The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 03, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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. j rin-uUillon
Official Paper of Ctty
Vwr tow
United New and. United Prtsi Telegraph Services
r77T tv.wn MomlnK Except Monday)
No. hi. , ,, -
Price Five Cent
Rod And Gunl
ub Is Organized;
K.F. Sportsmen
Nino Aro DmwnpH
V, Leoo Secured -
Urn nd Acr As Cleveland isoal
Rolls Over in Erie
8 2500
In Fairgrounds
- -. j ...
rs- .... .I
At 2:30 'today at the county fair
around manager "(1 Glover's
who rif represent
K. F. LAD MAY BE Boy Makes Heroic
GIVEN PARDON TO But Vain Attempt
COME BACK HERE To Rescue Brother
BrBl.r.M. of 60 of
goal tircnriH-ni ""-i
..-lutleii M ! known.
., W "A aBl ,,uu
UIH"I yrl-rdy bV
mil newly furnii'd or
Ui dual romp'etloll tif
,, that f llltl will !
, y,ir option on 111;
la.-rn lt h lt 15
. - i i .it i.. !
lodi'. II ""'J Tl"' '
I,, int-d fur f v years ,
, 10 bur ut explr.i
ii ilmr Kin' thousand
,.r lll I"' VM I"' '"',
a . . . . xPutlnuna " aa-taai
Historic Champoeg See. Old KUlalll, ';, , Mam;th.s...j Sweet Wife and Blue Eyed Grants For Bldf.
Timers In Reminiscences jkiyutt league for the coming hum Babv Am-ioralv Await. .
. . . iu r..h. .i.: .. a..,. ' '
Of the Old Day, r 'Z ?" ,?r,! Mich. Gov's. Action
ill' InO.d pre. 1 ..-.-.. I Wire!
('HAMPOKi.. Ore.. May 2.-
MI 'Bather Into Ike speedy ball
club from Tennant, Call. While:
hie will only he a practice game, It
will give local fan. HiMr first od-
portunlty to get a line fcn the home' A bor wno had n0 t3tber ,rom
Permits in City
$99,000 in April
Four Year Old Jimmy West
Drowns In Lake Ewauna;
40 Minutes In Water
l.l: I I.IM1. Mil) -J. .Vine
iiiimlMr uf I crew of (In
MMiittr lii'llv ImImiiiI tri'rv
ilrowiml vv lien Ih' bout, n
"Mini .it. Ia.r," pi.II.mI ovh on
It -dde mill mink at l'iI.r is
In 4I mile noitliwc.f of
UI'-Vl'lMUll, lilt llftl'tllOOll.
orrli inU of i in- h.ll) I .hi ii. I
I. line i:nd Tniii'iHii-t roiopiiliv,
owner of th. vc-tel rcport'sl
tin a.'.idciit. T'ic were nl
flint uni ii titlii i.h in lion many
live were lost, itiul llh eau.e
of tin .Inl h.i;.
Tin v.'i.i'l wiii I.1.T ffi't lung,
nnil vi an Imllt at l.raln hi
than 2fi00 an and daughter of
the eiirly da)a In old Oregon terri
tory gulhi'red at th!a hletorlc apot
Ifjday to relebrn'e Koundera' day.
i Jnit SZ yara uao It u dt
elded hern onie ond fur.'er that
rluli. and aa a ipeclil, Inducemmit
the age of 13, a boy when went!
looal management haa aet thei4"0" myen -,oar "-"-ugh the
wrong BMiociatea. out wno, as Tuilj
maturity brought realization of the,
better things in life, came west, mar
ried a sweet girl, became the father!
of a baby boy, worked every day, '
j extremely low tariff of two bits as.
