LEjMAT" NEWS. snll'"A III ... ........r miruiiw III In f riiy , 4 i in i ( "uni ll f II V I II K . UI'illT '"'"rf. ";th. '' IKhlr ..f A 'i " " ..til -Htllltnll'H IIHVl'llll-lll lllll. I.I. ,,,-Uli. Hi'"'- -"' u.iii i .... .ii.iiim f iiiipivni r..-. ...-. ... ik. eaaeny " ..tur v mnn in i hu in . ........ fn.Hi "r is,.-., .....i.. inrillliHiii nni iiiiiii runt rpiM .. uii ... ,j H"". .h. ,niererili.n of Ksst . prop M.,m lhi-nipi'n..ii.r wlih t,. m,i(.r., , h. " I,.... K...I Main Hlrftil In HUth; "V J.... m a I ha aa Jh a. prll uUrUr lal.1 oil tlv. n-frrnr. t ,h. h I. hi-rhy ', .ll'irH m th- ,l"n "d ?.?T' r"."11' """frtlnn fiirthi r d. t.ll. f,,r ni.d h.min hy Ihn II) I a n a. runalrurllnn. m.ilwl.l.. i .Unas ,,,r.d. snd II h.vlns insen ir . .. . U i !iniiin "--. ..-.--I .nd linvlnic . t" .m .p. irimttnn and "'" '' ami n,u. win l.e r,. " .ellafsclnry; TIIKHK-'""M l"r each kind of pavement "" I iperlfled above, and will I,. ....... iT IT MK.W'I.VF.I) HV THE .d for r.mald. -ration b)r Ihe Com turns "l;s','M' ,h".' Vm" ' "uri.ll on Ihe ..Id 21th day P" ' f F..t Main " ill......!., inn imi""" . I'",:. rs.terly end of I . rom ,' ., , limn- Avenue.. " r"" sunmn m on blanks Avenue in " prepared hv Ihe Cllv Knilnnr .nri kI.iD Irinn ,,. ..... ih, I'd. ...... tni ,.t. ""' i. I. .erebv are- """'.-.-"- I . W "J. ii liTHKIt llKWl.vr;n r. " , ,,.ll h..r..l.v "" ihr ( IHII'I.'"' 1 ... .....nilun In liniirme. .rr .. . until .Hi.l II. , re.llllrrH ti. l-lvn hi.nrf In u n. P"1 ..... hI.h. at....'! te din Willi .'" , eainiMiea. nid Im , "r "" lannrji perinroianre . the , on-ll nf pvln( aald "nnlrart la lie entered into for mak- ton a,,,i fB ' .. . UI..MI wlih n. In ' ..1. ni....ltn ' ntl.l , ,.r ,ru... ,7- ............ , li.arrtt. ihe iiinr wlih a ilep for I i ill In.'hea nf rruahed rork l . ill m.-hea f ilndera on ; Milder will enter Into rnntraet with I"" ' 111. ..In t,.r ih. m.L.... .1 K i.ilm..teil '"t ' Unprnvlno tf mere"" . . L nr .ravel. Inr ud ra.nen ... nr.ntmn. ei.n.a... ..... .,.d i.r n.n. r. -I" pipe. in'mi , ,:iii0. unit Ihe rillmilled f'' ....i iniiri'i-tn. n. nv iu...-u.w i - mo f!"-l or rruahed rn.-k lo a h uf richi ,s mrhes and f"u l .Inilera on lop. with ,vi'i'" einhankiiienl an.' ,, nr ronrrele pipe. o lO SO; d lo Inrlmlr ,j.nc roll UK n,l'l i-.-tiiiK. " Hull if I'"- ilruinnK" anil Ihe a :t Unlit ninrreie r ..inr. and !IK IT f ' KlMr.ll I. p.n. 'I. r. , I,..-,.. 1'L. ..r THK IllMIHIN Clll rl ll. inn. iiereit Kiti-n i.i.-.i inn. ne re-; (o'li.'.ifin rl.-..-rlh..il property beir,.u,.d hy the Poll, e Judne of .aid , -hf .i.'ti.- I. hereby derlureil . rlly. ut hi offire in the Cltv IUII. ..I l. a.ilil lii.prnvi tm-nt .no to m ini ini-nnriiK Moiiuay. m.-.i 1 :.'.th. 1S25. at h llll o rlork P. M . I I . I l.i . I to : ..( '.Ik .nr.. M.ok 1 II. !nr . hlork nr . hlork I 7 nr . ttl.H-k n'.l of I.Ik I"- IS: 1 1 : 13: li: n: 1''. ., ;i mi :is Inc. Mk. , ; to 32 inr , hilt, ii i.. .'.I. 'nr . blk. ik Inn 1'' to 3T. Inc.. blk ,: nf na.il lot and Itlorka be- S in liidiitr.al Ailllllon In -s. Cltv of Klamilth Fall.. r.