i(J Circulation tr 2800 THE DAILY KLAMATH NEWS Official Paper of City o) KLAMATH FALLS """" I ws ana unitea fress Telegraph Services ' ! I " ' KLAMATH FALLS. ORE., FRIDAY, MAY 8. 1925? ! ivZn. 118. (Kvery Morning Except AmiKiay MIC HAIL ;"oy Scouts May Don't Dismiss Grand Jury, TII1FVFS IIFM1FI1 Priric To TWoA Unxr Mn,rnl,: fl,rM U A TX m " a. JL W AO JL llVVl Mulct ho Angelea CoOO; Caught liiji''4'"1 ItfiMJti X'T A If tBtolln 1 jw,huw w nti, of in unuea tmU4 hare late todT L nrlltur from tha lHOTMJI rrmit.u swutf and II D. HlbM. L.'. dream oi two amoi .... - ERSt Have New Cabin Myers! Here's A Hdt Shot UNCOVERED At Bear Wallow who I If ilia pinna of Jack Kimball and I tha local boosters (or tba Hot Rcouta materialize, tba boys will u'l log cabin summer camp baadqusrtes at tba Bear Wallow on Uta vaat aids highway around Cp-f par Klamath Uka. Tba Bear Wal low b located 11 H alias from KUmalh Falls and to surrounded by ona of tba moat oesutlful plna forest In Id la section. Kimball, who la a dlreotor of tha Cralar Lake llojr Scout council slated ytrday Ibat ba would recommend to tba Weyerhauser jTlinlar ccmpany wblrb owns tha t . Some Nausrhtv Rnklim-. I.... it- j t A tin i - vj ana oioie WuOle House Lt Saturday night; Snyder. Hounds May au ui vrn trail P""' " , ... klrMl la tba Hear Wallow local- kit -"--",,. ,h., . considerable .crease bt IZV0.UUV.-I I . urava over in me nova lor a sum luBto:uii"i. was baited I krru. jliDM'BlrU a t rldlmu.'J 9.000 In the m'r playground Thla derision I was reached following a visit to the proposed site yesterday by Klmhall. j C. S. Chapman, hi'ad funnier fur; Wcyerhauters. It -r. Arthur I.. Rice vsrm. won n nan ,,, c;, A ( ,)K m.uul ,wuliv jwho hit rwiiily hn-u 1 n t :t 1 1-1 In Imiirrt. air'T.Hhit to tn (h! dintrlrt. n aaiil I" have rnpra. (( Tll (, Ihcy wiMi it tin ii t 10 i'f- r derlarad j In tha ft- ftaudulont i wlilih bad It'a a pretty bow-do-yon-do In KUmatJk FaJU. tola wbolaaala nioierf ana tnert Duslaees. Ttrat It n taoi of bora, maiskara. of tba "Oetapaa Club" who to qualify for mamberthlp hx4 to ataal tost article ot latrloale Taloe. randBg from a floa comb to laws aowar. ' Tba bay bore were warned and releaeed. Then came (ba naunhly safe blowera who knocked oter nearly balf a down aafea, got only about 135 and made their departure after lamina; the Klamath Fall law fur aereral weeks. Hut now-KMh! Where la It Knna stop? I.ast Saturday, It became kniwn yesterday, some party or parties Juat up and atole a whole house! Mrs. M. A. I'eck, owner of the structure saw the shack lying peacefully firm on Its foundation Saturday afteraoowyfoadv. low and heboid, tba snack 'baa dlaap pared. .Tft boose U locstad. or rather It wa load on the wast atds of pioraMll staaat between Plaa sad Hlb lUwaU. Tba News offers tbla attcb ior Ktooutb KaJU aleutha tooli : Tbars was a 14' mile southwest wind Saturday night." Jt la recommend ed that Snyder's blood hounds be started on" the trail toward Malln and onward to'Alturaa. Perbapa the wind blew the aback down. Or perbapa the ustlon abould be solred by dancing maatera. Do tulld'nga shimmy? If any Klam ath Falls' citizens happened to notice a building dc-lng s two step or tango on that fateful Saturday night or Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Heck would welcome any Information that can be furnish ed on the affair. FOS THIS CITY IN STOLEN CAR Gang Speed Through Ah Und Fire At Officer And Malts) Getaway irmuu, in-tk :flr rallri-iiil. I'.r.nJ-- tin Cullotl Itvlt r of the the Den Mian ii ii ri t.llie. the thi Internal tonal, ro. Ni.k.-I I'lnte and r-:b:r, of the chief; the I'olted States were a tha proposed merger. 4 kite nereaaltaled the lb billion dollars as a pa. I V) ul llllita. It la said M till they had been au-j fi amktn to raise money fie artr. On this sum 1 to b palj a commission ' r m. aalilng a total 1 lha of IMiiO 0U0 000. I oal But True H Mgbl's Len.iMl Wire) "HKI.I.K. X V . May Asiih decker come .Tld with a flying r liil two teeth Thurs- HII'S. Ma f Callu "f'.ty d.i le of i ul Ohio -"u t Intend to "i We s iinkli.il In KPPa ki'y. ".Mini. a tt" Orciilllr-itl,.,i t....nu fcir,r i . -uid 'in has won p.iotry Pi Cl'h.r irnrv hnnnra laf trinket. All of fl "lmi.lv ri ....