tup tll I !1 I , I" 'M' V ' 1 f. 1 1 -I1 "- (! . i it f1 Page Eight Saturday. Aim il 2J02jL T in ' vxrrj. 1. n - r A 1). Anderson of Sli.ita Oily, d.iing Klior-pii'S at Hi.' Calif. In one aiming many Klamath y,.s!lTil.iy nfti'rn.i.'n rail, visitor this wort. , o SirJKU, utVHr Among the out d town people waJ in Kanl:,tU ,;N t!i. (oiviurt who are In this city ai: J- H. uf ht, wm,k (,n ,lij:l,..,t .,.( 'I.m Jtlorrla. Portland; K. A. Shepherd, rnrtland; H. K. Pieroe. Ashland, r'- Mnd Kmnia Ward. Dairy, guests at he Arcade. A. D. and J. l"rls of Ta--ouia. Wash., are Klamath Kalis liuinns visitors. Mr. and Mr, l.awr.-a.-e lining n.ii't?iti of a luliv h at the Klamath Valley i.-l 'a! on the 2Ciid. it. 'li:i,.un hre lie will resume 'lis du'.ie for the .ompiay. , Wor, 1i.m heeii reieued here hy 1,-iemN of li i: Si""" that he and jliis ife have Just left Portland for !.i io iv.oti'.lw trip to New York '' anJ eastern romts. Mr. Smith was formerly in Hie real .state Imsinos an.! now with the ltealty l"o of lVrttand. ( ti : it hunt, a prominent Chinese in 'reliant of Sin Kraneij. o. has ar ri.ed In Klamath Kails to spend a week or ten days look:ti at or his exteusivo land holdllUS I" i' j ti my. BIG RAD. MEN TALK KLAMATl! ,.,.,, ,,! Ina the war ha- no. I,., .. realUe.1 III the "" "'" rKer liunl-riim openillon- are ,, ,id .malLr one. nie lukinn III l.i in o'l oi.l.'itol P ii, ll lil "' !'""' Uy, Parker (foutlminl IT""" 0,"" ill.' the K.ra Mrs C IS. ltal.er arrived h.-re F. A. Ohlemyer who lives ' ttw , fae.-day from Kureka. Calif., to lie nlles out on Merrill road wa3,wjih her mother Mrs. It C. Hell transacting business here yester- whj has ,lllpa l)uill. tu lL ,s m ly. pnlnff. Mr. and Mrs Pell have C L Welch of Portland who is ' een stopping at the Umpire hotel connected with the Pacific Tele- for the last four weeks. t.hone & Telegraph compauy a George w. McQuinu is Here en business. j business visitor at this time. The regular meeting of the friendship club met at the home f Mrs. W. L. Sandera on North 9th Dtreet yesterday afternoon. Roseburg Workmen Find Packase of Human Bones their flan s I he I Iiwe t a ot ,! .I..1H.I. in lor limn, maiiv ."" .S.m I mint t " la'k Hie ihaliilier """ ' t tills olnl the I'oi'ian.i . , , , ,.. Masiinnsier Hta.si nation, i 1 '' ( i ,ui :in oi,i em oi i'le .. " - . i Portland. Ui.li H...M. dev...e.l t I he ... . I ...... ..I t.. til lit president of theCr. at Xortnein ran ei,., , 1. a man who ha. - '"" -'r "' '' "'" ' :l """ ,' ,' ' " "', ' the ranks, from a d,.....:n.M:. ... p.oKr. ss and .v.,,.l....o.. n theheadof. sre.t ,a,l;,.' ..-,, n.,11 ll- t...-.,. I..-.-I..P ' I....I.I ll.-;irlil M.la...le.l "r . haaJ.eis ..f . " IMIph lln.ld. who look the th.or hae n Kivat refei ".Inn. that heariv an I Mi.tu'.n . he u l ' ' !au-. said: 'The l""' 1 '' ,:''" "" l .i ' I IV her of eomme "I want to Introduce to r.'i-l.'.'ai of BOBBITTI Evening Subi) Hie Man That l)ofeJ II!.. I V! i UN menus i.i KosKiunti. inislRed i!c, St..t 1st I (1,11110.11110 I .ill ll IS ivsllllialed elccir c hols.'- , vi ited Portland. Il'.e conielil:.. n ctlv. April 21 Work-', W!l!t ,,i,.rlained In Ihls room clo'iK I.I,... lt,J ... . f 1 1 .Ilv tlj.t .i.'.'..-l..s N-Itioaal hank bullduu in ' , ,iu,.i,.. ,islK heie ..I P.'-r t. u.ed la luanuta. turli.K, net this city discovered a Urge envo-!that time. Your chad aian tin lope which, upon examination dis-iSUr,Ni me when I came hack Sp.cial Easter Cantata to BR( To I- of all Mich power First Christian ChJ city closed human leg auu sun ni woai.i mini m. , The Kniesotii" package was found a,i thnfs the only thing 1 miss in the attic of one of the office 'tonight. j L Snarretorn of the llonauia r.,oiiis. The leg hone showed sisiuj "I certainly agree with Mr Hey. Mercantile store was in town yea- of having been burned The four,,, ho preceded ma. that th. Mrs. Dan Malloy who hai !eej kerson of Bonanza on a visit to relatives In southern California for the past month has returned to her home on North K!h street. I Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Ueaolds and . j family of. this city are moving to' jchiloquiu next Sunday. Mr. Ren-: ! old's is employed by th Shell Oil a Iav firm. in llMI. Coron-r Mrs. Mat F.gan ot Algoma hould Q.u, (riioli los.l of freijlivl i ,J. h i.l not been hurtled, no better lindorstiilldllK between the accompanied by his driver A. Wil-! The envelope contained the hones .c!'