-n: " all of hlork loo tn M inr.. of Mill. Addition to Ku-ith Fall.. Oregon: and it tt hlni k. 200 to 204 Inr.. ill bio. k Id to 212 Inc., E.'a Sernnd Addition to the fill o! Klimnlh Falla. Oregon: mi rt.t uld property herelnbe- Irrf Irxrlbed bo and hereby la M.rlirfil to he benefited by the,ltn rorK baae. or same with as- ..g :mpriF.rmeni ana .....u.ii -Wd therefor: and nr. ii rinii.ru nri ,.. 'it Hussar, ihe 25th day of May hl.'l. II Ihe hour of 8 :00 o'clock , it the Council Chambers t City Hall. In the ( Itr of Vinilh Falls. Oregon, be fixed f the lime and place for the hear of nl.lerilnna or remonstrance I n limit an ttt Improvement, and the i f'Vrt Judge, la hereby directed to .. nnilre of the aald hearing 1 t published aa by Charter pro- tn. 'l' ot Orernn. hIT of Klamath. p of Klamath Falls, as. . bem 1.. (I.chaaen. Pollre Judge r the City of Klamath Falls. Ore- n. hereby certify that the fore "t Is s duly enrolled copy of a 'diitlon adopted hy the Common "Ml at Ita regular meeting on 4v. Anrll 17lh 101. mnA nf "hnl nf aald Resolution. 1 'hl J7lh inT 0t t.HM L. OAOHAOKN. Pnlle. Jndse. "-Ml. 2.3.5. .7,s..10 wricpl iwirlvii iilliH HIK "RHFT IMPROVEMENT I nit Nit. Art. A. Pirn.... .s ih. ... J"ntaih Falla. Oregon, notice Is len that bids will be re T y life Police Judge ot aald t all office In the City Hall. to and Including Monday. May '" -im, at :oo o'clock P. Mi.' ' "liking the proposed ImproTe- of 4th street from Klamath "e tn Walnut Avenue, includ es lntera.ri... si-.i ........ ''h Street r...M . . u ....... !' 0,11 Avenue. Including Intersec- " nn Hireot from Klamath wnue in i ... a ... I..I..JU. ., ...n ...ci....i..n Li rr,lnn": s,h fi,r,,l ,rom wu J,.' A ven iks to Oak Avenue, and Street from Klamath Avenue to J" Avenue, and 11th Street from ""mith A..a... ... .!.... ....... Wiislve, Including Intersections at "Unilt Avem... unit VV.I...I .. I in. or"m lh feet enstorly to lih i""1' Rnd "k Avenue from . Klreet easlerlv tn Dlh Street. n... ? '"'"'section ul Oak Ave- ""ii tth Street. Tile hn.n i . H,-.i ' i-'-'-ii iiiiirovemeill III ne irer., I '"1"" ""' "trndlng of said .. , ,,. .'siaoiiHiieii graoo, hi Sir,. HI II fool, oxeopt Mil win , " I'ti.l win, concrete sidewalks1 ""' ivt.l.. .. .... , ,. ... ...... iillli. nunc is trr he full on both aid... of sulil "iniri.... nl-t-n,. ,'1 Ihriiuuhonl Its r-ntlro 'ln,n , r,,h Slr",'t 'r"m ""rn .; "'"' 1" Kliiinn'h Avenue. "11 i m." 1'i'vement is to bo ot 7th ui "ml 1,10 enalerly side to (,afc ,r'''1 '"'tn Rlnmnth Avenue Is i ,, Av''nue. where tho snmo .l " " full i.i.k .i.i .... ,n Weal.. I --."i. en..'w...nr in. only ,I rl "I'lo of said 7th Streot "o'rdin. ""m, bo In all respects u'" lo the plans of the City F.I.KllI.er .. (l ,, I Judge. Pollre Kil.l llninitvfiii.iii khr.u i... . I'lMti I'1 Iuihii.iiI filnf.iri.il I'UVr-iiit.til U",.,,. pav.ln. lit; Wnrr..i.li II....II.I.," " .i "n.u.m. iiiiiirrte mi- mm-refe p.v,.,,,,.,,, i.aa. rui n ,m. j. KOK ' V "" wun mm run.-reia Him., ll wed Improvements in I,. m.,1. id. In am.rd.nr. wlih lh aald'a-nu lan. ..Iflraiinn. and .,,, ' Ihr .....mm.. ..i .1.