C-"S : WIno!ay, April 29. 192r,. P.. fw, l PRe Four Wednesday. Aril2!.jy5; THE An Earl m . III re J- i 1 aJ -. . - -b. 3fl ;.(( ' ! ' it) t'ftrD rD n ? n l m ni i I i I To)ra i A 4 'osts nothing (, 11 SEVENTEEN Also 20 Cash Commission to Non-Prize Winners, y Prizes Awarded June 15th, 9 P. M., 1 Contest Officially Opens Monday, May, 4, 1925. ! ill hi nateft ti I ill i HERE IS PLAN IN BRIEF The object of this Circulation building campaign Is two-fold primarily, to Increase the ever-growing subscription list of The K Initial h News: to collect In advance sub scription payments from present or new subscribers, and at the same time afford . our friends and readers an unparalleled opportunity to profit, and in a big way. through their spare time daring the nest few weeks. So, it in the plan that works both ways and to the ultimate good of all concerned. How to Enter What to Do .,"TS,:S" lx THK NOMINATION lil.ANK It counts for 10.000 votes. 3 Cl.IV ' THK 30-VOTK forPON Collect nil of these you can get and K' t your in.'i ii, f"r "u- 'M'h r,,ulM"' counts for .VI votes. 8 SKN I) FOIt KMr.lPT HOOKS As soon as we receive your entry we will send you a receipt nook so that you nmv take subscriptions. Kvery paid In advance subscription counts for vote according to the schedule below. 4 11,11' "FIRST Sl'ISSCltll'- i 'Ol POX" This couKn, accnu,paniel with any subscription payment for six months or more to The News counts for 10.0IM) F.STKA VOTKS in addition to 'U.S.U,'''"V';; Vr,-,,0." ''" "" h:m' 10 h- a WrIb.T to The News to compete, a eir.r, 1 Hit FKIK.NI! t.et your friends ami acquaintances to subscribe. Also S2.TMi-mTTl..v":.W y"U "' ' '-".tins from their friends, o ISfc IHiv Ir.l.M HONK t all up everyone you kllow. Tell them vou are in the campaign and afk for their suKrt. Once in. STAY IN Don't get discourag.-d or Here's How to Succeed It takes voles to win and votes arc secured as follows: First, hv clipping the IhTrcwo'rt'h "-If '". """ ,T '" T'"" f'thering them n ,w wh e a We, thru, wm 1- u'- ",,r ,'"- h- reduced to ar, votes, an.l .1 1 f lisr"i'""'l entirely. The only restriction placed unon Zt.:7hr",T,'' ? h"y m"St 'H' "-P""""! "tthe Contest he J uaWcMn or before the expiration of the .late appearing thereon. Get all vou ran ,,V.rf you, friends to save them f, you, too they are KKKK tlo..'.?,Th "i"' ,aS'7 W"V I" Kot V'"H M h -curlng new and renewal suhscrlD kZl .L . 7"-, h"r '"a,,h """"'rlptlon turne.1 in a certain number of voteTar HERE IS THE KEY TO F0RTNE Clip it out and bring or mail it in todayNOW 10,000 VOTES NOMINATION BLANK itK)D FOR 10,000 VOTKS COXTKST MANAfiKR, THK KI.AMATII XKWS: Vote Value of- Subscription Payments in advance b. fore Tol.-s.are Issued? "u,,"rril'"""- All subscriptions must be paid XOTK the gnat voting por, f XKW " suiwlptlons. THK KI.AMATII DAILY XKWS Hubseription Kat.s It, Mail or Carrie, Six months One Yea, Two Years Ka.h Additional Year 8i!..V) ... .YOO III.IMI . .1.(10 Old .l.mHi I),.HMI .'tll.lMHI I noailnate Date (tJlvo full name of Candidate) 102.1. Thona District No Street Town Nominated h, Address aominatlon. will not b.