KLAMATIiiSl Ml i mitivrlully In, re..... r ,,, . relpl inulerlally i,.m.,. n. . . l"i'IVl! .unlit.. .I... II l . " ilMVa I W. K- VI'I Nd cr... . (.... ..,,; . I" , Vil THK 1.TI loth.. .pM,.,,, ,V J: IV ulAMtTH KAI.I.H. If .u.....K.T receipt. . , ,.r., 1 v in. k al I IT . . . a a tl 4, If i' rinaaas a.r ... . a ' ' . . KlltH-1 ' . i i ' "Peiain.u mater- 1 I. in. V.r....iT I II V KM lilt, lally do.re,..., .,.,, ih. fr... ...i. Friday, May 8, 1925. Page Si CLASSIFIED ADS ' ulTIIlM T KI.HTKII'. :' TK 1 I I'KMTKII 'f thi framh.e. he kK:" S, .'5. AMt. ' k-P and m.lntal. rge,i a prodded herein. eWth.n l. ronalderntloa I'll grant.. of I I.AShlKIMI day Iln 2 day . ... line 3 dya . .. I In 4 day line 1 wee All IH'IKH 10i- For Rent Furnished Room L o Oo F, "H... ...V iTiuvc h "'"' the JKH , . i 4M franrm.e nit maintain t fe nl t hi' ii accural., adequate and I re- I lln 1 month 16c , fOH ItKNT Furnlahed bedroom. 20r adjoining bath, rliw in. tir ' MK-10 . nor , . 76r I Z. PETERS Teacher of Violin awl Piano. Aci-mlllcd by I lie Hurrau of Kduration. Phone 431-W AUTO LAUNDRY (HAS. INMAN. Prop, Care Oiled and GreaiM-d S7 r.plaa.l Hprtng 81a. PHONE 833 I"'1" ""Ik KAItwi "'. nd ..count. s".r.;"L.. Will V """ ""' In Klamath Kail,. IlK "V..,,.'v THKItKtiK. I"r""-"howlng plainly all rfcrlpu HWil o anurai-nirnla. and In na. nr ,TV (.K KLAMATH Al-I-H'""" ' h" Paid lo Ih, rlly ,.f ITV ,,11'h. Klamath Kalla. (iriiiinn imn . i" . "r ,rn urnna rrrvlnia . ialil quarl.rly. Tha rll ahall h.v. I ranlra w',,r'"'r h . rlahl (o Inapmi and audit lh For Sle Re EiUte For Sale Miacellaneoua ron 3ALB Lata frsa lit Klamath Lodr No. 117 Maata ry Krlday nliht. W. S. Back N. O. ItKHTAi KANT, wllh lunch couniar an(j dlnlnR rnom. fallnr int.1 nealy and miidxrn rqulpprd. knat i liH-atldn In town, nut door to! la ilrpol, bin minify maker; ' UB. iioroaa irom il.bot up. Soma aultabla ai roomlii houaaa. Aoraaga larga aad aaiall tructa. Ilooana for rent. C. S. Montallna, 71 Main atreet. A24 Ml For Sale Houaoi Proaperlty Rabekak Lodge Na It4 Mean first and tblrd Thu re lay. Mr. Viola J one. N. 0. .. . I.r.lnrwl lu "o. i- Voun. hla auccaa- ' .in aa heralnafter rnrn-".'n.'j- rlt" ahall . ... m.mh KalLa.l It la vinrmalv .k l!v til I"'" ' .i ih. Common Cunrll , till fram lilai, la unnaa hi train.. all reaeonahln tlmi-a. mu.t b. .old .t gr,ut aacrlflce ' roll BALB By owner new 4-room at aoy and I aad H.-.II"" n . ..I I, hri-ny ...,.. illr enartrd rvlatlna tn th. .r.ni. prcarnt owner hare alan hahrry and rannot ':i V (Jrc of both place. For p..rt i u'ara lip ply llurgcr Caf-. i.iiiTe. allf. MT undrrat.-xid that 1 arantii1 anl.i..ri to all the tnrnia and prorlalima of i '!'