-a . iM't milieu lti.) Tii "If tills jtin'i throiiith ns vt have plunhei! the I'-y will lie fixed 111 ' fine ..:ie," Klrnlull pointed out, "our plana are to anai.it the l,oya to build a first ctaaa lot cabin; near the little mouutiiln lake. It! would be built in tills way: We would aik loggers around the luke, to donate a Sunday or two to fall-, Ing the treea, cutl'ng up the logs. and hewing them out properly. The) walla and Pole rafters would than be put un by tl.e Tulunteera. At I tbla point ' would call off all; I adult help and turn the Job over to thn boys to finish and you canj bet they will fin Ian It right. Their I work would be to chink the cracka ' .between the log wit mud and' Imnaa. put the simsea on tn rooi. put furnish the Interior In firat class ahape with furniture made on the ground of their own hnndlwork. After the cabin was completed they would "f course want to turn their attention to building trulls to differ ent places of Interest that are ad jacent to the lake. They would nave a good trail down to the swtniniln' hole no doubt. I "It's all rather Indefinite yet of ! course but It looks practical and It ! looks possible and there Is no one who will disputo that such an ar ' ranKemont would be a great thing for these kids." FARMERS FROM OWENS VALLEV LIKE KLAMATH CELEBRATED BY BIG GATHERING Pasiriag through Ashland at break-neck speed, firing at an officer who attempted to inter cept them, a party of automo bile thieves were heading in the direction of this city on the Klamath Falls-Ashland high way early this morning, ac cording to telephone advices received at the local police station. The highway here was being guarded early this morning. The entire police and sher iff's forces at Ashland were reported following in the wake of the escaped thieves, search ing each side road for the men. The Ashland police were on the lookout for the party when officials at Grants Pass re- ported a Star touring car, By Hill Lines For Entry To Klamath Kirkford, ChUoquin, Klamath Agency, Olene and Bonanza Included in Root ing; No New Securities To Be Issued; Both S. P. and 0. CrE. To Be Paralleled. Influence of Six Visitors Judge and Mr. Emmitt Are Here Expected To1 Bring In 150 New Families Re-Wed Mid Beautiful Ceremonies - ( By United News Lased Wire ) WASHINGTON, May 7. Application of the Ore gon Trunk railway for extensions south from Bend to Klamath Falls was formally filed with interstate com merce commission today. The petition asks approval of construction of approximately 250 miles of railroad under the joint and equal patronage of the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern and does not at this time seek the issue of any new securities, as the funds required will be supplied by the northern lines. If financing is re quired later on, it was said, separate applications will be made. The principal stations designated as those the new railroad will" pass through or near are: Bend. Lamne. ! Crescent, Skookum, Kirkford, Chiloquin, Klamath Agen cy, Bonanza, Ulene and Klamath rails. The longer and n --l nrl' i : :n j ai n i at stolen from that city, headed , " win go uuwn ine pycan anu ine southward on the hitrhwav. ; f JVo win ue auuui, iou nines lung. Traffic Officer Talent, of Ash. land, who attempted The shorter extension in a more direct line of 80 miles : r i.1 : :i pi i j ai l j e XT- identified the car I me vicinity ui ok.uoh.uiii, uown uie west, siue oi op to overtake them! lPer Klamath lake, touches Kirkford, Chiloquin and Klam- Tbe delegation of Owens ralley farmora, who accompanied Sam I Head here tbls week. , j .. ...j -.;.i. ..... .i day looking over ljio k. spent; yestar-J- e ljlngell