N Section DAILY "Correct Sport News" THE KLAMATH NEWS Baseball Section rTjr,,'; (Every Morning Except Monday) KLAMATH FALLS, QUE., SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925. Price Five Cents flf MAKES mm hp wen liavy k tun kcil on t- fl. whh h nut ( i(iMr wi lnit he hurt III IliiliHltMH 'li!k!.'i Slrambo Arrives for "::ik;;:;;;: r Kut with oison; to Wlllker. lloMever, iillv 1 1 J . t Train Here Tonight nmt ""' '''u'' ,lU "I'l'oii'lil I ti.- kIikIiIi-m. UVlt I III IP h If ''i'1' '" mart. I ill I 'III If I ! ' rt"'"'r '" ''""I K I " ' SI""""KI" arrived lust LI HI " ,w lllchl from Portland, ready I., enter . I In III" b'lor- tuiluy Walker beat Ring Like righting n a, r(mill (., whl) w (h- and Putt Setup i'",ut- i'riiahiy cooper hiinseir. . !HI wager Hi smiling, black haired Sleep At Unce youthful unitholder will bent Harry Itirrll when the Iwu meet In iIib east, " I nest mnnlli. VIK1.I. HAN r'UANCISt'O, The 10 round rutin.! today Mlrkry Walker, world's not lurolva Walkers till.., as he d-,pumnK "war orres. Ut rhsmplun. pul awayimanded Cooper weigh In over Ihcl A "r-rouna curtain raiser The local boy "'" "ow- ' Tum ,n- 163 1-! bounds """ ,urd wl" "'"V tu Hi" 1 lim. Tuesday iiIkIiI ut 1 In. Km 11 dlnuvlu hull, with Sammy Olaon. , Hoih heavywelghta will (uili.li train-; Iiik tuiilKlil at aeven o'clock. Jack l.'rlin will also finish Iruln- Inx for hia add teat with Joe Coff-j Wilbur HarrlnKton la all ready to undertake a Job that Crlm .. . and HarrU tailed In doing that of nrr. one uf the beat boyal welterweight limit. nl. In una minutu unit broke the beam at I. here llila atlernoon. thia morning, and Walker was a b,tre the fana were i half pound lighter, hunt had started. Walker : Dapper Jark Kearna. Walker'a .r In Hie canvas with m'w manager, wan In the cham- i, and b-rta lo the law. ; pl'in'a corner to rheer him in hla' :l Hie l.a Anaelri Ijil'a "rl HKht under the Kearns ban-! 1,(1 him lilUcil , n'r. I ' ..ii..a.i .. L111...1 1.1... 1. .1. ... . 1 -iruM hi knm: anil " " 11 .,jnt uf 11(11... ll- ... nny "'. - hwnns .m.uinIh-, .H..,l,l........t ami U. ,lr ""m.-iil 1.h . nl:,,,,,,.,! h!n H'w I j eupm'lty Iioumh. Home Run Hitters To Be Rewarded In Today's Big Opener tiimi'li'TI K.IVl' M ID llllll M11 a f r.itu V:i!ki,r, m flu hi ut CouMr iik In , j Thi-i Hum Ik illtl; kin-.-, hut rotl ft otl hilrt tC f n-- l.;irry Me- 1 titlUH.'tl OViT I Ilitini run kini; un Knlnjt to huvo u i tin in ,, to Hf rut lh'lr wt uf f thiH iifti'niouii. IliiHi'bull Ihtoch from iik-hI M.ki-t un iU Im.k uh they ..fi.MI- MHJtla. k W.-M us Incul nwaitTH thu riii . jf (t, lutl v pill, will he rcwurrifd ...t I. ... . ... . fur Ill4.ll- ffllltM ! Miu-i ii'iuin ifn ini uiieriiuiiu h c.r.l r.-MiIi.-.l ui. folio wh: j Kv",v f"II,,w l,iakiK n homf run "Siniit" M..yt.r, INmhI-IIo. MmIio. 1,1 tl:-at garni is to have hl plk kuo. ki-.I out I'at MilU In tin Hixth ,,r ,aI's , I"V(I n' ""ro ntlin,l morrow. Junt lake your lrltiiti'iea- t tiuti t;i anil your hcatl sizi wilh you Kili ul-ri.n, Tin oma Hurry (ialfuixl, Hrooklyn. Turfy WiliK. INitilainl. won from Charley (ilanioT, ( hit jko. Jim my Itarry ln-at Joh Kri-m li. STNK)UI WINS !nll nf I. Tl ConlnT Kt nig - frrt. but M (irath ptnliiM) ind murtl Wulkfi'11 arm. Da yt'llnl "no," !tttlvlnK ! ow liffur' tht fatal ttn ! Iuiiu rliirii Ht to tht rlne-t H h a MK-otia loo, HTANKOUI) INIVKKKITV. Calif., a J mt i i.