- ..... i u., 1,.,.... . ... . ) - r ' "i''. "our nf H OD "'" ! ' M "Idd". . Ill he re- ...I .... I.. , " ... . will not l.e eonodnred unle..l lllinilHi-d. Illanlx fur ).:.! I........ k. . .... . . i .n. uiii.e in I ""re JlllUe. n, T ll auvreaafiil b'ddiT lll he fixed ttv Ih. f'.imi.inn I ... H - - , r M i. Ill It.iiiri.v .nl h t.i.l li. i.-ft.fnni.it..t l.v . I...L ' - ; ." It per rent of the amount bid a au:irantee Hint the aurreaafu' ini.riivenii ill wllhlll 10 d.i.vn from he due of mnklnK aurh nwnrd Tin' rniniiiuii Ciiiinill reoerriti ihe -litht to r.-.Tt any and all hl.le .nd in rmtki. aurh Impruveniebt on ii'hiilf of lite c!ly. Ixt.'d at Klamath K,i!l- (ir.-gon. ..i -..n. I. KM I.. :;iiai:kn. Pollre Judne in. 12 l v:i.:i AiS.lii Mil. MITU K INMIIMi ItlUK FIHt HTUKF.T fMI'ltl) KMKT I nil No. I'll. I Purau.int tn ordlniin. e nf the rltv I 1. In ...... .. L'.lt.. I. i ............ .'i.i:i. linn, r m tor making Hie prooK.-ii .mprove-. ntenl of Fifth Slr.-.-t from Pine Sir. -it norlll'-rlv to Jefferson Slreet. illiilMlve. e-.rllldlllK jrilera.-rtiona. The priioi."d lili iirovi-ini iit to I." matte Inrltiil a the Kra.liliK of aaid Htr.-et to the .etalillsheil grade, in a ti'i!i of thiriy-four 134 1 f. . t. with uinrere a!ilrtvull.. I fe.t wide en both aide, rf s..:t Improvement throughout ltH entire datame. ihe ante io he In all reaperts srcor.ltns to the plana of the City Kngineer m file with the Pollre Judce. Said Improvement ahall be made i.-f ronrrele pavement, reinforced eonrrete pavement. Warrenlle llltu llthlc pavement: Warrenlle nitullthlc oavement wlih bituminous enncrete t,as. aaphaltlc concrete pavement . .. I ,iaic ronrrele nase. an 01 m propn.ed Im.rovement. to he ..... - ..... ..... . - i need. In accordance with the said plans, apeclflcatloas and "' 1 of the City Hnglneer oa file In the ffli-e of the Police Jodie of paid city, referenne lo which Is hereby msde regarding further details for I a a s, construction. materials. quaatltles, and the like. Said Improvement will be let la nne contract and bids will be re vived for esch kind of pavement specified above, and will he epee d for consideration by the Com mon Counntl oa the said 2Mb day of May. 125. at the honr.ot :4l o'clock P. M. niMere win ne re quired to submit bids oa slaaks prepared hy the City engineer, aid bids will .01 be considered .aleas so submitted. Dlsaka for bids may be obtained it the office of the Police Judge. The succeaatnl bidder will be required to give bold la a aim to be fUed hy the Cemmoa fonieM for the faithful pertormanee ol the contract to be entered lato for mak ing said Improvement. Barb bid mint he accomaaa led by a check certified by some responsible bank r. l nee pent af the aBsoslt bid. as a guarantee that the euceeeaful bidder will enter into contract wn. the city for the making ot aaeh Improvement within 10 days from the date of making men aw.ru. The common Council reserves the rl.ht to relect any md all Was. nd to make uch Improvement on behalf of the city. