Vge Four Saturday. A ni2 .J. 023. LUMBER FOR SALE CHEAP Boards Shiplap Dimension Siding In fact practically all items for construc tion or repair work. Drive out and look it over. i. . PELICAN BAY LUMBER CO. FOR INITIAL K. F. PRACTICE .Vneteen a-spirants for the Klam-a-h Fall baseball league turned out f r practice yesterday after noon at the Modoc park, and ac cording to Manager Fred Glover and Captain H. S. Math", thif material, together ith a half Ai en men who were unable to ret tn the buecv last nigM. i: ha will be oat bright and early f ,r the next practice Tu-?div a. the fji'grour.ds. p.-i-iperts ar mts'tty brgiit. T'ao who wer out f,r t'le lUht practice rea'erday were: Bert Ar nold. K. B. H.igan. D. Robertson. H. E. Ward. R. Young. A. Norwest. J. E Franey. II Foster. F J. C.r 11, N. C. Cantor. L. Z. Carter, C. . P. Tbonjc., T. Wiggins. R. W. Carmichael. C. W. Hamilton. A. C. Warn and Wall R'.gney. Bert Arnold' arm was In fin Ph. acknowledging the storni of 'condition. Se ahot in mm mighty FPlause that greeter ber. hot turves witS hf starboard arm. "Bu' ,nr man)r lni 'i Wyoming Lady Gov. Approves of Women Working in World CIHrAr.O, April J. I cm n mi mhcr not nuny fr a VJt-D ft COO".dr d Ki'.tDll&l0U8 for wnmen to vupy position out i.!d( tfce:r own h(:ne." The slim, mft voir, d woman P-aV:n if hr ewllenry. (iov llie Tayl'. r Rc. rhif eiecutie of Wyomiap. Th o.vaj!un m "FanK:j Uom.n'i !My" Tiurd..y at ike woman'i wtrd" fair. HootM ?'!!.' 3 srv":: cp(--f ' n IidM wht-ri Tn f of i !,df ivjr in hirb wo ni'-n had tv- n rt-nin trc rvpre vni. d. Atu'. (iov. Kdj ft grouped ut'ipr women h ;rt p' juris in tie ritrcm ! FINANCIAL AID FOR MERCHANT MARINE If ANTED S" Newsboy (iocs To Gallows Smiling SAN' vJI'KNTIS' PKMTKNTUUV lir. April Zt Twenty i iur.n.e "Tuffy" Hld went to death m the (a!lu herf t his Uiornlnu with a amlle nn m t'l" "GoodliM" t.m." he shouted Mithclv Juxl as the blink cup wan V.SHIN',TON. April Jl Pre-I .'' , . t ., .....rn. minute later at ! t'l til n I 001 line in." in-nt financial aid to in-reliant chip ... .t... niv .i...n.. nf ni.imtaln- " - .-..I I....L... I. .hot .mnierclal fleet adc.iiate !.. '' tv IMVMO.NI ll.APPKK hcud A m lletd waa li.ivlna with Ilia lite tnunl. r nt Clmrlea Weliiciiileti. I.oi III It to iliatli January !l. l'J.'l w . a mi-il nWi in time of w ar opposition in " uti a later hy plt ulcinii" 1 wo men fiiliiled the hoy dropped Ihriiiiah the trap "Tnff" wnlked to the (tnllowH and mounted the thirteen Htepa jauittity Me had l.'cp, and Me:aue of prohabl iiinsr.. howeyer. the president ta inclined to more eMUUouriiv. Thu while house couiment w.n drawn by a upeech. f:ivnrln and Bert a-onn insured whack at cbuckinf- on the on i.iv n.ild h Cm.... I I r a h t n i' nver yinit vital ' firmly almost dminlstra- ' ' npint the mathl in aound ,,. . lun.mernauuiiioo. i n-niiiR nn ... .. .... live and economic life of the na- , . , , , . . . ,ate a nuhatanllal lireakrnst. raid Ilia in mind relation with South Ara-i tKB. , Kunnli ilia mother. Mra KaHe erica "I am myself old fahion?d en-; l:eld. and alstera and lirothera er ough to believe that the reil ideal "Kr,,r' mr't'""' """ ' , p,.rn,ltt,,l t,, wltm-Ka the lm. nf woman i. in the home aal in j world ,h"1 ,0 