." !'"J'.'"' "I Ordnance, of thelKOH HAI.B-K. I. Itcdv urn clcr and ri-d to the akin. Ili.rr d Kn'ka. Illark Minorca, (ioldn Huff, and White Irhoma. Tan crrd and Tom llanon airalna. Or- to W. r"y "' Klamath Kail, now or here. Ing of franrhla Inaofar the' der now, aeaaon will aoon. rloae. Kni-ch Crew. Heabright, Calif. .M7-a 111. lire"" .... hut one aba n "" .lied the grantee, the .H triinchlne lo (Mi l""'"" "r' viiraf Tiiiniivh ih. ... - . l,..ar Without i " " ' raprraeiy in- ,t c.r or ' " " Irorporated herein. Kverv a'reet r.lla. uin " ; car operated under thl f'nrh:.e m, power. '"" "''""'ahall I., operated :n eformltv w:ih .,. "- , 'no trmc ordinance of the rlty of ; w.n on v c at... Hhtn tne riij Klamath Pn l. ih. I ... id.rnut..i,u luiunuiv. l.l-.l 1. I MW IMP lv til lUfl : pror.iie... ""r- Htale of Oregon. aaatKlioIP,'f of tlile Hetilnn XI. I When receiving or dlerharalne ' rWfbin III ' paaaengera. every atreet car oper- main roui orlaled under thla franrhlae ahall atnn htll he provldid with aetia at the near rrnimlrig of Intersecting rU iwa . v-i,!.,. .hall . ... ine ui i.'i. . i . n.... "iiiiiii i.ii in n eiternnl "cet ur the curb and puraMil there a of aeento. W ll h III the ( i-niti-a'i'd ill-trli'ta ahull tie "f the illv. the city of Kliilimth i-una ah;iii rn nnii iletermine u ! puce of not li-aa than ta.enty.five : il'fil feel. M tie klluuii im the! "Hafetv rone." at tfie ne.ir lrl 111 of i.;irli hiteraerl Inn nf alreela; or rmllea aerieil tiv lira, fur tliej piiriniKe nf riir!n: for p;iKaeni:era. wlihln which piice nr epiiccH t!ft city almll m T perm It parklMK of nnv Vehicle except Ih'iae iiperaleil hv the Kr.ltltee herein, w'llrll ahull ; b.Tve the rlirht to ainp nrily InnK ' eiiniiKh to I'tinl unit uiitoit tiiisaen.1 Kcra, the Ktaniee tn fnrnKh imd niiilii'ulti pr.iper. iliirnMle pitlnt i inittklni-a mill ether a'lril iti'Vlcr aniufacinrv In the c!lv i.f Kl.unat!) Kalis, ul all Hiirh "aafely iniea." ,Hui of rr havini. all In e . K.ir I74i i"1 the crantie linlraa tile tvpe r.,r .hall lift '" i'1'pri.veil Cmimnn Council Scillnll 1'. t:ili:nilMI acrvice in n im ndriil f,v''r ",l,ln rl 11,1 ana 'I'" h.lll be ue fnl ( 1 i A M ii li l ll a ,.- Iimi ahull leave each ,. ,rv thirlv I :l" I minute. mi ' M until 1 1 i" f.iriv five lllllllllea On . .t,l Ick'll linlld.iv, , m mini ll :i I" M . ! i,.:,i- i .n il tcrmllMl ..a ruti'' prui .1' I Plenty of atova and furniture; at Icenbnwera New and Second-1 hand Htore. 3K K. Main. Aah land, Ore., near library. Phone J7I. M J i VOn SALE -1524 two-dsor , Ford Hi-dan; caah or term; priced for flll(k aale. FOIt RALE Cheap. Jordan tour ing car, ha all accessories, In flrat cla-a rondttlon. Muat ba een lo be appreciated. Writ . It. S., Klamath Ntwa (or appoint ment. M26tf houa. Phca JM-R. M2tf Ktilt SM.K New H room modern hnire; furnished: block from c mil. Very nuu.nable. I'hone 2-.l. MS-10 Miacellaneout HKMEMBKR THK PRIDE you took In that ahlny new car? Para gon Auto Laundry can make It look Just like tbi! and do It 1 aulckly. too. 127 So. 11th (at Klamath Art. tpt aerrlc. Phone Ml. 'f. A27 1127 i il ' HOB REP AIRING-Beat Malar ial, prompt Murtca, wark ho im aiu.Tie iwr icaa., jaca erosu Kwauna Encampment No. 4 tiaet every Tuesday night. A. B Lund, C. P, Canton. Crater No. 7 Meau very Wednesday evening. Car' 'aadell Commandant. Nil IW.ee Cornel. Klaellr Ke Uuiera anil ('irMtleu Mwle la Meaaura. liuaranleed. RUMK RAMI A 1. 