. ui aMATM news ur re..ii:-s in I'" f , ti;. i : ril.'B' , jl Clll'lc II. ,,, rim or!l liim ' iiiil ' CuMi" .r id" .. Iiellrtiil I'M" ,. """ r MI iliu.il' Kl Hi I'.i'lloil l " LirnrlX Vimi irt. Illll Iii-J.IIV1M lam tIlnmrot- V"" - I fc.llld 01 ui'l'"" ;, we are on ' J' ., results "I'd " '" r'' ; ir MI eradicate leprusy got only here, ,"" 'ry-i . toJ rr!) no li maka a , ,tati-ni-nt. imt ino anua- I III! if pruintui-. lufrwilrj In pradlratln Itirr In Cula and r con- liiliria (lur iniMllmla Wllell kit, mtir the tropica I PblllplUBM lia nr'n niauv a iiuii;pii and cholira. : t nn. and 1 Orllrte wa l.jLntr Irpnmy in tha Ulandii r irfit work will liavv bitn .j lur humanliy " )wt Wutd aalil tll4t ltl Ta hiti l-i'i-ll lirt'lilliplUlllMt ike drtrnmiii-il nppoaitliin ;,!as dortor and hrulth I aha dirlarnl lipriiH.v rurtM tiuiblf Hint tliui ti-fAttnnnt Oorarta, Klaatle lle- i aad Corartlrtta Made ii. (juarantaod. KMK RANDALL Btfftmm St. IMtoas BTT-W I. a. UOl.DH.MITH CmIimb Tailor 110 Winters lllilg. i Kmai ISU.so to ? Browne's aint Store 029 Main Street. Phone 75 ard B. Ashurst l"r and Counsollor at Law m ind Federal C'ourta fo. 5. Loonila Blda. Phone 227 DR- P. R. (iOI)DARD Iilhlr I'Kul.i.- a t Offlco and lU-s. 0. 0. P. Templ "stb Falla. Oregon I" KATE OTTKIUIEI R'al KstaM l Lincoln St. Phone MAfl-M FIRE P NO INSURANCE ho,r '''''' ""y 'or the fel. f;rncr. Il alwut YOt'lt- " better mil . iiw HOMYER & MOMYF.B INSURANCE CO. "Pka Itulbllng lOoOo F, -ittils. i Frld.r??. No. 117 Meeu nignt. W. E. Beck "a. Vim. T lulrB nur """a Jones, N. O, 4, o. f r"e"aay nlghC A. B Kti on Crstsi No. T Meet I oesday renlng. Carl II nu S(t)VEKKI IN THK nilMITINIS Mil i . it K ' "illy Ull-fl patients . i;irr i'f Amrrluii i!il. inn. were fined II I i assume auliiirdlmiii- mIiIi na In i ihiIit III curry uu tnelr work uiiiougi :imriiiir tin lepers. I'iiIIIiiii, K ' H Flllp'nii. r Duw convinced ninny i'f li'priniy u curable, h said, mid iIhmmjmiIi bare rutin- in Ciilllini furl ii.iiii.r Wood ire I'm.-iit. tunny submitting vol un -' ,,i iiiii'H have laiil) I" live, in tin. Inland, de-pile i iIiiiIiik Hi' III" 'ml lluil few years ago ("ill- Kuti'tiinr ill- Hun .i I. no mi a the "Ulf iif llv- iiiM lux death." iiunlli',1 mill n m ti-y un, Iul1f Inica and mure ln.itlr.il iiii.n m f'ullluii." I, pi mf l mid declined, "and we hiii ty (nil uf riilan II.OiiooiHi f,,r the work In a' i campaign In I hi- I'nlicil Htaii-. TIihI al- Intular government haa been g.n ol rurra nae ...., . ........ ...u , ,, iUUiru uuvimra ui luur r"' H'" """1 IM '' nesitn lunda lor the fight I. hIiiIiI I tin Unrnav It ...... A .. ... ,- air ni' -- i ..--...-,. .. . u uv uu mure pi, irr beginning lo lu"l, on without seriously llijurlug otbiT plaia ot treatment, nenllu work. I am confidant Am- kit P'f "'r',lon orlrant will aid In thli great work" COURT FILINGS llt-.il. I Thr Klamath I .uku Land l.lrr- utock Co to Mary Kuni $160 I. . (40 ara. I SK4 SWVi of ai-c. It. twp. 41. ran Kit 12 finnrge llli-tin rl ui to Uolifrl Summara IS. 000 runaldi-ratlon. K. P. Addition. Iota 4.S. block !G. Arlliur T. T.ippan to A. I.. W!ah- ard. I 60 I. K 8. Harrow Add. Ilon. lot ;;. block 310. Jjnii- W I. niliey rt u to t'haa. 1 Dun art rt ui. 1100 I. It. H. Uu , t. anil SH or lot 10, block l.i Sblif'a Addition. ' lnrtKim"a .Mary Hum -t vlr to Kl'jmath l.akn l.und l.lvi-ntork Ci.-. $76J S6 I at 6 dua f yi-ara rtr:4NVV. of i-r 15, twp. 41, range 12. ; A. A. Ili-llnmn i-t u to J. O. ! Ilrard.li-y t6.H3 at Kf due l year. The eaatrely 50 ft. of lot S. block 19 and easterly 30 feet of lot j 3. block 11, Original Town. 1 Mlsci-lliin.i.us Klllnx I.akealdn Co. to Joseph P. Peclval.j I Agreement. 11.400. BE VI NV ) uf see. 15. twp. 41. range 12. IT. 8. A. to John Frederick lloll ser. Patent. (177.91 aca. ) Lot 4 of sec. 3. twp. 37, range 9. K. A. Rae to O. K. Rae et al. I Satisfaction of chattel mortgage. It. II. Hampton to Wm. K. Cun ningham. Chattel mortgage. (15 at dun 6 months. On Imrans, Jennie Umg to A. I). MiN.ilr. M.irg. Sat. of chutiel iiioriKugi'. ( In lllt Court I Minus K. W. Beiini-tl, doing bnslnesa as Troy Laundry. Dr. inmit-ICIrk ,wd Company. creditor. tot; $43 .0. 