Pare Two p Snappy Sporting Notes ! 5300 CASlT - '" I. r ir iihii 4500 N. ha,,l., IM,r, mi .II ra.h i.., lenient ,'"'.11,., . "' lu l"lni Earl Cooper Wins Hornsby Says Giants C04ST LEGIT $10,000 Auto Dprhv Shnnld Win Pp nnfinf - LOT? ! on Thone 676 C. R. BEEBE T J " m- . w . . u M 111 A VIUIUIII I- nu T n . in v-iiariuut', VKW YORK May W-Tt, Nt York Oian. w,j: ;a :h ;:ns: are:rdr.g to Fi:grt Hfflilt -r -c:.-d biwrnis fc- itr S" U-3. Crd sill asd :i thar.;:. c f. :r of th National lt Ii::( r.:i rtt-H a:d "! CHARLOTTE SPEEDWAY CHAHLOTTE. V. C. Kit II Earl Cooper mm the :S m: Memorial day iptinr n-e here today. ib f:rt pru :a which 11 No ComniissioJ :.t f NAT! NAI. cp:a E du.-:ng a tit her t w::a Tis Gibl,r. :; '-! f t:b3rf!r at Ptiiid,.!; j i -:a b..j m : . et M: .A V aa hour orr ti roar H '..J . cii.ciai t:m lor ta 15 a:j was f.,r .it pr-t....--.two hoars. J miBa: aad Si w- ' Tb turn -tit ocd.. . w:.. in lo '3r !bj riir:- si :b j " r. a r. : is O :- " AMERICAN LEAGUE Reds' Cuban Hurler - Goes Hay Wire signing dempsey Krr n h B'-:-a T 11 X:r?:: 4 11 C Ko:i;wit I j .ail p . 1 NEW TORK. H 11 Cm- riBe( ttit J- Dapw XEW TORK. Kit 11Adoo Dapr wi:t B-,t . 1 - r - tUl th r!oiM r- li. w I ' . J ' ' - - Kt.ur: o. IB . p . - - it- n.ikiro 0 iato tb t amn;d 1 - -. iuc llB pill Ciaciasati Rd p d t trmorr of the St:cs.I !S3, todar f jr Bar:r prr:p:ratiug a fr-fcir-ill (;.. .--atdiT :a E- k Ira. Pr:dtBt Jobs A. d th f:c. Dnring the flfti i0a.5e 0. P:waa bal! t-y Era.' fv. 5 d 7 Dodger moaad-ajja Ht rfalu'tj fill hr throwiuc h'm hit a. . .. l-mp;re R!lr arrd a f;fht"tv "TV. . if C,b" W :n B...S h to ta rronnd nntii i " m. . "J1je tf-rs'r 2 al be rnhj tr. .1.. . .. r -1 3d uiu ljt C Jftflaa,! o proid fj f rh: r-crrarr, a ::. K. Ki-.'- by t.szi-- ta:a:!T a0Bf !:. ar r -s act Hrr: iti Cpchra: Mra::. 4' .- it T ''i't n: ar; J.h: '4"'?" J-k-a"3 s.d Ra :.:itk'r.-h.p Cms:... KSi.- CHEVROL SurvriA. T Superior Touring The Be.t Buy In Town $325.oo Call t419N.o,,St I 0 I Vir.'i. Jark t--- -.2t.-ar s:eaj and F-a:d N- Y r. !!i:-r:c K -rcu .ikr. Hj-.. H -.1 ONfil. Jird. Bush R !i K 1 1 ; 3 1 17 1 -a. J o a . Johr.or;. It- i3 tni; Iaa.'rh. i5d sr:d. li -T.J :, t:. DAILY PEGS American Association Westbrook Peeler Hl:ana;. .!!. I Kirnis est; Mil" -Uiit- Paj! 13. The timcaned !n a Jokin, fcjr p.hVe.; ITan Pelican SqUQWks AKrtiyf . ure writeri. "paper a. .tarred fcal- ( be p-eat .cfor and great writer InJ ' . Preu1 be .tawd in both of TheL rt7a. - -'"o.! certain to few flvb.Ha ov . " " he h" knled - in the ring. " ""ce r f'PPed n.-le. World's ch - r-stl of !:. a;!:.-:: -t:f of r-H-: ..! !: m.i , B::;y Ed war r:: - lielit-h-iv ':ii.n.;..on.hip. a;); " I!'ith-r br:n.