Valley' jowti I O. O. F. hall waa the scene of j weddjng last .night that will go In the history of Klamath t und the Merrill country, and they j co,ln,y a8 one of ,he most delight-1 fill events recorded, over 300 Iu-( vited gucats witnessing the cerc- mony. and ''en we ssy lhat it took . the entire top floor of the I. O. O. F. building to stage the affair, we want you to believe us for once. The headlinera were a couple of Klamath Fulls youngsters who are Bob Kmmltt and WHOLESALE RAIDS are leaving for home this morning with a warm spot in their heart tor nil the Klamath country, according to their statements Inst night. I "We figured there must be some thing wrong with this country If good land could be bought for the prices that we understood were j bulng asked for Klumath luud," ono I of them pointed out. "We cume j to aee for ourselves and you can. known hereabout! say for me we are convinced that you have as good liind here as can 1.0 rnrf m ,nv country" We are ""v ' " "'I night In a 'rolng back and deliver a mighty, t!le nme of J- w- Bryant, wearing I partlay broken up by i favorable report to all our nolgh-;his first moustache to give dignity; and sheriff's deputies. ath Agncy, practically paralleling the Southern Pacific. The commission is asked to grant a hearing on the application and rjequest is made for the retention of any earnings in excess of the standard rate of return. It is stated that there is a body of 40,000,000,000 board feet of timber mostly pine, along thejrbut?s of the proposed lines which will have a wide majrket from the. northern lines and their connection and- that the- condition justify the present construction of the road: By blue prints filed with the applications it appears that the new construction will substantially parallel the line of the O. C. & E. rail- wov fnr enmo rlistartpp nnrtri of Rnmrnip River. TVia shnrt- fiinnni RV Wlf.UTier extension frgm the junction point crosses the Upper LllllULU D I lllUll I i Klamath lake from the mouth of Williamson river to a point opposite on the western snore. Gaining on them, the thieves fired several shots at the of ficer from the rear of the car, making their getaway. Up until early this morning the car had not entered Klam ath Falls, according to Deputy Snyder. LAWLESSNESS IS Hindenburg Departs! Naughty Co-eds Seven men and women were ar 1 rested, two cars confiscated, and jr-iora tmrnitt. wnite tne pilot oijone car was reported stolen last ithe ship waa a young parson byL,h, , ,ri f i.whreaklng city police Home Town Amidst Elaborate Farewell Must Put on Clothes .SKY. IUir.. Maw 1 "union In III KM( K ASKS Ni:V TKl.iL ! I.O.-t ANtiKI.KS, May 7. Mm i Rerulre Day, convicted of disflgur jing the face of h r wealthy hus jband. Darby Day. Jr.. with causti. jaeld. filed a motion for a now. trial here toiViy. j Judge Carlos llnnly set May 11. jas the ilutn fur the hearings oa e appeal 'The motion was mail" by Mrs. Day's atorneya when she l 'piared In superior court for '. I touce. I. I climatic conamons a you ... uere, . n fuatrated wag pUinly shown . bk'k and .Ich won worlo- bora. We are accustomed to such to his calling. That the parson was; J. c. Paul, a man named Shu- driver of a White Star taxi were arrested In company with l'earl Wilson and Maria Bean as they drove up in front of Edna Mc-i Donald's place. A number of towels! and 32 ounces of moonshine were' confiscated with the taxi. trying Pollle limn R:n lLvi-rnft. an:i:iti,..i .1.... mill I' i:d tl,.. '"! Iln fnim i"b i. unsuc- to dis-l one of Hue- rent but '"oft Invariably him the money I'.ihl OOI.F MKKTIMU lt)STlt)NKU The golf club meeting which wai tu havo been held tonight has been I since our valley :lde notoriety Inst summer over a little water fight we had with the city of Los Angeles, is only thirty feet lower In elevation than Klum ath Falls." Hume Conditions Tho party of Owens Valley visit ors Is itittdo up of George Rowe, Alvin