KLAMATH, NEWS MPPBRDS. in-- - , ETOMQRROW Ml Still ljf.. lk..... It . . i iirir w it h tini - II t..-r.. . . . . (,. . . a ""in. i,i. h ' ""' "H.r.. ...cd .y . ,,, ,.,. an buy. lixliiK ..ir,, hi, I ,v u r ,,. ,,, S. hlgh-i-l,., .1,1.1, X. ih. .1.,... , he lh. 1,1 furnish .Ul..rrl,un, .,f ,h ,miy ,,ttr ,uw , " u-.t u I,. ,. . , p(Mll. ., Kj. , " - r.n lane liny nrm. lit lie i nterlalncd bv jn(Jay,MayjO,19251 ' mu juk coffman is matched TO HAS MET ANYTHING, EVERYTHING MEET CRIM HERE:' ROCKY STROMBO Page Fit. ,r mniiiy anil n assured gi l iid, mint that there will lie n,i apology need- orianlil..n one n( the big. Itocco Htromho of pirtland who Cbleo. Murysville and Sacramento. to upmdute carnival nreMentlti .,iit,.,i.iK L. . .. . ..... 4 - to the character nf th. new u.,.1 .,.. ...i.,.. T 1 p a Mn n,e ln nr ,:rlm "X P ,.in al o'clock ahowa. , full ,. u "ercni, aim I round lat month ha been match- an arid test when he enter ihe " ' . .,,... HiH.4:al.T Then, will .,.,.. . . "I. ... "7 "l ""'" ', d by Promoter Pat.er.on inn r i i-i nri'N 1 T)ty Will ,-,11 arrive at Hhala- everynlghl. in l,y profi-wor Mat located , Hhaata-Vlew and th Hi ,.h .ir.et '"" ' y or l.us Angeles, world's hiich with everything- ready to open every tnitb Milf '-iil ''" diver, doing n back ward summer- evening ,ri,iptly t 7 0 (.I)(.k r.parliv "" I""' 'ult dlv. of 100 feci Into a lank llrlnK the whole family aa there .i.rt,ii will begin upon containing 4 ln.hr, of water, and will be ri,.r,,im.,. ... .... LrylbinK a"111 10 "' '"' itjr Hay. world' un. .,nill.-rt child grounds fur everybody. i 1 FOR unday Dinner that Sunday dinner off with a quart or a 'brick of RATER LAKE ICE CREAM mcc! Cottage Cheese would also go well, it's ready to serve. MTH FALLS CREAMERY Phone 74. mi fl ip 10 LtAUUMI GLOVER CONTEST to box rlni. with Coffman. Hammy OI.m of l.oa Ranoa. Calif. Ola-in and Coffman are training at the Scandinavian hall, Tuday. at the Rcandlnavlan ball every af- M"y tcrnoon at 3 p. m. and at 7 p. m. Olaon I a main rvanter In Kan ,'v,'r' 0In,-r nlnht. They Invite the Pranclsco and othr California clt- 'n 10 '0,n d ee them train, lea and ha boxed all the beat T!,e ,wo u0' workout tonight at heavrwelfchi on the Pacific coam " P- m- Dial wuu!d box h 1 in . Olmin In no '. ... ii' .rni. lie hii n.-- inappr PROTECTIVE BOY SCOUTS '.Iptlng to alow fat hp baa met TO MEET MONDAY EVE. jnd defeated f.ie fullnvlns men: ecu a. i .,oi(. executive f,fr (he rater iMki- Hoy Hro.its. auuo-ine 1 fa lor llurtmun. K. (.. 1 r.iuiid r. .v.,-. .. u, c. m. ,, . ... naiiiina Kand, K. U. 3 4 r.-undn; with ;i!l l,oa over 1 2 vearu nf u in. who .1...... ... ... round. Urry Kdmun.on. K. O.. 4 orBanlxatlo. Monday even round.: Kd Warner. 4 round., dec- , at 7:.10 al lhe .hllInber of com. I.lon; Jimmy I.lme. Oakland. K. O.. Inee. and that the boy. will not 3 roundv. Tommy (iardner. Oak- be expected to attend the Parent land. 4 ronnds. declilon: Oeorge Teacher.1 meeting at the Mill. 111 the ch-)arah:p conteat belnn """"" 'n Newman. Calif.. 4 mhc.ol on Tuesday afternoon al conducted by Clover Jrwelery .tore I rounda, decision: Marty Koley. Oak-.o'clock. Iluth Crocker i f Klamath Kail re-1 land. 4 rounda. deciaicn: Pat Leater. reive,) the moot vniva during the Oakland. 4 rounda. week. Kach week the conteHinnt who ae.ure the grealeet number of votea la awarded 1.000 extra vote SEE OUR USED,TJARS IViccdfoSell Vv 1923 Ford Coupe 1921 Overland Touring 1925 Oakland Touring 1918 Oakland Touring PETERSEN MOTOR CAR CO. OLDSMOBILE-FRANKL1N "After We Sell We Serve" 7th and Klamath Phone 668 2:30 r.u factured of Crater Lake Dairy pro- 1 1 1 1 r r. ucts .Milk, Lream, Dutter, nutter- milk, loe Cream, Creamed Cot tage Cheese. in n reward fur h.in.'Mt effort. The atandliiK at the couiiIIiik Friday nlRht ore a follow: Hiith Crock er. KI.111111II1 Fall. 44. SHU; Marlon .i. Klum:ilh Fall'. 