'undersigned haa been appointed ap- Kffle M. Caldwell vs. William pointed administrator of the es- Culdwell. divorce complaint. I tale ot Bessie B. Applegate, de- I ceased, and has qualified. All per- Kor electric transmission lines "ns having claims agalnrt said es- ... . . . ! Hollow rviiiu.rieo luuuriu j."'" resilient enough to bend under concrete strain. vithout breaking are being ntiido by Europe. process Invented in A chemist bus Invented u paint for automobile fiiillator caps tbat changes from red ' I'l"1'"- when the water in radiator becomea overheated, returning to red when It cools. Belgian Premier Eni. vnnoervelde. Socialist leader and form.-r 'J tlce In the Belgian C nB" been chosen by King Alberl te forn . new ministry. "I'hubln"'un" Prenilut. succeeding M. T'un who. with bla Cabinet, reals""! 00 April 6. Est ' ' i C:i, I ' . 4-. V WV-i H - 1 ll.'J l.lrRAINi: LA 'H Tha photo ibowa Mlaa Uirroinp Raaon, or l-oa Anirlaa, dlpla ni !ba lataal thltiR In fartara, iha (iir :rola BuperKnrrlrni-. and II piaya Amon( Ita many ailvatiiafi-a. Miai Kaann aaya. la that It ahr wami ti lo foi trot whlla tha ord-rni'a it, playing a walla. th mar ln . tuning In on one of Iba oumrrihia tatlona. MERRILL MKItltll.l,, April 29. Mh-a Km ma Itoberta who baa been ylslilng her alater, Mra. Warren r'rulta the pt two week, left Tueaduy for her home In California. Hurt Kerguaim waa in Klamath Km 1 1 a Monday reenlng. Mri. Jack Connor and Mra. Ber tha Cnveratone of Algoma were gucata of Iter, and Mra. Ilulet'ti ftunduy. P. M. Naah of Henley apent the week-end In Merrill. Jamea A. Scogglna took bla Hoy Scouta to the !ava beds Sundity. The acouta from Klamath Kails went wltb them , Mr. and Mra. l-enter. MUsea Alta Wllaon. Florence and Magdullne Me Clay apent the week-end In Rogue Itlver (alley. Muy flrat Merrill cc-mmunlty will be hostess for the first dance given the new Community ball. A large attendance la enpected. Tbe Merrill high achool gave their play at Henley school house Tuesday evening. ThU U the tblrd and last time that they will give It. ! llonania school will give thelm play in Merrill Community hull next I Tuesday evening. I Miss I.. Day of Los Angeles is i in Merrill this woke working for the Klllsnn White lycctim course. ' Itov. W. II. Amos who has been ' In Merrill the pint ten days left fiT Aahland Tuesday, j Mrs. Clius. C. Unlet waa calling 1 in Ml. I.nkl Tuesday. NOTICK TO CltKDITOUS late are notified to present ine same to tue with proper vouchers, at the office of I). V. Kuykendall. 16 Loomls Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from April 9. 1925. ELMER I. APPLEGATE. Administrator. A9.lfi.23.30 M7 Sl.MMOXS IX THE CIRCI1T COI UT OK THE STATE OK OltEtiOX KOIl THE COIXTV OK KLAMATH. Kffle M. Caldwell. Plaintiff vs. Wil liam Caldwell. Defendant. To William Caldwell. Defendant. In the name of the State of Ore Ron, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above en titled auil on or before Thursday, the 11th day of June, 1925, and If you fall so to answer, for want 'thereof, the plaintiff win appiy to the court for the reuet prayeo tor In her complaint, to-wlt: for a dlvorro from you on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and personal Indignities, rendering her life miaerable. burdenBome and unhappy, and for the absolute cua todv and control of Bonnie I. Caldwell. minor of the age of 14 venrs. and tnai sue no be the owner ot the following described real property located and situated In the City of K'arnath Fulls. County of Klamath and Stute of Oregon: Lots one and iwn In block forty-three, Including all buildings thereon In Buena Is a Addition to the City of Klamath Kails, Oregon, free from any right, title or Interest, curtesy right or otherwise claimed by you. This summons is served upon von by publication once each week for six successive weeks pursuant to order from Honorable A. L. Lenvltt. Judge of the above en- .iiiert court, ninue anu inn-. April 29. 