:h admlhslon fee for this Important
I pM'mlnary contest, j
! The probable lineup at the start
lot the game today will be: Hogan, I
pitcher, Anderson, catcher, Braas-.
eluded in the at:tes of Was'ilng-lr ' good a citizen as the bet. That Is
. ,, . , ler, isi. jiatnea za, ,orwest, soon, l , , . , ,
ion. OroKcn. and Ii'ihu. nhould re-j ' "the opinion of everyone who knew!
main und.r the flag of the fnltcdi . 1 r f- Arnt:d- (Leonard Hall, who has lived in "d Slreet- l' '' Arn"!ll and I Klamath Falls for the past three'
Not a single p.T,u that att.-n.led 1 H;r"''! Who lart 10 ,he out,1(-d j years, and who was Just recently j
!!- historic mei-llng was alive to l.e!"r", b"th "l"'hBr8 and " 111 taken back to the Kalamazoo. Mich.. !
uc -.niit-a uu reformatory to serve the remainder1
the game PrO- ,)f hi kpmIpiwo fnr n,.lt anA ol.
Hall escaped five 1
H.!i v. 'II h
Vi illrr l.l.' Ill!
, :t Sjn Kranrlsi-o. pro-
it be tnoal sfrvli entile
it by far uf liny i'!n' uf
a orKinl'i'd here, Ii 1
I :ti IS hours, a week
(.1 ii' U-rned that sev
1l (itilri aer-. angllug
U k Q Tfll 11 rfllllTi ni ,H d,'c;de ond 'Mwk fai1
lirtii I!. AlilMIl 1 ird r"r 1,11 ihme who ,a"jr'"j he
I!faU f U IIUJJI ;l'nlto,t States to step up to a line.
.at ceremcnles today, although there
were some few oi'tonnartuns pre
j' l'iit who wi re In Ihe Oregcn c: un-
Iry In those early days.
Jra.-ph Meek, a native Orejon-
luu, was one of the most picturifs-
qtie charsi tcrs at tle picnic today.
, U was hi" father, Joe Meek, who
hailed for a vi.te a the question
whether the Oregon country would
give Its allvglance to United States
, . r (iriMil Britain.
The first vote voiced was not
One after another the trappers,
homesteaders and adventurers came
Afier th-lr se.-i.nd trial on a up , .h(. vote w4, eten e
barge of possession ol JntQilcitlng Tn .n f. x Ma.,j,ea nd n,
liquor. Mr. and Mrs. K. T. McQueen j , ,,. on p.,..M ....
-TtuK of the KjsV Kldg
k ra publicly.
l Hnipe.
r.,.n nu;-- w... were nrquiueu o in j ...... r . rf t Frvnch Canadlun. I.ucler
ifriiu:riti3Hing II. ruw- it K. Ilunisker court yesieraay. i
I lanache laclujini; t r lihua ( onatabla Carry Cosnd futnll-
ft ot Art Lfarltt, ,iome . li d the allegi'd evidence, which
ibis, ml raricas oilier ! craiued ou the cement floor.
According to reports of the big
,ll...u ..r u..u,.(nl.i.-d In i.l l..nfliiiiiH
. . . i pioneers and Bnoke a work. of :re-
at thU (Iran. otic moment, tinnearn , -, .
relieve Hogan as
greases. All the players picked to
iale on the club ro.tter will be
r:ed out at various piitltlona during
lay's game. Kddle Clark how
ever, who is reported to be serious
ly III with the flu will be unable
to get Into today's game, alao tiay
ness may be unable to break away
from the hospital list owing to a
severe cold.
.-.imager u.uver s.ateu last n.Rnil,,ere The lo(.a, order of lhe Moo3ei
that Klamath had been extended ad-ot which HalI was an offcer. are
dlllonal time to pier candidatea for , circuating a petition for tae pardon
the team and ne wasplrants for a ' 0( t)ie uoy. A thousand local sign
regular berth on the clnb will have era la the aim of Moose officials
tempted robbery.
years ago from the Michigan re-j
formatory. j
M'josp To Alii
Attempts to make the lad appear j
as a desperate character are con-i
uidered alt wrong in the eyes ofl
several hundred of the young man's j
friends here, who declare Hall has I
Itwllrllng permit fur April,
us Hrttntcrt by the city council,
continue to climb, according: to
the records In JudKe Oag
hiiKen's office, as compiled yes
terday. Tbe month's total for ' new
bnlldingt, well as bulldins
alteration and additions, shows
81111,81., or nearly double
the totul for April of Lust year
with S.',0,42.'S. New building
l-euchrd the sum of 88!l,04.i.00,
and In addition to old buildings
81I.770.OU during the post
month. Last year in April new
Hrmits totalis! g 4,!7.'.oi, and
old buildings rivauiped reacked
ouly r,,4r,0.(H.
