The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 13, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Ready for the Spring Attack! Your army of buckets, brushes, your
paint pails soap, too, for that matter, stand at "attention," for the
Spring Drive on Dirt is ready to sUrt. Scrub it or Paint it, but be
sure that it carries no dirt. Bring Spring in with lustre and snap,
with cleanliness and beauty.
The merchants who are making t'lis page possible are joining hands
with you in making Klamath Fal s a clean and bright place to live
,r. They will help you in every way to improve your community.
To this end they are offering special attractions on all Clean Up
and Paint Up supplies.
Screen All Windows,
Doors and Porches
Protect the Health of Yourself and Family
Against Your Deadly Enemy, Mr. Fly
The First Thing to Do Is to Keep Him out of the
House by Careful Screening
Ltt Us m Yna Aim Eslfa&lt
Ona Ym Jfelb
Gofer Bros.
Spring With All Its Build
ing and Repairing,
Will Demand the Sort of HAEDWEAR You'll Find in Our
Present Stock
Quality, as Always, Gets First Consideration
Roberts & Harvey
Painting Up Is Economical
livery time you apply a coat of Heath & Milligan Paint
to your Uarns, House, or Interior Woodwork you are
Savins Money. Specify paints from
Baldwin Hardware Co.
"The Winchester Store"
Don't Forget We can Supply You With Seeds and Tools
Sooner or later you will use a
Phone 577-j j. w. Kerns, Agent Sixth and Broad