Saturday, May 16. 1925. Page Five ' aMATH NEWS Eta to jBVERWQRK'i j 10 ACTORS; 4 I I. III. n. t II 1 ( II HI (,r , tlm i-rwn. III. .alary U reported In Ih 1 4 fill weekly. N,i ,. j. yi'iirnlil Id. .,,.y win. Infill. Tim niiiiiiiiilir uvriiige linn weekly. ,,KS. May ,s m pn-vi-nl overwork ,,VI,. in linn was taken unite liitMir hureau ,iriilni" I""""'-'" ,., i mirk children lull I H. ,M,4 t it k today fol- , 11 1 it I I M UlUl III- i ui'lii ' d I ' work mi in I'll . v. Miml ,.u w M- rniiinli-il nil ,.,!;, .1- I"--.!. ,-. it tin- V .irnlllg W III ,. ,,..., M f llm ' . . HI'", nun' ll'il llrclmiH ,,,, l.i mot her, pi-r- ,, ui.i.i.ii picture, work ni;slir4. aiiiiimoiiiii re- .nulla urn being re liilHir Imri'iiu In'cnimc I market l completely rllllil urlnm. lie greaiciil tragedy (if nv I the great nruiy tin-m itli nitiiill rhlld ,.j:i. raiting offices fur ,.nt for ilii'lr yiiuiix larv I ni-vi-r iivit 1 1 1I , i,.,ll..n i if pic-ilMy 111 .i::k hi n i-M from twn ultn urn Invariably n-Ki nnivi suffer per i . I ill lnIlK HH tun or Hi il Hill". TIll'SH llll- i- it - I I l nnw n, r Ive uii S 1 ' f'ir llmlr day's ,..nn- 1 1 in a'H ten hour. falmnn of lllt'HM child- I iiiit'.iM. Willi his re- nf II mm. nun n his In Jai kill's rrnwn . (..nv. Mickey Diiii II. .i.lri. k. Il. n Alex in;!. iM.. r'.irluit V. Mur- VI. !.. M. lliui iin.l $75,000 FIRE IN TROUTDALE BURNS BUSINESS SECTION I'OHTI.ANI), May lr,..- NVarlyi halt uf III.' Iiualni.aa ncctlnn of, Trould.ile. IS mlli-a ea.t f ,H rlly. nn llm t'oluiuhlu River hlich-' way. waa ili-airoyi'il nr 'I .i in h k. in' m liHlfluKrallnii win. li .larti il im a ahliml.. fin- mi tin. rimf nf a pur utt i' mi I iiliiinliin airii-i. Tin. Iiihk w.iil riiini.rviillvi.y isllniiiliil lit ulnilit ;,r,.llliil. H-i-i,iia liulr Minr ill hy Iimiii. in, i-. A n ,1 in I,- r ,,f ruiillllf-N ur, liinii.-li-rtii. IS COMING HEN J.. '. Mickey IhiiiMh ft Roast Beef . ..18c ). ShouIrW Steak 35c line Beef 12'2C d Veal Roast 18c ! Veal Steaks ,35c al Stew 12Vc od Lean Pork Roast 25c 'esh Brojiera, rryers and nice rat nens. Sanitary Market CHOICE MEATS Special Attention to Order Trade. h and Main St. Phone 22 Sal Jljj You'll Spot Them At KENO STORE pot only Grocery Bargains but Fish es Tackle, Picnic Eats, Soft Drinks pnd Fishing Licenses. STANDARD. CAR SERVICE Ore., on the Ashland Highway NewsmPictiires;fiS0RSHiP0F i Tim tlmutri. Kiilnx pulilli- will hp lniiiy In know Dial u Kri-m IiiiikIi la III alum fur tliwn. On May 111 limn- will nn.n In Kliinmlh. a mmpjiny kiinwn aa Kliiiiiulli KiiIIh Own Hun k Cii ; tlu-y npi-n In a Iiik wlillii t, nl I li l r nn Sou Hi Silll utri-il. Jimi oiuhIiIi- Him i-ily 1 1 in It m. Twt-nly rli-vt-r artli-ia an : rurrii-il with tin. , in .:i ii v . uii.l u Ji'.r.K nrrhi-nl rn la mm nf Mm fi-a-nin-a. IHkIi-iIiikh vuuili-vill,. will li.. pri-Mi iiti-,1 hi-lwi-i-n tlm iicla. iiikI: II allow of Ilii-rlt Ih proiuisi-il. j Tim pluya Iiiivi. I n i-.iri'ful!y at. li-rli-il. ami tlmy an nii-iint to wur on th, lilin-H, no ono c-un wliiifHa: Ollii of thi-Hi. rolin-illi-a without for-' Ki-tlltiK liny troiihlia tlmy may have.! Tim pri-jn-nl ii:ty unit hk pt-oplft wiint to l.tiich. and till company j i-iill i-irlalnly itk" tlm pi-(ple what iln-y want. I.ani;h ami Im nmrry la' ti n alotiill. anil tlmy want all nf KUniiiih Kiilla to Join In with tli-in.' Il ni't f.irai-t tlm i "nlliK I'lny. I'"-i; Swi'li- ,-iiiiii-ily ilraina. -u-tl l.,1 "Afiir nl- ul-.n Huw llroiul w y," frit',- and TiOc. Havoc Wrought by Cyclone tirnCi- . done nun ii(nu't C-uiriil 'lexna Iravtiij; rti'i rucf ton t?i i -t wnK I'milo nnt Hi- un iUite of a .wo Htory Karate n'y.r I ,i;iiiN 1't'XKit, tin uiir floor ol whlcli bounJ tlm hull uned by ttia ( il r'li"W Vooiiih-u, SmrJlpox Hits Capital 'vt PTTAICV .; N'-V WiLBb'R (usted), ASST. ABCV 1 1 ... ., , ,. i . i i ' ; ,i i, inli i.s iv,. i an t'c rank anil fll of Wu.