The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 30, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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United New and United Press Telegraph Service,
f .i . t, i . j.i . i i
jTT ( 'Vl'rv M(,ni'"K Except Monday)
!may day dawns over worried
KlTUmw Airriri?'ov mmnT, U,
" s-jii. i liiv iiuv.'W t IjIv I lilllLliMf
ju. -Price FiveTCet-
I With Abduction
Voung Cirl On Way
ho Reformatory
RIVKIl. oltK. April !.
.(flr.r. hero scour
4,rl.. (or Hi' past
,h ..t M" '"
..-r way l
Hr I'mi-it N'.w. I,.., wir, , , . Ity May day reporting by wis-- i
WASHINGTON. April 29 - Gov. ,.., f .,,:( r,H Kii,l4.rln)!1
irumvnts uf Iho old world are en- r observed !
duavorlng lo check the wildfire! Little entente countries are un-'
pred of what Uey all'-Ko is com- d-rstuod In be preparing for tun-1
uiunl.t terrorism. Th approach ference May t to discuss a general'
of Max lr has roused almost every .dtlm against comuiunUia through-
tiiitrnmnil and reports of prerau-' ou( central Europe.
tluua against the sUeavd purpose I Julian
jof the communists come frum all alli-i;rd to have bceu made by the
directions. I t.ivll aoibaaaador predicting thai
Chamber Casts
A Light Vote
In Primaries
To Go Up On Dalle
Calif. Highway
, rrfurinX'")'
Kirrr J""'"
. the Hill'"
(i thli rl'
, k aar a! 1 ' 1 1 l.-riy
Construction work will be
com-! started at once on a new two-
story summer resort hotel on
Communist agitation i. alloaed to The Dalles-California highway
no inut thi ,.r i ..: r,,uv Jl INC Jf.Jllll,
where the Williamson river
Italian police conducted nation- winning of the Japanese
wide scries of raids on rnminuu- monism
1st retreat, and subsequently an-
nouuc-M mat win rra ai lirnv In lit- rrauonalb v fur mm h of
3 Imlv U In . riitii. f It.. u.iH. u..,'l f""v tnreo ' " rranre unci
. i iiiuiii.l fi.ii ii iiiniitti iiir Kiitt'r:!' iirini ill rvnrin Arr cuii miiii.i ii-i.
unit iiiriiiwr i ... - ......u i .4
, vi h iiii-nin nf nil Hip H;,lk:ni and nniral tu!n und Dm auvli-t hum nirrriimnil- crosses mat 1'OaU, It was an
I ,.r abdm-lln' Kur",'""n nndi-d !-nj!!lilly allied com- "Ollllced yesterday. F. A. Sut
.. wblli pa- '-""""n aiiiioun'M tlmt a c.iin- miiiiUt activity In India. ton irt to be the owner and op
Tu.mI.i)- nldht. I n""""1 "'"'"I" "n "" '" ''"-, T.:c r.-cont uiurdi-ra and bomb- erator of the
ton t nam net lain I he rriltn m-n...
I.r. linn l.i...n f-.i -I r I...I
" uu.m, uil'itllllK I" rrillHT ' .... , .
iiicnut in ina lawns giirrouna
thi.ui'd fr ,
Inx In Siif u worn liMtliuted b)
roinmunfKta, uccrdlnK o lrcmlci
.i i hm it!i a d.nit a "" .i't-hih gm in a smi hji- .uuaiiii ami uy unnuppy iiuixar DK ' , , .,, I ... ... I I .... .........4 '- . t KLl.l
1: Ix reported " ' " "... ... . unmr.
tb. dcacrlp ' uii 1'i.ii.r i.iuii-!. win I'uirui in, mi.i.'i iurriKn atrtrri-iary.
Jur," ,jr
a:: ; : :N0TED forester
t ronpb
; y t i be loop road
b. ra.i((lit . ' bi-uvy niiiiwi
J the I t 1 li:i:M;iy about
mib II. mi, Hlrr.
...unit anliiin. Mrit. Helen
hi brlnir i.ik u from Ib'tid
.li by the prnaecutlllR t
1 mat run liv uutnmilblln
California To Get
a Rise Out of the
Raisin' of Raisins
The following IS prominent mem-
I ber of the chamber of commerce
$15,000 Hotel and Ground received tD nomination for direc
tor! of the organization for the !
coming year according to the offi
cial tally of the election board laat
E. H. Ralalger. J. C. Boyle. A. M.
Collier. W. C. Dalton. R. E. De
weae. M. P. Evana. Fred Fleet.