1. ASII Jeffcnoa m. - Pttuiw S77-W IIKM-m,AMATII fr'A 1,1,8 HTAOB Ko Operallngj I tally Trip t'KKTRAL At'TO KKRVICK I OH Ho. 7lh Phone BI8-W Edward B. Ashurst Attorney and Counsellor at Law Htate and Federal Courta Suite No. 6, Loo mis Hldg. Phone 227 DR. PHILIP COLE Orneral Practice of leentlarry Open Kvenlna; by Apf nlntmeM I'luioe M ftia Malay Over Moe'a Store DR. P. R. UODD.IRD IMateiiefhli PbyairljiD-AargeOB Phone afj I office and Rea. I. O. O. P. Tetople . . nlamaib Fall, Oregon , J. A. OOLDHMIT-M - Ouatom Tailor 10 Whiter Bld. utta Fnim tSSJM to 70.00 IH Bo. tk 8t. J2ltt THK WAFFLB KITCHEN serre real cream waffles at all hour. 119 So. tth St. , A8tf KLAMATH ART SHOP Hemstitch ing, pecoting. stamping, embroid ering. 130 So. 7th slreet. Klam ath Fall. Oreson. M5 J5 Help Wanted Female WANTEII Office girl. Apply Cen tral Auto Slate Co. t Ills afier niiun between 6 and S o'clock Ms f mm nf FOIt SALE MY OWNER - New four rnntii liimiuilow iir.d larce Kiir- ute limine atrle'ly mnil-rn. can WANTED - Friday be tioiiah't at a ri-aaouable price. AdOn-" 1.. I.. II. Kliinia'h New. .n-lU' FIRE AND NO INSURANCE Yon n I ways frcl sorry for the fel low who logoff bin home, or any of liltt property by fire and han no limurjince. How about YOl'fi SKIF? Are you covered? If not you better call di toflay. MOMYER & MOMYER INSURANCE CO. Hpka Building ATB, OTTBRBEIR Real BataM' 01 Uacoln ek.' Pboae 6tVM7' C. C BROWER Attorney-at-Law General practice State and Federal Courts WilliU Bldtr. Phone 100-J. Room 10, Loomls Dldaj. DR. W. A. LEONARD Dentist RperUlhM In Estnirtlon, Oral Surgery aa4V Dlseaae of the Mouth. GEORGE K. ROriENQClST General Iasarance Room 4 Buiarmaa Bldf , . Phone 8ao-W Hour a to 5 Bat. Ereatauje . FRED BUUIHO . Real Estate, Reatatf aaat ' Fire" Insuraace 1020 Main St. Phone S74-W Send It to the Laundry Union Laundries: KLAMATH SUPERIOR and FRENCH HAND Ldry. Workers Union No. 220 the In I li IS! nin e e ti.Aever. thai . .i I i' in '! in i . a 1,1 -.i ii S.Hi'liv'i nr bnllilav l::n.s nt arrival and d''- ( tl;.. iars .Hid buses iin.m B.it..e. and the traMf" nl.i-s and ncrce tn 'mil mi 'l i !: n !n t Wanted morning May 8. woman cook for amall crew. Re port between 7:30 and 9:00 a. in. W. D. Miller Construction Co.. 6th una Commercial Sts. .I OHCK OK FINAL SETTI.E.M' K.i I inn N i friin1 Ml. be pci nr : led ti muter thi' Sellinll '. fill. m lei inin.il .-m fii-pi-ratii n I'm ll ah ill anv slreet car l! e linli-s ll" be u'.'T l ie ' lu--!iiv-uii.. i:;1i ii.r. and u'm!) In Id .1 i-haiilfenr p. null li in d l-v tin- i-My nf Kl.ilnltll Knlin. I'll. i ii.ii. tl tu.r.'liv sin-.'