27.74'i; Ken nei, t'lildwell. Merrill. 2r,,C(i0: France Short. Henley. 16.260: Itorjlle lllcmMii. Malln. .0ur: Ki ll Vi Mo n. Fori Klamath. 7.60:.. Herel Mnrrlnon. the winner of lam year' contest, eniera Ileald'a ItiiHlne college Iht week. Ken neth Mater, who won the Hcholar hlp cnnteKt the year before, will flnih a coure at the Katite achool In .Inly. Much Int. rent la nrotid every year by thene c?,olarhlp. They are worti working for and Mr. and .Mr. Fred tllover feel repaid for their effort 1 y the apprecia tion tlie ci.ntestatttii show. HILDERBRAND decialon: Eddy a eirenlatina ih. .it. . McCnvern. main event Ran Fran- Klamath Falli and the county ol cIsco, 4 round, got a draw; won K'am"' 'hat', the Klamath Newt decllon over Jack O'Dare. main , lg ahlpment of dresses In pret- event, San Francisco. Grounds; won (teemton over led bnyder. sacra- llee HeKln'a. Ladles Heady-to-Wear menlo. 4 rounds; won declaion over Wore, 128 So. 7th treet, opposite I WmWVm PheGoodOldDays Most of us ran rt'tinrmlit:!' when it man's i'i?ht I '.v hi-: jrrain drill. With a wick of so.m! Iuiiik 1 a sli, i,li,-r. we triiilotl wearily across the ililM'iinr 1 hythmit atlv into tho sack ami flitiK tlie se. il l.i iiadi-ast. Wo thoucht vn wcrp doinK ""I joli. ton! Hut we've lcarn:'l a lot simi; "the 'I old days." An. I wo ate still learniin'- We '' now that there can lie just as much difference he kind of sowinir done liv irrain drills as there Mhen in the sowinif of different men. ECIAL 10ri Diicount on 6-Foot Size Single Disk KENTUCKY GRAIN DRILLS When you drive into vour fields with one of tft irrain rleiiu un cut nnHiired vnur irrain 11 W into the ground right. None-of it will be ted, oor will there be any apoU skipped, or seed "wed. The seed will be evenly distributed, de fined to the exact depth you choose, and properly. 'ed. Everv need and everv acre will sret a square 1. '. - Get one of these splendid drills. It insures the eld ft Sa nnoiklo fnr vmir UH Boil Blld f'Uier to produce. ,. . For ion hanE on P McCormick-Deering line, which includes Jtoo' rT Grain Drilla. J. S. MTT J S & SON 'orh St & Klammh Ave. Ph"e 9 tliuipment Makes a Good Farmer Better McCormick-Deering Line MUiKHliANI). May !.- Tho llll oeliran.l s. liool Is giving an en tertainment Friday In honor of the closing of the school term. Mrs. Chiin.ller made a pleasure trlp-tn Kfiininth Fulls Friday. t The Wheeler Olmstead compart have, commcn.-ed -their bgging--op-eratlon Monday on the mountain ,:enr the reservation line. John Mlibnelson nndf nmlly of Klumuth Falls were visiting in Vonna Valley Sunday. W, R. Sniythe and mother made a business trip to Klnmntii Falls Monday. t:eorge Smyth and Kd Caskill pinde a nip to Merrill for hay last Sr.i itriloy. Audrey and Maggie Lovelady visit ed with thu Mi.-hiiel children Sun day. It IV Alexander visited nt the T 1 . Michael home Wednesday even ing. II. P. AleMiii. ler. Arthur Vieru and Vime Itodnar visited in Klam ath Falls Friday evening. Miss Claire Sayand. Mrs. K. P. Pool were Klnniuth Falls visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Smyth visited at S. K. Ilartrlers home Sunday evening. Illg Mitch. Taft. Calif., 4 rounda; knocked out Knllh Clark, Haker fleld, 2 rounds; won decision over Franeles Kufelea, liakerafleld. 4 rounds; won decistf.11 over Soldier Murke. Fresno. Calif.. 4 rounds; got a draw with- Fred Sullivan. San Francisco. 4 rounds: won a deel; rfton over Dusty Miller, colored, Oakland, 4 rounds; got a draw with Fred Sullivan. Oakland. 