.o UM, the railroads The lall evidently those of a small elied te- ronn peopio oi mo i iine.i ,-s.iiM-s male believed to have come from have stalled work on u program of the office of KuKerton & Oreutt putting .tv.-o first It has resulted which was dissolved In a irien.mor aitnu.ie e.ei n.-re. ltitter will mil.'.' It lias been prov-.n a railroa.l in.isi i . ' l I... .1 m . ...... .1... i.,.. .Jt ,tii,n l-IlilU'e'l I It' ll,.;... in,-- was company and has been transferred v.b.p. und not hv nny govcrmn.'iit ai.slstance or subsidy of any kind, llusincsa moves like water lu the channel of least resistance. We jCreat Northern and subsidiary line ! PARIS. April it. Armed com- officials today can only attempt to jmuuists partly officered by Asiatics emulate the great James J Hill, the i have been organized as an army and man who planned for development !are preparing to bring about the fifty years ahead of his day. It was overthrow of the French govern-1 James J. Hill, and the famous llud ment when they feel strong enough! son Pay company governor, l.or.l it was declared in the ehambre of Strathcotna. that met and vlsloned deputies. ""' Cantt"!in Pacific, and the tlreat 1 Deputy Tattiuser president of the ; Northern lines. Mr. Hill has 1 n young patriots society revealed the '"'" ,,w "."l ."rs. ... j ....... ,.,.,,,1 l,n H,i-ln,. Hi.-1'"11 "Ur llllll 1.11,1 . 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 . . 1 1 is to f ft. m t n r, n j Communists Threaten j ! To Overthrow France! Pot Roast Beef 18c 2 lb. Shoulder Steak 35c Boiling Beef 12!2c Good Veal Roast 1 8c 2 lb. ,Veal Steaks 35c Veal Stew 12Vc Good Lean Pork Roast 25c Fresh Broilers, Fryers and nice Fat Hens. Sanitary Market CHOICE 'MEATS Special Attention to Order Trade. 7th and Main St. Phone 22 carry out his pluns. Ilecaltse of iin- ; favorable business conditions we i were unable to take up the work where he left off for a time, but now bate on the government's efforts to ; present a recurrence of the com niiin.st-nationallst name oi inurs- .'-it- . ir.it Hurlrtfr whlr-h f,ir0P Villini ..... , ,., , , ,,i 'he time nover appeared more favor- nationalists were killed and several , .... . . i able. We have ruiiip important new- wounded. ... , .... construction plumed for In the state PlIVf IMTrr"ir PAQF P' Montana. Perhaps you do not realize it yet. but thai iImvcI CARRIED TO TEXAS i ls J"sl '.r progress n Here. GALVESTON. Tex.. April 21 Assistant State's Attorney 'John Sbarbaro of Chicago will arrive here Oregon Trunk 1 Mined 'One of our most important pro- Jects which has been seriously de- Saturday morning la an attempt. tojlavea ' tlle s- or Orecin reveal how Mrs. Kmma Nelson Mc-!Tr,,nk "ne u ,,le Deschutes canyon I Clintock, mother of Billy Clintock. millionaire Chicago phan became ill at Bavwiew, pleasure resort near here, in 1909. Mc-: to nt'nl- Tlle extension of that line into the great Klamath country was halted by the war. The time is now at hand for the extension of that Mrs. Mcdintock returned to Chi-'"""' ""' .'"" assured us from cago and died a few days after she," vast f"re',,!, ,'p'1"1 "'' are iieenssary in stimulate the busi ness of that line. The present status !of the proposed line smith of n,n, lis that the original Hill line survey