1925. liintlon hereof Date of flrat pub to be April 30, "ii5' M MANNINO AND D. E. VAN VACTOR. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Whose Post Office and Busi ness Address is 201-202-203 Hart Building. Klam ath Falls, Klamath Coun ty, Oregon. A30-M7.H.21-" J4.ll AL.1!1 1925. Vll i: ,. Ke-rrl UMl VT ,, I ISM. M, IS TIIK (IIM V ( HI T ,,.- TIIK STIK OK l.tKl.(lv, ! ....: "IM V III- kl.AMUII. In Hie Mailer of the K.iale f c A Kutiierlnn'iain. iVrsawd Villi e la hi r-by given that W. n : ,d '"I; "-rtor of th -:'-aHd. ha, n-ndnred. preinmed for h . a'"1 ,il,d " ha final a,.,.un, of ,h(i tratlon i.f a. etna,, tni , n ... ''"n '!" dlatrlbutlon of a,ne. i and that the 4th day of May 1S25 fi the hour i,f 2 p. m. of aaid day' . i ,"un,y urihouaa In Klam ath I-Mix. Oreiton. h.ia l.u. a duly appolnn-d by aald court for the a-t-'li-mnil i.f aald final account and t.i hearing of aald petition for dia-rll.ut:i-n. at which time and place i my perairti lntretd In aald eatat may file liln eceptona. In writing. "J'd final account, and to -on tmt the aame. and how rauae ! If any, why a final dlatrlbutlon of ald eatate abould not be ordered 1 9 25. C. R. DBLAP. , .. County Clerk. By CHB DELAP, Clerk. AJ,,1.23,S0 KIMMONH IX THK (HW llT COI RT OK TIIK HT.TK OK OKKCON r() TIIK ' I'TV OK KI.AMATH. Klla (!. Ballard. Plaintiff va. Pearl (' Ballard. Defendant. To Pearl C. Ballard. Defendant. In the name i f the State of Ore gon, you are hereby requ!red to appear and anawer the complaint filed again! you In the above en titled auit. on cr before Thursday the 11th day of June. 1925, and !l you fall so to anawpr. for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: for a d vi rce from you on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and peraonal Indignities, rendering ber life miaerable. burdensome and un happy. This summons la served upon you by publication once each week for aig auccesalve weeks, pursuant to order from Honorahle A. I l-eavltt. Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on April 29. 1925. Date of first publication hereif to be April 30. 1925. H. M. MANNING. Attorney for Plaintiff. Vhoe Post Office and Busi ness Add reus Is 201-202-203 Hart Building, Klam ath Kails. Oregon. A30-M7.14.21.27-J4.il KKSOI.ITKX The City Engineer, pursuant to rest-lutlon of the Common Council heretofore adopted, having, under date ot April 27th. 1925. filed plans, specifications and estltnatea ot the cost of Improving East Main Street from the easerly end of Michigan Avenue, including Inter sections, to the Intersection of East Main Street with Home Ave. thence southerly along East Main Street (formerly Stttkel Street) to Sixth Street, by bringing the same to the established grade througnoul Its en tire length, as particularly laid out and described In the plans and spe cifications filed herein by the City ' Engineer, as aforesaid, and tbe j Common Council having taken the ! same under advisement and having found said plans, specifications and j estimates satisfactory; THERE- r t.itr. BE IT RESOLVED BY THK COMMON COI'NCIL that the said plana, specifications nnd estimates for the Improvement of East Main Street from the easterly end of Michigan Avenue to Home Avenue, and from Home Avenue to Sixth Street, as aforesaid, be and the same hereby are approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby declared Its Intention to Improve the said portions of said street in accordance with said plans, speci fications and estimates, said tin provement to consist of paving said portions c-f East Main Street with gravel or crushed rock macadam pavement. twelve (12) Inches thick, or the same with a depth of eight (81 inches of crushed rock and four (4) inches ot cinders on top. The estimated