The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 19, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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    I"1" " " Urn or Inter-
1 "' ri., ratals described
. f llir Sin ' O"'
r,T" . ... i.l.n
" . .i'riMV
i.C .III HI reel f,,.in Rlamath Avenue
i Oak Avenue, where the aamr
In In lie full ttlrlh. .III... ,.11. ...
hi. wnliTly aid.. f ,,,! 7, K.r,.,.,
.... in' 'II.
.-..I iir THK
r,,"1f olti:c'- r " omr. i Mtni t tit. n all n.Nii,.ri.
k 1 ' .... , i' V .i it tirtll i-i sr In 1 1... hi ..
r . - i n n in. ....--. uh me w in ih
""" "i i w. iiHin.-i
i b' L....wn heir. Said Iniiir.iv.mun. -....i. .. .
I'll II"""""". . ."... .... mane
ml"" known if ri.ii.rrl. r,nfr(.,d
" . .i..mih..I. M. J J I'lllllTlM. pavement. Warr..nll. III...
" L Ld M ll,'r V'"'"" MM "'""'ni-nl; Warrrnlla llltitllthlr
r1" kn.i u ''"" iy lv.iin nt with bituminous r.mrrele
linn., animuiuc romrels pavement
with n.rk Iiu.p, or aam with as
-.haUIr ciinrrete bar, all t ta'd Improvements lo ho muili,
l.Kriher with it,. mi,i,,ral 0 bi
used. In rnirilanea wlih the aalii
plana, and ratlinalei
f Iha Miy Kimlnr on fllu In Iht
ifflr. of lh. .n,.. jnK. r ,I(
rlly. reference In whlrli hrrrh)
muds regarding further d.'lallii fin
plana. conmnntlnn. materials I
.iiatitlllra. ami the like.
Said liiiiriv..ii..nt will l. ,. n!
in. iiiniriui ami bids will he re-.
calved lur ra.h kln.i nf
Mi.'c'fli.i al.nve. and will l.n onen
d l..r bv II.h IN. in-
limn Coiiii.'II ni Hi.. Bald ailli il.iv !
f M.iy. lasr.. hi ih.. sun
iVI.ii'k IV M. III.), li ra Kill li re
il r. l .i ubmlt lil.U nn hlunl...
prepared by tin. city Kiii'lni i r. n i: .
Mill will mil In. i wi.uli-r.-il unl"n'i
i) llllllllll.d. !l.lllk fur Mill
Knr,.,r , wjh
' '"'.e.
"I Impi., abull h. mart., runfnr.-id
I' .'. iii. ni. v. urn-nil llli.i.
Tuesday, May 10 1925.
I'ollr, ,1111,1,. pv..,,n.; Warr,nl.a ,U ' I AHHII All It.A IM
I.. :l'"".cni wllh bllmnlnou, comr" "
L Oo o Fc
. i: l'liT-l
nt ii. j
' .1.. ... .1 .-nI:iIh dlN-
tttiil .
li :,i'ir nuu
nt f : U-.l nitalnal
.,ii ,-, full nn or
I ., I'i.i. nun iit-itm
r Ih" ,l'n' pr.'Mi'nni'U
r,.r ii.i:i.;.'..ll ol lllll
.Ami ,r " " '
i,.,..r f"T ml tll.rpof.
I uii.'v .. !!, Cimrt for
,y irlliin1
, ill''
uaphulllr i',ili.'r..ii ni.v "...
mi k ban., or mini, win, ..
onirutn liuan. nil ... ...i
;'rnpoH,.d,la to l,
win. miuiTiaia t., .
uit iii uiinro Wllh .1...
Plana, .nnlfliatlnna and Mlimal.'aj
il, liy hi,Kln.-.,r in,, ln M,
; " " "n In ihti-Iiv
nm ili nrardlnK further d-tjtlla f,,r
v . ii i, r.inN.rill'IKin,
lunniiii.a, and Iha Ilk.
Hulil Imprnvi mriit will ) ,., n .
n. ponirnrt and blrta will u- fur park kind f pav.-in.-nt
rii-i'flid abov... and will I.- up,.,,.;
il fi.r rnnxUI, rallun bv K,. i".,m. '
iiim I'iihmM ,,n il,.. anlil L' ,"i i v
t V.y. !i 25, t Hi hi.iir i,f H:HH
i i nn a V. M. I'.lddrra ;H
Una 2 daya
i I Una 3 .laya ..
I linn 4 daya ..
