Figures in the News LK'f FILINGS nd of the whole of said Itesolu-1 lioa. . LKM I,. OAflllAfiKM. A booster for Klamath ronary and Klamath Falls and arery leirtt imata Indumry therein tha'i ih Klamath Newi. CLASSIFIED ADS? I'ollrg Judge .M5-JI Inc. trr 1 ... -I--.. 3. H. inutei III It .h rt al " 0 114 "I " portion in Co hems V T. S. . ,itrrilMil ly nl1 III. , T II Mllcy. v N,t ..( I'"- "0. J .U. M,i! , t. in In r. I l S' I"'" 3:)0' ,1 III. Ail'IStloti. .' M.v.r I" Frances Wc.1 1( s K;r.i Addition. Iiil 3. ,v. i i: l,!,,k :n id v K. :n ! f' ,f IIMIiKIk All I lllllK' uIm.-IIiiihW" ,,k,r it " 'n'" Am j S:.l..t. .1 "''' M ' rl Kll Kn ,', ,r ...... due ! ! ( AiHIMi. I"l ...... It Hi L a. to !. ii"'- " ,, ml l"l or I j , ,r ,il; lnl i l N' 1 I .-r 15. T.. 36. K. 7. ...I C Una.... lllll p. Snil'l' ' 111) mi etc.. ronKiuern Snai'l' IT"" Show." .., i'f Ky Taylor. W. itiiirni-y. llnmll '"' FIHim - lUmllion v. Alio. Hum-ltr,-. I n-f-nil- ,'tirr "l "' 10 , s h . K. W. M. iiml bloik 11. Kulrvlrw Addition. .nli,d .times rimmmH more ! iitlnc tlmn all th rest i. world combined. Al pro- L-rf Ihnn I wire w mtirh gaso line eitrartcd from a liar-rnsdi- nil limn wus iililiilni'd k ) S . Is A I) II I KS 10. ISr 20c 25c iH-parlinrnt of Hie Interior . o ,. U. H. Und Ofll.-. at Uk,e. Ore. 2,d,?y. , lam Or.lll. Hmyth. of H Idebr.nd, " 1 "mh ill Ore . who on June IK. 12 mri 1. ' 1" . I . llJJJJS 8tork Italalnx llomnitcad Kntry No. 0&6. for KUNW. HWU K.r KwJ?; 5" MWT-nr, pollrv No. V,';. I' 2, -N?4NWW. 8. ,29. p,ul I. Evana. Keturnto -u-hii din. itanxe lie .Willamette Meridian Loat For Sale Real Estate KOK HAI.B Kew.iiK machine In K mid condition. Inq:iir 5K Maln'rX m. api. . Ml-17 PV i.Vri hu filed i notice of Intention to makr Three ! Year Proof, to entablliih claim to ; the land aboye di'ncrlbcd, before I ww wwww. J. O. llama kiT. L'. . noinmlmilon. FOR ftAI.K Attractive three room r. at llonanza, Oregon, on the, modern bouie; Ion of bullt-lna. 13th day of June. 1925 I hath, etc. Only $2,000. Terma. Claimant namea an wltneaaea: i 2025 Reclamation St. Phone H. K. Hartiler. Willis Hoover. 5-J. M13-1H IVIer A. Jnhnwn and T A Itol.. I eri. all of lllldeiiraml, Oreuon. f'f;" SALE- Larst apar'ment and r. P. I.I;ilT. KOR BALK Secondhand furuiture. Plenty of stoves and furniture at Icenhowers New and Second hand Wore. 38 K. Main. Ash land, Ore., near library. Phone 171. 1U If FOR KALE Second-hand cook Moves. Coodlnx's, 236 Main St. Pelow the court house. Phone 45. M13-19 M10 J13lnc. ReKlHter. NOTICK T(l t'ONTIt.KTOIIH S.-hIkI propoKala for the surfac Iiik of tlie Chiliic'iln-Vllllamon ; River Market Road, for a distance of approximately five and one-half ; mile will h. receives by the Coun- roomins hnu.-e. bi-t loc.itUin In town, moilern. :eam hared. 12.000. Part terms. S5 Mar ket St. . P.vmn. C01 Main fit. M 1 3-20 Help Wanted Male i ' - FOR SALE Cheap. Jordan tour ing car, has all accessories. In first class condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Writs R. 8.. Klamath News for appoint ment. M2tf Miscellaneous PRETTY SILK combination sulis I -n 1 nt 1.S at llee Benin's i Iireirf Khop. 12!i So. 7th St. M16 ;ty (lerlt otKlamath County, Ore-' WANTEIJ Jiood live huatler for FOR SALE Fine (tarden Holl $1.50 iKon, at hie office In the Court I ;"' Z, 'n0'"""- ,s," ? '''' .vrd delivered or 50c limine at Klamath Falls, La Meti, Klamath News. M14tf f called for. Wanted J, Wititon t'hiirrhllt. tTlianrellor of the F.xiheiuer. aimouucea Great Ertlain wuulii re.uru to trie scld tiLanda.d lintneiliateiy and payiiient of llot.uvu.oou Mi.iili Lis unad ua lir debt to the IJllHetl Samuel Unturuiyer. i,..i.