;'.YI if it ! V ,1 t -1 'J- t, i! -Pe Eight ML Thursday, May 71925. LOCALS M ' L Accused b" Hughand in Scandal -Mr. J. W. Krru left o.aing tor an Mended .a.at.ia ia the earnera turn. Vrs Kern !11 spend the aummr ta Minne sota. The younic Kerns boys w:rh the exception of the bal'y .i j.pend ih summer with taeir un.le II. F. Keraj on bis raa.h :a -ho Ken --JL-:ricL !.Tdiy II. K. Wolford. prMwr of a c-arrjl merchandise store at, Va.a... w niakar sh.vri is:t in! K-tnath F:i. U c We,;. a broker of ',:' W.s: r-.tura.- (o IMrtlaai on thia si -rs-as- train. rday n. W. R)ia and w;.V ..f F.".-: Klamath drore into Klaraa:h Fa!:; yesterday af.ern.n After a pleas at winter spent in California Mr -ad Mm. RMa returned to th. Klamath roonty looking forward to a delightful aammer in the Fort -ountrjr. Mr. Ry.n says that the vr Vr , for rear. a.d .s. V, "Z0 :B !o Fall. , ..,.arM a p.e- i 8vi ji:,.j ., :ae eastern d.veje of the I.'?: .-opal aa returned to P-iaen! ye H s Beat i,:t will he the ::rt ci J cat when af , ;. arrant- la the r.j.p ,xa:a 0f St. Peal's chur.-h to rumpie the p.aaa for the new charca .iniij.nc rslvit.-. &r t- iucs'c1-'d Id tvlitvitig iiutliiifj pott M on thi wtit(rn iron, tills .f n rmt. adramliig further rl In (lit Kifa:i ditrtn. in i a hf- v aittt k fri.u ti ilfm n Col Kr) tnIT Mil an iti f i mil I t rnvr, I.-.irm . lt one ni::i v tnii -ntr jl i.t.i THE i:itirti viH(-(ir hi. UHn;' KIMI..N. v(y II- fifty-two ra... . ('T,,N. ...TJ 1 "ittnu... ,.(lri i Hi. liui( .1, l.n.s nrrt JLiornrpd rniiU:id a-i.t W.lrs iltirlng h. ( -ik Due of V . ..mil Miliier. Illg rondlliun hi r . ,t in he erlotK. allium.:. I.. "I ... -.-t-llll.(.l,l fc mil hi. .irrn.ih i. ... .. ... " mil. - . n(w wi s . tit. Mi -J :li.i'li'Ulut hi howrirer ja V cl iwn ,i. a- Ce'lMlh raua-J aoa!d lure a proaperou acaton. r- B- Cr-aler. preAden! of tht Ka-auaa Boi company of th city u rtiim ,, .peaj ,B .B1BmM ooth. la KUnh eonaty. Mr Truler ia a coo m pied by aii wit, nd tb.y will .pena u,. WUJB "e. th city ,.d taaxel me at Rocky Point LUMBER FOR SALE CHEAP are tr:p R. IL KlJioti waa in K;aa:' Fa.'! on hoaiaeaa yesterday i u- ... mua air, rsaaelt accom-. Pied by Mr. Kas of Ea.ariaJ Warn., ire payi, Klaaiat Fal ' bnaiae riit. - I Mr. isl ll.i H RMert. 0f Poe ra;iy wf tbime ,t ,,e eoanty teat yeaterdar i M. ria.t C Walker of AlUaar u a c:ty Naaaie Karr i -aad on bos:aesa i a I u iio'i Adair I. .'i I are ui- haul am building- 9 YEAR CLD FIRE EUG IN OAKLAND O.'.KI AM). n ( .tjiii. ti.r 'i t T e?i t ct i n!..ii .1 f .r t'i.. I r.- tiuc a.tlMI; - i.f 11. n ' -.il .ml T- T. '"li.-t. ;.m ;.. .i. In. k -I t.p :n I'..- OakUtit .1 t.'nl: .n hum.. t i.! .ft .r a.tuit'.m,- :Vi u l-.i " r'i"H he had trl-J ( i.irn .1 iwn ihe parnjce of tile K:rt I aile.J llrt-thern churia. "1 did It Ju.t to Ih euatue. rom." he uld Mrdford :.. company leaaea Georie'a aecond ln.