I Una 1 week ..
I lln 1 month
.... I 5c
... 25c
....30c I
. 7 5.'
KOIt KALK liy owner, Chevrolet
Superior toiirlnu. Driven only
7.000 mllea. .126. l.ka uood,
iwrfurma heller. The heat buy
In town, fall at 4 1 ft Nelaon tit.
lllll folder rnntulnln. run.
ald-rabln money. Heward. O. N.,
.i.'wa oilli'e. M1H-22
KOK HAI.K Fine Harden aoll $1.50
I a ruble yard delivered or 00c
If culled for. I'hone C29-J.
Ml 4-21
,ONT -In Inbhy of Pine Tree thea
tre (ilailva Hodman a repreaenla
live rerllfiiate aa delegate to lle
l.eiia AHKinlily at Aahland. He
lelpt Kalnlla Keber.a l.odKe 227,
( nllver, Oreann. n.iurn to Kewa
i.Iflr... M19.
4LTO LAUN'DRV Phone 833
Cara railed for and delivered
Spring & Kaplanade St. MS J9
...., ,i p.i in t,m I......
l,t. hi riiii. tn wit: for I mny be ohialiir.l ut llin ofrin. of
uinl .li-.T' i' mat ynil nil" mil rnucil .nun;
rhihn or liui'r.'Hi in
IIi,ik m i in'-ii V"-
Siiua'e In Klnmnlh
ilritiin. H Ibal pur
Lot i.f lllnrk fi of
Addition lo lb. City
math de-crlbed at:
n Hi.' ..""leriy line
hlnrln c'reel iu leei
rly Iri'in mo tifitinwHi
nrner nl 1
in, AiMiHnn; thence
:, at rit'il nnlri to
nten -tri . t. 4 V feet:
. .m,tli.'rly and parallel
h,nrl'n err.-l. 40 feet
.. n i ):- ! line of anlil
theme northerly along
, lerh' I ni- of Washington
40 lo t i lh place of
Ml. Iielnt the aoulk
:) our (oiirlh of aald lot
'III., ailrri'llliffll hWUcr
r'i,ilre. in alu. Iinnil In a
b. fitted by Iho Common ( nuniil
ri . '
'in n il l million hide on i,: .
, i.r.'i'.iri'd by the Clly Ki' i'i. . -.
'!.. v. 1 1 1 Ii I b ri.aa.d.'i il ',n',..:
e-'ihiii i-,l. Iilnnkt I - i ,,ii
il.iv be ol.lulniil at Die uM.... of
'!.' Ii.!.e Jnd'e.
'I'lte Mii'.'..H.Hf ii I hliMi-r wi'l bn'1
. enmr.'d lo (live bond In a m1 ln
'i" f'i il hy the. Common Cmincil I
'or tli. faithful pi.rfnrinanci, of thitl
ciinliai'i In he entered Into for iniik-,
r i
ire I..-
f ..Il I.
nf: ii ...
P'lll.y No.
F'.-t urn to
For Sale Real Eatate
Dlt SAI.K - l.'.ru house. In-
liiiii.' l.r.r. month, at a bariinin.
(iwimra. I'h', ne 7 1; r,. Ml!i-21
KOH SAI.K - Six room bunealnw In
I 'UK Kai.l llniirnvement. Karh bill. Hot KtirlnL'M Aililhion Tlf. n.l,,..-
flltll to ; . i, ii! lie Hi'i'iiinnnnleil liv n i-lmrli I lllll. Ave. 1ii Mi'ifn o.b rt..,.r. .t.
,.rl,ri,..l l.v ,.. ..ur....ui,.l. I....1 Sii.n A' U U'l,.... l A t.' (he faithful performance of Hie ,,pr b ,r ,.,nt ,,, , n,I1(,unt b)d jn,ig. ' " y',.
nnirai-i in or enirreii into inr hiiik-I . ...,r,,,,,. iha. the nrre..r..l
bidder will enter Into contract with I KOK HAI.K Atlrartlve three room
he rlly fur the making of audi
improvement within 10 daya from
he date of making audi award.