-il ht wm HpartnJ May 16. For the foonil time thin abiuent w ith a pohmIIiIu .M'HHon Btunford (rark and tU'Ui men twtkoiit had lit continued. 1 defeated thi Otytupir club In a (I t firtf utta k surprlm'd nift lur today, Gtt to 40 pointn. RrDmcertt lui knra. Odd Stanford frpMhmnn orvU 3 point:. to l.loyd'H iMiiporiuiii, und if m-rviee in what you cruvn. you'll K?t It in , the nhupe of a anappy lu-adpiere, ItlilH ycar'H modt-l. The came will protmhly have to I k to invonty extra InniiiKs, the jaanx will be ho buay pilintc tip the summer's allotment of new bonueln. 0) 1' f V) - 4 WVA ! 1 A COAST LEAGUE HaHsU-r. Called at enj of eighth, rain. Sror K, 'ortlun;! S .ik!ai!i 2 IJa!ter:3 HuriiH and 'rultt and Mchonuld. Chicago, rain. NATIONAL LEAGUE H. E. 8 1 11 2 Score R. I.t.n AnKiles 5 Salt Lake 3 Batteries Wrinhl. Milatead. Root and Sandburg; Plercey O'Neill and Petera. I'hlladelplila II. K. 10 1 11 7 Tobin;, HUSTON. Mav 1 0. Pitt -burith ' made a i lean aweep with the Rraren' here, wlnniiiK 7 to 5, In ten innings till afternoon. Kyan waa slammed for two triples and a single and: walked a man in the tenth Inning, scoring three runs. Bancroft was Mulcahy, bark in the line-up today, and bis two errors in the early innings al lowed the Pirates three unearned FLV1NG EBONY :' FLIES HOME TO WIN KV. DERBY: tallies. 8core Score R. H. San Francisco 8 13 Sacrametfto S 8 3 ' pi.i,,.h Batterlea Pfeffer and Ritchie; Boaton V Batteries Adams, Gooch; Cooney. Keating. Vinci and Koehler. Score R. H. E. Seattle 0 7 , 1 Vernon 6 7 2 Batteries -Sutherland and Bald win; Pillette and Whitney. Ryan R. H. E. ..7 15 E ...5 12 2 Yde and and O'Keil. AMERICAN LEAGUE Earle Sande Croe Lin A Winner In Neck And Neck Race f and ST. LOUIS, May 16. Robertson's home run with two mates on in the zales; Osborne and Taylor. ! seventh Inning broke up a tie that Igave the Browns a 10 to 7 victory NEW YORK, May 16 CHURCHILL DOWNS. LOUIS VILLE. Ky.. May 16. Earl SaiuW rode Glfford Cochran's coal Mack colt Flying Ebony, to victory in tha fifty-first Kentucky derby here thi I BROOKLYN. May 16. Brook- afternoon. In a duel that started lyn defeated St. Louis todar 6 to at the rise of the barrier and lasted. I. A home run by Hornsby came!Mck nd neFk. ' " too late to beat the Brooklynnites. I quarter, the son of The Finn out Score R. H. E. I ame(l tne pride of Kentucky, Cap- St. Louis 4 8 3 ' taln Hal- from tne 8taD'e of A. A, Kaiser. Batteries Dickorman II- ,i.l.l . T 1 ' ui uukij u o i a. i Gon- Ticiory was won Dy a lengia I and a half. A nose behind Cap tain Hal. dodging the two leaders -The ! 