cost of Improving said portions of aald street, by placing thereon twelve (12) Inches of crushed rock or gravel. Includ ing excavation, embankment and vitrified or concrete pipe, being 127,868.60, and the estimated cost of said Improvement by placing thereon gravel or crushed rock to a depth of eight (8) inches and four (4) Inches of cinders on top, with suld excavation, embankment and vitrified or concrete pipe, of $22,468.60; said cost to Include grading, rolling nd leveling of parking strips, drainage and the like, but without concrete or other sidewalks; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL that the following described property be and the same Is hereby declared benefited by said Improvement, to-wlt: Lots 1 to 22, Inc., block 16; lots 1 to 31, inc., block 17: lots 1 to 29. inc., block 18: all of l.lk. 19: all ot hlk. 16; lots 24 to 36 Inc., 1)1 k. 14; lots 28 to 32 Inc., blk. 13; lots 25 to 68, inc., blk. 11; and lots 19 to 35 inc., blk. 10; all of said lots and. blocks be ing In Industrial Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; all of blocks 100 to 111 Inc., of Mills Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; and all ot blocks 200 to 204 Inc., nnd blocks 208 to 212 Inc., Mills Second Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; and that said property hereinbe fore described be and hereby Is declared to he benefited by the snid Improvement and should be assessed therefor; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Monday, the 25th day of May, 1926, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m at the Council Chambers of the City Hall, n the city r,f,.ff,-e r,f the Police Judge of a .Jiiiiuih Kalla, Oregon, be fix.,. -ny, reference to which Is hen ii Hie time, and place for the heur- m id regarding further details .1. ...ji i.ona or remuniiraui-ex .-.ir-i improvement, anil the Police JihIko la hereby directed t cauae li-.tke i.f the said hearinif ... ue pui.iimiea as uy unarter pro ided. Ktate of Oregon, County of Klamuth, Ciiy of Klumutli Kalis, as. I. ira u t.aKhagen. Police Judge oi ttie lity of Klamath Falls. Ore-. ll'.n, hereby certify that the fi.re. Itolng is a duly enrolled copy of a iiMi.iuiiMD aaoptea ny the Common Council at Ita regular meeting on ..iniay, Aiiru jiin, isgtt, and of I the whole of aald Resolution. Dated tbia 27lh day of April, 192 LKM L. CAOIIACKN. Police Judge, A30 Ml. 2. 3, 5. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10 XOTICK K'K INVITIM; I'.IDH KoK hlltKKT IMPIlOTC.MK.T i I nit So. 87. Pursuant to ordinance of tbe city of Klamath Falls. Oregon, notice a hereby given that bids will be re. calved by the Police Judge of aald city, at bis office In tbe City Hall. up to and Including Monday, May 25tn. 1925. at 8:00 o'clock P. M., for making the proposed improve ment of Second Street from Pine Street northerly to Jefferson Street, ncludinc Intersection at Jefferson Street. The proposed Improvement to be! made Includes the grading of said , street to the established grade, to1 a width of twenty-four (24) feet. I except at Intersections, where aald pavement la lo be full width of In- torsectlon. with concrete sidewalks 5 feet wide on both sides of said uiiiroreiuem mruuKuuui us enure ceived oy the Police Judge of said distance, the same to be In all res-. city, at his office in the City Hall, oecta according to tbe plana ot the.un to and includinr Monday. May City Engineer on file with the Police Judge. Sald Improvement shall be made A concrete pavement, reinforced concrete pavement. Warrenlte Bltu-1 Ilthic pavement; Warrenlte Bitulithlc pavement with bituminous concrete lase, aspbaltlo concrete pavement ; street to tbe established grade, to a wltb rock base, or aame with as-1 width of thirty-four (34) feet, with ihaltlc concrete base, all of said j concrete sidewalks ( feet wide on proposed improvements to be made, both sides of said Improvement .pgetber with the materials to