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Apr,! ,hb.92BL OAOHAGBN. Police Judge. A28.30 5I1. BILLY'S UNCLE I A,Wv. K OVit VJ.V4VS J e ( VOPStc,--MOW , I .a Yw'k o wviy rv. TttfS vw - x-r- v V V cAcvv i f r J TtTOW. - CJ "-.j CLASSIFIED ADS For Sale Miiccllaneout HAI.K mo 0 r ain'.rlda plunn ti'n..-. r niahi cany iaar, I'houa (17. Thla wrek uuly. Mi 7 u.t i- u " Ju "." Ser.md hand f nrnll nr. runty nf atnvi-a and furniture at Irenhowera New and Hei-ond-hand Store. 3k K. Main. Ah land. Ore., near library. Phone HI. M J K TI Kfc Wtl U A I ts ... n.i.r. ..neap an --so inn HI Hilar 3 M. M6-7 KOK HAI.K -12' iwu dmr Ford ! I Hi dan: ranh or lerm-quli-k aaie. prli-ed for TOM HAI.K Furniture fcr i room house, aa a wh r. aeparate pie.-ea. t'.il ,i five In Wall HI. Mi ' AI.r. - KverSearlnje ru pi. -rv plnn'a. j eonta eat'h. Caae llant1). A I tn mini l mrner. Phnn 51HI-J-2. .Mi-7 L-..I. & . L it ...t i- rrir-i ..IIIA..-1I. ...u Jeriu va. entra am.d. W lli.m lalry. Phone 1514. M2-7 Cheap. Jordan tour- flili PA1.B- Inr'car, baa all arcemorlei. In ftrat clas condition. Muat b een to be appreciated. Write R. B.. mint.. Klamath New for appoint- M26lt '(ill SAI.K Hi' IW'XKIl-X.- foui 3 iiif.iii iMiu.'ilf'W ami lar-e gur 1 1 . 1 1 m sr'.t!' moili-rn. run In- l.ouKlit ;it ,-i r. jton..lile pr.re. Ail'ln-e I.. I.. II. KUllMlh Nwi. .m::io Wanted CAIlliKNIN'ti. LAWNS, houxe clen- IliK. Phone S20-W. AH- M17 Wrilt: VAM'Kl) Sed potutooa ua aiming price and varlottea you have to offer. Slate also when ready lor delivery. Monarch Seed Contpaby. Medford. Oreaon J17tf WANTFM- HI"hw:iHhlng or her work. (all 5 3-J . rhani-M5-7- Help Wanted Male .'ANTKIt --Man for dairy u ml geti rrnl f irm work. Steady mun rt iu!red. none other need apply. Phone II. J. Tirknor. l.uiuell Vall-y. M5-7 Lost LOST-Child's scooter In public playgrounds, return to 408 Klam- ath Ave. Reward. ???? MiTlCF. OF FINAL AtXtilXTlNG Notlre Is hereby given that the; undersigned haa filed with t h e i . . .. , ,..., ,,-. " -'' , ' , Lmi l)nn riereajied That ! an order of the County Court , ;bo s,h day of June. 1925. at' the hc.iir of 10 o'clock A. M. has been ret an the time and tne uouiny Court room as the place for hear-; Ing of objections to alowance of' said accounting. All persons In lerested pleaae take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. I GEO. D. GRIZZLE. Administrator of the Estate, of Kmanual Lluun. De ceased. M. 13. 20. 27 NOTICE TO CRRDITORU OF MAT a. MIXI. Netiee is hereby give, that thai nadrralned has beea duly appoint- ed Admlakstratrlx af the Estate atl May S. If in, daeeaaed. All ner haviac elalm. agaiaat said estate are hereby notified to file: k.tr ut. elalm. dulv verified as by law required, with the uiderslgned Aaminnnrair... - ftugarmaa Bldg.. Klamath tails. Ore. attoraey for aald estate, wunin m months from the date or mis nonce. Dated 7th April. BBSS RUCONIOK. Administratrix oi ino of May S. Mills, Deceaeed. AS.U.22.29 Ut A booster tor Klamath oouaf sad Klamath rails aai evwry leal I mate Industry thsrsln that'l th. Klamath News. A circulation covering the city 01 j RJomath Falls and the county ox ulamath that's the Klamath News 1 Wprincwlay. Mav 6, 1025. For Snlc Real Etlate nr, . " HAI-K lta frnni 1C0 up u . muir aullahl aa romnlni bouaaa A.rraiiK lnre and aniall irarta. Hnuai for rrnl. C. K. Montfllua 70S Main atrett. A24 Ma For Sale House KltH HAI.K 12.50 Alainat new four room pl.atered bunaalow with (araxe. IfiOO raah. I2.7T.0 New five room modern liunxnlnw. 