It. C. Groesbeck. E. B. Hall. W.I
W. McNealy. J. H. Martin. C. J.
Martin. H. N. Moe, C. I. Roberta,
W. O. Smith and George Walton.
Ninety-one ballots were cast In
the election but owing to the great I
number of members who obtained
a few S'-atterlng votes, the task
of the election Judges, Dr. B. J. ,
Itea, Jchn McCall, and Judge Lent !
U. Gatthagen. was a rather lengthy;
affair, requiring over two hours!
time to ascertain the It winners, i
Out of approximately 300 members'
names on the primary ballot 127
received one or more votes.
Tne final election voting will
Donate Site For A
Golf -Country Club
Elks Persecute
Poor Devils In
Electric Chair
200 Acre Site Placed At
Disposal Of Club By
Wealthy K. F. Man "
In order that the proposed
Klamath Falls Golf and
resort hotel.
ing the place, will cost nearly
1115,000. W. C. Ames was
given the contract for construc
tion of the hotel.
According to the plum of H. R.
Klamath people who ultendcd the
chamber of commerce forum meet,
lug yesterday noon beard ('- M.
I'errln. architect, the hotel will
cit the rustic type, will be surround
ed by a ubaded lawn, and in general
will be fur above the average renorlH
of its kind from the angle of at
tractiveness. In addition to the hotel itself,
enhins will be erected back from the
iMr luii
UK tJOil.lie
br bearing a
llv I'lillert New Leim.-d Wlr.-I
KKKSNO. Calif. April 29
Thursday Is the day of days in the n0"1' ,or ,he U!,e of """"n" tour-j
inu. A supply store win ne operalea ,
,, er. deliver one of the beat talk, on , lhe Rreater portion of the state for tne tourUt ,rade al5
, foreat prolei (ton ever beard
and re-
It la raisin day a day of festiv
ity and celebration, when the cit I-
tenry turns out in true holiday
.pped here '-ranm-r. uortnwent oMjtrict mrcsi- San jojuia valley of California and
llfornla II
! lo behind the other! " main rana.
wked. Shortly after, the ; l'rotcctlmi against fire
ud ibe girl returned from i forestatlon were the two main M,r, , a0 homage to the raisin
i' liar, ind )ut as they ( polnia emphasized by the chief for-! j.'irBt ,ne day, program will
.it to enter the car. Joneai , '"' ,,y Pursuing the policy the giant pageant in which most
Ui rr from the stutlon carelessness with fire and neglect-; of tn principal sections of Callfor
ttrl ntde a dash for It. i'n 10 encourage the planting of wm be represented.
lalfr w.. recently caught foresis whers the old ones are, j,ew .Cody, colebrated villain of
U hi room In Hend with ,0 rapidly disappearing. Ibe future ; lh, ,lver ,.reen and J-atta Love.
I liquor. if Klamath's and the northwest s of Livingston, Merced county, will
great ha!c Industry, lumber, was lount the mythical throne a float
JENCE OF MARY """" i"''"v"r1'1" according to the of pur,,e an(i gold king and queen
VlNrv ic HKirMTD ',l,r"kl'1'- ,'' d"y ' ne Kingdom, on the . in J
flrlLY lb UlNULK I -The manufacturing lumber In- .;..- roa.t in addition to the. Fnnthnll Star Knr1
A. ..f Or-.,iii nl.tlil.kvu nwl Her. .. . . .. . , t . .
me"; " ' iuei'iin lour ui it-uuniiia ..iniy rV
suns than auy two other iiianufac- Macheskl. juvenile movie actress
luring Industrie. There Is more r)lie ! iuvented in It tliiin in any; I
other manufacturing Industry in gQl ACRES OF SUGAR I
the slate. The value of lis pro. ciriurri I ID I
duct la arester til nil that of any, BEETS SIGNED UP
b, close on Friday evening, May 8th
and the eight candidates of the 1
who were nominated last night will
he declared elected for directors of
the chamber for the new term, to
serve with the following holdover
directors now In office: J. A. Gor
don, J. W. Kerns. Dr. G. A. Massey,
R. E. Crego, E. S. Bubb, and H.
D. Mortenson.
In selecting the site for the hotel
resort It was pointed out that Its
nearness to the Williamson river
an dtlie lake would attract many
outside anglers who annually come
I to the Klamath eountry to spend
i their vacation fishing. Boats will
I tie rented by the hotel, and tentative
'plans call for the establishment of
. bathing beach cuk :he lake near
the hotel.