be t throughout Ita entire distance, the used, in accordance with the aald 1 same to be in all respects according plans, specifications and estimates i to the plans ot the City Engineer it the City Engineer on file In the on tile with tbe Police Judge, office ot tbe Police Judge of said Said improvement shall be made My. reference to whicb is hereby of concrete pavement, reinforced -nade regarding further details fori concrete pavement, Warrenlte Bltu plans, construction, materials. Ilthic pavement; Warrenlte Bitulithlc luantltlee. and tbe like. pavement with bituminous concrete Said Improvement will ne let in.uase. aspnaiuc concrete pavement -ine contract and bids will be re- delved tor each kind of pavement specified above, and will be open ed for consideration by the Com mon Council on the aaid 25th day if Mav. 1925. at the hour ot 8:00 i'eloek P. M. Bidders will be re-jof the City Engineer on file in the quired to submit bids on blanks -ffice ot the Police Judge ot said prepared by the City Engineer, and city, reference to which is hereby bids will not be considered unless made regarding further details for so submitted. Blanks tor bids' plans. construction. materials, may be obtained at the office of ; quantities, and the like. the Police Judge. Said improvement will be let In j The successful bidder will be one contract and bids will be re-1 'equlred to give bond in a sum to ceived for each kind of pavement be fixed by -the Common Council ; specified above, and will be open-; for the faithful performance of the i ed for consideration by the Com-j contract to be entered Into tor mak-imon Council on the said 25th day ng said Improvement. Each bid ' of May. 1925, at the hour of 8:00 must be accompanied Jy a check : o'clock P. M. Bidders will be re certified by some responsible bank 'quired to submit bids on blanks tor 5 per cent of the amount bid. prepared by the City Engineer, and ts a guarantee that the successful bids will not be considered unless Mddsr will enter into contract with 1 so submitted. Blanks for bids h. ettv for the making of such ! may be obtained at the office of I mpTOvement within 10 days from'the Police Judge. i i -he date of making such award. ! The successful bidder will be The common Council reserves ine; reqmrea io gi.e imuu iu um iu right to reject any and nil bids.! be fixed by the Common Council ind to make uch improvement on 'for the faithful performance of the behalf ot the city. 1 contract to be entered into for mak- Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, 1 Ing said improvement. Each bid .-.prll 28th. 1925. , must be accpanied by a check .tars ii i r. nvf t .art f aJ h anma raannnallila hnnlr LEM Li. UAlinAUCi.1. Police Judge. A29.30 M 1.2. 3, 5.6, 7, 8. 9 XOTICK INVITING HID8 STREET IMPROVEMENT FOR I'nlt No 8U-A. Pursuant to ordinance of the city, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice is, hereby given that bids will be re-1 ceived by tire Police Judge of saidj city, at his office In the City Hall. I up to and including Monday. May! 26th. 1925, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., for making the proposed improve ment of 4 th Street from Klamath venue to Walnut Avenue, Includ ing intersection at Walnut Avenue; 5th Street from Klamath Avenue to Oak Avenue. Including intersec-j lions: 7th Street from Klamath venue to Oak Avenue, Including! intersections; 8th Street from Wal-j nut Avenue to Oak Avenue, and. 9th Street from Klamath Avenue to. Oak Avenue, and 11th Street from Klamath Avenue to Walnut Avenue. Inclusive, including intersections atj Walnut Avenue; and Walnut Ave- nue from 4th Street easterly toj 11th street; ana uai Avenue irum 4th Street easterly to 9th Street. Including Intersection ot Oak Ave nue and 4 th Street. The proposed Improvement to oei made Includes the grading of said streets to the established grade, to: a width ot 34 feet, except 6th' Street, where same is to be full; width, and