SatuHav. Miv It. 13 Pace Two Editorial and Feature Page of KlamathNy ZZT --"VAIU 1 THE KLAMATH NEWS Owced and Publi.hed by KLAMATH NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY (Incorporated! OOhm m4 Iwinm: yaw Onerana. am . BeM H Hard. "- niilil i Brm H- tu . krKrjn: Walter mi. uiai. (i mll lar mmii lb rata tti1it Mark awael. B. H. STEVENiN Vifir-f t-W-r Entered at the Portoffice t Klamath Falls, Orefca. al tecotd-cliai Eatttr. Published every morning except Monday. Oliee LO. O.F. B.c.zz. 102-122 So. F.f-.s St. Telephone 677 Addes all eorr..-r. urJcatior-s and rrike ."!' f ;i:.t to ihe Kiarr.::-. NtTi Pub! .'his? Cosasr- In orJeriEf change cf aiir?.'. the always old is we:; a tr' i::r-J. FOirtheKILl IXHIMII HtlTlT CK1WH I Ir.'ala aa4 H icS ta. u !. rM' 7V -..- The Adventures of Riffr(K' Ann onI D-- FAIR VIEW. MT. LAK1 Vf i i Exj . A I' ' 1 t s r hk; - v - f v-. v. i b . r"ie M tr,i Kfcr. Mhimt. I i s ' S -" -' :: t v -t ; r oP,Ht,t l, t all4 va . .iwie4. ah Sobtcriptioo Ratea AI 5ubcriptom Payable ia Aaance Delivered It per m-th S .o Delivered by Carrier, tx cordis Delivered by Carrier, one year Outride Klamath Coacty 5.0O 5.00 Full leased wire. United News and United I'rtas. (Lctgest ia the world.) OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS "Let us have Jaith that right makes might, and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as vx understand it" Abraham Lincoln HOME OWNERSHIP :r There is found! for A.r.rrica in Premier Stan ley Baldwin advice to Eritish employers to encou.--?e their workers to own their own homes, savs the Sar. Francisco Chronicle. Ealdwin, himself a large err. p '.oyer, should ow a :g an good deal about the factors that go toward rr.ak employe more efficient. Ke believes that the pemar.ent home is the foundation of orderly and that the man who takes the flr-t -ftep toward own:.'.? hi own home :' to that extent more ibstastial and more vaiavle to hia employer. There are. of cour-e. material rea.-.ns : .r t'r.l-. The man that his or. bit cf land has a biy?-r -:ii-: ir. indx-try than thr itinerant renter, and the -T-i';r can better afford to tra;n rs.rri f work. But there ii ar.oth' though less evident, re-il change in the man that ha- own caatie. A new sense of dignity and independence comes to the home owner. Ke feeis an ;nteri.-t in the communitv in which he lives and works, and in the prosperity of the industr' in which he Ls engaged. It is the new outlook that adds to his stability even more than his new econ omic position. Premier Baldwin pointed out that employ ers will find it profitable to give their employes material help toward buying their own homes, and to choose from their number when there are promotions to be made. r respots r and e". This potent, ai-ychoioi-ica; lord of h:s F-ill .- " A -I t Mr l-.-i B-s-i Has -'- y- :i V- r a K..: i-- i : . ; al.:r t'tu ' '- H . 2 T t i-. i'-i v-.iir Tt -! t sx:r "-r ' ' -f C-: H.ll ni H.ri'.l L:.:tr rsr. f ; -.:. cf A;i-it aai a ralr W4;-.iT. Kiro.i L:rr f.tzUi at a t il' i;twr a-. O. A. to:e ;.cr:c Wd:.iT : Hiyls V-a-f'.. chki-tux it to: winv Ubran Ba'Miax Ttrt aa.J Maia J 4 a a . ; : i -tc:. 11 a s S.i:t i a k r M ' : ? I Fr read x; r:a fe ti II .J.-r d;-i fr-. i 1 : a s cl Tj4iv T---.-4-.'!. ill -I f Mil l l IMM tlta U Ha i-r. I'aali r. f a . b a i.v. iNa'sr 1 ! ? a ai WHEAT SPECULATION SEARING ITS END . y a How in I U ( .:' K..Kk-iiy Ann rn.-d hPa i, - ..i imi'ii i i.aimi from h "'.' "uk-iMi: iri),,,, ' W 1 y the m.iKMian nm-l l;,,r r" ' ' .'J-t a he worked fr.i,r.c ..7 " "Why:" littli- Ned and K . . 1" e ii "He it ,j , a fhe hanK'l magician. ir.f world oia ne come to carrM! rrnrml,rr ever being a isttle Ned's nice daddy said. GRACE MKTH"IIT (Htl'.rH lOih iM HiT Ma. Tboa. a ) iran. Pate. 1 a. b: ijr a. i :. 11 a. a. Vo-a st r.-. f " ". ! 1J i ia f j' al-l! . if jre cri.a !h" FT. KLAMATH THE SALVITinv ,r.M Cap. ik Mr. K. Hoarr la Chare 11 t a. m. Cwbora w::i I pea k. I r . f ;tjiy Skhso:. I ft p. m. Ets 2? rr.