;TwinBeds the Only
Solution When Wife
Wants All the Bed
Campus Romance of
An electric chair, rigged up with
a voltage that would floor an ox,
performed ticklish service at the
Elks club yesterday afternoon and
last night, ten or more unsuspect
ing lodgemen falling victims to
the Infernal contraption.
Eddie Clark, short-circuit art
ist for the Link River Electric
company, patented and perfected
the electrocuting device, which
was an ordinary lobby chair with
copper tacks In the seat and con
nected up with the regulation
wires, switch, and battery.
The plan, which worked invar
iably, was for the usual circle of
lobby hounds, who spin yarns in
front of the fireplace, to fill all
the chairs but the one high ten
sion seat, and each new arrival at
club would flop down there
for a second Just a second and
nothing more.
The following records were re
corded by official . o,he-,'B-George
Stevenaos- pulled down the
record for long distance leap when;
the Juice caught. hUnJinoNes
milh did the most vigorous
squirming. Harry Hessner cussed
the londest. Ed Bodge took the
most punishment, and Jack Jewett
cut loose the loudest squawk.
iIMiToX. April 2!i - The
onmrrii Investigating the
lhe I'nlted Stutes of Miss
.Slney. i-i. t of the lulu
U...U..I i. .. . ...
.....iim'., nun niuyor oil
I. I. I . ... . .... 1 w.iiw Mere. .fHHS 3IIIC-
nuklna lies on Irs-
' itate department's atti-n-keen
directed lo her ae
AlthmiKh officials would
NEW YORK, April 29. If Ernest
Schmidt Insists upon sleeping nights,
he will either have o get twin beds
or buy half of his wife's double bed.
The Schmidts, Ernest and Anita.
both 20, and a year In the bonds, I
appeared before Magistrate Goodman i
today In answer to charges by Mrs.
, j Schmidt that her husband had treat-
In Divorce Courts ,ed
I Schmidt denied the charges.
"The whole trouble with us your
i n- 1-nlt.d News Leased wire) j honor, is that Anita wants nine-
OAKLAND. April 29. The cam-, tenths of the bed." the young bus
Freak Storms Kill
Thirteen in Texas
'Country club might get off to
i a good start, E. R. Reames, re
tired real estate and business
'man of Klamath Falls, has of
fered to donate a 200-acre
tract for the site of the club,
with the provision that $5,000
in improvements be made on
the tract to insure its success
and attractiveness.
The site Mr. Reames offers
Us on the lake, this side of the
Shaw Bertram Lumber com
ipany's mill, about 3 miles west,
near the highway.
I Organizers of the proposed golf
club are all highly pleased with
j the offer of Mr. Reames, and It was
indicated yesterday that It would
I probably be accepted at the next
meeting. Mr. Reames-iiuld . be
willing to sell the 2" ". ,,.... at
(1500, providing the $5000 -worth
f01 'nprovements was not made, bat
1?' PrtJers t0 donate the tract If the
c?mmittee wilt agree to making
("'-iner than the offer of Mr.
Meames the next lowest bid was for
It was pointed out that the
ground on the Reames site Is natur
ally adapted., with s few minor ex
ceptions, to a golf links, and Its no-'
sltion near he 'eke wculd make s .
wonderful view s1Sburd''i?ne proposed
country club be erected '
HOUSTON. April 29. Freak
storms over a large portion of Texas
during the last 24 hours took a tollj TRIES TO SAVE 9 CENTS
of at least 13 lives, injured between1
fill Anil 7rt npnuini a nrl Aia iknl.J -- . 1
sands of dollars damage.
industry. I
Shull we sit thoughtlessly still,
and allow this great resource, which j
pus romance
of Don Newmeyer. "and declared. "All I want is my
my United News Leased Wire)
PORTLAND. April 29. Some one
Snow fell at San Angelo. where a I wnn ..vert ten rent, hv insertinr
week ago temperatures reached 107 .. Be-ny lnto an electric nlus In
Rains in varying degrees of vio-j place , a fu8e mav haTe oeen Tem.
university of California football : "hare, Just half, but she crowds me; ltuie- oveialug from .01 of an ponsible for the loss of four lives
. the rase in detail. It Isl
futures analogous to thosel
"I lhe , Use of Count
!'e arl,,.,,
'te department. In looking!
"melius m
Is so much a part of the well-being been siRned up for the experimenta
of our alate. go by the route of , Hon of sugar beets in Klamath
A few farmers who have
Maine. Michigan and Minnesota? county.