'rom tne beginning of the race. over the Red So. It was the sec-; Giants produced the punch In theSneriff Dan Scott's homebred Ken- ; ninth and defeated the Cincinnati ' tucKV colt- on 01 Jhn, finished Reds 2 to 1, Jack Bentley having let the visitors down with but third. These three dominated the run out! circuit clout for Robertson. ! Carlyle had tied the count for Bos ton In the ninth with a homer.' Sis- i..r ii, ..,bi ,i. li.,, .,. i.. ., i. c-...j .... nine trom tne start to finish. The .... .num. in u.nt uu.cLuuiC llll(; U1LS UCIUIV DUJUGI Ulb 1UI Rimie In which he has hit safely, j him and sent Wilson home with a ! vlctor5' of pWn Ebony gives Coch i Score R H E I niFi ! ran a double crown. Eight days ago fillO. Hardberger, 1321 Oregon Ave foretla Porter, Klamath Indian Agency 42,150 Kri,.f ' H. Foster, box 42, Klamath Fall 40,375 season. fslly Ramsby, 521 No. 5th St 35,000 I OF CONTESTANTS uar White Sox Have a Peculiar Infield, But a Classy One Boston 1 1st. Louis . 1 i I Batteries- -Francis, 7 11 2j Score I..10 17 2 Cincinnati Fuer and; New York "Siilnliiy' Herlng; Davis and innings.) Serereid. (10 CLEVELAND. May 16. After en KiiniuK Walter Johnson in a torrid pitchers' pattle for eight Innings, Ch.,r. Cmllk' Bimnn.l hl.w i,n In Olson who promiHea to, . , . . , , , , , ... ., . ... the ninth, and three errors enabled Batteries Rlxey Bentley and Gowdy. R. 1 2 and H. 3 E. Win go; go llirouKh. Km-ky Htranilm like Stieriimn H'flit throUKll (tHrglu. PHILADELPHIA, May 16. The Phils made it two straight and evened the series with the Cubs here today 7 to 5. Four runs, on five hits in the first clinched game j I his other black colt, Coventry, wont ' the first classic of the year when ha Uook the 850,000 PrCakness. It la ' the first time in American turf his tory that any stable has sent two colts to the races to take the two leading classics. The prices were: Flying Ebony, S3. 40; S3.8 and $2.80. Captain Hal $5.50; $4.40. Son of John. $5.50. ' Cochran may thank Sande for the The boy never rode a more ' lie is n Kooil neiut'i, u ueau.i udii nil uomers. When major league Infields are player and the finest throwlnc tar- seven men. r. liOld.worthy, 802 Doty St 165,150 ,lnjpr discussion the first defense' ,he leanue. He has not I s u uy Sallerlee, 933 Washington St 1 13,300 line, of the Chicago White Sox must dronned five thrown balls since he I Washington 6 Vila mill, QIO lfr Ci innflC liu .erlmiKle cotifllilereil . Hiivs II. I. ' -wi,,i,, gi j rfc icrion ji - - --. - the Senators to score four runs and for the Fletcherites, despite a ninth - Ink. thu nnnnlno en m a nf tha aerleat in:n .nK atl.. wMnh nall. turn i zz " r : r. " ivinory. wo..u runs. . , ,,,. , ln. Johnson struck outi score . R. H. E. ; , ,' . . A na-rrier ne was on in - irom, ana I H. out score R. Chicago .....51 E- Philadelphia 7 H. 8 12 mude his major league debut years , Cleveland 2 6 5 I and Hartnett: Ring. Couch, Decatur i A. Masters, Algoma 69,350 SaUlnster In the Detroit News. Here , aRO, anj he has a good throwing ! Batteries Johnson. Marberry i and w-ilson. 'nrictl. McReynolds, 10th and Pine 52,550 " "Z , . ,' ... , : Trowbridge coiiins re-and Ruel; Smith and Myatt. JV'WW an.t be the cau.so of considerable ; nH in tu. nnvia th Vhlt DETROIT, May 16. New the cau.se of considerable j men anj n ike Davis the White! DETROIT, May 16. New iork u 11 1 (inn opposing teams this i sox have a shortstop that has 1 won "rsl sanie or tne series I j . i... from TlPtrnit todav. 