- dlvulgcl if J, r?,. Th . H"rwn" mH,iin conM 10,000 Totes. The rtijht i. tZlZZ t.i nomination sent in will riti to is ject any object lonablo BominaUoiM. New 0,00 20.000 IMI.IHNI vivrc , ...... . ., 'ns 1HK LIMIT b nZrr'Z IZi V" ,'""" TIH- News. .,., "-' r-n;,;M"!:ihera;i. y;??:;; XKW SI IKr IM1.T11,.,., . '""-"int. a M.H subscription. io.nr.iVb; .r'irr ,h- ' 1 ill la- considere,! XKW subscrilH-rl ", v ,. V ",,r",B ""- r) " Aihxrv ,,, , .ui,r.ber.vl M,j, .r,ad..,i,,,.,;.11;v;':(;;:,'' ,,N" Bonus Vote on Subscription Collections ."crwnrt:! "' ' ubo the winner, of crease, s, ln or(.p , J' "i" h"' " t'"ulu '. lonu, of 200.000 extra votes wll ne awar.1 T a "k ;",ly '" ,h- 'ampalgn, ' " Monday TZ Z ' " '" fji" " M.bscrlp.lo" uToffn, cou'r - - - rr'erf'. r Ki?:;: - , vt.. .vnaeonlo or 1 50,000 extra votes sr. .ffiv-iK; - .... bJTa n' ,oo,(kk, extra Get Your Receipt Book Today THKY AKK NOW HKADY conrt and t whj X-tg h, '" X - u, ,.,p o.v';:f.7Pu0.p. - l ABLE PRIZES fen, Women, Boys arid Girls in Klamath Only Forty-Three Short Days First Prize t $3,000 Home 0 This Will Be Located! Second Prize $1070 Essex 1925 Purchase from Acme Mot For Any Further Informal Klamath News Q klamat 102-122 So. Fifth St-Basement Phone 877 Contest Officially Closes Monday, June 15, 9 p. m. Land ract Car fregi on AWARDING OF PRIZES The awards will he made on competitive basis In accordance with th rule an.l rtvdll standing of contestants at the close of the campaign. KiltHT lRI7.K The randl.tale finishing with the largest number of rotes In the entire contest will w- awnrtl.il the First Trite, o, may select the secon.l rrwe inst.'ad. sl'iiivii fitiF The ran.ll.liite fliiislilni with the sec.in.1 largest number of votes ill the rutin- contest lll be nwardis.1 the Second Prize, the remaining First or M.'coiid PrlM. Tllllttl I'lll.K The rnndidnte flnlsliing with the thlr.1 largest number of votes In the entire contest will lx- awarded the CI.VI.OO Phonograph. Flll'ltTII IMtl.F, The rnndidnte finishing with the fourth largest number of Votes in the entire ronlesl will lc ananl.sl the SS.V0O Itadloln. FIFTH PRI.K The candidate finishing with the fifth largest numlicr of votes In the entire contest lll lx- awiiril.-l tile .ium iui.iio.ii. SIXTH AXII SKVKXTII I'ltlKS The next I wo candidates finishing with the lamest number of voles after all other pries nave ix-en nnnm.-u sm a y.'Mt.OO r.irtable PI ograph. KKill'l II Tt SKVKNTKKNTH I'Kiy.KS The next ten riin.llilntes finishing with the largest nunilM r of voles after all other prlz.es nave ...-.-.i anaco.o celve a merchandise order. TWFXTY PFR CFNT CSII COMMISSIOX will pe paid to non-prize winners nn a w subsclpilon money .olle.l.-.l by m, provi.l.sl they turn in ono or inoro new subscriptions weekly from the time they start to work in the cont.-st. 10,000 EXTRA VOTES tlon payment, either old o, new. and you will twelve 10.O0O votes in addition to the n-gula, schedule shown elsewhere In this announcement. NAMK SlUBCRIIIKll ADDRF.SS We lager ws pmath Falls Phone 877 CONTK8TA NT8 NAME AMOUNT KNOU.SKO. ' W testant. 50 VOTING COUPON-50 K)D FOB 0 VOTKS oI fo, BO votes If sen, , mailed In on or hafore Ma, Uth. Namo . Street Town District No t .d dpiivercd to Con. This co,.,H,n will count """''"Xfore Utc e.plrntlon date. Coupon, teat l)e.rtn.ent. The Klanjati. Bnnlbcr of vot. written on tov- must bo neatly trimmed and put ' RULES AND REGULATIONS Any wputable nu.ii, woman, or child rraidlng In I he torritory covered by The Xews is eligible to become contestant V and earn a prize. The News rcorvos the r$ht to reject objectionable nominations. , 3. The winner of all prizes will be decided by votes being presented by ballots issued for subscription collections -ami by rouHns rlippe!, and by bonus vote offers. 8. rontetitantH are not con fined to their own particular territory, town, community or district to secure votes and HulwcriptlonH, but may take orders anywhere In this section or for that matter anywhere in the state or Vnited States. 