V HC KIAMATII NEWS . ... j Page Three J 111 i Saturday, Mav 2. 1925. nJasaf THE A M AT EW AM jf y-f-?'--"H'j? SEVENTEEN VALUABLE PRIZES A .' ' I Also 20 Cash Commission to Non-Prize Winners Contest Officially Opens Monday, May 4, 1925. Only Forty-Three Short Days Contest Officially Closes Monday, June 15, 9 p. m. First Prize to Contestant $3,000 Home on Acre of Land This Will Be Located in the New Altamont Tract 7 Second Prize to Contestant $1070 Essex Touring Car 1925 Model Purchased from Acme Motor Co., Klamath Falls, Oregon ADVISORY BOARD Thr Klamath Ncwa I. deli-ruined to ruliilurt tills lr- mlatlua lWlkllng lontrst from start to NnhUi iu a fair, hoaurablr anil Impartial manner. K.cri precaution haa Into Lira t aafcguanl liir Intrreata of partlclpanta, aaal bwlatr nuacaly In all dealing, la guaranlrrd. Hnwrtrr, nut all wbulom Una In oiu man or limtltutluu. Ml lor that rraaon an Advlaory Hoard liaa been decldi-d upon, show fuut tlima aliall be lu decide any uueatlun nl Iflilrnt uimm-tii iliac may arlar during llir campaign. oil aliall ail a judges and rouut the votra tin- last night of tlir coate.1. The persouuel uf this buanl la aa follows: ieu. It. Dudley, vlco-prmlrirat, Anwrlc-au National ; J. 1. Miller. Ui.tr ll freight and passenger agent uf P.; Ljna Sabla. aecnlary, chanibor of ruuiuu'rva. Complete List For Contestants $3OO0.O HOUSE AND ACRE OF GROUND $3000.00 1070.00 ESSEX TOURING CAR ... ... 1070.00 150.00 CABINET PHONOGRAPH ...., , 150.00 85.00 RADIOLA (HEADPHONES AND TUBES 85.00 50.00 RADIOLA (HEADPHONES AND TUBES 50.00 50.00 PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH 50JJ0 . 50.00 PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH 50.00 10 SUBSTANTIAL MERCHANDISE ORDERS . 10 20 : CASH COMMISSION - 20 $6000.00 IN PRIZES P.., $6000.00 GET SUBSCRIPTIONS ANYWHERE Whether yoai live 100 miles iwigr r only a block from the campaign office, your opportunity to win one of the big prizes is the samel . . .. Secure subscription collections anywhere. You are not limited to any particular territory to obtain your subscriptions and votes. The world is your field. Vote Value of- Subscription Payments la shown tha ..bearlptlea rates and tha ralai- numbar of "rain, tu W amount paid aa aay ssbscrlpliea. AU aubacrlp-aaa aat no pan Mlvauca amfnM ..i m .m luJ. N0TK Uia great voting power at "XKW subscriptions. THU KIjUIATH DAH.T NKWs Subscription Rates By Mall ar Carrier . $a.na ... O.O" . IO.IH) Nsw 'JO.OOO no.ooo 4U,tMr( Old 10,00 ito.oos U0.0V0 " Hlli. 'IW Year ZZZZZZZZZ'""Z.ZZ irar "fit Additional Tear ,n,, . K J,1L... taa.ng Tlia News. -i- - urw iwrriinr w may ki . - snlkicriDUoi wraiUT Oi lue iwOUl H nou.w wa - KKW Ml IIH KIITIIOXH l.kr. d.rinB H" rl P-rt of the "'jn t ...a, I r,t, nrt.Hl by aulhr payn.rnl . ay tlu. ',J'C"n'C0",,w. ,'" U. rooaldrn-d KW anbarrila-ra. and Tolra lul '"'lH,T01 b UI,, ,. , or ,urnM, The Xcwa. al .tt Ilia auio " ln pnyiu. ni n.ll. rt.d l.y yuaiw-lf or aomc oilirr tandltlatr. in- jLl,vu (! Klltt.x,, I'AYMIIXTS," ao