Page Four Tliuisd.iv. Mav I I, 1 !". 1 't !' III ! a if is u J li t I CD Aim imine inr IilVtW A WAKNlNb . i 1 1 in lion ut lite act has uut liiti- far been o'lta'ned.' , 1 In oilier word ilio dcpai inmul of srrimlttire. has strong hi,Icioiiii. bin lacks the Kiii'fit icnt proof io make Die casu stand up iu court .u the moment. This is due l the' 1 ' ! ' secrecy and car with which inan- j . . . . t Ipulator cover ihelr tracks. Theyj : manipulation pf Market It break up huge buy or Kill orders (ana place mem with a number oI houses, making It difficult to trace In tbe booka the scope of liven! Notables in the News Under Probe; Evidence Hard To Get 'operation. The actions of the mar ket convince the investigators that there haa been manipulation, but By RAYMOND CLAPPER , . XV A Qinvn rn v v.. it w tha ... , . Li. .J. - . 1ua to restrict grain peculation and jwaite evidence in the books lo prevent manipulation of the wheat; prove It. market have been undertaken byi Secretary of Agriculture Jurdlne SPRAGUE RIVER Thla action has been started h.f cause of the violent fluctuations In: SPRAOl'K UlVKIt May 1J. Mrs. Clauiiic Angle Sconchin. the county seat wneat. which are said to have made Rev. sirs. Clark. upward or i-'O.niu'.OOO for certain Hood, and Miss professional operators at the expense made a visit to of lambs enticed Into the market by Monday. tne sensational bull movement of Mr. and Mrs. Levi K. Walker last fall and winter. were ln Klamath Falls Mondiv. i Jardine has been In conference rtun W'ann. who is with' the' this week with officials of the Chi- j Wolford & Wann mercantile Co. cago board of trade, the chief-grnirr'of tSis place made a visit to Chil . market in the lnited States. He-oqtiin Thursday, returning Kri told the grain traders he wanted to day. Sire the exchange an opportunity to bn last Tuesday the Ladies Aid correct its own abuses. Dut he., oriety of Sprague River, visited the : warned them that If they failed to Jogging camp on Cherrv creek! take the steps he recommended he and report a very nice time. Thev would revoke the federal license of; met with the ladles of the camp. I tne thlcago board of trade, a step Haklng their lunch with them, and which would force It out of business, j after arriVing at the camp they bad j and would go to congress, for ad-!a Joint lunch. dltlonal legislation that would em-j Mrs. F. A. Hutto. an, the field1 l7T.u .t0 dea' mre '""""I; matron Mrs. Bertha D. Wallace, of with the situation. ! Yainas. were in Sprague River This action was taken after de- Tuesday, and joined the ladies in f h ncn,t inves.lga.llhe!r euIinK and p!l.nlc ilt cherrv tors made nn Investigation of the t-ceek ' f ,h,e "rr1 ,ra"e- Rrai" 'r.' and Mrs. Stonie Hacochta.' operators who have memberships in ani ,,.. We ln KUma:h the pit. and the file of telegraph F-l V -nd ,y today that: ' a :np 10 " "lsKe-v crt('K Tnuidiy to clean t!se graves and Although there were indications get readv fcr decoration, that evidence did exist which did The people in Sprague River wow an attempted or actual mun- observed Mother's Da v. A! iv 10 ipqlatlon of the market, proof neees-i Mrs. Minnie Snider, of Yainax. .I"16 convictlon of those who were visiting Mrs. Daniel Clinton might be charged with the viola- this week ?!r. and Mrs. Lindsay, of Klam- am rails was visum biic, u:uua.t, uoius a non- orable position with the Camhell h ' ' ! 1 Tne,l::v. Mid S.iluliliiv all Ihiiiimh the suniiiier mid mil II 111 U Ulotlllla. The bargi' w ill l ;m it iniii iiu:t aiouiid 11 o'clock S.itmditv nli lit. iilthoiigh at a much earlier hour1 after this date After the hinitn Ini anchored to hiin well out fronij shore, a specially hiillt launch will' carry passengers to and front the, big boat, at Ira or fifteen minute Intervals. ! pFilm l)ivorce? COURT FILINGS jfe'V.,. .f?.-r GESSASO XSTli' r-;-'- lord t'anaril :n L'rv 4 i:lllii: fur h. a 5- . .f-v t;1 a' 7; '. 