If there bad only been a rope
bandy, or If someone who coold
swim could have arrived on toe
scene earlier, the life of a small boy
would have been saved yesterday
I afternoon. Little Jimmy West, 4
( year-old son of Mr. and lira. Walter
until next Friday nlg'ut to make the
list of 18 players permitted on the
Klamath payroll By the" league regu-
Governor Pierce, to whose atten-
tion the case was brought by a dele-i 'BylTnlted Press Leased Wlr.)
West of South Riverside, was drown
ed about 2:30 In the afternoon In
Lake Ewauna, after being In the
water nearly 40 minutes.
The boy had been playing on the
dock. Just beyond the Main street
bridge that crosses Link river. A
half dozen companions were with
him. Jimmy had been sitting on
a aoap box at the edge of the dock.
One of the boys suggested going
Uome, and as the little fellow started
lo climb down from the box, it tlp-
ed to one sido and Jimmy fell In.
'T,ro brothers. Walter. 12, and Billy,
flO. were among those who saw the
'toy fall in.
Brother To 1-Uwcwe'
! Young Walter, although he could
!not swim a stroke, immediately
Jumped Into the water, In a Tain,
but laconic effort to save the life
'of bis little brother. Once he
! finally agreed to go to the side of
the l lilted Stales and the vote was
62 to SO.
It was an old story told over
sgaln today. Pioneers greeted other
iiiiiai of ihi- club
,n. Cat- I,... . . ... . "
'...! muse .. ... . ., ,.. ,,
.'t buntlm and f.shlng!
especially. T'lip ihoot-
t ! In hi in-al :i l'Kil
IH sir Ii lie nilllle I II
bwh. C:iWh. sur-
fcret for familiar faces which were
tMllrin. SaV,-.! now .nla.tP. irl..llna al ma.n -a-hA a..a WASHIMCTIIV M.v 4 fTtaa.
,' . . . . A . , . , , ,. . .. . caughtOittle Jimmy aa he came up
expected to turn out today. Docisaleiu to present the boys aide to; United States la the least law abld-'i. ... v.. n . ..
ntion ,of the governor, has taken an interest;..- ..,lnn '.,- i,.in.j , . i. . . ' ,.
ln , Ii u II .1 vhlla 111. rian ..a.
.Noel has signified bis .invention
taking a .chance wilJt thla - year's
club although he will not be able
to take part In today's game.
According tc advaaca, information
frayi Tennant. Phillips: will hurl for
the California visitorj. Th'ji bird
Oin.. it., i nA hrndiitfi In hfl-r. f.rmtv
to refuse extradition, he would help : VnI?ed StBtes Wt"e court de-' Other boys In the party quickly
secure lit boy's release: ' .,' ! dared tonight in an address at B8pread the word Three row boats
' Pierce Ri-comiiii-nil .' .1 banquet of the American Law In-!arriTe- on be scene and a half
Th fniinwinir itir was sent ' hv I stltute. i dozen men began dragging the Tl-
baa a world of stuff on the ball I Governor Pierce to Governor Groes-j The country's disrespect for law
t tirfrn will he . the
afmlipr. and their fam-
V'lf out parties. Dances
fi.lnte.l, children cried, and strong
men wept. Windows were thrown
wide for a brciith of precious air.
With the evidence gone, the ques
tion of nnithi r t rid I ta out of the.