The rnminnn Council reservea the
riKhl to relet ii p. v and all bids,
ind In make euch Improvement on
took In that ahlny new car? Para
gon Aulo I-aundry can make I,
look just like that and do 1
onlikly. too. 127 So. 11th (ai
Klamath Ave. for service. Pbom
8S4-J. A27 M27
rilR WAFKI.E KITCHEN' nerve,
real cream waffles at all hour
US So. 9th St. AStf
lim. pecnting, atnmplng embrold
erinK. 130 So. 7 1 h street. Klom
alb Falls, Oreson. M5 J5
Klamatn Lodge No. 137 Meet
every Friday night. W. E. Beck
N. O.
Canton Crater No. 7 Meeti
.very Wednetday evening. Car.
fendell. Commandant.
',und, C. P.
Ewaana Encampment No. 4(
Heels every Tueaday night. A. B
Proaperlty Rebekah Lodge Nc
f04 Meeta first and third Tbnra
laya. Mn. Viola Jonei, N. O.
Real Estate
ng aald linproveiiient. F.a. h bid
muat be accompanied by a rhn-k
'certified by uomo renpoiiHlhle bntili
for 5 ptr cnt of he amount hid.
J It a guarantee lhat the aucceretu'
I bidder will enter Into contract with
I Ih. rlly for the making of mi'-h
i Improvement within 10 daya from
modern houe: lota of bullt-lna. , TWo SPLENDID resident lots one
bath. etc. On v 12 linn Trm ... . .
02i ItortTn.aiion k. di.... block off of 9th street, on cor-
HD9-J. M13-18 I Der lot' tnc tw0 ,or SuOO,
Improvement within 10 daya from j '.. halt of the clly
the date of making inch award. Haled at Klama
Tlx. common t oiincll reaervea Ihe .,,irii 2Hih 112
rlcht :o reject any and all blila. . L.
ind 'o make auch Improvement on j
behalf of the rlly.
Dated at Klamath Fullfl, Oregon,
April 2Ktb. 1925.
I. KM I.. f AC 11 ACES',
Police JudKe.
A29.30 Ml. 4. 7, 10. 12. IS, 2 1.24
math Falla, Oregon,
FOR SALE Large apartment and
morning home, best location In ONE GOOD realdent lot on Pleas-
town, modern, uteam heated. : an. utroet nrire ttoo.
Paint Store
1029 Main Street.
Phone 75
Open Tu. Mlay, Thnraday and
MMurday evenliigs.
107 Bo. 71 h fit. Pbone 7M
Gray Tib?s I. I
r $1,50 n
La. 12x4 1 Ply
I Cord Tire
$18.50 ,J
' Lj Hub Tire Shop J
, . ,.
A paper where all tbe people hare
opportunity to express themselves It
they desire that's The Klamath
A29.30- Ml. 4. 7. 10.1
Police Judge
2. IS, 21, 24
ket St.
Part terms. S35 Mar-1
O. Peyton, 601 Main St. 3-r00m house with garage, ' price
M 13-20 i J2.000. $325 down, and 2B
per month, with 8 per cent In
terest on balance.
Help Wanted Male
' Slni.i'r in Klamath
iirri'on. beginning at
i rthwe-1 corner of Lot 1
,,rk Ntrhola Addl-
to die I liv nf Klamath
thin' t alone the
i.rly i:iir of aald lot 1,
fret, thi'tire south and
il to tin- writ line of
hot 1. 4" feet: thence
, illi I I., north line
a but 1 , i- 4 feet more
- in the wen linn of aaUl
: thiti "- northerly along
line of 'ol lot. 40 feel
i'i f In Klnnlng be-
thi- n .r-h A.-hterlv otie.
: nf M I 1. t 1. Illork 69.
Ai- ' iie iiilientterly
irth of i ll I nf blnck Ti9
holt A.I I if T n to tbe City
jnutli I'. lilt. ori'Kn. hav.
front : f 4u feet on
Direct il depth ot
feel . vim In- forever enjoin
! (leliarriil from atworting
.im aiuiii-ter to aald pre-iilvi-n.1'
to plaintiff: for
r ro.N i'nd diKhttricmonts
i in tli - tall, nn.l for such j
U'l f u: :. r relief ns to the 1
m.iy hii'in eittiltnlile. (
niinni'iiii - pul.llHhed onre
P" - (fit weeks In tbe i
ii New,, a daily newananer !
IniWili. il and of general '
Sealed proponala for the aurfac-j
(ng of the Chlloi'iiln-Wllliamson
River Market Road, for a dlatance
of apprnxlmatoly five and one-half
mllea will be receive hy the Coun
ty Clerk of Klamath County, Ore
gon, at his office In the Court
lloue nt Klnmath Falls, Oregon,
up lo 2 o'clock P. M. on May 18th,
I at w hich time said bids will be
publicly opened by the County
......... .. i ii,.m,.ii. r...,.i.