3 i-&kiv jit ai. whip rr.on Vfl, IS l? I IH'I AsMiHanl Secr.-t.irv nl the I'n'liHl flutes :,.u " le.-lare.l Jos, i n Ca.!lii:it. new M.iu.tei ti iir,.b:,'U,s I i t ,,t t ,r.l .;.!n.'r - ed TucktlS r.i'iy of ladles that v ;'.i:'.:; Tuesday. Tile ladies aid aocietv will met with Mrs. II. K. Wolforj Thursday KENO EAT KENd, May 13 Mrs. Grant Nel-1 . - 'nautili r.iii ir their son. 4erera, -A . mother, who is seriously 111. i , i, . . im,.. ; "rs. k. a. Miller, of. .n.,,1 c... i . nxarieu oome wednesdav speul Sunday in Ciiiiuijuin. . j Stonie Harorkta. ina . f.imilv ,ranK c-n. the county : BANKER SPEAKS ON BEHALF OF CLEANUP HERE at Coffee Dan's g ' Where j'ou can get a cup of coffee that will pmake your meal a treat. Remember the place Coffee Dan's i At 616 Klamkth Visitors at the "(Mean 1'n w,...v , forum of the chamber of commerce! family . ,ranK c-n. the county club, yesterday noon l.errf . : spent Sunday with thoir daughter. ' Tlsi,ed this ool Monday.'1 hesf talks thai has been ncllvt.r..,l Mrs. Ball, at -Modoc Point. ' r mger sewing club'at the chamber meetings in many . Dave Skeen. one of our progres-' '"'hed their work and thea day. The speaker was I. e' she ranchers was In Spraguej ' 'ere 8iven t0 hira- j Banker of the Western Publishing' River Thursday. j John Schmor . was a Klamajt Co.. who plana to publish a mag-I '.Mr. Puckett, ..who has the :a)a-iF'", Tl",0r Sa,urda- " !a!e In Klamath Falls, to be known f tract of logging for the Carabelli "oy Clevenge'r'. who lives nn the as th "Westerner." Lumber Co. is on the job and logs'Dor!s TOaa- was a visitor at' the! Danker ' offered a convincing ar-J are arriving daily. .Puckett home Sunday. i ray of first class suggestions 'for the F. A. Hutto, the sub Indian agent Mr- and Mr- Verel Nlmhs. and ' improvement of Jhe city, and the made a visit to the northern part ; hls mo'ber and father, who spent Planning of a greater Klamath Falls. : of the reservation this week. the winter at Long Beach. Calif.. He deplored Ibe lack of a definite! nr. ana Mrs. Lev F. Walker "'" again returned to thi. ounaing plan here, which n. Business visit to Modoc ; ",unll- 'hey were camped here 9ma"- """iRhtly shacks to siiring I oaring- an or last summer, enjoy-' D 'iKlde costly homes In the and family K lne hunting and fishing j ne8t residence sections of the city . 1 rton r.o.. r i,-., 1 ITnl.l I ' - x,,, ul ornin. was a Kenoi " ,mru Hn" ast building re K. S. I'hipps et in to J. J ! Stelger. !50() eousldi ration. Nt'tt : of s.-c. :j. tp j;. h. 11. Clyde Iron Works In W. I I Miller. $750 conslderntloli. Kec 'ond Itallroad Addition. lol 10. block 17. ' (ieorge M. StlWhrld :' t lit to (!. V. nrown. II u I It. S. fhllo iiiiu. lot 4. block I A. M (Vllicr el ,il in K!.i:nutli lie i Stni.iite Co. (..I'M It. S K.l.llJii.l Add :. ell. lot lilt, block 7. II. W. I ; .in et ux to Ljla Wal lace. II :,u I. It S. ESNK XKV,. SKUNK1. NK'.KK',.' Nl, SK' SK'4. f rice. li. Tri. IS. It 9. timeline M. Johnhon by W. A Wiest. attorney on fad. to Fred Meeker S r,ll I It S Mills Sec ' end Addition, lot 4. block 214. 1 MlhccllnlHiHl K'lltng J. C. Kichler et al ti Kqultallr savings & Loan UHsnclatlon. IJoiiii loan The i .i'terly fi o5 ft. of lot 7. and westerly .1'."- ft. of lot s. ill block . ! K 111 .1 1 Town. (lies cvil iil ,y a',,) II i 1' S. A i,, . i;. r,,,n. K' s s.v'.v k .nw',, . -:. t- j- i". i; l F. V I: mm . u t . : V t ' !. ''' i- -itr.,,.;. J ; ; '.. 11 '" I t h .!! li ''1!1'"S '" 'd - oilherly rnr tier of I, it u. .ck :t. of it.,! Springs Addition, thence in.r:he'. erly at rich! uncle to M.,! mrce'. 120 ft., thence si, mil, Merle par allel with Main St.. i;;, tt . theme southeasterly at right aiiK'. , to Main St . 12 f;.. ,., r,i.,,. riy along the northerly li ,f Main St . KT, f, . l0 ,,:.,. of ginning, it being under!,,,, , httt ;t"e northwesierly 4 ft. f ,4;a ro. P-riy to be uec m an alley. leaver Land Stock nmpanv to "n-Kon Livestock Loan. Co. ciiaticl mortgage. 