. I.. .,! a li,... l.iru u-.i.ttH t
aiiiouiit to lllu same thing ns nn ae
more gray and stooped and wrinkled;
and fewer. I
Hut even if there are not so many;
tiswer the roll call they said.
when tile day was done, that it wa areurdlng to foremost legal lne g-"'" v.uan..ue iier.,,
authorlllos. The Jury decldmi fl- "al a t'ld
, it intervalM. The club ...i.y on the latter course
' tu own culinary am
C'-ionnel uu.ier a mana-
by tin. ,.i, imelf. A
i: "11 l maiitu'aei .'a'
to makf frequent - trips
"It K1U to pl.k up
and is good enough that ne was
given a tryout with the Sacramento
Senators In the coast league this
All local players are requested to
1 be on t'te field by 1:30 for a work
I out before the game.
beck, of Michigan:
I menaces its future, Stone said, call-
cinity with Improvised hooks. The
water was' only about 6 feet deep
'I am today honoring your ' lug upon the legal profession to take! ,
P MhiJkj . j ,!.,
mimiier of the
by I'.llll M.'K.. nf
'"I inspect' Ii,-. Vagl'e
" '"'lay mm ni:ike rinnl
V "tm i-.i.nK ih,. deal.
"mbership i Umlied' to
f'Mcni time, associate
' ", Js.und
'f to th,. amount of 50
' Hues are said to be
"' H"' ro.l and gun club
" loliiison. ('. A. Hav-
' Ciinhi. (I. v ii,,,.,,,,,.
W. It. WaKB-i,.r.
Co-eds at U. of C.
To Set Own Styles
i No Chamber Forum
.; Wednesday Account
. Fort Klamath Outing
Post cards to all the members
I were aent out from the chamber
I IJKUKKI.KV. Calif., May 2. ( o- 0f commerce yesterday stating that
eds of the university ol t amor- there would De no meeting oi tuai
nla bnve foresnknn the modes of body next Wednesday noon on ac
I'jirla. for a style dictator of their' Cl)unl Cf the caravan trip to Fort
own. Nor is it a woman. ! Klumath Wednesday evening. This
Tho newest czar of fashions for , ., fourth and last Inter
file .university , cajnpits , Is Krnest tommunlty meeting for this year
I'.aer. n student in the art depart- and wm ,e attended by 60 Klatn
ntent. w ho after designing costumes j a.., -.'a8 chamber members,
worn. ljy the, jn;triia .in university p,e dinner for the entertainment
pioductlons, hus announced that he,(( ,e Tis(ors will be served at the
Hands reudv to design every-day i , Klamath hotel at 7:00 o'clock
lolhlng for.thoe who care to aeek
'Is advice.
The feminine contingent has nc
ecpted liner with acclaim. Itesponsei
and there will be I
there lutor In the
Jitney dance
or the young women wns lnstnn- Sl.000.000 home to bouse all
. .... n i.a .iii.rnnrh of the Masonic order. Is
Iw 1,...lllnn laiHMIUH, K.Kl SO .HI- line. IH" -
Is handling ... ,.i- .i.,H.b that fraternity in
iniieu to satiety me mosi ciuien. o. ,. - -
Hatters for tho!
bis customers.
Son Francisco.
- S
i AT. n
p" A.
nAv u.
requisition for the return to your
state of Leonard Hall, who es
caped from your reformatory in
1921, while under sentence there
for assault with intent to rob,
being armed.
"I learn that this young man
has. been, apprehended at Kram-
at the point where the boy fell in.
lis body was recovered not three
laa. wlanaa, ka ... 1 a T X
and prescribing tho I , . . t ' ' , . '
'Sherman, assisted by Cy Johnson
' Baildta were mailed (o chamber
of commerce members yesterday for
the final election of the eight dlrec-
tcra who are to head the organiza
tion for the coming year.
The polls will close at 7:30 p.
m. the evening of May 8 and the
liallots tallied by tlie special board
of election Judges which acted In
the primaries. The Judges are: Dr.