11.000 ranh. Deal huv in lava. 1.00 Klve room plaatered houre wlih iraraae. t400 rah. r,iin Vry cboire lot on aewer. 'nr.. to 41) arrea rho're IrrlKated " r'fti-e in rn h:K.iway. Jos' rlt'it for a.reaKe euld!vllon. VK IIAVK S';M K ft-. A liu!n-H op poriutiltie. Indud.nK a renlaurant and ronmlnit houe. A. A. lli:i.l.MAV A CO. 7H) Main HI. M5-7 ' FOIl SALE By owner new 4-room home. Phcne 3S4-R. M29tf , . - : , por Ren .-. .i -. -.nrj- - .,w.,w.,-LrJ-uJnAr FOIt flKNT-Two furnlahed apart- nienta. cloae In. 35 and F0. Pnone 15H. A. A. Ik'llmau Co. 'M5tf lit.1 fiynlahed e.partment at S12 lluk St. M5-6 It p.KNT-2 room modern Apt. r.ii3 Jeffcr-ion St. M5-7 Full RKNT Modern Kmpire Hotel. Apt. Iniiuire M5-7 FOIt HKNT SleepInK room for one or two men. 40S Klumath Ave. M6-7 r FOR RKNT A fill-ping room with I hat'.i ffl- ono or two gentlemen i tine hlock from Main street. 1 1 R Pine street. Mltf Fo't HKNT Furnlahed Apt. Wantland Ave. Phcne Foil RKNT -Sleeping rooms. !37 Fir.l Klreet. M3-6 Foil P.KNT Furnlflied houaekeep ini; rooms. ' 79 Lliu-oln. Call af'.r fi p. m. M5-7 FOll RKNT 4 room furnished apartment. Close In. Inquire Km pi re hotel. M5-7 . FOR rest Furnished Apts. 165 i,'rih nirtir Phone 800. McCarthy Bldg. Phone 800. . M5-7 Mifcellaneou. . . ...... ,,.,,., .nrn i.j. wl.hu nr., I " Mon'" housekeeper. Best' of references ath News. Address M.. Klam-MS-7 only FKW MORE days sale at Jackson's Grocery at slaughtered prices. 335 So. Sth St. MS-f REMEMBER THE PRIDE you took in that shiny new car? Para gon Auto Laundry can make It lnok lust like that and do It quickly, too. 127 So. 11th (at Klamath Ave. tor service. Phone tii-J. AI7 Hit THE LAND OF TREES, cheese and ocean breeze, one of the best in come residence properties In Til lamook City, to exchange for something of the same kind in Klamath Falls, change ot climate reason for exchanging. White A. C. Bverson, Tillamook, Oregon, for full particulars. MS QB REPAIRING Beat "'- i.ui, prompt service, worg snoes . ,OTe. for j.ck Froat, n9 th 8t jegtf THE WAFFLH KITCHBI aenres rea Mm nm M ,j honr. ,j, Bo .ta 3 AMI : WHV PAY RENT? Let us build a small home for you. only (300 down, pick your own location and nlans. Gordon Dixon, con tractor. . Phone 629-J. Ml Jl KLAMATH ART SHOP Hemstitch ing, penning, stamping, embroid ering. 130 so. .tn street, rviam ath Falls, Oregon. MB J5 KI.AMATfl VAI.I.KV IIOKI'ITAL. Tn rare fur all new ninthem rlxbt la our tianlouuMe rtt llnlit. adv. 11 (I.AMATH ART HIKll' IlKinat.ltrh. Intc. pi'.