bllil1 "p '"r-n.j..f. despite their l...l.,v' -Jemand. motherhood." her eioellencr. the traJl? "n! """ " MV The. ... aurrendere.) to them arrfsnr continued in a yra-eful ln,! ia'r- ProIUi aid and en - . ,r huru ,omnruiriu (t l(B 0ni)H, HUQ lull 1 ii i 'a ii ' , ' "TliJtnk Jod Ihui it'n ovrrf Jim- , Mini l IIIIIiUrB liflt H"t-ll rij'i-um " , ... , . . .1ti' Imm-h don'," n.ild Will loin b other countries for this purpose. Impoa- , ! " 'tnrurtin, hmthrr of flu imm LetCal'sTaxiTal, You To The DtJ Taxis and Cars for PartU. -s, 1 . 'r-i . ul Closru-in s,ars l hat Assure Wi and Comfort nible. There are many thinRi to be done in the world that can be liar measurea or find ourselves attain dependent upon foreign phlpplng. It Held killed, ! : person to HOSPITAL ("reasonable-homelike"! 1055 PlSrST, $A TRAM CISCO vmnnca and I". nvoc hirt ttit r . " avu. ii..ivu6n -vmcu ., . . . . , i few on several food out-:der, bat.u'da-T r tf-"V-IS ?"at prlvilese. h(. arslJ!m,D, pPCeBU.,, i,y our pi.iu 'no deal will be made until the have accordingly (treat repon- a()(1 ,a(.k of ,,. in Aj chance to -""iml5- But wl:" ,ne aa--"a merchant marine of auffi.-ient al. W ho oik of the .ilnt'HH (tit hiitiKlHK HuMK HUM I It N(; LONG TRIPS A SPECIALTY PHONE 789 Hotel Sutter San Francisco Mnnauemrnt Ceo. Warren Hooper A Ppubr-Prirpd, Firtp-oof Hotel feu: rally located anrt noted for its excellent nftrvrf and unexcelled a polnfmentg. local hoys have had i ib the.f stuff. , A pruptice gam will be played tomorrow m de Pelican Bay ball grounds. . The two teams will be made up of material trying ou. frjr the team. (Ikver and Mathews v.-;;; have t?ieir eagle eyes peeled -nd t me idea of the team will p-7baf!y be shaped from the out c m c; 'he game Sunday. V Yaminan game w scheduled 'veek fr n tomorrow with Ten- Cdl:' that time the line up for the r'--tilar league games wil. probably be just about decided. Work has ben continuing on t' e f Vid training the modern woman re ce.'vpt she will be able to meet them." Presbyterians To Have Play To Raise Funds For Convention TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eat.. OPEN ALL NIGHT Following Its postponement two weeks ago. the your.E people of the Presbyterian church have t the due of next Tuesday, A-' 1 2S. for the presentation of tii"ir play. "The Vlllane Photographer." Sev- rzrnund., to put the field In fral musical numbers will be added s ape. and K. E. Bradbury is con- 10 ,tl(! procram, all nf the p-rfor- i;tien: mat everytning will be ready """s t - ' mo m me Harlinir-K chkp it for regular practice there Tuesday. Play rast being high school people. susj(Iy i.m paB!,e(i Only a few wefkj remain before me part or ti;e pnotograptier is as necessary In tl-e defense of tUU country us navies tun' '!'.'?.:. ..mi unless we wish ttl find our.-.. -Ives again impcili-nt. then we must tuke measures now to prev.-nt ii " uitif;e ItnuhtH The white house spokesman said Friday that the president had not seen General Pershing's proposal. The president doubla If congresa could be persuaded to pass a bill of that nature. It was recalled at the while house that President Harding made an ef fort to obtain a ship subsidy, and that Senator Mark llanna did liV.e I I.US AViFl.Ft. April 24 - Th s ".Mr. Huansioi ' :irf is the bunk. '. according to the ai my ,f fans who milled and foiighi li ca'i h a : glnniise i f Cloria r.