B. J. Ilea, John McCall, and Judge
Lem L. Gaghagen.
the lead in laying bare the roots
I of the evil,
. relnpHv
I I and Coroner Whltlock. Dr. N'ow-
; "One of the great tasks that must,om and Miss Agnes Covalt, health
;be undertaken by the American peo-j jni, nursei were on. .ne ,.hen
j Pie," said Stone, "is searching outl,ne body was brojaght to the aar
the reasons, the cause which maJte,Jc. -rjaoViekan (i-sta-aid .Ia,medlale:y.
us the least law abid:ng beople of r' 7 ' ,
r OF Cj FOR ' FINALS f' ath' Falls. Oregon, where he haaW.:a.ij.i'1.j u " ' Restoruloi. Pntlle
I . ia. a JrS'tS.. Da I . - a ia Ilr Rr'iilArt. Vhrt w.. . nntlfiiatl AW
. a aJa. rv" nat is it m i oajf vtsotlal.' I fe .
has been working ..steadUr thettel ... . ;! . """,
(lly United Pres. Leased Wire)
short of dmililo the provlou one
r... a.,,i,liin.s. I I hour. ami f!
,.,,...A..l:..rn..v -- - ,,
Wo tl,..l.t -lie would ..-v-r n. , ..,,, ,,. w.
out of Kns," wiih lhe "!'
ineiit of Lieut. ('. M. Hliilil'i""''1'
a hi. uti pped orf I hi' navy '
pliiiii PN-l) till nfteinoon nlt'r
.. wnrlil' record '"
a -..-a .. -
for sustained flluhl In " i'""
plu ni'.
HIillilhauiT, wllli'iil.
Kyle, iinvlmileil the seaplain'
over the coiirse or the I"'1""
Willi- liver rrom lOiSB! Iil'lav
inorniiig until 2:riH thl
noun, leiiinllilnK In Ibo air 81
rryoril Ihcy rthll"id Is J'lst
liours nnil IIO minute. " Tho
rocoril they cstnbllshed la J"
PORTERVILLE. Calif.. May 2.
Aftermath of the appearance a few
nights since of the two girls mas
querading as men at the local Am
erican Legion smoker, is a notice
aent out by local officers, warning
valley towns to be on the alert.
Their little stunt, then thought In
nocent, is believed to have been
staged for "trimming" of legion
naires ond their guests. Those
same gir:.i are declare-: responsible
for loss of $500 worth of Jewelry by-
Miss Mortimer Scott, including two
diamond rings, and a pearl necklace.
has been worklna "steadily -there.' ' V . . ' "(--?.'! "re . eo6lt ' 6. could be found.' rusht-d
has married a fine girl, and they jwn!c" laKes r, rMp95tJ'or Iawo the scene with an oxygen ma
have a baby. He has formed good ; nd k 'ni obedience to , chlne. when he arrlved at the
associates, is a member of the jlaw?. That a,t,,ude 1 heIleTe ls the river, the body had been taken to
Moose lodge there, and apparently iRrea,e8t men:,ee to our " 8 the Klamath General hospital. Upon
is on the right road to reforma- , a Jeop e" j Dr. Stuart's arrival the oxygen ma
tlon. Numerous friends there j "' uelleve " 'or our profession : chine was applied to the body, and
speak highly of him. t0 take ,ne lead ln solving the prob- doctors and nurses worked for re
"Realizlng that our problem in i '" by Joining hands with paycholo-1 storation of the heart action for
gists, puoitcists ana otners compet-Jsome 45 minutes, when it developed
ent to lend assistance, and I would , that' the boy could not be revived.
such matters are much the same,
and that the chief end of our
penal institutions is reformation,
I am submitting this statement
for your consideration, should !
you entertain his plea for clem- j
ency. If clemency were granted i
this young man, I believe he could I
return to our state and make j
good among his new-found friends
at Klamath Falls, which ls a !
prosperous lumber manufacturing
point with a large area of fertile
irrigated lands tributary. It ls
i real 'young man's country and
of fere great opportunity for cap
able young men.