-eadiar sdren- We.ierlun.l iu.1 land.; to ulna i) tura dtaruptc- Ian Suaflay nlnhf. to too tutu imal dally for gaa tuanu ihurrh aerrUa , fan u r , "r in... Ml, " tha ' N Com- r..r ih. VlrlD '. Ji-- I. i Si'lr.et Cuiperallve Ki- li iniiaur r.i.ui.leiea a kini ami - i i ;;.ti ; aiatl.m. Star company kuikinc ou .Itullar nation her. I.fc-,"r . i ll' I) au.l ' I ""'".! """'" t. ,, "" UelMt. t. 1 Z' pre.ent .. T Ha.-... t-or U CHf. ' ' l"'" 'a Aah- C. Vr vred a: 5:aiias i aTi of Mv-C'.rii t, the Empire S;el bastaesa r.si; here. while Da-re Shock of to?":ns ia tors oa bas.aesa. Tanaa nlly b ' ?---" a few li in fact DractipsH ,Tl . - enu for construc tion or repair work. out and look K. C. j:ak'wa ia this city fr)3. i'Ci-i:a teria.T o, P A. P.; i . ,3-as Ihs week fr a r-s. ::i:es. Ore. Mar...;; F:lda of c.rr,:: , , , V C. T Mo.-saa. T. Arm mil - . e, wi vj : Pirlas KJ.aiat., Falls i ha.-.a-u 'at. -f o. i.,e.r , -'""eu Ck-n ,,, ,M ..-... Mr Jo.,,. . B ' :. - I. HA WAIL 4iVS MUST liW Jill), BE MILITARIZED JPELICAN'BAY LUMBER CO. O. Frrr oa basiaa. Aatoag some is htr :rai M?d! .-i OFFICERS CONCi Three French Column Advance On Horoccans TA.VGIKR. M.r T.Three Fr-nch cvlaxna are preasine t- warlike Riff t.-i-e,raen of Abd K! Krim oo.omoata detahmnt has De Laval Junior Milker Outfit FOR SMALL HERDS THIS IS THE IDEAL MILKER At small cos! this outfit may be increased to handli from twenty-five to thirty cows. For further information call at the office of Phone 557-J J. W. KERNS rarm Bureaj Exchange 6th & Broad Sb. the a.-.,. .v- "XOl.t-U. Mar .-Th, ae-e. j to atlend the eoid-n wdl ae ,n"r"s" Wtm of the 3r. and Mrs. r. a. E,It. J -o- of Oai. s bea ,diilw. aorrow erea;a, at the LOO F . ' ,nar- "TJ "d mr'-'" h-l who hare trTiTed '. " ""'cem ho rriewed resuita of the d Mr,. H. C. Myera of .,a F-aa Trt c"" HU k fo: llr. aad Mr. W- Vy G fIet"" and two chiMrea 9 i.ai. ca" . ot tie Ell. Earn.-,, o . ? "d M:Ss " Robert E Too,.. . ii ror:.aa. Vr .,.4 i .- - . --"-- Mrs. W. p. Ara::t - today at the close .y Oardner Vr. , . . - ir:-M i --- re9iaiaare. t)-jt "waawaZaaaawa- Ipwwa arawapJ Wonderful Values In Pianos ' I Mrs. Vrska COMING "The Judge and the Dope Peddler" -By-HALL AND SUMMERS The wu "iracter drama ever METHODIST CHURCH Friday, May Sth, at 8 P. M. written. . A Cyc.on. w.fh a Tor- "ado Aecompantm-nt " Atlantic City Review- News. Docb!e . Distilled :iLat;o D::v Full of U J2h, A Few Tear A Hot ir-at c;:r, Soul rojr A CJImaT thai H Ere The So'ut.'on cf ti Menace "Vtiva a!! other Dra ma, Lectures ar.c! Ser moti. ar forCott,n JI Kill re.i.en.r.or. Great Drama." Frank'-'n Pierce, v.is.nt s?cr'.:r of interior ur...' .