Dodlo. L. W. Monroe, A. S. Donnlsoni C. N. Hose and T. M. Shumate. Speoklng of the con ditions In Owons Valley at the pres ent time, which are responsible for theso settlors looking for a new lo cation, It was pointed out that over 1200 families had already sold their i.n.i in the valley to tne city oi i by the fact that he made tbe green promise to obey, which you all '. know is an Impossibility, but it caused consternation In the audl-i ence, and several of the persuasion made a dash for the outside. . They were prevented from escaping, how-! evor. . j Attendants . j The young couple 'were attended .j by Dell Summers as bridesmaid and Back Grigsby as best man, young friends of the contracting parties. Other attendunts on the bride's i side were the following young ladies: Louise Humphrey, Jennie i Hum. Margery Otterbeln, Alice IBv t'nlted News Leaded Wire) HANOVER. May 7. Twenty i thousand men. women and children ' paraded by President-elect von i Hindenburg's home tonight In a farewell demonstration to Hanover's (jay Vl By United News Leased Wire) BERKELEY. May" 7. A drastic ban has been placed upon tbe scan ty costumes and bare legs that were to have been displayed Satur- by University of California co- most famous citizen. ' eds In their annual senior extrsra- I itNu.ho tho hnma tho strains nf A raid on tho home of Jim Flan-'f .... or . ... . ia two bands playing In unison compel- uery and 802 Oak streets was raid-;. ' ' The old soldier took the alute'ganla , In a balcony where he stood wear-; .,,.. . ' . . . Each year (he graduating program Ing a combre frock coat and a high . . ; . silk hat. As tLe marchers .p." Process, a musical comedy, features the girl students In dashing dances td by Chief Loucks, Officers Lewis rirown and Cooper end Deputy Sher iff' Snyder. Officers allege they I caught Flannery In the act of dump- i ing out a bucket of moon, obtaining part of the evidence. E. Pendleton was arrested, charg ed with having liquor in his car. which was confiscated. Patrolmen step cadence which has roared and rumbled beneath caulked boots of millions of soldiers, who paraded 1 past the old marshal In other days, j Leaping flames from thousands of ! torches illuminated the parade and cast fleeting light and shadows over I the form and features ot the old' warrior. As flags bobbed by In and. songs. Advance posters of this, year's play, "University,. Inc." showed' the feminine form ' airily clad' and minus' stockings. off called week. ready paid their 100 u ui-.u mi..... laDli in me vauey io .. ...... Lewis and Cooper made the arrests i " ' until the first of next , oJ AnoIell on account of the des-j Ooeller. Lydia Houston and L,",eA11 al)OTe per80ns were heid in jail',he hands of SooBe-steppIng bearers About 61 members have al-', ptrnie need for their water by thej Rnmsby, while the following bunch i in the &ERS' DAY HANDKERCHIEFS TO,? OLD here TO HELP NEAR EAST annual dues. !,, A P.,ni ninny of theso have: of young fellows were I left nnd arc probably located in j grtom's corner: Hank Momyer. i me other locality nt tne present i (t'oiitlnueii on i-iibo nvc) There arc still around 150 and for the! Indians On Trail Of ' li.y 1 h 'til ill. '' .HI l i.v 10, America 'or m,,,i I,,., i,,.,..i "i'li'ly nml remem- ill he nent now Hun fnniilles In the valley city to got satisfactory control ot j the water, they must buy ovcry one! San Quentin Murderers of theso settlers out. j The city of Los Atlgeies noesn i i ...,r htirli with t!io Ower.a vai- n.o.ii evident ( rtv tn!ti"l NoM-s I. eased Wlrol SACRAMENTO, May 7. Indian trackers, sent out from Colfax, have picked up tho trail of Joe Tanko and Lloyd Hall, convicted ........ tl,..M nr. f the cMiuKte, . . ' .. ,. .. the lev ni'ODle. it itu tor-mail:! iinnuiierciiieis in .,. .i.i.. Thov , r lieihtcl. 1 from their reninrks l.iat niijnt. iiu ' ' ' ' . . ' I ,,. .hut the soulhern California , . "Kvory l'liiidkori liter win inui .. , - .i ,.,- ,i,, : l'' tli.T who i metropolis I8n l iu.."