,. , IT ., . V, .T . A certified check or bond In the
To William It. Mcl owell. the above m0(int of , 5 of ,
IN" THE NAMEaoF THK STATK 1 -o-'"! "f bid muat accompany said
OF ORECON: You are hereby re- ,,;, nnd .penficatlons and p'ro-
quireo to appear anil answer tne . ,or ,,, mav ,,,, h . at the
K.,ilty No. llrBS.
Eatelle (i. Mi-nowell, plaintiff
WANTED Cood live huatler
atreet gules in mornings. See
La nieu, Klamath Newa. M14tf
WANTED Woman to do washing
with electric washer. Box A,
Newa office. M19
WANTED Passengers for Susan
ville car leaving Thursday 6:30
A. M. I'pps Auto Service, oppos
ite post office. M1S-20
for THREE ROOM house on splendid
lot, price SI, 500.
TWO SPLENDID Warehouse lots
on Market St. One a corner, on
ravement, price $1,700, the other
nn Inside lot just off of pave
ment, price SI, 300.
Tearher of Violin and Piano.
Accro.lit.-.l by the Ilnreaa of
Kilurntlon. I'hone 431-W
Ton nlwiys f-el worry for the fel
low who losen llin home, or nny
of his property by fire nnd tins
no iimurance. How about YOUR
HELF? Are you covered? If
oot you better call ns today.
Hepka Building
Real Estate
Ml Lincoln Bt.
Pbone iSIM-H
For Rent
rnmplalnt filed 'ng-ilnst you In the ,,,,,. , , ,.0n-,v prvevor. A:
jahnte eiitltUd suit on or before the j,.,,,,,!, , ,lle amount of :. no will
1 26th day of May. 1U2H. that ,. ,,.,,,,1,1 f. Pu-ti ft of such
the day of tbe 1...H publication of 1 pl.inK an(1 specifications and pro
IStinimons und Hie last day within ! ,,H., ,akpn ollt ,,f aald office. I
1 which yu are r.-. uir.-il to answer.! flm County Court hereby reserves 1
aa fixed by the order of public- ,, ,.iKilt l() rjPrt anv or all bids.
lion of this Summona. It you fall! iiv (,rier County Court, Kiamathi
FOR RENT "artly furnished apt.
with range. 143N Fremont St.
Hot Springs Addition. M19
FOR RENT Sleeping roonm. 305
Pine St. Ml 9-21
Cbas. F. DeLap.
Deputy Clerk.
to appear and answer, the pinintiit fountv, oreyon.
will apply to the Court for the re- c.
lief demanded In ud (nmplalnt.
Said suit la liroitgi'l to secure d,a- Ry
solution or tne noiiiis ni matrimony
existing between yourself and plain
tiff und Is based upon cruel and In
human treatment of this plaintiff
by vou. whereby her life has been
rendered burdensome. This Sum- I
mon Is published In The Klamath
News, a dally newspaper or gen
eral circulation In Klamath coun
ty, printed, published and rlrcu
luled dally at Klamath Falls In said
For Sale Miscellaneous
County Clerk.
M8-1S Inc.
... .. -wf' enmity nnd state, by nr.lir of tte
hy lii.l
Uaiitt. Jinlire of "e above
I Cctirt. made and enird
I I. 1 ::.'. The dale of the
'ii!i"itr'!i nf this summona
:l Ttii. l
Atiorney for I'lnlntlff
Allan Atneriran N a
ti'ti.l Rank liulldlng.
""mil l-'.ills. Oregon.
J1.2H- M ', 12.19
Hrnorablo A. 1
k.i I il court, and
; 192S; the first puhllrallon to be
; made upon the 14:h day of April,
iv5. nn.l ihe last piilili. iitli.n
thereof on the 26th day of May,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
lluslness and Post Office
address: Hart llilildint;.
K In 111 a t li Falls. Ori'Kon.
A14.21.2S M5, 12, 19. 20
Ij lo i . In I hut the
i,;nrl has 1 11 iipiiolnted ad-
'alnr h ,i , ,in will annexed
estate of Frances Lercher.
"l. nnd has iiiillfled. All
J havini; laims against said
re nmifinl to nresent the
" me with proper vouchers,
olfire of 11. v. Kuykendall,
"ml I' ling. Klamath Falls.
within six months Irom
. I!l2f..
