THE KLAMATuJ Sunday. May PSe Six Poor Evesisht II i'U jjur hei". whj iiH !S lie ia orratUr t:i:4 Onr :. We li t ad aw tb Uiih iaalrj anrau kim la the vfU,l crrr compt:. i ll'kM af -rs4 ii :a.-r, cf . ai" ir 1 1-. 4 p-."iM ( 4 ;rrr: bt iic.ll teraaa tarlia i!1 to.'t' . -a::oa skikT-rn: 4 ARMY AND NAVY TWO BALLOONS TAKE A RESPITE STILL IN AIR FROM SHAM WAR OTHERS SIGHTED pjsSs i ta-h of ciader. ta top ... " ' . 4 etravsttaa. aid VT. JtMH. Ma 2 Tb'i 4 tad cost t .a!us m UaIt-o M4. pilot! bi Ijewt- (;A4:S- r4Lsg aa .ere.iag ! U.Cuiw J. Kiwi. L.shJ4 IR miU partial s:ns. 4ra-a sad honoh'M". Ms? ; - fo- xis!?.r of the army and mv and zaarioe corr were to.t enjortnc .k, Ut-.lU, tber fir; rrt s.nce ' sra -'irvij oo Oiha early :a " wa de- April. In.!?. arrot-Jiaaj, to wtol rr bins! b-fe U- .otXAir. Two roat-(iax py DR. GOBLE 7M Miia Mrm GUm Vrwm GroaBJ K-p.r-d Fjr Etaajiard QUCK SERVIIK I! ' Let Us Bo Your Washing! Fremb Hand Laundry caa hand! tout Jamil- vaibiag beat. W Dike tha a pec ialty ac4 ar equipped to giv you caxcllel service. We are bard oa dirt bat not oa clothe. The finest pieces are viushed cleanij- and safely by it lt us call: The French Hand Laundry V.K KMI'I.OY ONLY I N ION HKI.P "J3T .No. 4lh SI., Ption? 400-IC The t.-onJ day'f :-n of lb baMn iin! pilu bHuun wnih JJriJ to f.rt ;5- uxjir ttr ir. n erter.-a:: to ;--J v:l( Keporj lo the o:ficiI of th rr-'.l f." tjr 1m'.!i th njvv Sl,.3nA; AeroBitt,.c umi:m, hrrr and rs:r , e?.r!r t-iiir. :a.-J t-i on ij:'vja WS: :i rrf-.e; imr pr- va :!-.t-J a-r Sr Alir . 2i:. LofoiAj o-n- r a2j :o ot-r i'o'.l a Pliat. Lj: t!: niaJuTn hire ioB a ,r irr.:. p.5-r tosij b- b; to -re I'r-iii " V -":-wet ,orf ' pr! Hr- Thid-i. vu'foRfl down . ci Oa-3 ai.ct :h Pi - tf: .t f;-i-t vi. tot here ( r ; r.;- t:oa. It was po rted out that Tb "bie" attackrrs d:2 not ca. aa effort rev-a: ar:a! lo o! i:fe ia th rrf ia a p--ie sort: fc-it it woul aad THS COXVOS rOl'Ni lL t&" l:aai i-- r i jr.. . . . - Tta.I.a an! aiie. W; Na.rlor '.iB.1.i t: chirm-; T to balloocs Ivft ie tbe race a fij.nsl br Captain H K Hanef aai W T VanOrmaa. The pilot balloon i ia chare? of Major Mauri' Sxith t'apta.n HamonJ b- a s;slr warfar Tit siv :ra.-e" i trv:r on Ka and Ha i - IlirVr ? p?-nt. Lla " t-i- tr-i the r to d i in a t -al ia lniinr :-re the -a: rat: --a. of one kjI i:.::.ksa b bail's- ba were h-?.:-ved 't cojn: h-ar: E!abUhn:-nt of an a; a; M.-Uka;. wh-n ti " b. aa attack oa Mj:. i al?o to be discussed :a the critij je :r. tie licbt of makiac H-ia'-Iuls ta easy boa:ers' tar?rt ;a a i-al ar Tola?"s session a.- der-jt-d to pr-.frentation of cava! ma j .