Or shull be now. while lime Is yet been considering working part of
ourn. rise as one. and by voice and their acreage fur that Industry have
tlx hundrecd"a"ndone acres have 8tar and Doroth' A11"' Berkeley I "ear over to the edge and several ; to 12 inches, fell over all ofand ,25,000 In property today in
MX nunnreea ana one acres nave , j. tlmoi ho a nu.i. i.. Ithn tto arum ,in.. ..k . "
- u.u "uu an apartment house fire,
west portions. , Flremen searcnlng through the
hear Kyle, in Hays county, wherel ,, ,, fh. ,., nar.,.
the storm reached tornado propor-j aUhough tne adm,t,ed the flre
tions. two Mexicans are known to. ,.., nave re8ulted trom other
..n.c urtii ninru, nuu n lUITU IS in.
, . . . causes,
a serious condition. Meager reports: t , , . . ,, .
, ... "i"" The Victm3 0 ,ne fjre were two
oa.u auj.ucic liuill OIA1J IU M V e U L
co-ed has ended in the divorce ', "mes has pushed me clear out."
court. "Why don't you buy twin beds?"
Mrs. Newmeyer filed action for -the magistrate asked. j
divorce here today stating that herj "We can't afford them." Schmidt
husband told her he did not love j replied. "You see Anita's mother'
-o find passport D one ' ""
action, see that action is taken fur not reported, according to County
the protection of our slate. Agent Henderson. It is possible,
..... .1.1- ..-..l.l..n. itfr nu .u.. "illl n. mnra necm will he
10 am P ma I .i.iui . - - - .Innrtlnir nlnveri on the Bear tesm
II Is not, -iciicd un shortly. Officials of the;. . . . , . .
I her and w ished she would divorce j gavo her tho bed when we were mar-
him "for the sake of his family." iried and she doesn't think I'm en-i
Newmeyer was one of the out-1 titled to my half."
Goodman referred the case to the
ind ,-v. 1 .1 . It Is the peoples prouiem. 11 Micrameniu uuej our...
aniciii 11,,. department . ' . .. ..' . . . .i- .s
tanlgration official, bow nd 1 a"1 l" 11 1" " '
" where l. ,1 .1, 1 cause the major forest lire losses growth or ueets nere ieii yesieiu.,
P1"'". Petiiliiii, iiiiii,n.n..n hy onr curelessness.
not iiieiiure.1 t ..v land tho people can do more to mln-
'h l to be permitted to
"I IDeakliu, 1
Tou and 1 1 well satisfied with the showing.
""''"rt H Kuvkendall of I
' Kiiykenilull nH v....!
(r Portland today on
H'ltinlng to rein in ..rlv
Kuykendall was for-1
'wUled with the proclnentl
" of c. ... . ..
,y JOHfV held jR
' 1
r "A
i 1
-.:Vi Margy.
imlxe forest fires than all the patrol ' Strange Murders Are
system we can puT in tho forests. I Puzzling Authoritie
You snd I snd the people can cry-
staJixe sentiment thut will cause. (ny United News leased Wire)
the pass.n of federal and ... W ANGELES, April 29
which will make rcforoststlon Ice are searching for an artist
... . a , ...i ,i. nen-ifrnm Hollywood" believed respon-
proilianie. oiu "u t ..... --
a.. .1. .hi...... we-slhle for two gruosome
IHV Ills, sill tssss-
do them, they will not ho done." , within the past '
Frank Confer and John Houston In both case, the victims
1 1.1... M''a
. flr.l class musical pro- weuuu, ............
mini on. I Jack Kimball presided at
.i..'. ininrivtilna u n, l import- j llabcock,
ant meeting.
Latest victim was Mrs. Marie E.
68. who was found club-
bed to death In her home.
in 1923 and was married last
November after a widely publicized
campus courtship.
n- United News Leased Wire)
8T. JOSEPH. Mo., April 29.
Only fire, instead of ten balloons,
will participate in the annual Am
erican elimination balloon race,
starting from Rosecrans field here
May 1. It was announced today.
The winner of the race will com
pete In the International event in
Belgium next fall.
It was announced previously that
both the army and navy each would
entor three bags. The navy will
not he represented and the army
entries have been cut In two.
fraud order against lhe Mexican
Land company. Aztec Oil company.
.... I ..I l.anA
West Coast Agricunuiui ...
Development company.
A. C. John-
(llv Culled News t.e ieed Wlr.-
KANHAS CITY. Mo.. April 2
An entire fnnillv was Indicted by ,
the fedoral grand Jury here today.
on charges of fraud In connection , officers and
ot tlU ' ""I ...... nMrallng m Kansas City,
r01"1' .... ....., rlo. Los
iiirnnt. dkiu.,
Cnl., and Mexico uiiy.
ti,. Mexican lanu
.....ii... I., the indictments, proposer.
i colonize. 60,000
with the operations
can Land cimonny. a
chnrEfd vlc-
tlmlxcs scores of south western and AiiKc-lt.
