Pe Eight Sunday May 17, 1925. SPORT WRITER TAKES EXCEPTION ! Pitchers Try Slow WALTER JOHNSON'S SAYING THAT j Ball on Sisler To . SIDE ARM FLING MOST NATURAL Get thW8 Goat, lly JOHN' B. SHEltinAX (Sport ins Xcwa) I read the other day, in ome naper, that Walter Johnson had said that si.lo-arm was the natural Klyle of throwing. I'lMhaMy .l.ilin cin did nut i-ay it. If lu ilitl. lu s wrons, wat (ally, fearfully, tor il.!y wri'.ni. Kur'ht'rmori1, by say ing st, Johnson would do a lot of injury to young players. ii:;fir:n JVin In a sinful halift. T!ure is no such theory as a natural throw ing motion for human beinss. All iiropulslve motions, away from the initial body, are unnatural and ar luired. The arm and hand are prehensile, designed to draw to the tiody. not to cast away from it. Originally the arm and hand, no lonM, were used only to convey food to the mouth as the trunk if an elephant is used. The ele lihant does not use his trunk to -at away from his body. No doubt -le can be trained to bo use it. That doea not mean that there is natural throwing motion for the '.rank of an elephone. There is not. Taking things as they are, all "arowing of missiles away from the tiody is unnatural. There is no uch thing as a natural style or :nethod of throwing. If there Is. it is not side-arm or underhand. Init overhand. And I will &o prove iii. two shakes of a nursing lamb's rail. There are nine men on a base Hall team. Of these, eight make -11 throws over 40 yards overhand. Now, if the side-arm or underhand was the natural or most useful or easiest motion why do not out fielders, infielders and catchers use the side-arm htrow No, sir, Mr. Johnson, if the aide arm is the natural throwing motion why do not outfielders, and catchers throw lde-arm? Why do not infielders use the side-arm throw for long distance efforts which must be ac curate? All bae!ai; players must, at ;imes, i'arow from any position. As a sheer matter of fact, the real throws, the long. . hard throws, which must be accurate, must be American league pitcher tell us ' ' that the low hull is the present overhand throws. I have known weakne if (ieome Sisler at the bat one catcher who throws side- bat. commeuta Hilly Kvans. writing arm -Wally Schang The fact that (or Newspaper Knlerrrloe assoclu he throws side-arm has greatly de- tlnn. They emphasize the fact that traded from Schang the merit as a the curve, broken inside and at the catcher. His throwing never had knee, is the pitcher's greatest been a.', urate. The hall he throws weapon to curtail Sisler's batting has always been hc.u .n, hard pruwea-i. I r a fielder to handle. In a recent game I remarked: 0. . 'Til.1 piic'iers seem to think you We find that the only pi-iyer on don't like the low ball. Ceorge." a diamond who can ho exclusively "However, if the pitchers mil a side-arm or under-hand thrower tittiie to pitch low to me all year is the pitcher. t'itchers are not I am positive 1 will bat well over "meant" to. be pitchers from birth. .300. You know it U much easier They develop as they get along in to hit when you kuow Just what to boyhood and young manhood. If expect." Johnson w-ere right in his alleged - assumption that side-arm is the World's 440 Record natural throwing motion, all base- Broken Bv Uni Of Southern California ill -V ;Vkl ' v'.t'.'J V' t ri V ball throwing would he aide-arm. Which, we have shown, would make baseball a very poor game. It is all very well for a pitcher to be a side-armer when he can get away wuu u. uuai. iub , . . .. d - h ,.. pitchers of greatest longevity, Cy , yard rela). ,.en tney ran the dis. I.OS ANGEI.KS. May 18. The I'nlversity of Southern California four-man relay team this afternoon Jim "FlrM" (rtirnian, who rhalleiifcea Hie winner of the Itoiky SHnmbo Sam Olson affair Tur.lny nlK'X- Young. Kid Nichols, Griffith. Mord- ; tance in 41.9 seconds. The teuni. Seven State Records In Washington High School Track Meet ecal Brown, etc.. were overhanders. , (, o( Tayr- ,ee. House and Walter Johnson must be accounted L,oy(1 W(,red Hie mark of 41 ser one of the four great pitchers. if.onds. which was set by the I'niver not the very greatest, of all time. isily of Kansas team at the start Opinions of Johnson's delivery vary. '0f the present season. Johnson himself says that he is a I Besides winning the relay, the V. side-armer. Griffith says that U c. team won the A. A. I'. chain Johnson is an under-hander. Class- j pUinships for southern -California, ing aU motions which bring the!wih 70 points. The l.os Angeles hand above tho line of the shoulder Athletic club was second with 41. as over-hand, below the shoulder. ' and the. I'nlversity of Southern Cull- j and above the hip, as side-arm. and fornia freshmen third.' with 13 1-2. below the hip as under-hand. I'd' say that Johnson varies between CISKW WINS side-arm and over-hand. i .....,. I HURRY. Conn.. May 11 Yale's 1 powerful varsity eight swept to an i OHKGOX 1". Iliil'K TKI I easy victory in the annual triangular SEATTLE. May IS. The I niver-; ra,.e itn Princeton and Cornell on sity of Washington defeated Oregon the Housatonic here this afternoon. at track here this afternoon 85 to; The Ell shell was four lengths 46, taking eleven first places of the I ahead of Cornell, with Princeton a meet. Oregon managed to get four length and a half back In third j firsts, in both hurdles, the broad place. jump and the javelin. i Jim CuaierTs sent a half milel WtVNK 1NIHAX KHUITS mark for Washington in the fast p. white. Klamath Indian, drunk, time of 1:57:02. Captain Percy and disturbing the peace at the1 I Egrevdt made Another Washington carnival grounds, was arrested by record, jumping six feet, two and county Traffic Officer. It. E. Know- ine-tcnth Inches in the high jump. !ea iast night and lodged in the ' i county jail. White put up a stiff A ctrculatron covering the city of t- i . i i , . i Klamath Falls and the county of f,Kl,t ,,ef"re l)e,nK dmvneU V Klamath 'hat's the Klamath New" Knowles. i pri.l.MAN. Wash. May 1 Seven stale records were smashed today in the moat sensational inter scholantic track meet ever held here. Wenatchee high school won the meet and Yakima was second. Wesley Poster. Wenatchee. took a trio of new marks In the sprints. His time in fifty yard dash estab lished a new world's Intel-scholastic record nt 5.:i seconds. He diualled the ititersrholastic record of 1 S sec onds in the lfl yard dash, and ran the 2-0 yard dasli in 21.7 seionds. Ki eser. another Wenatchee youth, set a new high school record in four minutes and 36 seconds for the mile. Ambrose. Ilwaco. shattered alt state records in the javelin, hurl ing the spear 16S feet. 3 Inches. (lough of Bremerton jumped five feet 9 1-3 inches in the high jump. Wenatchee made a new time for the mile relay In 3 minutes 32 S seconds. MSHKRMA.V lltOVM-:l I1ENI). May 16. A. I.. M.Cut cheon. Portland traffic policeman, was drowned near Gateway, on the Deschutes river, while on a fWiing trip, it was learned here tonight. LkumatJ Thirsty Throats Thrill With Blue Bird Drinks After the game, when your throat is raw with cheering, drop in here for a delicious Cold Drink or Fountain Special. With them we serve Salads, Sandwiches, Cakes, Pastries, and a variety of Delicacies. i i r- "Sweets and Eats" 519 Main St. " T a nuiit KM t 'J.4-e- t ' '.. 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