- , dent Boo; .e;t It's free but betr .an any two '-. r given ."n San Je.eefc Super.cr Court, San J0Se, Ca!,f. !S Yo-j T.I-k . . . . ----- -.. I n- lowea me mar e A'ide frora ,h, impo... oce of makinc Oahu's resistit-, -r the .....,.,s, po,,,.,,. tB. s.alc-en: . e.tr.mely laconic It decUred that problems worked out 1-etween th, d3., 0 th. .;... M'tore froa, San Fraacis.-o. Aprl -a. and the dose of the shata ba,? of Oaha oa April ;:. dis. io.d cer- -nd,f..5. bB, wjth .t Rw ?ir;s prai-M the w-.rk o' I1?? -a" ior.es. pl.yin, , art of aa at k ac p,w.r. and the Wk de nier, Th.y Jjr( no' Jua. uowerer. ., to ,.,. a;de " He , r Red' e Done S'' FT-Or J;;. .. -w2:-..fi .. ..- ..... r- y ,y:,,-.-A - Given Under Auspices of the Anti-Narcotic League of America 2924 Selby Ave., Sawtello, Los Ar.gelrs, Ca:;: II-rc.'ciM lit; CI. ar.i. ten.-1 bv ti:? f ri. West IV.II! I I L.- !H;lt( .... j , , who saw r.-'l ai;.1 a "ln-.ir. (.,.-., r Lleule-ant Joi n Tfcomj ,S been h.-.1 fr ccun marttai , Hanila. l-hilii pine Islan.l.i. t,,t tv alleL'pd Iniir.iMr nt ..i- . , '.'T rirjri nuurey lliirrnEli III. taill Rcr. Dr. .Milton Thnmp.inn oi ir,( KuMell Safte Chunll. Far Rorl. and. N V.. arranm-.l ror hla rt.-i. tue n me gin. att-pdaiiKli-.-r ot another army offic-r, b l- n-tura lot trom a danca. ailicr. ti.e p.-.-..f .M.Mi.,.rv.l l.onu j srV '? .-"I i f i Sffl en- JIiiSP t " Is pi f Thus picture is an exact copv of our new standard Make Nationally I'Hced Gulbran sen i iano in medium size cabinet for small room homes. Kkht or Ten Dollare a month will place this Standard Advertised ten year fliiarantee piano m your home and , jess than three years make it yours. We particularly want to call ylHir attention to the fact that the povernment has been .yurt,&a.smg.this make for school purp.xes, a Mire n of the instruments durabilitv, quality and value. If jour heme needs jazzing up whv not imrcha.-e one of those email size Gul PianS" ommunity Jrde' Registering . They register your touch, vour time and your expression thus enabling manv dif-' .lerent intcrpetationi?- of the same selec tion. v . . The Community Model has a sweet, cleaf "nd 1UI tone very suitable to the aver--?e size hr me most favored toclav. Terms low as $13.50 per month. ' S.,we have a generous size Babv Grand i" V, "!n uirh string length to 'insure a . -i". p' !m- whlVh " "ot the case with the slf s whirh are penerallv sold to e u fiy who doesn't know real tone qual v, but wants to be able to sav "we have a 1 '"V (n 'M home." ' " know f..r a fact th-. va.iie !j-t.t.r t0.,(, in wd ( ""I'. p:a:io. nail crand bi:v better J'u'r T ils !ovv ns or w'h t,,is t u Gulbi-ansen Grand is priced $783 any- Earl Shepherd Company T-r- Victrola. TM Records Ptinn 282 .