-u lawy r lu a at a New Vork l.auquet. aaaajled Pnfeaur I'li.liu Maiatialt ttriiwn. of I'nnre.on llD.verslty, for ta.s attack od tlie im as laficir.ic oatriouiim bena.or Moiea. tiepubltcan, pr New lUiiiiinliiie. prek.deut pro two or tlie Keoatn. declared Vice lrealdenl liea woul gel no aid from him In his campalKB to chance rnlea of Uic heoale hriKad.erieneral Jartiea K Knchet. iho succeeded Col Mitchell a Chief of the Air berni e iUM that lbs air forces si.ould sventually be separated truio aimy aod uy coniruL Oreeon, up to 2 o'clock p. M. on May 1 8th. at Which tln.A aalH h!Hi will he ' nubile ly opened bv the County I 'court of Klamath County, Orciton. j A certified check or bond in the .amount of not less than 5 of the amount of bid muat accompany said Ibid. ! Plans and specifications and pro I posal for same may be had at the office of the County Surveyor. A deposit to the amount of 5.00 will he required for each eet of such j plans and specifications and pro I posal taken out of naid office. The County Court hereby reserves ww.ww. I (he right to reject any or all Mds. FOR RENT Basement 1n Scandi I By Order County Court, Klamath navlan hall. M14-16 County, Oregon. I Phone 629-J. Ml 5-21 WANTED Children to care for at ! home. 52 Main St. M16 WAITED Experienced lady wish es poaltlon as waftresB in camp, close in. Call 453. M16 C. A. WESTMAN, contractor and builder. Phone SSI or inquire at Scandinavian hall. M14 J14 GARDENING, Lawns. Phone 520-W. A18 M17 For Rent 4UTO LAUNDRY Phone 833 Cars called for and delivered. Spring & Esplanade St. M9 J9 C. R. DE LAP. County Clerk. By Chas. F. DeLap. Deputy Clerk. M8-18 Inc. NOTICE Hilt PIPLICATION teal Estate A paper whore All the people have naid portions of said streets with opportunity to expree themnelTfs If rom-rctf pavement, warrenlte bitu- ik.K A..m Ira ihst'i Th Ulyfnalh Mt Mi mi vnrTmn I wlrh rnr-lr Knua News. warrenlte bitullthlc pavement with r "!. .waiin, ureunn bituminous concrete base, asphaltlc 'ho: on November 12, 1921, m-de KI.HIITII VAt.l.KV IKIKIMTAL. concrete naveinent wllh rock haae. t "ecianiauon jiomesiead f.ntry. o. I1.-.N will be reserved without chaw or "Phltlc concrete pavement with aHptiaiuc concrete, nase, ai an eHti m.i'i.,1 cohi. IncIiulInK cement elde--.!U-4. curliinir, eurters and drain an for concrete tuivement. war-r.-.ii:i. l.itiilsthlc pavcTnctit with rock FOR RENT Modern housekeeping Apt. 603 Jefferson. M10-17 For Sale Miscellaneous Department of tlie Interior, t. S. Land Office at Iakeview, Ore May 11. 1925. Notice is herehy given that i FOR SALE Bv owner. Chevrolet FOR SALE Several collie pups with best ancestry. (Rex found them.) E. L. French. Phone 607. M16-17 j for the expertl-d con linemen t. ! adv. Kp. 1 tit i t M. Ill" ,.-!lt 1'itH one Sil. iticft. on cor- i for J.'.oo cial .lle of cnats jitnl dre.-'H 1 1. i: in '- ir. s Sli.'ti. 12H Ill St.. Klamath Kails. Ore. M 1 6 ment with bituminous concrvto base. or niiiiiMltic concreto with asplialtlc concrete base, of 81 1.684.5. Said in either ev.-nt to in clude traiiitiK, rolling and curbing. InterHinte Commerce Coniniimlnn i and drainage; said pavement to ne i u-imliiniion. Ii C. Its niiiillra-'fwenty-flve (20) feet wide, with nrlccitlon for a certificate that the pre- i concrete sidewalks five (5) feet 1 .... .. i u-l,l.i nn h.vf h a!it thnmnf wllh Superior touring. Driven .only 7.000 miles. $325. The best buv in town. Call at 419 Nel son St. M13-17 AEME.MBEU THE PRIDE you took in that shiny new car? Para gon Auto Laundry can make It look just like that and do U quickly, too. 127 So. 11th (at t iviamau Are. lor service. Fnon 894-J. A27 M27 LUMBER FOR SALE CHEAP Boards Shiplap Dimension Siding ! In fact practically all items for construc tion or repair work. Drive out and look it over. PELICAN BAY LUMBER CO. fHE WAFFLE KITCHEN serrea real cream waffles at all honrs. 