Page Eight Tuesday, May 19. 192.1. HFlocals $ i J. li. Driscoll left for Porttjiml Pnrb i. ...... ,.. i. i last Thursday on business, nnd was Mm. .Mason 'wellingioa of Medford.! : .uuitaniru vj nn. uriMuii ana I Mrs. 8. T. Summers as far as Ash- Jand, returned home Sunday even jLakevlew to visit with sisler in ' that rily for a lew days. I Mrs. A. I.. Harvey. who tame over from Ashland Saturday lii aitend , I lie wedding of Francis Wright ami Miss Opal Harvey Saturday evening, and returned to her home yesterday. K. F. MEMBERS Or WOODCRAFT 1 V t U'rii-lit .if INt.t.llrt nn.iiil Misse Grace ami Aliv l.ytl of th -bn.i t h..Mi f hu onanm were city holders renter- daughter. Mr. and Mm. Prultt of day. U'hiloquin. and was at-romnanled a Monroe l.vru -nJ u, v..., hi ,,uu,p w' iium uu Pfmai uiui lie ( uniKruiD Will v . ..... - ... ... . . . .... .... . Rnnnnr. t -Mr. and Mrs. Krank U righl. w niTtn si me aiemoaui caurcn "MW .n , . , ... ,...., tin, in B ... - . . . . mil inatva urifi tiu whu nitMr BACK FROM 0. P. A booster for Kiimatb ova. id Kluniatk Falls aaa every tsf mat Induairy tbsrelj that's l Klematb News A pacer "tiers all tbs p"r'' hsv' opportunity to eipreaa them! they daslre that's I lis Kia.uali Nswa. Mrs this afternoon. Ainonc some out of town visitors ivre Mr. and Mrs. J. J. .McMahan f Jarksonville. Jackson county; II. Rasmussen of Medford, Jas. W. parents. business at the county seat vester- i day. Mrs. Kate Kohn. mother of Matt Kohn of this city, who has been in lha 1 1 . 11. if . j ... . . u , dll-ullflJ 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 If weeks, returned to her borne ...''" business In town Saturday. I Try LORENZ CO. First For Garden Hose. Sisiion. Calif., yesterday, much Im proved in health. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Patterson, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Mnfesty, spent Sunday with friends at Ashland. B. S. Grigsby made a trip to Cen tral Point the latter part of last week, and was accompanied to Klamath Falls by his sister. Mra P. Maury of Coquille. Cooe rountv. Oregon. They left this morning for Ileus Kuconlih. Mrs Ivy . Propst, Mrs. Ida Crimen. Mr. Stella Micet anil Mrs. Kaiuiy 1 hoinpson composed the dctciEatlon represent line the local lodne of XfiKtitiors of K. A. Ohlemever. who owns ai Woodcraft at the district convention small farm a few miles south of ; held In I. rants Puss last week this city, on Merrill road, was trans-j This is the first time the local or ganisation has been represented in the district convention since ll ... . . ,,. . . the district convention since ll. Mr. and Mrs. Wiu. t hcvne of I'lne ... . . , ..... ., anl ' represented to such good ove were Hlinniiiii. with kl:mufli UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Laundry - Now Owned By Americans Marshall Fields & Gordon MacAuley, Proprietors. l.rove were shopping with Klamath Falls merchants Saturday afternoon. Jimmie Clarke of Susanvllle is visiting at the home of his brother. Sharkey Clarke. effect at this time that the members of the delegation carried off oue of the district offices and landed a rep resentative to the state convention. to bo held In Portland June ii. be Mrs. H. F. Murdock was in town'8'ae having one of the delegation Saturday afternoon from her home on Keno highway on business Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leavitt were here Saturday from Rocky Point on