Il V I.' I'Vifvn hit
tni"trtor with the will annexed.
ltK... INvmo mns fok
lh'Miiiliient of tbo Tnlerior,
S. Land Office at takrview, Ore.,
May 11. 1925.
Notice is hereby Riven that
Frank Zumpff. of Malin, Oregon,
who. on November 12. 1921. made
Reclamation Homestead Entry. No.
011S23. for Farm Unit "D" In
.....vitt .linlue of lot anil S NKI, Section 21,
dated April 1 3th. rownstnp 4 1 h.. nange 1 r... 111am-
etle .Menu inn, oils nieu nuui-e ui
Intention to make Three Year
Proof 10 establish claim to the
land above described, before C. 11.
DeLap. Clerk of the County Court.
at Klamath Fulls, Oregon, on the
Kith day of June. 1925.
Claimant names as witnesses:
A. M. Thomas. Joseph Jacob,
John lieber and Mrs. Anna Zumr,
all of Malin, Oregon.
Ml 3 J13inc. ' Register.
FOR SALE Large size guaranteed
trunk. C.nid condition. Cost
S35. for S15. Apt. 1, St. Francis
Apts, Call after 5 tonight. M19
FOR SALE style Electric
lllue Ueorsette down. Never
worn. Removable sleeves. Bust
38. Coat t.'i. sell for $20. Apt.
I. St. Francis Apts. Call after
5:00 tonight. M19
Unit Ki. !W1.A
touUM In 11MI... .... ....
I - ..iiiiims ui ina v.. 7
utn Kails. Oregon, notice Is
' that bids will be re
.. ,lh foUr-e Judge nf said
t Ms office In the City Hall,
' Itlii In,. I, .. j '
ifiir """",IK mirnimy, may
Hi N'lll. n'.ln.U n
M.LI .....w w Llll.t 1", ill,
"king the Mn jt .
I A. ... ' " I'WOI, 1111,11 Jiff"
' of 4th lr....i .1.
a,,.. , ... ii"... milium..
Ii.... ""i""! Avonue, Includ
... . ".nn ut Walnut Avenue;
,rom Klamath Avenue
, ,,lm''"' Including Inlerscc-
ii nire... r- lr , .u
Btiiib ma.i.Hi.1
I... .lo u'k Avenue. Inrlnrilng
'"ions: Ml, Street from Wal-
. Avenue, ana
A.ll ,rom 'l'nth Avenue to
nit. . 1 """ ,1,h "lret from
n Aven u i... a
mn, on,;. " "'l.",cuur:
nut i, iiuersemons ai
'""I Walnut Avo-
l' Street ' S"''"' ""lorly o
Sir,.. ' "'k Avenue from
(1 1 "i"t'i;v t,i iilh Street,
''ii,rs:::;:'n oak Ave-
!- inri',!",'1" '"'irvement to bo
"t in t" lh" "'"li"K of snlil
iilth of s." llis,1Pl Rrado, to
1 ft. n,.... ' i, except otn
''Ii. t,,i .,. l I" be full
' i,,.""" .""'icreln sldowalks
"""(ment ,1, h""' "i,, ot l,d
rntt. "I. 'hr"l'.hont Its entire
l ull No. itT.
Pursuant to ordinance of the city
of Klamath Falls. Oregon, notice
IS nereny gi.en uiai mu....! .. . , ,,a m.
l-uirlliii'iit of tbe Interior
U S. Lund Office at likeview, Ore.
Mav 6. 1925.
Notice Is hereby given that Wll-
llnm Orvlllo Smyth, of Hlldebrand
colved by the Police Judge of
city, at his office In the City Hull.
up to and Including .vionuay, mi
25th. 1926. at 8:00 o'clock P. M..
for making the proposed Improve
ment of Second Street rrom rine
Street northerly to Jefferson Street,
Including Intersection at Jefferson
Street. . . .
The proposed Improvement to no
ineii.He. the trading of said
street to 4he established grade, to
width of twenty-tour un "":
except at Intersections, where earn
pavement is 10 oe iuu -.u
tcrsectlon, with concrete sidewalks
6 foot wide on both sides of said
improvement throughout its entire
Hl.timre. the same to be In all res-
Stock Rnieing Homestead Entry No.
09966. for SiNV. SW4, Sec.
28. SWNUW.SE14. Sec. 2. NV4
NE, Sec. 32. and Sec.
