weeka. Call 28-W. M17-23 FOn SALE By owner. Chevrolet Superior touring. Driven only 7,00 miles. ,325. Looka good. periorma Better. The best buy in town. Call at 419 Nelaon St. M19-21 FOR SALE Fine garden aoil $1.50 a cubic yard delivered or 60c If called for. Phone S29-J. M15-21 AUTO LAUNDRY Phone 833 Cun called for end delivered Spring & Esplanade St. M9 J9' ItKM KM BER THE PRIDE yoe took In that shiny new car? Para gon Auto Laundry can make Ii look Just like that and do 1. quickly, too. 127 So. 11th (al Klamath Ave. for service. Phont 894-J. A27 M27 f HE nnrrua kitchkn H.rtM real cream waffles at all honrs I 119 So. 9th St. A8tf KLAMATH ART SHOP Hemstitch Ing. pecotlng, stamping, embrold ering. 130 So. 7th street. Kiam, ath Falls, Oregon. M5 J6 BILK UNDERWEAR and boss make nice gifts for graduation. Bee Begins Ladies Ready to Wear Store. 129 So. 7th St - M19-20 Southwell Stationery Co. EVERYTHING FOB THE OFFICB WE TXSTALl, BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 2i Main Kt. Pbone 008 Brinif TU Vn,. HIDES and PELTS We are in the market for Hides and Pelta, and will pay the highest market price. Lewis Grocery 223 S. 6th Phont 355 EVANS Shoe Repairing Good Work Right Prior 1014 Main Strtti Klamath Falls, Ore. "7 TAX1 1 OC Phone lOsJ Large and small cars. White Star Line Better Service - .LO.O.F. Klamaib Lodge No. 137 Maett very Friday night. W. E. Beck I O. Canton Crater Na. 7 Meet Tery . Wednerdar evening. Carl Sandell. Cemmandaat. Lund, C. P. Ewanna Encampment No. 4 6 Meets every Tuaeday night. A. B. Proaperlty Rebekab Lodge No 10'4 Meets first and third Tbura lay.. - Mra. Viola Jonea, N. 0. Browne's Paint Store 1029 Main Street. Phone 75 ALAINE BEAUTY SHOPPE Open Tuesday, Thursday and Baturday evenings. t07 Bo. 7th St, Mione 700 A paper where all tbe people bare opportunity to. express themselves If they desire that's The Klamath News. Z. PETERS Teacher of Violin and Piano. Accredited by the Bureau of Education. Phone 4S1-W MRU. NATE OTTERBEUf Real Estate Ml Lincoln at. Phone 680-M C. C. BROWER Attorney-at-Law General practice Sate and Federal Courts Villits Bldg. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician-Surgeon Pbone 821 Office and Res. I. O. O. F. Temple Klamath Falls, Oregon Bend it to the Laundry Union Laundries! FRENCH HAND KLAMATH SUPERIOR and Ldry. Workers Union No. 220 BEXD-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE Now Operating Daily Trips CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE 10:i So. 7th Phone B13-W Edward B. Ashurst Attorney and Counsellor at Law State and Federal Courts Suite No. 6. Loomis Bldg. Phone 227 Iet Your Glass Troubles Be Ours Window Plate and Windshield GIau; Sash, Door and Cabinet Work. THE GLASS HOUSE 1 lth and Pine Phone 477-W M.IH Gray T'.lrsa $1.50 III P17 Cord Tire $18.50 Hub Tire Shop 602 B. fltb BC FIRE AND NO INSURANCE You always feel sorry for the fel low who loses his home, or nay of Ids property by fire as4 hoe. no Insurance. How ft bo at YOVJt KELF? Are you revered?' H not yon better call na today. MOMYER & MOMYER INSURANCE CO. H.pka Building WOOD is down to SUMMER PRICES Phone in Your Ordersl Our supply is large and the blocks are good and dry. BUY EARLY, get a few loads each month on these cheap prices, and your fuel bill will always be light. Peyton '& Co. 601 Main Phone 5?5 SCANDINAVIAN ROOMS Are Now Open. Stricly up-to-Date. Rooms From $6.00 Up. TRIANGLE CAFE The place to yet good eatn. OPEN ALL NIGHT 023 Main rtwa BS4 1 i? 'r lit