-hlns .,. , , . ,, , .,-, ,.,ii. ii.o. ii! ,1, ,1 ui. ,1 mi-cn:ii'il in il"' si.iullii' X i..,;.. 1' .lui.- -:-i liiiii S.iix-ti.rj or ibe Navy Itohinsuii b,-itiK x, . I, !-..! i.v i ,r M '-I.-.-, of liiu Navy A'purumui, wliiie duemtary iiuui k.u: li.t lu. a. Sent 3 to Die for Revenge ; i.. .l,ft-n..JtA.M t 4 tl -v . S ' $ 'CKKKKV O, (left) srrj. Cv.'VRTOWTEN-PANT'. One of the most astoundlns cbnfesslons on record ta that of "Cheeks" Luclnno, who, following his capture In Newark. N J , de clared that, because of his hatred, he had perjured against the Diamond brothers and caused their electrocutions, as well as the ele. t. cutioo of John Farina and the death sentence against Anthony t'aaluuo. The four were charged with the murder of two bank messenger who were i hot Id a holdup. Cop Accused in Death Mystery .ei.' f- -r . ' s jot Pniireman Frank Mulhern and Miss Margaret Collins, central fig ,,', Chicago's latest death enigma, are pictured above. An order was Issued for Mulhorns arrest after Miss Mary Hill testified she had T, en the offm-r aoinillng over the body of Miss Collins, who was shot U aUtfc following . puny. The death of Miss Collin, wa. at lir.t be lieved a case of suicide. -- MOVIES IN ORE. IS FAR REACHING vulved In the ftimoun controversy I with Admiral S hlcy, Ceneral Miles came lu the dffoiirtb of I)ewey, and; wuH critlciaxd tiy itJO(ivfclt for his i-ourwe. A a reftult he wan nnt on 'a tour of the world, which removed I him from the Rrene of authority at Washington. Thus he reached the retiring age tt 64 and patmed out! of active service the subject of much icrllfclMm, which obscured from pub-' lie notice many of his notabt achievements a a soldier. In later years, however, this Utt terncKS paaned away, and he en joyed in his last days, the esteem of those who appreciated hia servlco to the country. PORTLAND, May 15. Action of i the Portland motion picture censor hoard will be extended to effect all ,of Or'Kon. ! The step is the fulflllinent of a IprorniKe made to the last legitilttture i by the Motion Picture League of ()r'Kcn. At tli time a censorship bill v.;is biiitf consifIiTd and the h-aKU't declan'd that if thf bill wre lifj t(l other tiH to oblain the ctii-orinK of iiiovif-H would be ''iken. ! )y ii.-.-n i -t of t Ii Ih promltte, the bill Whit p'Je'-tw!. Thv Molioli I'ii turif li-yvu' co-op' rut.-. I with th fi 1 in board of tradf, and an a result , it will be practically ImpoHHible for 'pictures to hv. shown in the state ; that have not been viewed by cen ' Kors here. j Portland's censorship board has I operated for years, and film dis- tributors have been satisfied with jits Judgment in cutting films. A paper wnere all the people have opportunity to expreee themselves iff they desire that's The Klamat Nswe. STANDING OF CONTESTANTS GENERAL MILES DIES SUDDENLY imrTni Mn. J. F. Goldaworthy, 802 Doty St Mn. Guy Satterlee, 933 Washington St Mrs. S. A. Masters, Algoma Mri. Delia Smith, 819 Jefferson St Mra. Will O. Hardberger, 1321 Oregon Ave. Mist Loretta Porter, Klamath Indian Agency Mrs. Joe H. Foster, box 42, Klamath Falls Miss Eetty Ramsby, 521 No. 5th St Mrs. NeHa V.'ahl, 1819 Johnson St ,Mi. Henrietta McReynolds, 10th and Pine j William A. Hu!et, Merrill I Miss Coral Johnie Gray, C03 Jefferson St Miss Bernice Provost, Sargent and Prescott Miss Helen Cornish, 1428 Worden Ave jMiss Bernice Dawson, R. F. D. No. 1, Klamath Falls.... John Morgan, 668 California Ave Miss Aileen B. Haley, Merrill Rt., Klamath Falls Miss Zephc Rogers, Portland and Pacific Terrace Mrs. Claud Davis, Davis Furniture Store Mike Bessler, Klamath Falls Miss Juanita Taylor, Fort Klamath Carl Seigel, Malin H. R. Bowman, Bonanza , Mrs. A. D. Tilton, Pelican City Harley Jackson, Chiloquin (Continued From Pace One) 1 38,850 102,300 69,350 51,350 50,600 42,150 40.37S 35,000 33,825 32,550 30,750 23,325 23,000 11,350 10,250 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 . 