Pacific const farmers. f
The Indictments conlnlneil !
fraud counts and named A. ( J"11"' aKricuIturaI land In the
on, Mrs. E. M. Johnson, his wife, i oil yen tTuti Mex."
Mrs. Lillian Hodgos. ",lter "'l"W-1 Karnlcrs throughout the country
fn invest iiiuu
acres of rich
Simultaneously Postmsster Cen-worc
eral New, In Washington Issued a ! ings.
the Indictments allege.
Thirsty Indian Who
Just Couldn't Wait
Drinks In Courthouse
McKlnlry Cowen, Klamath
Intllnii just couldn't stand It
any loiigrr. Culled as a wit
ness at the court-houso yester
liny MrKinlcy was on tho stand
' about IS minutes when court
recessed. His tliront paretics!
McKlnlry retired to nn anto
room nnd hnil his little drink.
A moment liMer snd the In.
tlian would luva had the pint
bottlo nently obsenred In his
hip pocket, but In enmo a
deputy anil In the jail house
went McKlnley.
family court.
D'Annunzio To Fly
To South America
ROME. April 29. Gabrlelle
d'Annunxlo, poet, aviator, soldier,
whose thirst for fame seems un
quenchable, says he will endeavor
to fly from Italy to South America
in June.
D'Annunzio announced he would
start from his villa at Gardone and
tly by way of Rome, Gibraltar. Mo
gadon Rio de Oro. Cape Verde is
lands, Fernando islands. Nurumba,
Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and
Torto Algers to Buenos Aires. The
poet will lead a two-plane squadron.
persons were injured. The city hall
has been turned into a hospital.
Buildings are said to have been
i wrecked.
shop girls, Clara Short and Ber-
i nice Frazier; William H. Lawr, 14
year old blind man. who could not
see to make his escape and E. E.
Sullivan who Jumped four stories
WIRE (TTTING FISH I or a "e net onlr 10 De thrust
FOl'XD IX JCXGLES as'de bv the llln0 ' tree he
crashed to the pavement and died.
NEW YORK. AprU 29. A wire
Charlton S. Cuirin and Joe Brett
cutting fish is among the discoveries
made ty the Hamilton-Rice expedi
tion In the Jungles of the Amaxon. pent yesterday afternoon on the
according to Captain A. W. Ste-j v nilamson r(Ter i quest of heavy
vens of the army aviation service, rainbow trout. They returne-1 late
who has Just returned from South j jgt nlght with nire fish, and re
America, (ports of lots of big ones that got
Although the fish Is only a foot away. The appetite of the 'Willlam
long. the strength of Its jaws and ! son river trout is not yet partiralaily
the sharpness of Its teeth enable 1 keen, according to Currin. since It
It to sever small copper cable with requires n lot ot persistent work to
ease. Inmke any kind of a showing.
"Dick" iHovey, junior member ofj
the firm ot C. L. Hovey & Son Tim
ber and Investment Co., of San '
Francisco, and one of the big tlm-1
her owners of Klamath and Lake ;
counties, Is expected to arrive in
Klamath Falls within tho next few
days to look after extensive company
Interests here, according to Hurry
Messner, local timber expert.
Young Hovey spent the greater
part of last summer In going over
the holdings of his company In the
Klamath basin, and he knows the
woods game better than a lot of old
cruisers, says Messner. who worked
with the Hovey people last year.
Nominations of contestants for
The News' great subscription con
test are now coming In, nnd some
have taken advantage of the won
derful opportunity that has been
placed before thorn, nnd are out to
win one of the big prizes that are
to be given away.
There are seventeen valuable
prizes $6000 in all and those ac
tive contestants who do not receive
a prize will be paid twenty per cent
cash commission tor all new sub
scription collections.
This Is not a game of chance for
everyone will be well paid. All have
the same opportunity, regardless of
where you may live.
You are not confined to your own
.district in securing subscription col
lections, contestants can secure sub
scription collections anywhere.
In this contest The News will glvo
ewny prizes totaling Stinno in value.
Contestants who are expecting to
enter the contest should do si) at
once, tor there is a lot in getting a
good start.
Tho campaign will officially run
43 short days, and during that time
if you devote an hour or so a day
In seeing your friends and acquaint
ances, you will be surprised at the
(Continued on Page 8)