-" . . .h.. r.ml from Ran Onen- have not ' : ; ..hldr,.. (n.m ne cent more than they are tori-o, , ' i About four anil oiic-inm , I lieiomiim olijicts of ih.irlty. Wl'!l '',y- ,. nafl reccn,iv been ; Bernard MeChnne. Ft.: tramenlo chief n inoilicrs. dl-havo heard inurli I" Un' 1,1,1 fi-w million '"'.., ,ho f i of police who Is directing the i man- Hlniinons, nf,rars nliout hungry children. In v,...i.. . . uhioit LiirninK ui" , li. ,t i, .ui- 1.... Kirvofc k in secure i anyone who Knows nnyuiuit. I , , It iu n hit. vallev. poouw onn-o un nim uieuius t, w ' '"" "ay. iiiotbors. knows Hint whenever inere, - iif.i a.i. ... , . ,i,.,r nnwe.iTi, .i.i ..i.i..i .i .i. i.. i ..1..1. Hum tho noa lor hearing today. It was Indicated some of the cases would be tried m federal court. A Ford roadsten owned by J. E. Patterson. Jr., was stolon from in front of The News office. The car bore an Oregon license number 187-749, was equipped with Kelly Springfield tires, motor meter and oversized steering wheel. Hindenburg removed his hat. DES MOINES, Iowa. May 7. Police Thursday towed through the business district of the city a wrecked automobile bearing a grim figure representing death at the steering wheel. "Bootleggers this Is the result of your pro duct." a sign on the car read. FIRST LIST OF NEWS CONTESTANTS WILL BE PUBLISHED NEXT SUNDAY Ship Sends Radio To Find Remedy For Drunk :ilil,r "f On airs. p. "c "nil,.,. n m .'. "' Wniiiioiis, Mlef .""""'' .lay for Near "i Fan. ttCt " "''"ili-man for b. which Is uupe Hint the motlior Is htuiKrier than tho child. These niollior-iuiulo hiind knrcbli f elvn thn mothers a chance to earn a r" .. ' ,,., nr,.. h,i .v ' hunt for the two desperadoes tele- Hhout turning tne "-" .... !i, hi. no h. thi. ...nh. ii i ton miles wide nnd rlv one hundred miles long, but dian hunter and Itulde, had sighted n' . . . i l,n rt.trlttvo. nn Rone rlvat ntv that Frank Slouxhead, veteran In- contains a great area of waste land which of course, does not entor into ",0 ",u " T ,iUhe controversy, living for themselves and, me .. t ThA niriT ttms. -- tholr llltlo broods nnd to keep tnoir v.taH on Paa S) o have sold no I children about then." the fugitives on Bear river, six miles north of Cape Horn. Sloux head tired one shot before they slipped Into ths brush, McShane said. SAN PEDRO. Calif., May 7. Please advise what to do for a man who Is dying from too much moonshine, this radio message flashed over 1,000 miles of sea from the steamship Wnlruna was picked up by the federul wireless station and relayed to the receiv ing hospital here, "Force the man to drink all the water possible and give blm bromide," was the wirelessed answer. i Sunday morning and then youare to be given away. will know who the candidates in. Remember, folks this is not a ithe News' $6,000 prize circulation game of chance, everyone wins. If building contest are. The names of :.ou are one of the active contest ihe workers will be published and nnts and fail to win a prize, the then you can support your favorite News will pay you 20 per cent cash , i.UHliilate. Pick out your favorite lommisslon on all new subscriptions .nnilliliite and support him or her, that you turn In. And everyone 'to the Inst day. Give them your can be an active contestant, for all ! subscription, tell your friends to that is required of you to he an ac ii jve their subscriptions and vote tive contestant Is that you turn In ballots for them. jnt least one new subscription a week Those who have been considering ; from the time that you entor the this opportunity, but as yet have! contest, for six months, a year, pot entered, must do so at once for! three years or five years. One new soon It will be too late. Oct your subscription per week and you are name In the first published list. Show your friends that you are In to win one of the big prizes that sure ot winning a prize. Stop "thinking about It" ind (Continued oa Fa ) da