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 VOTES NOMINATION BLANK .... 1023. (;.KI FOR 10,000 VOTES COXTKST MANAGER, THK KLAMATH XEWS: Bate I nominate , (Oive full name of Candidate) Phone District No Cut out tills lilnnk and send to Contest Department, The Klamath, Ni'ws, with your mime or the name anil mldi-rss of a friend. The namcrn 25-VOTING COUPON-25 GOOD FOR 23 VOTES Good for 25 Votes if sent or mailed in on or before Monday May 23, 1923, 7:00 p. m. Xnme Street the Civil war. and four times was expected to die from wounds. Hut he lived through all of the hli.iwluhfxl ;,n,l nlnnepil Into the In-1 '!i:m wars after Appommatoic. Forj''""'- ;wnty years he was chasing Sitting j Town Bull, Crezy Horse and Xan-hel. Nominated by Hy the time nf the Spanish-Am-1 .A.1.1t-.-iH erican war lie had risen to be chief j nf siaff of the arn.y. lie was kept I 'from coiiiiiiiimling tlm American 'nrniv in t ulm (mneral Sh-iftor re- ,r pel''" making nominations will not be divulged if so requested. The I reiving I''"' "H '.-ni'ient to the In- first nominal ion sent in will count 10,000 votes. Tho right is rcscrredl dlgnnllon oi lii. inis oi .ilile. 11- to reject any olijeiiionuhle nominations, inally. when Shatter, of his 3(io pounds, was uniilile to func-j ' jtion as actively as u field general should, and after Theodore Roose velt, colonel of the Rough Riders, had explained the situation to Sen ator Lodge, pressure was brought to bear, and Miles was sent to the field, where he served with distinction. Miles' biggest achievement In the Indian wars was in driving Sitting Dull out of his stronghold in the northwest, and suppressing the! Sioux. This campaign was attended ' Town by terrible hardships, Including nverlnnd marches of more than hundred miles in weather 40 degrees This Coupon will count 23 Votes when properly filled out and do below zero. j livercd to Contest Department, The Klamath News, on or before the ex As a result of knowledge of the J plrntlon date. Coupons ninst be neatly trimmed and put in packages with.. western country, acquired during the; numbcr of TOtcs written on top. Indian wariare, uenerai .vines, wun , a lnnc rnnire visinn, rnme hnrk to Washington, urging development of irrigation projects to accommodate the great increase In population which he foresaw. The program, thus envisioned by Miles 55 years ago, is still being carried out. Another Important episode in his busy career, was his handling of the Chicago railroad strike in 1890, which brought him reward from President Cleveland in his appoint ment as commanding general of the army. At sixty he became a lieu tenant general. From this point on, he became Involved in controversies with civil heads of the government, and this was carried through the administrations of Cleveland, Mc Kinley and into that of Roosevelt. When Admiral Dewey became In- . ! District No. I nil " """ " If THE MODERN SAMSON ANTON ASPLING The World's Strongest Man Today. Will Show At MOOSE HALL May 16, 1925. Admission $1.10 8:00 P. M. Dance After Performance. MUSIC BY HALLEN & MILLER Accord ian Specialists. TJARNHART'S McCarthy BIdg. 7th Street I vl "3 "Go Around the Corner and Save Money" The most bewildering assortment of summer silk dresses we have ever shown, received in last shipments. Style $11. and higher You are invited to inspection. 4? li r II I u