!!.' re hhall be servi s the r!:M In' cancel the p. T- Lllllta nf n ,. ( i danffelir nperutlng a Kiaia i'h lull'. th mill' ,ir,.,. i ,ar in reund' r In case nf vio i (hri.tliill tbmlu'.h the ,,,,,n f ny nf the term of tblh W.nre mid tmalneKa i" f rjim-b ie,. nr nf the traffic otiII- a the southern corporate n,,niim of the cliv of Klamath Fnlls dmrfaald city; the eaatenv ; r f f n. stule of Ore- :j; iball be the eaaterly cor- K,m tall, of the city of hlaui-i Sis'ito,, XIII. IV mute In a wetrty ... .t..ii i, ..n. inn thronrh the main real-1 V . . ., . . ' ... " .' t and twine, district to the l" W'. ,r. eji.nKU.aner. ,.r..,..- C.AHDENINO. LAWN'S, house denn ing. Phone S2ti-W. A1S M17 I ANTED Seed potatoes. Write us aiat'ng price and varieties you have to offer. State slso hen ready for delivery. Monarch Seed Company. Medferd. Oregirn J17il '.-lan'.e" nn complinince herewith. LEM L. C Aflll AtlEN. Police JudKe. S'.ate nf Oregon. County of Klamath. as. City of Kluinath Falls. I. Lem I., (iiLghngen, Police .Inline of the rlty of Klamath Fnlls. Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing I a true anil Notice In hereby given tbi'' 'he under-igncd baa filed in the : .!i!i'i' t ourt of the State of Oregon, for K!ani:.th County, the final aceoa.i of h a administration of the Estate nf Chris Nelson, deceas-ed, and said cmin has f'xed June s, 19J5, at, :t:Mi o'clock P. M. as the time and iiie (Vurt iiouiii uf aaid cuuil as the place for the hearing of said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated: May S. 1925. It. C. (iKOESBECK, Administrator of the Estate of Chrli Nelson, Deceased. 1 MS. 15. 22. 29 J5 E. L. ELLIOTT Attorney At Law Aadrewa Z-a Bugarman Bids. Tel. 120 Office. Home B24-J Office Hours 0 a. to 8:80 p. ALAINE BEAUTY SHOPPE Open Tuesday, Thursday and MturilHy eveniiig. 107 tSo. 7th Ht. Phone 7M NOTK'K OF KIXAIi SKTTI.KMKNT j Notice in hereby given that the sr auu uy 'li " ala.i'liiai nnoHfitnof krly rarporste bnundnrv ol 2 , , f ,nk rI11.h worg. j correc, ci py of an ordinance duly ! underalgned has filed tn the Coun- I ll (If dill. (Ill V'Vl'r. I 11 II I II a ..... -.,.l If m aiunnn 1 ml iHnV llV fha n . . . f-.. . t B hnilffi nf a. TV Iff tn tlP HeTV- I ' 1 A iranl.i.i ri'liA ftn Hit kil reulea ahall be commenced ' ment Every atreet aiaelv llni diva pfter Ih.' an miiei. ..e ... pai.ed lo Its second reading by the ,.. cmirt 0f the State of Oregon. Common ( ouncil of the city ol Klamath County, the final ac Klnmnth Fall, at Its regular meet- count f his administration of the Ing on Monday evening. Mny 4. ; rarria Nelson deceased. mile, per hour on level dry pave- i rjza. ann tne same is me wnoie oi and 8aid court ha fixed June marll r..-ri'..a the rluht I.I ' llloepeiineii u 01 ...e ........ yr.fr time to time, make'ca-'h wlth braking power silt clem n ,.,d mote or mutes, to ""'I' wtthln twenty-one II feet or es at Iltteen tiai car shall at Isold ordlnanre. cnnilltlnn. and a.ife mechan- each cur ehall LEM Mh. 15,22.29 CAfiHAOEN. Police Judge. I h. crantoe 'he elt .is, in :thl NOTICE TO CRKDITOItS ...... .. ii icai '.!.. fl:v Council reaerve. be aubject to m.M'hanic.,1 Inspection .k ,,.. .... ,i ii, and regulation by the rlty i-.q hv ih.