with concrete sidewalks, 6 feet wide on both sides of said. Improvement throughout Its entire distance, except bin Bireei irom Walnut Avenue to Klamath Avenue, where the sold pavement Is to be full width, and on the easterly side ot 7th Street from Rismath Avenue to Oak Avenue, where tbe same is to be full wldi, sidewalks on the westerly side of said 7th Street only, the same to be in all respects according to the plans of the City Engineer on file with the Police Judge. Said Improvement shall be made of concrete pavement, reinforced concrete pavement, Warrenlte Bitu lithlc pavement; Warrenlte Bitulithlc pavement with bituminous concrete base, asphaltlc concrete pavement with rock base, or same with as phaltlc concrete base, all of said proposed Improvements to be made, in.nil... with In. mnlttrlnla tn hA used, In accordance with the said plans, specifications ana estimates of the City Engineer on file in the plana, conairuetion, inati-rl iiuuntltlf, and the I ke. Said Improvement will be let one mnlrui-1 and li'it will K. cnivrd for each kind of pavemi ipeci'led above, and will be opel a tor cona-aeratton by the Coi inon Council on tbe aald 25tb d of Mav. 1925. at the hour of I'eloek V M. P.iifdnra will K. P, quired to submit bids on blank r.renared bv tha Clt Kn.ln. .n 'bids will not be considered u'nlea :ao aubmitted. Blanks for blda 1 may be obtained t the offlca of the Police Judge. The autceaHful bidder will required to give bond in a sum to fixed by the Common Council fiT the faithful performance of the contract to be entered Into for mak- ng said improvement. Each bid I must be accompanied by a check certified by some responsible bank for 5 per cent of the amount bid. as a gnsrantee that the successful blddor will enter Into contract with the city tor tbe making of such 'mprovement within 10 days from the date of making such award. Tbe common Council reserves the, right Ao reject any and all blda. and to make such improvement on behalf ot tbe city. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, April 28th. 1925. LEM L. CAOHAGEN. Police Judge. A29, 30 Ml, 2, 3. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 " - NOTICK INVITIVO RIDH FOR 8TRKLT IMPROVEMENT ' I'nlt No. 36. Pursuant to ordinance ot tbe city of Klamath Fall.. Orernn nmo.. u hereby given that bids will be re-- 25th, 1925. at 8:00 o'clock P. M.. for making tbe proposed Improve- ment ot Fifth Street from Pine Street northerly to Jefferson Street. inclusive, excluding intersectiona. The proposed Improvement to be made includes tbe grading of said with rock base, or aame with as- phaltic concrete base, all ot aald proposed Improvements to be made, tt.geiher with the materials to be used, in accordance with the said .plans, specifications and estimates "u for 5 per cent of the amount bid. as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter Into contract with the city for the making of such From April 30 to May 9 ft COME to our store and take ndvantaee of this 89 C opportunity uable "Wear-Ever" at the special (Cover 25c extra) "Wear-Ever' Altmimntt Moronia Ctvki Pan Baldwin Hardware Co. The Winchester Store Phone 261. 418 Main St. A Page Rh . i i a,' I Id I ll III I ii 1 1 I i ill m h iii I 16- 111 t ill I . Hi I C -7 LUnrk made '.' 1:4 i - i THE FURNACE MAN .V 1023 Main w Phone 323 l j '-' ill Poor Eyesight Is a drain npoa your nerves 'your health, and your dis- -position. Why suffer when the remely lies In correctly fitted glasses. Ask any wearer of glasses. Our examination ot the eyes ts very complete. We hare and use the Latest instru ments kaowa to tbe optics! edence. DR. GOBLE 70 Main Street Glasses Frames Ground Repaired Eyes Examined QUICK SERVICE WOOD We can supply your fuel needs on short notice. Blocks Dry Slabs Limbs Fuel Oil Coal Peyton & Co. Phone Orders to 535 601 Main "Wood to Burn" WEAittvat ALUMINUM ItoKMAR to get these val utensils prices. -T 1 'll Bl n Ml H v m fo il ft I. 'I rut M 'n