busines. and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mi-Fall of lOlene. were shopping here Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. Dallia Givam were; : county seat business visitor, fmm : Bly the latter part of the week. Send Your Laundry to Us Your daintiest pieces will come back clean and spotless. Phone 154 appointed as a member of the com mittee on credentials at the session. Almost the first thing the delega tion did was to have the words "Klamath .Falls" printed on big bright red ribbons, which they wore continually. In order not to become confused with other delegations, and then they started in. Their first j victory was achieved In the appoint ment of Mrs. Uess Kucouich to the committee on credentials Tl... n..,i I Mr. and Mrs. Ira Oram of Mt. was when the choice of grand rep Lakl. were transacting business in resentattves was to be made audi Klamath Falls Saturday. j.Mrs. Ivy Propst was chosen u, one Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bold .nd!"' "?9 ,OUr having , two children were here ve.ier.tvl nonor of UI"K elected on the I from Bonanza, shopping with local! a"0,' merchants. j ,ne election of district officers. j.Mrs. Bess Huconlcli aisain scored, lie A splendid picnic and fishing trip elected to the office of district enjoyed last Sunday by.Mr. and attendant, which choice places her .urs. ainn iirunKen. sir. and Mrs. " oirect line for iidvuiu I Geo. Brodlin. Mr. and .Mrs. J v I through all'the: duiri.r ..rri... I Vernon. Miss .Perkle Phillpps And This 1 district of the Nelghbori of' Harry Itasan. who drove to Medicine1 Woodcraft 'embrace a) (if So(1lprI1 1 ROI'IC llAVnnH r,hllnn.ln -t....A .1 OreiTlf1 ffnm I. I . ' , . "iiviuiu, nucic iiiejf " . ...... nuoruiirj; SOUin. ItlKI spent the day fishing and en lovinir delegations were Dresent fr..n. ,.n Ja general good time. the cities from that section of the' rant ii t .,. . Klamath delegation returned' v. .pprk,es ;rn: i:.-"-'-very ,.,,, i Jacksonville. Ashland and Medford. I LTlL .u. T ' "H1'1" elaU'd t0 ; on business and p.easure. "r? " n I - '.niwu coiuposeu of delegations from so many other! cltlea of the state, and were very! ardent In their praises for the peo-' Pie of Grants Pass for their hospit-j able -j trentmeut' durjng the gather-, ing.o'f the Neihbors. , t Build with STONE-TILE HOLLOW WALLS Htlitdr eiervahere are a.1.ipt. ing hollow wall construction for lis insulaitiiK and weather-proof features iiii, Slone-Tlle hollow concrete brick provide these qual lliea to the uunost roinhliied with sirength for resisting heavy loads or shock.. The thick welia and ample mor tar spreading surfaces of Slon. Tile units, the unuaually high s'rength of bond and wel-mli method of manufacture are large ly responsible for the rspldtr In. creaaing use of Htone-Tlle for economic fire proof bearing wall construction In many cities). Rr Ntoae-Ttlo before yo balld. Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. Tfl.1 Market I'hooe (Utfl.W Coming Klamath Fall OWN DRAMATIC STOCK co. , Open Tuesday, May 19 in . c well heated . TENT THEATRE On So. 6th St. at city limit. ( THREE BIG WEEKS a?t! 1 Vaudeville Between AcUl .v Clever rertormers Tuelayf Wednesday, Thursd.. The Four Act Swede Comedy Drl, "After Ole OUen Saw Broadw. Doors Open 7:00 p. m. Orchestri 7 J wt will 0W Prices-Children 25c; Adults 50c Tuesday Night LADIES FREE jjj SHORT ORDERS at ALL HQIRS The coffee we make here can't be beat. EAT At Coffee Dan's 616 Klamath Complete