- ex ecuted dur:a the ca:ra:ta. cauv for swh. and details uf thr attack tbus far unpubluhrd. it a3 re ported. The critique w ill end May 6. and minor maneuvers will begin the net today r.v e r-.'iay Ark . Slay 2 - t-: :a th- in:-rs' j:.b S: J j T--a.ns pj-J ,y th; aft?rtjja i a io:;iri.-:'ra f-et ia the air and :b;- identify it r-al h-: : as i KANSAS CITY. V) M. Ma;. MaunVe Ssita. ia c o' the pilot a;o-ja in th- eiiniina::on faat.t. whioh at st. Joseph. Mo . yefWday over fountain View. Ark . at aojn L'rordinc lo a t-?I-'-;raai .rnt day. They will take pla-e about -rom j,iai to Xn Sasith h-re. other islands of the Hawaiian :ounta:n View is In the nrth cen-RIOP- trai Dart of Arkansas The tcrand fleet will be iliumia ated from 8 to 11 p. m. May . ii MEMPHIS. Teen. May ; Cnited was itnicntd today. Stares army ballcK-n Nj 1 piloted Visitina; conajresii-'n and ne- Ir. j.!a;jr H. sniiih. the f.r-; to lake papermea are delurr-1 witj icvita- o:f fr-ni St. Ji-ph. FriJay aTt-r- J receptions -oe'eat. caaie to earth taiglit about ihre milea we-t of Crehaw, M:as.. 3e fj.lwn a'-A.riVst protr: k ( j tame t ar-br 4l-:-'eJ Vesef red r said ;arjT ai'-a". tW!l Lo: 1 . Vx-k U j'j 1 31. :- . blKk IT ".j 1 to V . Yj k 1 a!! of Vk 1- a'l f b:k U. !4 Si ti - . t'lc 1 4 :: ! 3 lac . blk 11 : : t v I . b:t 1 1 aai 1 3$ 1 'k ail of a d lots aad blocks te as ladastr.a) Adiiilica ta :5e k 'T r Kiaa.ab Kail, "--r a all af blanks It o 111 a of Wii: AJJi-:uq ta K'jxr1! Falls. Orejoa: and a! of Mo-ki ta 2v4 in.- . aod 2 to 21 . V.:u ad AJJ:!a to tie t':tr Jf K aaiara Falls. Orcn : nj t.-i: a d property h-r- abe r- d -,t. S-d be aoi b-ebr is to d-:Uri to be bea?:vd by the - i :arp-jaient and :jj1J b i-e2 e-?r ad - ' BK IT FT RTHVP. RK n.VKD 'a: M'cdir. the il:tt div of Vjt S5. i: tie hour of y o ci-vk of " m . a: th Co a a :I Chini-e-4 .nI -e 4 T Hal!. ;a ta i v.x of , FalU iwt.-i - ;;-..,l -J f ':. and pia- fjr th b-ir jV,'r r. ; of u ions or r-ni jB -t r.iu'-f . ::mv- i.. n" -a d improvf men', and th !- J'J'Ifie B-r-by J:rec:1 t u nrir of :fce a d b-r.ct b published a br Charter i d r dd .j,- ,i.a .if Orroa. " uaty of Klama ri "i'v 'f K!aria;b Fa!L s r Ln L Gachir-n P:-.- JjJ; f ti Ci:r of K 3frh Fatls. r- z 'O. hrely rerr:fv The f -. to' - ( is a daly enro!d e"py of a Halloa adopted by the Comii .a "ounil a i its regular m-t:c; on Mondiy April JTtk. 195. and u who! of said Resolution liated this 27th dar of Apr;! LEM L. GAOHAOKN Pwlioe Jyd; MI 2 J 5 7 I started pa--d 10,000 VOTES - NOMINATION BLANK NT:-T MIN K I BMNlat I.. Hill I ll IU.IMHJ Ut hi AMMH NtWS: llr (.ir fall mtmr ml I illaalr) lV IHrtrlM . T.. Vwlutnl B) . Cat Ml Ihfc bUak al l "' li'l-MM.rBl. Tt.r Kl.w.ll. k ,or mbm- or Hi- bb.1 hlr. ( a frl-nd. Vb" aaiara ol - t,, nakla( Bamlaaltua. .Ill Bol I- au'r rrlrj TU- fl aon.B.II.,a Mal I. am raaul laaou Thr rUUI U rrj-rt ulij.