33. Township 3.S. Range HE..
Willamette Meridian, ha filed
notice of Intention to make Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to
ih. land above described, before
.1 n. Hamaker. U. 8. Commission
er, at Bonansa, Oregon, on the
13th day of June. 1925
Claimant names as witnesses:
e k tlnrtsler. Willie Hoover,
Peter A. Johnson and T. A. Rob
erts, all of llliaenrann, ureBira.
M10 JHInc. R8lgtCT'
BUY HER CI1FTS for graduation at
Ilee Itegin's Ladies Ready to
Wear Store. 129 So. "th St., op
posite Telephone office. M19-20
FOR SALE Secondhand furniture.
Plenty of stoves and furniture
at Icenhowers New and Second
hand Store. 3S9 E. Main. Ash
land, Ore., near library. Phone
171. M6 J6"
FOR SALE Second-hand cook
stoves, (loodinc's, 236 Main St.
Helow the court house. Phone
459. M13-19"
FOR SALE Cheap. Jordan tour
ing cor, bas all accessories, Id
first class condition. Must be
seen to be appreciated. Writ
R. S., Klamath Newa for appoint.
ment. M26tf
WIL TRADE two heavy horses for
lot. Inquire 303 Washington St
SILK UNDERWEAR and hose make
nice gifts for graduation. Bee
Begin's Ladles Ready to Wear
store. 129 So. 7th St, M19-20
FOR SALE Five-room plastered
house In Corvallis. Bath and
built-in conveniences; garage: '
woodshed. Several fruit trees and
two maple shade trees in yard.
Will sell furniture or unfurnish
ed; located near college. Will
trade for Klamath Falls residence
GOOD RESIDENT lot on Htrbert
and Hillside St., 50x140 on cor
ner, price 40U. sioo Daiance
at $10 per month.
I HAVE A NUMBER of good lots
left in Mills Addition. Prices
from $200 to $400.
'4 ROOM MODERN furnished bunga
low In good location near school, I
large lot, lawn, a nice little
home. Price $3,250, on terms.
7 ROOM BUNGALOW close ln on
corner lot, on paving. Price
$5,000. on terms.
with bath, large corner lot in
good location. Price $2S00, on
S ROOM modern bungalow ln
splendid location, on good lot on
9th street. Nice lawn, garage,
paving paid. Price $5250.
ONE OF THE BEST resident lots
on 6th street with garage. Price
A BARGAIN in a two year old
modern 3 room house, bath
breakfast nook, large clothes
closet, garage, on corner lot on
paid up paving. Price $3,150,
on terms.
NEW 4 ROOM bungalow with
closed-ln back porch, all large
rooms, nice built-in kitchen, gar
age In basement on paid pave
ment ln good location. A very
ice home. Price $4,500, on
901 Llnron fit. Phone 638-M
General practice State and
Federal Courts
Willits Bldg.
Osteopathic Physician-Surgeon
Phone 821 Office and Bee.
I. O. O. F. Temple
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Send It to the Laundry
Union Laundries: .
Ldry. Workers Union No. 230
is down to
Phone in Your Orders
Our supply is large and
the flocks are good and
dry. BUY EARLY, get
a few loads each month
on these cheap prices, and
your fuel bill will always
be light.
Peyton & Co.
601 Main
Phone 535
FOR SALE Two fresh cows, giv
ing six gallons of milk, also
one to be fresh in a few weeks.
Call 248-W. M17-23"
Are Now Open.
Stricly up-to-Date.
Rooms From $6.00 Up.
Now Operating Dnily Trips
10:1 80. Till Phono B13-W
Edward B. Ashurst
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
State and Federal Courts
Suite No. 6. Loom is Bldg.
Pbone 227
The place to jset good eat.
023 Main Phone 624
C A. WESTMAN, contractor and
builder. Phone 881 or Inquire
at Scandinavian hall. M14 J14
Attorney At Law
Address S-S ttogarman Bldg.
Tel. 120 Office. Home B24-J
Office Honrs 9 a. to B:80
Iet Your Glass Troubles
Be Ours
" Window Plate and Windshield Glass;
Sash, Door and Cabinet Work.
1 1th and Pine Phone 477-W
H 1 1 UtU. IOVVO TOL&NOVJ-TO I I , . T. llll Jlli'" V&tVfM
Y fancv vest . rcvTsy Vs j,- 1 (UVSTUVGHTSJ i SwcZ I
f '""t Av.rl. 6111 "feot from
Ihe iia K1'"nath Avenue,
" easterly fide