Post Office Service at this Store ir. For Summer. Dresses 4 - NewNovelty Voile 50c a Yard ii in i We start our regular Ice Routes TODAY Put Up Your Ice Card OR CALL 58 Klamath Ice and Storage Co. OWENS VALLEY MEN MAY COME HERE FOR GOOD Through the activity nf t...., ' booster for Klamath farm lnml.' eight more converts are returning to Owens valley. California, today to sing the pralae' of this country to 1 their neighbor,. who eJ(pe(.t t(J qu ! claim their old homes to the city of j Los Angeles. The party returning with Head! today Is made up of the following i citizens of Bishop, principal Owens I valley town. F. L. Meinke. Wm Cal-"ow-ay c. W. Jha. ,). W. K)p. j Rudolph Scholar. Owen Kd ' RoHe and O. s. Pt8. Most of thej visitors have already decided i ,.a!), their lot with the Klamath country1 u.n. or their California in terests. sn,e of them , mnniM .have not yet c,)mpeted eKo.lutln I h lie they all f,.-l t)lat the c . make, them a reasonable offer J nevertheless nothing definite can he fiKured on at this time. One of ,,.' TST UrSen to """'ryman. and he has exped a determlna-l tion to come to Klamath. f i. ' ' " ' a "'" man at lllshop V Vll,n """"IMr decided a eeearHV,,K'an,a,h J'",t ' ' as he can disi.-,. a . t the th. t, w Johngo K aniath look, Kod ellou(?h fr M Rose came p on thig tr Pas,,..,y . pIe(!e (f "J" from a previ,,,,, ,rip. N , avora.,,0 for Khimatl, to ,,u rothcrs as n- citizens. Merrill Mercantile Company Is Sold To Klamath Falls Men The Merrill M,.rrantlle J ;"r" -W Saturday to . I M: r":,"r,:r,",::r . w.,.ta .Ul-rrill ne.,1 For House and Street Wear Women nro beifinning to think of the lighter, sheer and pooler fubriea for days of hitfher temperi. ttire.t. To fill this need we arc Hhowinic a pleasing varied atwortm.-nt of voilea in checks, beaded ef fects and owt,r, pattern, in, trreat variety of colors peach, yellow, preen', tan. br6wn. blue, red, oraiiKe nnd orchid. Normandy fabricH. Swiss voiles and novelty voiles, 30 inches wide, at 50c a Yard See them in the window. l( you don't have a Pattern, we have Butterick's. Sport Clothes Sale Tuesday and Wednesday Men's Sport Shirts Men's t)reKon City i-port Shirts, coat slvle. roll r. knit "Horn, regular sleeve, nnd ruf. These are new nnd clever, in the favored colors Mid patterns. Tuesday anil Wednesday $7.85 Women's Tweed Sport Hulls -MoUly .1 l iece Hints. ,, without knickers. Well 'all-red. serviceable IIliiny ,,,. -Kular 122.60 to 2N.r,. choice Tues day and Wednesday $17 and $22 Vome' ontln. Sport Shirts -Similar to those worn by ,... ,hH r "Mr. In f,o. Vlml ,ty 'hole, Tl)e,,y ,, w,.ln)lB(ar Women's Pl.ntiMl Iinum Smart and KtyllHh, loose but hand In the straight line of fuHhion, In a variety, no Iwo alike lleaullfully trimmed and in the populir colors. These dresses ronipllment sf womun's wardrobe and appearance. Wert 115 to 35. Choice Tuesday and Wed nesday $14.85 $18.95 Women's Oolf Hose - Medium weUM wool and wool nilxt.. In a variety of col ors and patterns. Sizes to 10. R ulnr tl. 00. Choice Tuesday and Wed--' nesday 88 .i $5 Urol hers. .Martin ! ... 1 1 1 1 ii Klniuaii, Fu,, ran tU)uJ The Klore will ottKnm , ""P-rvhe the newly ,lr. o ,,r,H"""""",nt I The sale i.. """ Women's Novelty Sport Suits Doable and single breast Jacquete style cost, wrap around skirt, adjustable bell. Were H o .15. Choice Tuesday and WednwdV $14.85 $17.85 E i 4 The Home 0f Diamontl nrand Shoes Aiid-rHon " "ro""'r and w J . ,V"-.B"d W"l Raid-