-. tl..iutblr B.imlui.ak 10,000 EXTRA VOTES B a.lii IliU roaaua alth )or llrl al ri Ion oa alll gr a ll IH H lara Ihto kiubj lo llv iMilnl kW't-aili -w. wllh iar llrM .akm lloa pataval. Hlbrv M or ara. ! " "HI mrrl- lU.lMia tolr. la aU4ll..a t, tlx. irfuUr x-bnlulr lioaa clwx Im rv la l!il anuoua-aral. MK SI KM KIIIKIt . .. . )NTr:TNT'S N IMK ( Ol.l or Ni-w Huh.rrlk.-r AMOI NT I MUIHlll. ra.h uiu.l arrtmpaitr III! rukin. U lifa m nt In allll Ihr "I onlrlant llUak." Ilw roali-lanl .Ian. allri HI.IMMI rtlra lr la alilllla lo lllr rmiilir rtHn al.. oa th atirrllHn Itwir. Iul onr or l!i-r ouhm alll br rrMur.1 lo ra h r. mtanl. 50 VOTING COUPON 50 .! i t . 1 V.s fr .VI .t.' ti .'til or Miallitl 1ft on or iVfurt l-i l.'li. IUirit No. . Ttil uuMn will un( ltn r.-t-r 1 filial out an J ilctUeml l rs uirtuint. Tlir KLttmtli Nw. on ur In for thr eilmtl4in dale. Cnasuai iuu-1 Im nratl) triniuit-! and put lu mji;i- uiih nanibrr of tote wrltlt-n us las. S'i sail? south of Memph.s i :: SfV.-i V- -vrC. Cool ;jv 1 'V! . 1 WILL DEPORT CAPT. PAMPHLET AND CREW HERE'S HOW! P -F.TLAND. May 2 Ord -r3 to i- fi?Tt C'i;.a n KoV-rt Psmphie: il hH rr-w of f.r m-a uf the ruan-r P-s shi hare been re-f.e.'-'l h-re from Va-h;a?".03 t y im. i -r i . ;ii a'jth-r.'.if-j Tii d 'P'irta'.i ,n w.'.l dj: t jke p'.ic hi';'. af:r the fI-ri; grand jury hin r:i-iid a r?pjf. tne Pen avi en- wa.ta i Bi ni-r .awvigvi'-jc. Th a wba wa eapta: d st- "rii w-eka a?o after be tad r.s par; of the hip wre.ed ore cjf t:i- v.-araT Cao'ia Tiie ca'.'.er AU-jpTi n brought the Te.rl jfjrt vtH'l-r fore? and neverthel-. t;i rr- was .:har?d w.'-a illegal o a t r y . a ; i s u eo a a . r y . Wonderful V alues In Pianos Dll.ff. IP. 1. 1: I ,K,HT !,TPONKI) LAKI'Ht'FIST. .N J . May 2 Th prop'i.-el Porto Ki.aa fu;;it of the t'nited Statea naval Jineib:e Los hai been p-jitpjc-fd until a tn.. tomorrow. KKS H.l'TI . N We Deliver By the Case Whistle Whiz Whim Whang Cascade Ginger Ale Orange Kist Green River Hot Scotch Cresta Blanca Clarentine Coca Coia Concord Grape Virginia Dare Root Beer Strawberry and Lrmon Soueeze Cherry Blossom Muskatine Punch Co Fan Call WHITE PELICAN MINERAL SPRINGS CO. Phone 202 RAINIER T"! C:y Eni?itir. pirvuir.t tn rflu:on of the Cjm:ii.j;i f'lunril I her.'tcf ire adop-d bavinc. un lr iite of April 2T:h. 125. f.'