119 So. 9th St. A8tf KLAMATH ART SHOP Hemstitch ing, pecoting, stamping, embroid ering. 130 So. 7th street. Klam ath Falls, Oregom. M5 J6 011S23. for Farm Unit "D" In lot and SWV4NE, Sectlcn 21. Tnwnnhitl 4 IS.. Ranee 12H . Wllbim- ette Meridian, filed notice of FOR ONLY $:00 down and balunc intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the I Mini i: i iiiir.t.iiA ini Ne. ii.iii.n.ii ! herebv gives notice tllHl oil the 5th livBK- day of May. 1925. it filed with the mn r. il. nt lot on J- Itr. el, Jirl.e $:10(). ii nnuw wnn garaK-. I ' h.-h throof wllh ... , ,i i.r'U'lll alld Illllire inline rnnirtlirnrr - - M. JJ:'.i down, ami -' . ,.,-..,,.. nark ng strips leveled throughout month, with 8 per cent '-1 tlon bv It of two ext. nsions of H " h"lh "ides; and ii. balance. ill.,.,, of railroad follows: 1.! IT Fl'RTHER RESOLVED line extending from Mend ':E finoM house on splendid or aMihalllc concrete nave-1'""" a"e tiescrinea. neloru It. n. tit With rock base, of Jl 1.255.7a, , lM-?P- Clerk of the County Court. nl fur warr.nite bitulithic pave- " , Mamain fans, iiregon, on the i i ii u ot June. Claimant names us witnesses: A. M. Thomas. Joseph Jacob, liihn I'.eher and Mrs. Anna Zumr, all of .Malln, Oregon. r. f. LIUHl, b.uoe as rent, we build to suit you. tiorilon I'ixon, phone 629-J. M'J-16 M13 J13lnc. Register. price 11.500. SI'I.KMUI) Warehouse lots I Market St. One a corner, on D,.u. hv the common council tnat the chutes County. South Went rely Iiml .rl"-ri. e eiuul er u.-atr.ueu UB southerlv to a l.ollll at or near Ho- , nn nerei., is uec.area 10 ue oene- Tmnni tCbi in i. . h Coiinlv. thence i filed. westerly to Klamath Falls. Klam ath CiMiniv. a distance of apprnxi- to-wlt All of block 39-A; lots 1, 4. 5 and 6. block 25; lots 4. 5, I - i itn it.., -n in Deschutes " 10 19 inclusive. lment. price 81.700. the otheri,, K,,irnn,h rounllea. State of Woi-lt .19: lot. 1,2, 3 and 7 inidl.. lot Just off of pave-1 Oregon: and (2) a line beginning " ; y - , ' tl.MO. i ':'lnt !'". ,,w lln" ' "'"1 r C iv of Klamath Kalk or SA..K Flve-roott, plastered sou,,, of . Hend. inul i-etidlng. ..-'des'crlh1 bed P.Kb7 la! m In t'orvallis. Ilath and:""'""'"' '" "'',' ' -.11... I declared to be benefited and asBes- II In conveniences: garage; L,, , K-i, cn.iiv. State of I ""'I '"r ,he P""e "t said im- BEXD-KI.AMATH FALLS STAGE Now Operating Dally Trips CENTRAL AITO SERVICE 103 So. 7th Phone 513-W Z. PETERS Tencher of Violin and Piano. Accredited by the Bureau of Education. Phone 451-W Send It to the Laundry Union Laundries: FRENCH HAND KLAMATH SUPERIOR ant Ldry. Workers Union No. 230 Edward B. Ashurst Attorney and Counsellor at Law State and Federal Courts Suite No. 5, Loom Is fildg. Phone 227 MJU. NATE OTTERBEIN Real Estata 001 Lincoln St. Phona 63-M FIRE AND NO INSURANCE Ton nlwaya feel sorry for the fel- low who loses his home, or any : of his property by fire and has no Insurance. How about YOUR SELF? Are you covered? If not you bettor call ns today. MOMYER & MOMYER INSURANCE CO. I Hooka Building ilhed. S. v. ral fruit trees and Oregon. maple shade trees In yard. ' II mil furniture or iinfurnlsh- li'iali-.l college. Will "Ii" fur Kl.itniitb Fnlls residence 'iptrty. tlRKCON TRUNK RAILWAY. Ily W. F. TURNER. President. M16.23.30 RKSIIiKNT lot on Herbert 1 HIIIhMi. St., 50x140 on cor- Prlc,. (too. $100 balance. I'd p.-r month. RKSOI.l'TION Improvement Unit No. 40. IAVE A NTMI1ER of good lots " In Mills Addition ro $200 to $100. MODERN furnished bunga- " good locution near ichool. lot, lawn, a nice little Price 83,260, on terms. 