4 rounds; knocked out Joe Martin, 1 round, and has fought many others. Jack Crlm of Klamath Falls bar been matched to box a six ronr-'t special event with Joe Coffman c Portland. Coffman is anoth-r bay who is not a false iarm. He. has newspaper clippings to t':nt It, the past three months he has beaten some of the best boy In telephone office. M8-10 Real Estate Try LORENZ CO. Firt For Garden Hoe. WOOD is down to SUMMER PRICES Phone in Your Urdersi Our supply is large and the blocks are good and dry. HUY EARLY, get -a few loads each month on these cheap prices, and jour fuel bill will always be light. Peyton & Co. 601 Main Phone 535 TWO SPI.KNUIl) Warehouse lots on Market St. One a corner, on pavement, price 11,700, the other, au inalile lot Just off of pave ment, price J1.300. FOH SAI.K Five-room plastered house in Corvallls. Bath and built-in conveniences: garage; woodshed. Several fruit trees and two maple shade trees In yard. Will Hell furniture or nnfurnlsh- ed: located near rollege. Will trade for Klamath Falls residence ( property. COMFOUTAHI.K 3 room house on1 lot on Jefferson street In good: location, plenty of room for home on front, of lot. COOK 11KS1DKNT lot on Herbert anil Hillside St.. 50x140 on cor ner, price $100. 100 balance at J 10 per month. I HAVE A NUMBER of good lota left In Mills Addition. Prices from 1200 to M00. 4 IIOOM MODERN furnished bunga low ln good location near school, large lot. lawn. a nice little home. Price 13,250, on terms. 7 ROOM BUNGALOW close in on corner lot. on .paving. Price $5,000, on terms. A VERY CONVENIENT t room with bath. Urge corner lot In good location. Pries SJ8t, on tsrma. .. - """ ' t ROOM modern . buagalow la saieadld location, on good- Sth street. Nice Iswn. carat, sartac lld- . tie . Terms. . - - - - TWO SPLENDID RESIDENT lots one block off Vth; ona corner lot, a bargain st B50 or will sell separstely. ONE OF THE BEST resident Jots on 6th street with garage. Price 11,000. A BARGAIN In a two year old modern 3 room house, bath breakfast nook, largo clothes closet, garage, on corner lot on paid up paving. Price $3,150, on terms. NEW 4 ROOM bungalow with closed-ln back porch, all large rooms, nice built-in kitchen, gar age In basement on paid pave ment In good location. A very nice home. Pries $4,500, on terms. MRS. NATE OTTERBEIN got Llncoo St. Itione B.KJ-M Your Eyes Are Wrae Earners Po you appreciate the working im"ort?.nce of good eyesight? The worker who' ffcrs from defective sight Maided lis-.a his wage earn ing lanacity seriously han dicapped. To such a one correct classes would mepn capability of more work with rreater ease, and his work woii'l be better done. From a purely lu.-iness point of view the purchase of glasses well repavs tho'-a who need them. Don't hr.r bor doubts about your sight. Delay often does serious damage, for safety sake come to. us and , have yoyr .$ight "scientifically tested. Ve offer you accurate ser vice. We grind our' own lenses in our own shop. Lenses duplicated. Frames repaired. Dr. H. J. Winters KVKSKiHT SPECIALIST 22 Year Your Optometrist 714 Main Street Something New Something Different STARTING MONDAY SNAPP BROS. Exposition Shows Largest Show to Play Klamath Falls This Year Located Shasta-Way and 6th Street ?')j'j 25 Double Length Railroad Cars 25 350 People 350 25 High Class Attractions 25 2 Big Free Attractions 2 Baby's Ray's Wonder Act The World's Youngest Acrobat ' --O'-- - and - " : Mat Gay, World High Diver 100-Foot k - Backward Somersault Dive Into 48 Inches of Water Free Admission to Grounds BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY And Be Entertained By the Best i " Ian a I Bf--c Repair Service Whether your car needs a tuning, a tonic, or a complete treat ment of thorough repairing you can depend upon skilled, carfeul and conscientious service here. Nash and Oakland Sales and Service OPEN ALL NIGHT ''V R. R. R. Garage Three Regular Fellows Roy, Rex, Ray. -J? I llll