12 to 3. ruiiRe. upeeu, ufAieruy, kbi;mmc- - y - that'wns onlv r, .1 i.n.u i . ... l on oal lmoooH tha annt ir il vhon, hr ant trflfIC IfBtil EailODea lO It "- " mere is not unmm-r iiiueiu ui neiss and a Eooa arm. k a in in is "unB,-u kbv ell. Wahl, 1819 John.on St SS:"'" """,y. ,t,la P"-nts t he j ,ne of the best fielding third sack- i guwiereu co .. Il.'v mZ, here todav mA II.. I -ti , doutilB nay cominnaiions tnai uni- era thut has played In' the league. I """' --- - . "i A. Ilulet. Merrill 30.750 : v 10 11 1 i.u.. itu nntntu Ohio State was , . . ,, . ,. 1, ,1 1 , ... , in. ,11111 ri I a M I il V 1 H lu.a .......... .......am - " " . r ... . . . , " ""i - 1 . . , . 1... eri down nv me arencninK rain. A paper wuefe all tha people hav, Detroit 3 7 3secona witn me uui.er, , - - . tw opportuaity to axpress themselves If i rtntteries Shocker and O'NeiUlof Chicago third with 3H, and ""- "u """' iriAlormlnwl ' tn enn him Intn thi. . ground, Sande craftily eased his I run himself into the ground. But i Captain Hal didn't. He was gams i to the last stride, and throughout STAFF FIELD, CHICAGO. May, 'he entire mile and a quarter these Bob 16. The University of Wisconsin's! i " uuit.c . aectaea in me last 100 yards. The official time was 2::07 3-5. WU hnaaa , A m, ht uri 1 V V.M .lllW. 'mice Dawson, R. F. D. No. 1, Klamath Fall ucinda Hood. Chiloquin wl Johnie Gray. 603 Jefferson St Wnice Provost. Sarsrent and Prescott f'len Cornish, 1428 Worden Ave 11,350 Morgan, 668 California Ave 10.000 Eileen B. Halev. Merrill Rt . Kl.mj.tr, F.lla 10.000 MPU Roeeri. Portland and Pacific Terrace 10.000 JCUud Davis. Davis Furniture Store 10.000 BeIer, Klamath Falls 10,000 uta Taylor, Fort Klamath 10,000 'Bel, Malin 10.000 Bowman. Bonanza 10.000 D. Tilton. Pelican City 10,000 Jackson, Chiloquin 10,000 )0 VOTES NOMINATION BLANK ;OI FOIt I0.O4M VOTK8 '"T MANAtiKII, THK KLAMATH NKWS: Duto , !! ZO.JD that Is a pitcher's beat asset. ?6,025 Rig Karl Sheely Is not the fast 23,325 1 est flrsa Backer In the game but Newt. 23,000 they desire that's The Klamath I Whitehlll. Holloway, Wells and Northwestern trailed in with 23.tBe r"08' ' nrj II .. I SCORE CARD f""d by h ((iive full name of Candidate) Phone.. District No... 01" this blank mill m-iu! to I'onteat IK-narUnent, The Klamath )nr name or the ,.. ..,.1 ..l.lresa of a friend. The names P" niuklng tiomlnntlons will not bn livuled If so requested. The """"""n sent In mil count 10,000 votes. The right Is reserved ") object loimbl,. nominations. 25-VOTING COUPON-25 r Votes f ,.nt or mnUcd on or before Monday, May 2.1, 1011.1, 7:00 p. m. r No. Tbls IV CuPo will mur"Zu'propery filled out and do- I Ml ( .it... .. . . . .I.n nr. . "i partment. The Klamath News, on or Beioro - uate. r . ... with of "pon """at be neatly trimmed and put in pac MT. SHASTA j AB. R. H. O. A. E. KLAMATH FALLS AB. R. H. O. A. E. ) Day, p Norwest, ss Gould, p Watts- 2b " ! Martin, c Bayness. 3b - : Deal, lb ! Matthews, lb Cof feen, 2b Arnold, If -- codich, 3b DeMitt c - - ; Lowd, ss - Noel- cf Davenport. If Foster rf : V " V Summers, cf.. Mohler, p. I O'Brien, rf Mohler. p Kelley. substitute clark- fielder Hogan, e.p Pruitt, e.p Carroll, fielder Street, pinch hitter Totals Totala 1 SCORE BY INNINGS Mount Shasta Klamath Fall FRED NICHOLSON Umpire R. H. LOUIS STAG Manager Mt. Shasta FRED CLOVER Manager Klamath Falls written on top.