- cjipp;::,: to .r -.h h:- rla., ur.'ju'-et:' nahjy up tk III l.Y l v u;i. r a::.n: It t !h- K.!..r,i a.-jirn and '1 i.-:ajr t..p ru- t.. -i.-ri.n: .'- : :-'hiv 1 r a drai t.: :rr.i a .V,,,-, , f 'r th Kdnanl, , n:. r. . . r. :r , . a lr. li, rn f r 1 ir !i"ti t,.-'h f !i:.-r ' at:- -.1! off Tt-i-t's a:r: a om-'h Pl!-aa S 4 to .1 a; !tst 'f the ' played were th lid tlie io-Aly hree rasnlgan Peliran f :ty. Tea other two victim-. r. mit' who .-jurlii II Vr;i:-l for th- :rl time !" ! up mighty .:!. Walt Johnson Pitches lOSth Shut Out Gam--In Cold Chicago Wind P.ayness on third and Xjr. Mil' 1.1,11. 'in-1 n ha :nit arm thru on On of th Pelican.,, mainatay. short' look i t.Kt ., ver in the .'"Tt" Th' V"" "rjn Plcl..d for Ma.ia-Street. ;,ovr -fieM. Th two Utfe m I s , ln ," "h,:, ,h' s.gned Street up merely on hu! hard to beat They had difflcultr tth ,J ' '"'" and final gam leiuianon. nut the zam Si,nH.. it. nlvlr.. j., . npr lodav. while Ih.r. :. - . . ...... " - " uniwrw now-ia re,i!.. ,...t . w,ae,pread notion that movi .of L . . rv"led beyond a doubt when their turn , ,1 ' " ",n" ""'". 'it ""V e m,n,mum of freight in the re,ion -au V . ' "e ",rucl out ,he 8tick- necka' but ff,. t. . ".ran north of their the Pelicans. S0171P HT0rgl t ,u them undoubtedly .re intelliLnt 1 !i !" Sme of 3 kn" "he Kame' t0 when they do wort Jl . I "d W.rk ,ike hl-carrier. BOt JJ3! a leaking i. TT,:. 1 . "iween jobs. 1 his claii nf . . . from the at.rdorn oL berlT Z 1 " real reporter, derive from the.V I VT" ' When a man or woman ha, worked 5 2 drama of journaHsm and ha, p!aye H J " V" or w , write . 27. " "I'm against all of the bum," ,A free .ige covering the 'f'J?, ; 1-1 a learning ,hi. racket and then J " f Uy. SPe"ds .20 "ea" f ' thouwnd a week from a .yndirate that n ? 1 rabs 8 to write hi. .tuff." 'na''e that pay, me $so a week 1 1 w. h.-.t h. j, id il l vnnouncemeJ We take pleasure in annnt. tivi. we have been successful in s-r,, apenry. bolh sales and service, fortk most popular office appliances. lioyal Typewriters Corona Portable Typewrite Victor Adding .Machines lifle 1 at the the It 131 h a I fi . 1 h u, . major ,'eaglje rarere street ran up a total of IT su. k- Wanked the White So, S to n er on hi trikf...t 11.. ... - . .11 j . . " ""11 ' "my hi,. 11 '- "irm He and .C,,';!f:. Rot a Iashia Clarke, all heavy o.r .vr-t. Urr was am,uS th- who fanned. " n -art:nsr nraftire " i fr j r men . -rtincu I WO. fn top f ,hi-I h(. mat,.rj.llv Klte.l ln .... ' "'"Ming h. gam. i"'i.::.- on. V.'i -h h.. m d il- GIBBONS PREDICTS TUNNEY WILL MEET DEFEAT BY A K. 0. : i . I'-ii. ::r on ih. 4 uer Maiiner. were clow f iirow:ng. b'.ok. t fi-l.I.:m f Ti;e and NEW 1 ii'inn.