80M ni'NflALOW close In 011 "r lot. on n.nln. Prl ,S'M. on term. TRY CONVENIENT 4 room f1" hath, large corner lot In location. Price $2800, on Nice lawn, Paid. Price garage, $5250. THE REST resident lots "reet with garuge. Price "OOM modern tomln. In Jdld location, on good lot on sueet 7(ra,, N OP 01 th '1.000. b,Pak,, 0 r" house, bath '!.. ""K- larKO clothes hid ' r:,RO "n rorner lot on ..r;."aVinR- '' 3.1S0. W 4 nr.,,.. 4,(l, 1 hunRnlow with "Re h ""llt-'11 kitchen, gnr- ""nt In . 1 on Paid pave. lte inm, -'"""'" A very - I'e $4,600, on Le?!:,'!lTB OTTERBEIN Phong B80-M The City Engineer, pursuant to resolution of the Common Council heretofore adopted, having on the 4th day of May, 1925, filed plans, specifications and estimates of the cost of Improving Huron street from Pacific Terrace to El Dorado Prices avenue and El Dorado avenue from Esplanade, to Huron street, includ ing Intersection with Huron street, and tho council having token Bnme under advisement and finding eald plans, specifications and estimates to be satisfactory: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that said plans, specifications and estimates for the Improvement of the said portions 01 earn sireei. be and " ttm0 ar0 nereD'' op" PrBE 'iT FURTHER RESOLVED thai the common council hereby declares its intention to improve said portions of ald streets in ac cordance with tho said plans, speci fications and estimates. om provement ghnll consist fpT'nK provement; and UK IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Monday, the 1st day of June. 192S, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M.. at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of Klamath Falls. Oregon, he fixed as the time and place for the hearing of objections and remonstrances against eaid pro posed improvement; and The Police Judge be and he hereby is dlrecled to cause notice of said hearing to be published as by charter provided. Stato of Oregon, 88. County of Klamath. 1. Lemuel L. Gaghagen. Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, do herehy certify that the foregoing is a duly enrolled copy sf a resolution adopted by the common council at its regular meet ing held on Monday, May 4th, 1925, C. C. BROWER Attorney-at-Law General practice State and Federal Courts Willits Bldg. WOOD is down to SUMMER PRICES Phone in Your Order I Our supply is large and the blocks are good and dry. BUY EARLY, get a few loads each month on these cheap prices, and your fuel bill will always be light. Peyton & Co. 601 Main Phone 535 DR. F. R. GODD.VRD Osteopathic Physician -Surgeon Phone 821 Office and Rea. I. O. O. F. Temple Klamath Falls, Oregon Browne's Paint Store 1029 Main Street. Phone 75 SCANDINAVIAN . ROOMS Are Now Open. Stricly up-to-Date. Rooms From $6.00 Up. E. L. ELLIOTT Attorney At Law Address 8-8 Bngarman Bids. Tel. 120 Office. Borne B24-J Office Bonn (a, to 5:80 p. i2i4 pi -ira Cord Tire n H S1.5Q $18.50 JJ Ll Hub Tire Shop LJ 602 8. Bth BC It L o Oo Fo u ALAINE BEAUTY SHOPPE Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. 107 So, 7th St. rbone 7M TRIANGLE CAFE The place to ft good eat. OPEN ALL NIGHT OSS Main Phone 0S4 Klamath Lodge No. 137 Meet erery Friday night. W. E. Beck N. O. Canton Crater No. 7 Meets erery Wednesday evening. Carl Sandell, Commandant. Lund, C. P. Ewauna Encampment No. 46 Meets erery Tuesday night. A. B Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. I f'A Uut. . n tK 1- TfinM. m Mrs. Viola Jones. N. O. Iet Your Glass Troubles Be Ours Window Plate and Windshield Glasit Sash, Door and Cabinet Work. THE GLASS HOUSE 11th and Pine Phone 477-W BILLY'S UNCLE 3Zgj Ji I II; I i a.i 1 U n 1! 3 J II 'I