-. ETerrbodr torji.y .it;4. i . AVAt v. - -: nr.sT bwtw nn i: h A. I'. Sim n I"..t..r. ri of :r I vj "be '.hrei; (.f y r -j.'ure J-d r rf'.ett . jr:f ani drmiid o: i! ( Ts jT- sj:e : u r. a i -. y : d h -. ; -) T. : e Tk ; r : d n : S"-r:aT cf Acr: th.: 6ra! r rr. ke '1 -r rneat- -p'. 1. . f t.l NEEDED A LITTLE RESERVE! an to- Turning south into Fifth .-tree'., off of Main, mobile stopped Kcjuarely aero.-;.-: the crown of the inter section. Motor traffic in both directions on both streets was blocked. The woman al the wheel of the stalled auto spun her starter. .She timed her -witch key and pulled out the choke and did ail the other things people do v.hen they are caught in the traffic. Still the machine would not go. A pedestrian solved the mystery. Th .- gas tank was empty. Volunteers pushed the car over to the curb. Traffic was re.-.umed. The woman had to wait for gar age aid, impatiently because, as she explained, she was in a tremendous hurry. It was the old story of the lost nail, the lost horse, the lost rider, the lost kingdom. Every day the same thing is happening in new ways. Every day some man in the stream of life has his opportunity. He needs a little reserve a few dollars, a bit of special knowledge, a small surplus of health or strength, mental or physical, a small surplus of health or strength, mental or physical; these are lacking at the crucial moment. Then he is pushed over against the curb while the rest of the traffic goes on. Keep your gas tank filled. o ENORMOUS BUSINESS INDUSTRY Broadcasting radio programs and manufacturing radio equipment has become one of the biggest Ameri can industries. Thin was plainly indicated in a western city recently where 400 radio manufacturers, jobbers and dealers sat down to a public banquet. It was sur.;ly a night in radio land when that many business men could meet on short notice and celebrate the an.'-. al of a new invention that has become in a few years one of the fiv lar;'. - national industries of our country. ,,en n.-;i' '.r;ii;-n.; ;om ..!! a J have been fuilv de veloped - po -.o!e relation to education, church ser vice, news dissemination and civic, :-o'J;-.I, rr.visical and dramatic possibilities, it is not a v.ild prophecy that it will become the largest American industry. o A few more weeks and school will be out and dad will be asking where in thunder the car is. i-rT-r H-i 'i ij', Tit i r. ar h.Tie acre u a, the ?.c'av- Win. Kzyzc ozi. wto d.d ia th K.a:a3 Va::r bvp::a!. The bur ial will b hf;M hr Wtdcsda- FT. E. and stA Mri. Marina Vis r.f'i ca'.'.tra in The :he for: Klamath h;z . schools. TiO en'-e-r-;!7:a'h ( :z'y tra'ic m"t "-r- N'.r'.'.aa W:n-r, ur a. V."i, 'j-r ?rz ion. ST. ruirt KJlsroiA. fHir.rn . O. 1. W. Hall 10 a. a. Chared choo:. 11 00 a. m. Morn r.; prjr. to u." h a A f n a .,:d. ir.i. a ii r ,1 tin-: a ut ah .SVv.r h. f:ur.. f'.Te had up a to V- Mr firrrr '' 4 '.be K'.aTiia Sa'irday "-r H-.Z"rr Ji o-rT. Ma NorT.a (j-jtI'jzi N-jih. L-,ro-.:.y Vsre.i.a N:la Sir. ir.l ('ff.ri'.Tl W a 'l ' 'r h . Ma Mar- fHHisTUN curnrn W. E. Kohbilt. Pa.l.. 10:00 a. m. S. S. 11:0 a. ai. Moraine jrtire. Evpninr serrire a: Tbe Presby terian hur. h at 0 ol',. k W. K. delfter enm-mn'"en-n. aiires- at Ilonanza Fri day nish:. -heme: 'What I VVoi:i I'o If I Cojla Hj:n At H.L-h S'-hool Aca.a and li-r-ain My Exii-r- t unMf-it ha: as )', ' a :s- ahcat ir.:r:,-a with the of A:i:ra;;a. A buy:n p.wr d a thru: har.r and !h t-uv. roa'.na-d unaha:cd for ar.l t., a x- :d I"-:d-r.: f. an J :an r.'.-jl a Ta . a:-.- ar.d Ir.r. '.or. '. h ,f pjb-rt-n'. M ! v i a ' f : r. a ;. f't :o nn .'! f i .-an day n:sv.t Bac. a:a-irea: a drcj- at iT'-oytcrian ch-jreh. I': ram from M. .Mr!'heron. I"N M TiiEit.w nit fliumlMr of Conmicrcr R,iml . U . Hoffman, f ;i-f en-. f 30 a. ni . Sjndiiy hoo! ;,: Uile ':a-.-. 10:30 a m. Mornine rv'r '. T'.rc : T;.c Obstacles :o irav th and Their Ri-moval." Th; ne:y organized Bible da will ir.e.-t f,,r ,he first time the regular Sinday school nob- .Sunday mora air. Brlnz i, Hii.i. i mOtorft In V'5-r.-.lli l.'. 