yy will rri-rWc tlir oitra wle. UhKOXU r iitiui old auliatrlbera m at. a earu uuumui"" AWARDING OF PRIZES Still Time TO ENTER AND WIN! Enter Today 10,000 VOTES NOMINATION BLANK GOOD FOR TOTBS ONTIaST MAXAOHR, TRK KLAMATH KBWB: I aaalaata bat (CHra fall aaaaa'af taadjjata) areot Tawa Naaalaatod ky Addraaa fhoaa . Matrict No Tl i. i -j . M.in.. lu.U In arronlanro wltU tlio ralaa W ircdii .landing of tonlratanta at Uie cloao of lue ramalu. . tlH- vm-uii ataudlng of conliwtanU at tlio cloao of iuc "!-- H'tST PRixtwrh- ndld.ia flalahlng will, tl.c "Jf '"tl.r coult W ba awanrad llio rirat 1TI. or may wlrtt tlie rU. WWil PRWK-Tb, oandlda.. flulnhln, th- ,i?J!Er '" In tin- ,.,ro ,vuUmt will br awarded lUc H.-.-ond I rlw. Ii" CALL IN OR PHONE! CONTEST MANAGER THE KLAMATH NEWS or (Wua.1 Tllllm .,... ,i third lre " r i iiiiv i nr raauioaio iiniwiiia ... 111 Hi mi in control will bo awarded the "130.00 IMiotiograpU. WM-iith nuasjn,, aandld-t. flnW.ln, will, thj "",t ,ot tl.o cntln, TOntt wlU ba awardrj the M.OO Itadlala. In ''"'WW-Th- candidal, flnlahlng wltl. U.r fl"" " "e uilre ri.tiK-.l will be awarded Uie 30.OO lladlola. l!"" rilOVKNTH rKIXKH-Th- net Iwo ""'''''wm1 wr U recol.. of ..u-a after all oUicr prlwa hae Imtii aaaru w uu I'orublo Ilionoirapb. Kid.. : ,...dldali fin .!' ' It,. " HKVKXTKKMTII PR1KKI I lie - .-ardrd Will w CiTv. n"'n nUn'r " ' l" ,,"e ' Wr,l,uiw oro,,r. wer oa .11 IKNTJ 'KK CKXT CABH COMMISSION will l- l'" ".''I'.'l.n" Phone 877 Phone 877 Ith Basement Odd Fellows Bldg. 102-122 So. 5th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Cat aat thla blank and arnd to Coatest Department, The Klamath News, with year aajam or the name and addreaa of a trirad. Tbe namea of persons makhHC aooauiatlona will not be divulged if ae reqaested. The firnt nomlnatioa sent in wtU oonat !, volea. The right is roaerTad to rejoct any objectionable neaalnatlou. 10,000 EXTRA VOTES By naiag this coupon with yoar first subscription you will get a big start. Re turn this coupon to the Contest Manager, Klamath News, with your first subscrip tion payment, either old or new, and you will receive 10,000 votes In addition to the regular schedule shewn elsewhere lu this announcement. KAMB SUBSCRIBER ADDRESS . COPBTBOTANrs NAMB AMOUNT KKCLOSKO, Old or New Subscriber.) Cash must accompany this coupon. When sent In with the "Contestant Blank," tbe contestant starts with 10,000 extra votes in addition to the regular votes allowed a the subscription Itaelf. Only one of these coupons will be credited to each contestant. 50 VOTING COUPON 50 GOOD FOR M .TOTKS Osad far votes If sent or mailed in on or before May 15th. ' - '. fi?e.iu!. ' m -'t.V'. ' ... This coupon will count 5 votes when properly filled out sad delivered to Con test Department, TAo Klamath News, on or before the expiration date. Coupons nut be neatly trbinmed and put In packages with number of votes written on top. name Street ,.. Town istrict No , I! i U M t k Wri'HI- I lVaaal IUO UWC - a i