4. Cnoli must accompany all order where votes are denired. There will be no exception to this rule. Contestants will be allowed to collect back subscriptions and renewals as well as entirely new subscriptions, and votes will be issued on both, and in addition bonus votes will be Issued on subscription collection. Y Vote are free. Ask for them when paying your subscription, otherwise you will waive the privilege. Votes will not be Issued on receipt covering payments made prior to the beginning of the campuign. fl. Votes cannot 1m purchiied, every cent accepted though the Contest Department must represent n subscription payment, either new or old. No subscription will be accepted fur lenti than three uuml lit nor for more than five years in advance from any contestant. 7. Votes are not transferable. Contestants cannot withdraw in favor of any other candidate. Should a contestant withdraw from the race, his or her credits will le cancelled. Neither will it be permlssahle for a contestant to give or transfer n subscription to another contestant. A'otes on such transferred ubscription will be subject to disqualification at the discretion of the contest manager. 8. Any collusion on the part of contestants to the detriment of other candidates or to the News will not be tolerated. Any contestant or contestants entering or taking part in such a combination will forfeit all right to a prize or a commission. !. All votes issued for subscriptions up to and Including the last day may be held In reserve or polled at the dis cretion of the candidate or subscriber, subject to the contest manager's decision. No contestant can poll more than 120,000 votes In any 24 hours above the leader in the previous published report. 10. In the event of a tie for any of the prizes, a prize identical in value will be awarded each tying contestant. 11. Kvery contestant In this contest Is an authorized agent of The News, and as such may collect arrearages and ad vance subscription payments from present subscribers as well as from new subscribers. 12. It is distinctly understood and agreed that contestants will be responsible for all monies collected, and that they will remit amounts in full each day to the Contest lepartment of The News. 18. There will be several big prizes awarded besides the 20 per cent cash commission to active non-prize winners, but it is to be distinctly understood that in the event any contestant becomes Inuctive, failing to make a cash report each, week, he or she will be disqualified, and thereby forfeit all rights to a prize or commlKsion. 14. Prizes will be awarded to winning contestant as specifically explained elsewhere ln this advertisement. lo. The News reserves the right to alter the rule and schedule of this campaign during the competition If neces sary for the protection of the Interests of both the contestants and this newspaper. 16. In becoming a contestant or participating In this camplgn, contestants agree to abide by all of the above con ditions, Complete List For Contestants $3000.00 : HOUSE AND ACRE OF GROUND $3000.00 . 1D70.00 ESSEX TOURING CAR 1070.00 150.00 CABINET PHONOGRAPH 85.00 RADIOLA (HEADPHONES AND TUBES .... 50.00 RADIOLA (HEADPHONES AND TUBES .... 50.00 PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH 50.00 PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH 10 SUBSTANTIAL MERCHANDISE ORDERS 20 CASH COMMISSION $6000.00 IN PRIZES 150.00 85.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 10 20 $6000.00 J. RADIOS AND PHONOGRAPHS PURCHASED FROM EARL SHEPHERD CO., KLAMATH FALLS 111 1:1 is v "I ri' if