'i . .. . 1 " - (..a or .ew i,.i-amfnt All are Invited to attend. Jard.! a. I th had fun It t h o , ;.. r ',' '.e-e. t.-.e wina:nsf e(-: Miriaa Binh in the f'.ai ra'e; Vir;::n:a Martin, in the pota oe ra.-e; Sarzcn. won firn' in ba-ebail throw for accuracy. Klva Mc-oa corriiaz Recond. (llt-Ln KerzuHon won third In the pole vault. Mra. H. .1. flordon and son ert. Saturday, on businccfi I:-.- d'irlr.z ev period c(,m.T.. :e m .,:;: w;:i t.,,. 1 by the rv!;,t.v .at'X'nt of the er;i ,i he pa d. "Our . . r- r ow n prolib n. has shon over a period a century. ontant revision of "Nur can I remember beinjr in urij Ned's nuf mama aid. "Though I do rerr.e:,, was our ratl' when I w a little pirl! '(if rnurw it little Ned' nice da-t ia"tir did you think it va., marr.i?" Why!" littli- NVd's nice mama replied. 1 lor.iri-d to the magician, but now 1 remember! here until the magician changed me into i m courie I did not recognize it It surprised little Ned' nice daddy to Ws wa a magician he had changed Ned" pretty witch, and neither he, nor the Raggedyj sor C.T toad could understand it. 1 g-jes the best way to do. is t try r.d f-j t.aggedy Ann sasI. "lou are ail trycther irtl nr..-t lin k a! the happiness you will ;1 be t! : " eaih other, rather than look back at the j!. i. .!-:;. .-r.:i .- ngnt. littie .cl r.xt slaws 'v c '':. i .in V" l' th- diiiirgroom and hate dir.:- w ay." -;.:d ;i sh. led trie u ay tA the d:: t-.ini.-d t.. ii't:.. N.J' r:i.c daddy. -Vh-r .-f ;l a .-.rv..r.-. . us-d to havi-, daddy?" "K-aliy: I d.m"t know." Ned'- r.:e daddy Wf.i - '. any wh. n I was the mean old n:afK:a,E(arl he asked of Raggedy Ann "You hail a lot of long nosed soldiers ilidllH l.aggetly Ann answered. "When you wereiM" giiian. you sent them to try and drive us bat kill we could not rescue little Ned's nice mantll" "Then I'll bet a nickel I know what bipf:l Ned's nice daddy said. "What has happened" w ished to know. "I 'sped, w hen I was a mean old magician I c takc-n the magic charms and changed all of our t:- vants into something else!" "Then w.- must look into the made rr.irror what became of them!" Raggedy Ann said. So the? 4 to the room where the magic mirror stood, and '- where all the old servants were, but they could no. at all. 'Hmm!" little Ned's nice daddy seem strange that we cannot see them. Kafired? An 1 "Indeed! It does!" Raggedv Ann agreed. "lint mavbp von made them invisible !" CraEPH toad said. i "Ha'" ll.n.cro.le An, I.- "Trial" lUSt whltfcl " I'll I .1 '.!. i ii iivl ;t rncKei : Sr llttl,. v..-1'j .1...1.1.. tkt mafic cIm intereu'ed eloped corners.' nto what were FAMOUS FANS The vootw who 5rcvS KEEP T UPX SOvirJV fhanire hrn met the i.z cot.di'ion. f wi.n.t -o little Ned's nice daddv took the mapc ing aito that made , wished to see the nice old servants who used o " t ie old atiiine, that dev. castle, and before you could say, "Higgle de pigfW- the servants wem ' And sure ennnch iiwt n frumm' trcstcd tfio u..rt'.,n(d u a v.nAn nja invisible, ana. could see each other and talk to each other, still "-I not talk to anyone who was visible. known My ! They were so glad to be able to see and 4 A ', " ' ova, i teelN jjS' v tiNDrtFEEL le XxJ) J?fl I V0O i(S OUT hl " J j I z mm ytmi . ; their master and mistress, and in a very short W1 i ranged such a nice, fine, lovely dinner, it o""1", ! fifteen mlnl.. a.ii .. - L.'. theT n"1 1 And of course. Raggedy Ann and .cjrampy noppytoad ate so much they ieu I Kilt litfln V.wl I I.- 1 J J .. A'.A infi - " anu nis nice aauuy um, Then they all wen into the great big room, J I Wan a nio r: t.!.t- hnt. TlOf W 1 Miny ure, which wasn i i ; little Ned's nice mama read fifteen of the nicest a nau ever neara. -up Then when am - ii, nnened i" ., began calling "Coo 1 l; .U mount ll J times, wnic.i -, n I rh dre- to grow up into nice. people, to go to De". Andy laughed, an j the clock. nnsal 'V saw that the coo J jf a golden bird with djei The bird the MVi to bring iffrJ little Ned's nce m gedy Ann said. (More abuut tao Raggedy torn"w :.a.'