j crossed and re . rossed and conflicted I with the present Natron cut-off. In order to avoid this conflict in 191 a and 1911 a Joint survey was by both lines that eliminated all pos sible conflicts. There is no Inter ference now. We feel thut our road as far as llnd is an unfinished project, one I think that should be taken up and pushed through and not conflict with the other line. i:cliilHure Wiileheil "In reaching nn,i we t,Xp,.ided millions of unnecessary dollurs. We intend to avoid this waste in the ex tension of the line to the south Into Klamuth. We Intend to make a dollar bring a full dollar's worth of results. The Klamath country will produce a great tonnage that can be handled by us economically nnd ' well." j At thin point Carl It. firay. presl dent of the Union Pacific railroad was Introduced. "There Is no plant where one feels the hearth..,,. stronger, no phe that Is more like home than Portland." he said. "The most wanted thing i the wrM ,H what you haven't got. Tho lulled States has only s of the world s population and produces y.;r, , . '''!. 51'.', of tl1B iro, G rj ,,f , fuel, ii!-: r ,, i, m , oi the c(,i...,n. i; 11 of t of the the grave, her body was recently i exhumed. Physicians said the vital lo.'Kans contained enough mercury; i to have killed two persons. ESS 5 PEP TODAY IT TODAY m ii Buy a package of Kellogg' Corn Flakes, Bran and Krumbles and get a package of I5 PEP FREE We solicit phone orders end deliver anywhere in the city ..ICc Ibc:: Scr.p, S ! c. lZ 7 Cj.' CS.- for Saturday: I.. ....TO: r.Gc ..."iZc Lux .Cream 0 Ivory Soap, 3 bcrs Fels Naptha So-ap, 10 h?:;z . SUGAR 10 LS3. 7'.c .vilh order of $1 or more-why pay fellow's bad bills. PAY CASH and PAY LESS No. 2 Fancy Royal Ann Chorries 2 for 35c No. Fancy Peaches in Syrup 2 for 53c No. 2 12 Fancy Apricots in Syrup 2 for 47c the other Whitaker's Groceter! I Ieadquartcrs For Good Good and Low Pricei. This is the time of the year that people are buying in large 01 Wo are prepared to take tare of you. We want you to bo the ju4f how nuii'li you can save on your groceiir iy im.vhij; i.i.mi ana use th. ence for other tilings to make life more cheerful. OUR PRICES FOR TODAY Gal. llogue Uiver Apples 45c Gal. Ashland lhand Peaches 55c Gal. Ashland Prand P.lackher- nes Gal. Ashland Prand Partlett Pears Gal Loganberries Gal. Apricots Gal. Fancv Dill Pickles 75c 55c 75c 69c 73c Gal. Khinnn Olives Gal. Anhland Solid Pack Tod toes Gal. Pure Fruit Jelly 1 do.. Cans Utah Peas, No. 1 1 doz. cans No. Standart Tomatoes A good supply of fresh Vej Pep Pep Pep A special saleslady to tell you about PEP; it is free todij. The Old Dutch Cleanser salesman Will be in the store thii iftn to tell you about Old Dutch. EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY. Serve Yourself and Save Whitaker's Groceteria 407 Main St. 1 I FLAKES Mac's Grocery 123 So. 6th St H. I. McKtm, Prop. Phone 855 Is' us 1 'iff-Zs- ! aii'l cheap f Hi'- lit in i,.,r Ml' ;! Ullllcr. anil lv 'I'l 1 'ii" t.iir i Ml 11 '" tor I'.m; ,l,tunoe tia nsptirtatii.n. "Whrn t!,.. rail,a,H w-r,. r.-l ini K"V"PM..,..,,t op-ratl,,,, ,,. owlnB th, ,, t,.y woro , a r(iM "".I'l;. t,,.y iinanriat iiiul On Footwear Seen in the Best Place Comes from Houston & Jester Daily UlllllMl Piiysical wrurlcH. in.. 1 morui r , ,.,, . W H"rU'a -k.'.i. Th.,,11 .;.. .. 'Mlnel a,l ,t has h,. K'l",', 1,1 ' S years of r,,llrmii, - l.'ri.n,o ih-ro an ,1(!V,.r " " "IW'MII ratl M n.l railway ..h:v1. tr, took 1 , ' PPBr" f l"0 "" b""" d acooitnt of car Ihat mean, the approximate annua B'"M of a11 " ro.d. UnUy The antkipat,.,! prosperity of th i' la Ih iff The fa-iliiDiiuMt! Fool c in the very best p!acesin" iis.Hi!.s cut of Houston i t'v.'1'v fi.w minutes. Gorgeous ti'.s, in Htunnin sty'1-'9 snd no that von can afford to buy' than n Binfrlu pair. Houston & Jester 515 Main St. a 1