-titlnK. atanipliiK. fcinhrolfl' frliiK 130 So. 7th irfH. Klam ath F.lla. OreKm. MS Jf IIK.NK-KI.AMATH FA I.I J HTAOK Now Operatlag Dally Tripe (KNTKAL AC TO HKHVICB KI8 He. 7th Phone OtS-W Z. PETERS Teai-her of Violin ami Piano. Arcreflltei by th Rarraa of Flurnlinn. ' Phone 4.11-W u Itune t'lirivela. KIh.iii Ke 'lu.ern a in I t'orM-llette Maile to tleM.ute. I.UHraiileed. IIOHK fl.WIIAI.I. A21 Jeffcraon Bt. Phone S77-W -. i. A. 4OI.UHMI I M ' Cuat.iro' Tailor ' Aid' Winter' Bldg. Hull. Front UU..VJ to t7.IH. FIRE AND NO INSURANCE V..u nliruya f.-rl sorry for the fel low vrliii lime hla lionie, or any of III. iroMarty by fire and hna no iii.urni-e. How about VOL'R SKLF? Are yon covered? If not you better call ns today. MOMYER & MOMYER INSURANCE CO. H.pka Building Southwell Stationery Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICII WE INSTALL BOOKKEEPING BTSTEH8 B2a ). Main 6k Pbeae 609 aw ItxSH H fn Gray Tubes I I Yalcanlsed Spllss I H $1.50 r LaJ III (PIT I - Cord Tire ' $18.50 LI Hub Tire Shop LI Edward B. Ashurst Attorney and CounKtsllnr at Law Hlute and federal Courta Suite No. 6, Loomia llldK. Phone 227 llR. F. R. G(ll)l.ltn Oetrapaihlr Phyatrlu-HurKeua Phciav rjl Kflre and Kre. I. I). O. P. Tep.ple Klamath Falla, Orrjcoa MRS. KATE OTTEHBF.IK Real Batata VOI Lincoln at. Pboaa SS4-M C. C. BROWER Attorney-at-La w Generjil I'lactice State and Fert'-ral Courts Willita Bldg. , . . Hend It to the Laundry I'nWin Laundriea: KLAMATH SUPERIOR aat . . FRENCH HAND . Jlrj. Workers I'nlon No. 230 E. L. ELLIOTT ' Attorney At Law . AddrtMg ji-ii HuKunnan Bldg. TN. ISO Office. Home B24-J Office Hours 9 a. tn 5:80 p. ALAINE BEAUTY SHOPPE Open Tuesday. Thursday and Haturday evenings. 107 Ho. 7th Bt. rhone 7M Browne's Paint Store 1029 Main Street. Phone 75 AFTER THE FLU! The hair and scalp need spe cial attention. Phone 811-W for appointment and con sultation on our special gcalp treatments. Special Prices for a Series of Treatments Boston Beauty Shop Winters Bldg. Phone 31 1-W SCANDINAVIAN ROOMS Are Now Open. Stricly up-to-Date. Rooms From $6.00 Up. TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT Phase 6S4 i Let Your Glass Troubles Be Ours Window Plate and Windshield Claw; Sash, Door and Cabinet Work. THE GLASS HOUSE 11th and Pin AUTO LAUNDRY I'll AH. I N .M AN, Prop, Cars Oiled and Greau-n 2U7 pla.ialte it Hprlng Mia, PHONE 833 DR. PHILIP COLE (irnvrml Fmrilre of IVntfetrj prn Kvnlng bjr Aprntijra4 riKinc M9 619 Mmim Over Hfoes Hi ore Phone lOd-J. Room IO, Loom Is Blilg, DR. VT. A. LEONARD Dent bit Specialist la Extractions, Oral Sorgery aa Dieeases of the Moath. GEORGE K. ROSENQC1ST General Insurance Room 4 Bcgnmian Bldg. Phone 820-W Hoora 9 to 5 Sat. Eii-Klega , FRED BUESINO ' '.! Real Estate, Rentals aM? j Fire Insuraace lOM Main St. Phone rtl i m - CHIROPRACTOR : DR. GEO. E. MALLET! X ; Office over I'ndenvood's ' Rexiilence Phone H97 ' 7th and Main Office Phone ts DR. i. G. GOBLB j Glaaaea Fitted and Groang i S 709 Main Street ' 1 Phone 188-W : j EVANS Shoe Repairing Good Work Right Pries. . 1014 Main St.i ' t Klamath Falls, Ore, TAXI Phone 185 Large and small cars.- v' White Star Line f Better Service ,'j Bring Us Your HIDES and I PELTS We are in the xaarke tsw Hides and Peru, aad will pea the highest aaarku Lewis Grocery j 223 & 6th Phon3S5 Phone 477-W ti i 1 I 1- I.. . r '