-. i '1 'e no: 1 American If the newcomer ".sunny" Moh- "KK. May II St. Paul h. "M-ve that On - Tuniiey. liyht-hea vvu..i..v,. T i :.vva. ii;t un,i EM rj 1 r-i ' The Klamath Typewi Exchange 105 So. 7th St. Phone sszciCaiceCaZ Inside Floor Paint For floors that get the hardest wear, use Glidden Inside Floor Paint. You'll be so pleased with it, you will use it for all your painted floors. Can be washed and scrubbed re peatedly. Drop in and we'll tellyou just the kindofpaint or varnish to use for anv aytujKK. uu nave in mind. "n- "; ' able , s,.im I" can cut the buck like Street' !""!." "I f"r ,he f"" "'"" Ihe Pelican, will be a-siured r ,1 1 ' " " ,wo m-"' ' th two mighty fine hurler, Dert Ar- , , Ju'r 5' nold. Hogan and Pruitt can take ho "' my ha,,it -re of ,h ,condary defen. "V"6 r'n,f r Predictions." Gibbon, said after ar . "Cap" Mathews was aol , , riv!l"? Monday, "but I will venture jam. yesterday. He managed the ? "T, 'he ,"!h, w" " o boy, yesterday during Pred Ol0-1 l,"""' r absence. Mathews' ,re Ieg fl " "3id lhat he In completely healed by tB. IeaR(1 '' ape and that he would opener Sunday. ,, no, be .Me to step ,, the rlK Just where h will ,,tar , the , w'ek' AH I need Is a little box-M-e. It may b, fin,,. ,,. J ' polish m up." he ,. sen. place n ,he outfield. "m wel"hl,'H about 190 pounds now. a little fat and It Is Probable that I will h. ... or 17 .. . " -""Ul " siae ror th """ugn crbbons anneared i BIGGER Hogan pitched a gd ,am, . i he HtartfH fv.r . .. " nie fP (una i? fight; uav Hun-, w, t- . . an oifi-tim,.. ' ' angle (,f ,hp an . Adams of the niiin n H tlall 1 . Slinf'f, fltul h ses hi, ,, . 1 'Val.'''.', - r " . . . I v aj BETTE C 0 V K R RI?7.g' 6th & Klamath p. , rhone 389 ':- .5 Sunday. 'he (old Proi-- " " 'r wjfe . """" worr"' "bout hi. era. lhJ",.!' nerV0U unable , ..., ' .. strain of -I' ."u" n 'r'"" 'be Perhaps it weather and was ,!,, "I With (lonlil,. U'lll-tr.l .1... ,-., .,, ,. ' """ "m.lifH for ''is ii.- r,, " " ,!. ,,x ,l8 ystr ,,, h': ', .. " ' ' " ''all , . f"itr hits wi '"'Hit earner Pruitt, " "iff arm. n"""."" fhter ald a relapse :,) . '. i.-ii liuvn ,irf. Uv", :,fr: ' li L. Is he '' " ""i,'"""'l""'. but ,"""r '".w. althouith i, , ;i month I, , ' '' '""V" the h,., .. Il " j"i ti t men t to !nu. r,! I hi' M:i from Hub,,,, great ,);, i i . ""1" U lo ..;, , :s ' 'mi"e Industry "k." e"y legit "a Klama-h New, tner'n tbaf, the IM f'l,..i... . . . tial bag VCMler.l.... ,. , -' mere wa i,, "'uustry n"lbl,,g fla,!ly ulmll cerke "a Klama-h New,y HIT THE TRAIL For A Hi-Falutin' Time 'DM rVTTTTT? REMEMBER THE DATES WESTS May 14, 15, 16 iirwr unnir ... " "' ne came thrnui'h A plrpni.- ' wiiii a couple of '-vy Kjamath Pi "hB b the e.ty of