- crniitee during ' at all reasonable lime. City police r..' ' n.' -.asnrv repair, to and firemen, when on duty, shall j No,ire ) hereby given that the ... , ,s ', ,, ,.v.nt nnv i carried free nf charge. 'undersigned has been duly appolnt- I,,', d'liiKeroiia to Section Mt. led ntlministrator ol tne estate ot ars:, T,. P,r,in,,.(, ,,.rcln agrees to Josepn r. r.e..,. ... .. -. ... . , ... under- I,,.,.., ,h(. ,.,v fr ,nd harmless I County Court of the State of Ore- ..lf..rta . .. uh .t. I!:ill lOT IM.'iniaill I UUIliy. K..U 19:5. at 2:30 o clock P. M. as tne time and the Court Room of said court as the place for the hear ing of said final account and the .settlement thereof. Dated: May 8. 1925. It. C. OKOESBECK. Administrator or tne tvsiate Southwell Stationery Co. EVERYTHING FOB THE OFFICE WE INSTALL BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS (1241 H Main St. Pbone 0O2 CHIROPRACTOR DR. GEO. E. MALLETT Office over Underwood's Residence Phone 807 7th and Main Office Pbone IM DR. 1. O. GOBLB Glasses Fitted and Groan 700 Main Street Phone 18S-W EVANS Shoe Repairing Good Work Right Prleea 1014 Main St.i Klamath Falls, Ore. Browne's Paint Store 1029 Main Street. Phone 75 nf Cat lit; ceased. MS. 15. 22. 29 Jo Nell Do P mm Ii str. i-l: tn gnm -nl in pre- if.' "ri-i !";' nJ2, V I Calm .Bi.nt KLAMATH VALLEY ."OSPITAL mi ; . , n ; ,i...iw i.u..s mid 'estate are notiiicd to present same, io care ior an new iiunueia intm. m mulilinii. and tnl ri'iisini.ii.le means to permit l'i:lm nf grantee' car over '1 llre.ls during the course lrairovenieiit or repair. I S.-.H..II VI. ' lurailon of thi franchise the term nf fifteen ( 151 ( from the effective date of thla F"f: nrnvided. however, that e et the said grantee shall ft. my of the term or condl P of this franrhlae. the city IMS nbiet tan i Hava notice ' ttrtntes, revoke thla rran- n lure lo nnarata. due tO Pi now or other storms T make operation Irapoa sr lmn,.Aii..hu Mh.ll not 1 1 feef N In tha Judgment of the I Counell good faith and effort rwriiioii maintained fl. 1 1 S ' ' " - l..l . f M operation of cars or btuse ill respect, in accordance to term, nf itil. r..n.hli. ' commenced ninety (90) Own the Hula 11,1a nrfttnancA r effective, and ahall he "'allied I'nnllm.ullw fliii-rtiff the f this franchise: provided, how- ".ni aiiniert to the approval City f minclt a temnornrv inn of aervlce made neces- grantee shall not he taken 1 I imill. .n .n..n . .. UI.. f.nn ....i.-ui ,,i i ma ii iin- "nr cause n revolution there 'I'l'M.in... of the terms of thla by Hip grantee must be "ilrly i :lo I il ns from final "te. shall file with the city nf Klu'malh to said administrator at The Am- r pardonable delight. ..'