.d ;.iarn. sp-cif'.?t;on and ";imiTs A the r t of improrint: Eau: Main Stre Crom the ea-erly -ni of .tirhi;an Avenue. in lading intr-S'-ctiorii to the n:rr-:: n rjl East M:iin S'ret with H rre At: t.hea' "1'itherly alon East Main Sreet 'formerly S'ukel ;i j Sixth reet. by brining the same ti the ea'ab!i-hvl grad; throuth'jut itH en-, ir; !enK'h. as particul trly la d ou ir d d -fTibed in the plans and Hpe S!; j'ior.a filed here.n by th City Knsjn-er. aa aforft?.af;1. an I the f,MTi:n.n Council having taka tne same und'-r advi-emr.t ii"l hiving f'.tjrid 5aid plans, fpr if iitS.ns and "-imi'-'S sat ia factory ; TH HK- por?; p k it r e solve d by the COMMON COUNCIL that th si d 'ans. FivHfiraTion ar. rstima'eH f-ir :lie impr-jvprnn of M.tin . re-, fr .:n the ea-terly f-n.i f.f -Iif'-irr n Avenue to Home Avn-i". Jr n H ime Av-n'i S.xt . tr-ff. a.i aforesaid. an,j thp u.t.- hf-rel.y ar-; a ;;j !.!- 1 ;,nil i;E IT FIKTHKP. UKS'iLVEI) ha h Com m on Cu-.iik ii h. r..:!..- 1"':!ar'! Its intent. n in Improve jjj ."an luriioua 01 na w sir"' m f t .t-.j a nee sua san pians. ip-i;-firationa and W,imats. said im nriemi-nt to fon-i-it of pivina; sild I r.rtiona of East Main S,.re' itrnvpl or crushed rork m,t'rl:im n3Vffmnt. twelve I 1 ? i in.'1!. '4 - wzji.WV7f F"T?fif 1 .""- : . .. ft f'-pm-" 1 p! f i H ni4l 1 This picture is an exact copv of our n Standai.l Make Nalionallv Priced Golbra:- sen I'inrv) in medium size caoinet forsnai i x in hi nies. Fflit "r Te'j I)o!!;irs a month wi!! plathis Standard Advertised ten vear rjaffltM piano in voi:r h me and .n iess than toe years make it yours. We particularly want to call your attenuot to the fact that the government has beer J purchasing this make for school purposes.; sure siirn of the instrument's durability quality and value. If Vour heme needs ''azzimr ui) why re purchase one of thes small size Gul- bransen Community Model KegisteWj Pianos. They register your touch, your timeaM your expression thus enabling man) uu f( rent internetatinns of the same Slec" tion. The Community Model has a sweet, clear and pure tone very suitable to the aver age size home most favored today. Tern ;.s low as $13.50 per month. Here we have a generous size Baby Grani with long enough string length to in1 better tone which is not the case wun smallest sizes which are generally sold tj tne lady who doesn t know real tone ity but wan's to be able to sav "we have' Baby Grand at heme." Rather than purchase an extra small pa" we know for a fact that you bi:',.be'!. value and better tone in a good c, w light piano. new Gulbrans-n Grand is priced $io. where in the U. S. A. Pianog 07 Main St. Shepherd Company k3io Victrolat ReCrptne2S2 - hick, or the same with a depu ,V jTZEEKFE a3T3