2S,647, due 9-10-25. n sheep, horiea, t.Ir. MnrrliiKo Llcenr Norman A. Mann to Ida M. anuth. V- v'J''r V- vA:v 1 rOKTfjl th.cuiSj "wc.Sml i ..r: i r- 7. ' . rtil-'-'l i ALLAKAZinoy, J Alia Naslmova. famoua rllni ao treRa, did not deny reports ahe was going to I'arls to obtain divorce , from Charles llryant, when ques tioned just before sailing on tha i AQUItanla. They bare been mar rled thirteen years. Her hbubau rvfuard to comment, . .' . . M HAINES THE FURNACl v 1023 Mu Phona jy ' 2H i fa r! U -'i-'i!'''' J?i$&WMrMil A YOUR SILENT PIANO Trade It for a RADl(l Possibly V(iu h:ip n il..nt iMiitiu no one to play it music. piano in i n "ne to It; If so why not exchange it for a radio orar Victrola and records? K ,Ln 1kV8try lhreln th.t' legit- II . tb.) EARL SHEPHERD CO. made Point Sunday. Johnnie Hutchison of Beatty was in SDraeua River strictlons. he advised. Sunday. , business visitor Monday Miss Edna Duffy, of Baettv was , ,'- D- Mcformlck. who has hi... ' unable to finance a nnrk'i.iT a nnn . L h.Hu, Jl.l.l.. t c ol ule t.rRptt owing to these re If pen tile are home In tin visiting Rev. Mrs. Clarke Sunday Our term of school will close'81"8 ca,"Ps- spent Sunday with ! 8,r'ttlon"' t,len 'hem build an Friday, we will mjss oar teacher his Parents. ; attractive garage building and live loung. as she has been a n" M". Ross Simmers and 1 Lnal unt 'bey can afford to build great heln to the vieiniiv -i,ii children were nmn .u . r t lie more rnwiiv i '.'-w nuito auc PICK-' ' ""lue. has been with us. and iv- u-ih ; nickers" at Rockv Poin, - ! Klamath is ,i , , us, and we success . ner the verv hest ..t ;ueieier sne may go. Mrs. Pan key was with the com T. A. Qo And throughout th ummcr. Back East V -this summer. Now plan to do more, more than any vacation you ever Join gay, laughing crowds on Cali fornia a beaches; visit colorful citiesj see the wondrous Puget Sound region! include, too, one or more mWtinii mountain resorts in your itinerary aumnuv I"- it . 1 "i ooumern racihe'i low r: rounaaiD caeis. netara " touu Summer Excursion Fares I LVu V.p,to and lauding Septem. ber30th. Subsuntial reductions brim an amanng number of trip within your vacation budget. For "Ourtnf Roort," foUtr, ani comftbta ecrot travel uvemurton, oik " , cunoav. - i inuse a city flrubb took h' .,,... I "f 25.000 boi,t:,ti.. ,i.i.i .... . . ,. . r' "" i, .,irs. j - -.linn me ni.xt -iarV f,arilni.r K,.l- . . . t ten Venru I. ' '" " 10 ner nome . ' iieaser sain, ami i, ... : f,ne has been1 , ' ""- '""ens here now t, -, visiting here for several day,'. a,1'a,i l!" l' 'or the citv-t-. IR which she attended the golden I" lm"rl"'e of improving the - ..... ana wr, Emmltt. R. A. Mi Jh -Bsmi - V W r L Mr - TW I Nab Kidnaper Pacific 517 Main St. J. J. Miller, D. F. P. A. Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone 709 j JSW i- """"" 'eauillg , an, out of lh( 'j, ucn as the I. Ink riv sou,h Slxtn ,(reeti amI (he ipin was einphasiied by th. speaker, who Inii,,,,.. ..... . . P oral, e entrance, were enough t here 6fr9 he arTlv Mrs. R. E. (;Parv pre,lae(1 R hp 'I", , d Mrs' c'an" Lorens accompanied by MB Margaret Wort beautl . , ' renderel veral oeautlful aolo numhers. TOW UNIX MME TO MAKE FIRST TRIP SAT. ' 1 Ui2r. arl, "'oodwnrd. ex-convlct, was caught near Urookfleld, Vt hj I potse seeking him for ubduciln. Lucille of GnV, frL I 6 a"!"l""1 '""big the g 3 I"- enetlan ,lance ba r;;nt ""-' f Payne y Krank An "",S",n- "a"y "ow-M '" J 10"? ar0,",,1 10:;'' Pioi,,,,,,.; ,", .' .lhu "ealr, of ., Kik or. w;;;;' wiih rz S Vic WW" ".',i ; I; ftfe f ?o i' Nr-'? Wfllr ' USE PLENTY OF ICE TO PROTTrr"T xvjuk r AMILY aTdTlMr. r'r ri"g f 8Umm" Mr. and Mr,. 0 nd a n tlai tel. Com win make . flvln. !,r a yu straight iorvourfnor? i. , VII u: ""'1- a fW -rt for yoUr . The thing to do i, f i ' yU knW the consecJuenCeS' a .eady 8UPP, W a: :: :v:r;f nen - food. PPr0!,ch y01" table-let alone get near you. i Klamath Ice & Storage Co.