..ii. un.. l... ..i, ii ft. l force nno ein.ni j....... ,i,. iif of ihls fran-IFalls, tlregon rblse. a policy or policies of in surance Issued by a company li censed and authorised to write lia bility nd property damage Insur anr.m in the it of Oregon. Said policy or policies shall provide for property damage insurance i .m.. than the said frantee In the sum of one thousand (11.000) dollars, ..I tmlv thonaand dollar (120,- 000) for the benefit of porsoaa woo may Sustain personal Injuries, hut tn ao amount not to exceed ten thousand ($10,000) dollar or one person in any one ..j ..p laventr thousand (I'Oc 000) dollars for kll persona receiv ing personal Injuries by reaeoh of any one accident. The grantee shall j.ii .uk h city of Klamath Falls, a certified cneca . amount of ,2,000 as a guarantee of good faith for the carrying out M tha National Hank, Klamath within six montlic from the date of thi notice. Dated April 21, 192b. KKORGK R. LINDI.EY. Administrator of the Estate of Joseph P. Kelley, Deceased. A2I Ml.8.16,21 adv. 11 KLAMATH ART SHOP Hemstitch ing, pecoting. stamping, embroid ering. 130 So. 7th street. Klam ath Falls. Oreson. M6 J5 SCANDINAVIAN ROOMS c- Are Now Open. Stricly up-to-Date. Rooms From $6.00 Up. TAXI Phone 185 Large and small cars. White Star Line Better Service A circulation covering the city ot klamath Fall and the county o rUamath tkat'a tha KJaautn New the terms of this franchise. This It certified check to be returned to REAL ESTATE SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY New 4-room plastered house, $780 down Two-room furnished house, jarafe, $100 eWa Lota in all parts of the city, $15 to $15 down, bal ance easy payments LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH Phone 676 C. R. BEEBE 518 High St. sou Gray Tubes Toleamiied BpUce $150 11x4 t Ply Cord Tire $18.50 Hub Tire Shop BOX B, oth 8. TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT (MS Mala Ptiene (M Bring Us Your HIDES and PELTS We are In the market fog Hides and Pelt, and will pay the highest market price, Lewis Grocery 223 S. 6th Phong 3SZ Let Your Glass Troubles Be Ours Window Plate and Wind.hield GUu; ' Sash, Door and Cabinet Work. THE GLASS HOUSE Uth and Pine Phone 477-W BILLY'S UNCLE W i III. "'n ti r "tinn. Hill '.tlnil XIII. "'"I'liuni rate of fare which harm i by the grnnloi' ''"c'l irip In nno gcnonil "''r Hi" route Hiii'clfl.'d r in'iin rim I I'M bi.ri.Tifior ch- S,I:'M nni In. ninre than k , i in- iiiiixlniiim ruto m rllartr..,! ....i ....... i.. n . ' i" niini ciiii....'.. ... i lllul I I V t1'" rat,. ,,f 2.r.ll for fifty II ha ... t" K"'t. No tare ' "'"K' H children of the age m.a . nr under when nccom- "S nr . ..... ... ai,,,: " ' i paid rare. Trana " tn 'uid from nny one l"fn..!ny n,n,r '""I without ' tri : nrnl'lcd. howerer. In ( MtSttftV 'S. . t;OT N (Ciovwifv to b-w - II JIT "KX'& TwtM U)T I ( YOU VASJt-VX)sVT I IsS I I T -1 1 11 ' I JH . Lrt".l (tT'lllX - . Id4 -.--l s1- -'- -t 1 11. j r r r '-Yi- . 1 1 t 1 u vrae- e 7rv v.-. ..1 - L-J.i.)v . r 7 7 r -11 " ; It" 1 V ' tt-.v 1 nr - i.Lf.i-. n ' i - flr. . r r-r ' J v - ' ".jrn V . Vs:ttOm "" Vumv ..JJjtv.... ....... -- -, . j . : 1 s l.ji . T jTi 'fiV' - ""I". I.r-s'" LIS ?! i Mil i( fa !! ifV, 1 7) ll runt nr , t i 1 .1 - . i'.'. n 1 1 1; u Ruvuiu