"Yours very truly.
Little Wife Walts
Meanwhile a devoted and true
little wife with a blue-eyed baby
like to see it take active and effec
tive steps in the matter."
Stone was loudly applauded by
the 600 eminent Jurists present, for
Ms declaration.
Adrenilen was given at the hospital
to help stimulate heart action.
The loss of Jimmy ls the second
to the West family in the past six
months. A son died following an
acute attack ot appendicitis in November.
(By United Pre.. Leased Wlr) The father is business manager
CMjv. ib, calif.. May 2. Fire of! of The Klumath n.e-i.
unknown origin destroyed two pack
ing houses, 650 tons of raisins,
four box cars and did damage es
timated at more than $100,000
here tonight.
The funeral will be held Monday
afternoon at four o'clock to allow
the arrival of W. G: West, a brother
of Walter West, to arrive from
Tha firlu n-ere strangers and are
said to have departed In a motor! is awaiting hopefully in Klamath
CAPETOWN, South Africa, May
2. The Prince of Wales wns in a
limit nn, J. I. "
liigton. I). . I" M Wol,n,
ilvll'lan aoroiiiiiilir -xrt and
,.,,lil. lists' mute Chnrli'S Sutton t)on hll) nojior yesterday. Rid
the mechiinics or me .s- n(- n a cart, he headed n proces-
n Hvery uisip oi "' ; mon ot siunenis who uore erugies
., . . ...i ,.i..n i . ... . a........
gallons of Kiisoiine ...- 0) KllRllsn ccieoriuea,
Falls the return of her man, who, I "'' United Press Leased Wire)
He died in his bride's nrms. bo-
ahe declared to Moose officials, was
a kind, loving and generous hus-.
bund. I
OAKLAND, May 2. Latin love ! fore intiliciil
turned to hate today held true ) him.
aid could reuvti
i,u.;io ix xkw yokk
NEW YORK, May 2. For
I was iimiI nnil " omy ...
.1 wafer thl frn.H.. t the CtMILIDGK VACATION
! navy yard when tho mlr '!
mil for lack of fuel.
Tlie r'--' " henl
for fuel nun Hu-u.mi.. --
unci- preparatory to IW"t aho
Is srlHilnle' to Jiinko between San
Francisco and Honolulu.
prankish mood during the celobra-1 first time in its history, the New j
York department of the American
Legion will hold Its 1025 convention;
In New York city, Sept. 10-12. It:
is anticipated that a large number
or legion men from neighboring
statca will, attend, and preparations
are being made for 60.000 members
and guests. ,
WASHINGTON, May 2. Presi
dent Coolldge plans to leave Wash
ington for his summer vacation ln
New England th'elaat week in
June, it was announced at the
White Houso this afternoon. '
Violent earthquake shocks were felt
In the neighborhood of Anana.
to tradition and used a knife to
tftiin vengeance.
lbt Consuelo llohles, pi-rtty
a.,1 year old Spanish girl, I held
in lieie rhnrgiil with killing
Phillip Medina, 1M, her former
sweet heart. Wwplng hestile the
deud imiirH bier is his hrlde of
thnv days, formerly Virginia
The jtlrl, police charge, follow
ed tlie newlywcds to this city
from I-'rp.sno, Calif., wliero they
were ninrrie-d. She accosted Me
dina in front of home ho nnd
his wlfo had just occupied, and
plunged a dagger Into his breast.'
"Oh I didn't want lilin to die,",
slip sobbed. "Kut re refused to
marry me. He say lie will many
times, and I am about to have
a hnby. Then he go mvny and
IlllllTy Vti-ialala."
'The hrlde was Iimi broken
hearted to hold enmity against
Hie girl who, it Is charged, killed
her husband.
"My Philip I Imve him only
three days then she take hlia
frimi me. My I'hll he so goo-land
now he la kill. Tills Oon
Suelo, she wns his friend, but
Philip loved only me. And
then she killed. I Wonder why."