-'urnina hlime e.iih her new and titled husl.ind lie Is a real lie-tnan In appear ance and di'tile, that he either des:ri-s or looks forward to being known as "Mr. Swauson." In Frame, he said, the men folk were the bi-es and he inpicta to rarry this divine right of husband to Gloria',, home and his Gloria agreed with him. will Knglish electricians have;. or more yeais llo. imtn 1 r.insformer. for III President s si.:' mI house. meeting with favi I he 628 Main Phone 824 I he and Was Understood to have tnoieh v.,T,.s :he initial league game and the be taken by the Rev. Arthur I- , ,.!irry nat, , W(ls liri. next few weeks are going to see Ri. ho wroie the play. vented from coming to a vote there some intensive training. The purple of tne play, which nl then when the i,;2 eleciions Suits were ordered for the club he given at the Presbyterian changed the complexion of congress, last night and should be here with- church. Is to raise funds to send a further effort was thought futile in a week or ten days. delegation to the Intcrnalinoal C nat.tiK into dire 1 oil IMM) Volts. built converting nlter t current at The milin,l - , , 77 " " '" ei dent's siront; con springs July wnen young people and lead- spokesman nald. has been well aa muscles strengthen the 2" lib y : .u fSf "V net ween tne outer and inner unit m frnm .n v,..u . . form a novelty In footwear for can continent wi, Tga' he for t e T' T nUi"R'", M chi,dren to afford amusement as outstan "e,"" 1 ' 'IT "'" - . ' " iniesuoil as IO Wlletlier the president l-'g on the Pacific coast. Quite a favored a sul.sidv. lie declined ,., ;t-niber have already registered and be pinned ,w. however, saying energy toward mat the president first would want getting the necessary funds to at- to know the nature of the assist. :'Jn''- -""' proposed. hw much II would WUrnTn'rn. ...r, " 'ost' """ th" f ff," t 11 w"'"l have. WHEELER FOUND NOT The preside,,!. it wns , , m. In favor of sudi a hill now, hut If some one had a plan he would look "t it. with intercut. n 3) -w-5is ts,.-?..'.'; .'?) i - tw On Quality Meats Here's food from animals specially raised to satisfy the most discriminating taste meat so reasonably priced that it's true economy to buy the best. Miller's Meat Market Gus Miller, Proprietor. 808 Main St. phone 750 GUILTY; 1ST BALLOT (i.'oiilinucil I rmn l'ii); One) 1923 Ford Coupe. Oakland Touring. Overland Touring. PETERSEN Motor Car Co. Franklin and Oldsmo bile. 7th and Klamath. AH! ANOTHER CUP, PLEASE IT'S LEWIS' SPECIAL COFM You really can't drink enough of Lt Special Coffee. 1"hat rich tang isk only in a Coffee of such excellent qui Say it yourself come in today and? a pound at only 50c end said that Wln-ler had met him in the lobby or the Waldorf-Astoria hotel In New V f r k March Id, l rt 2 . ami attempted to get him to appear before the interior department. Wheeler, according to Hayes, offer ed to split a fee from Campbell that would "run into the millions" if Iluyes would act as a "figurehead" in the deal. ins testimony was denied Wheeler, who snent five h,o,ru Siiiriclem To Itto. k The lineup in ,,e pr,.,,.n, senate "mi ii the same a. when iie dunlins hill w.n I he Fnlletto the support of the demoeiats. oe lo ,,.k !! However, tK. a pound We carry a line of only the best graik Cottee. rresh fruits and vegetable season and a complete line of staple fancy groceries. Our Own Delivery Service, Ben P. Lewis, Grott "The Old Reliable Coffee Howe.' 223 So. Sixth St. Phone 3 i irfcimraiwiiii hy it was .eaten. group, with would measure. president has ...,,.i,.,i the slow process of fanning p Us cussion. If he can mobilm. active public sentiment .hin, i,im un doubtedly will atteiiint t.. f Liiroilgll FREE CENTRAL EUROPE 111 ' A V A New Freight Line for Klamath Falls, Chiloquin and vicinity. Trucks leave daily at 1 1 a. m. Stage terminal, 615 Main. I SIIOS ( V !IM H null l ... on . - .....ii.nui (10- lense meuunn i. .. uie stand, and by several other do- i ,, n tne reaction is fense witnesses, including Kdwin S ! "r h"stile he cn let it Hooth, solicitor of the Interior de- "n,il a mnrK favorable partment at the time specified ! t"mes- "t sooner or later The other evidence against I ", tl,e 8",,si(lv ' Wheeler had to do chiefly with al-! r , 0l"," "P wlth the 'luestion l"ged promises to "fix tip things ln!I "atl"n"1 defense, and pressed to Washington," which witnesses of the! ' 'n n?''es. defense charged they had never1 Rni IMniTo r ' heard when Wheeler was in Great KOUNDUP OF REDS Falls in February, 1923. vhoiJ TO !TADT also denied thmm I VVILK wii.ciriaui'no. Wheeler's defense was that ho .earned his ?4,000 fee from Camnhei, hy winning a receivership suit forj VIENNA. April 24 A 'Z , t-nipt to get financial backing for Slovakia ha, taken Tne " his Sunburst i, enterprises, which In th. p m "r IZT were in dire need of funds. ,and has just 1 , ar""";"H. . n -onnection with ,, same case main ,, ' " "Mr ' r Si'm" '"m"".n". Jm, I'"?"""1 "f 'ere l now pending indictment Haliic , . ,, ' '' " "J" """ agalns Wlie,.,r , Uln , orus. A f zech- .oluinb,,, .,,,. ,,,. ,t ( niatlersuppo ; , T''m,'nt W!IH h m with con .piracy t obtain fraud- It is l.r n r . , U' ''Ut lT-nits for Ciimpl,,,,, f,m . primar,!- , , .. '' V nn ""rl,,r """""''t- ' will bo iried The co,," , ". r"""' later in the Mummer. been ""'""' rot in Poh,,,,! 1, . in,,,, low in One Package Pep with One Kellogg's Corn Flakes. One Kellogg s Krumbies. One Kellogg's All Bran. 45 cents STEAWBEEMES Crews & Anderson for eicht one degren I,,,. vonrn, and on ooui ii over. At 'l Is iirenariiiL' i,. the A 1 ., "'n is leatur,.,) one re i iniou j , hy a water filled tube to catch 'his ,., ,VI the drippings and tireveni f!r iik,i , U he upset. ,,,, : ' V"; 1 --Inltm In . ij', . eouniry. Holivla is experimenting with Vi.peeied t"'7L !''",y'',M ""M the rullivallon of coiin ni. ,, ' '...nkoff govnrnmtint. OC Hall lieu fr,..,. . un ,,iion in Bin ta nnrelm ac, ,-,ii trees with a view to the ovontaal .....i . .,'l" llra from Kofh subslitullou of them for rubber , ml,,.,,. .... .. Maneff, ,. Green Peas Garden Spinach Green Asparagus Onions Head Lettuce New Beets Celery Cucumbers Hurry New Potatoes Cauliflower Radishes Artichokes Carrots Turnips Tomatoes Parsley Phone 577. Gash Grocery THE GROCERS Two DeKv trcci. to arrest. ""r t""" ""'", mm -"Arli'Jfiirfir-1-