The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 25, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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LtCi.J Circulation
xr 2800
United News and United Press Telegraph Services
Official Paper 0 City
fs'o. 1:57. (Kvery Morning Except Monday)
To Have New'TorPedo Boats
urb Eastward
lied Altamont
Wee Five Cent
Of Fleet Seen
Off Hawaiians
HONOM'M', April 24.--A brace'
nt advance torpedo boat destroyers,'
scouts of th bine fioet, wore sighted j
Hawaii at 4:30 1
scwdlnc to
Ire Tract To Be Opened By Wishard;::1';.!!:
4 Hnnnn A ril I Cl J 'Harbormaster James Held, who said;
ACICS VJJCIICU It VIH,C, 1U lV OUIU'the vessel, disappeared almost Im-j
to 5 Acre Plats; Itoads Will Be Im-the -- j
1 Mink nf Owhtt t-Uiat talnnA rf
ved; Many Irrigation Votes. i mup-'-d !
. itiinnt ft nVlnrk Pnlnrtinv fnnrninir I
klensive suburban home development plan for Kiam- Then the mighty blue fleet, repre-i
will be launched at once by A. 1 Wishard, former wating for tactical purpura, the'
Klamath irrigation district, at "Altamont """'a hostile power, win begin) f lnn.1 i,,l,,..l ,.,., l, f .,,1,1 . theoretical bombardment of the'
Mont, Senator Exonerated
From Mttute of Office
Hu Flock of Time Is Here For
Million Geese 'tjtmi- t j
Fly over city!Hl11 L"ie s Entry
J o KJamath-Budd
of the
I 7.iu-ie
, r f, ,1 1 11 . I It, at 1 , ir.l I, , UiH UI I J 1 Itl I 1UHS OI
bk 01 i oiwunu. i inn unci is locatett to uie ntfni oi
.!. t..,.l....l .........I i
ay i.tuveen uancn s auto camp ami the first Mid- i, ,.,, al!a,w .,!ml,,,v B,i.,t i,'
Follow!!,!' tho dlSJOSal of this land it is understood Jtim most powerful fleet ever iikeiyi
GREAT KAfAM, Most,, April
21. Jteit before the jury -turned
a verUsrt finding him not
ttaflty, fccnator iiurloa K,
Wheeler received a telegram
front Washington, anmtuacina;
be wa tfie father of baby
rlri, weighing seven pound.
The girl la Wheeler alsth
Fully a miiikin geese panned over'
Klamath Falls yesterday morning.
noawking their may sorthward toj
their summer month s&aata in the
.Ttir ru 18 of Three Big Trunk Ones Address
wa. a sight not easily forgotten I
'the passing of the geese. About)
S a, oi. they were aeea on the aar-j
I iroa to the south. Fifteen ajiaotesj
I later the ky waa a treritabie basse'
i tornado elotsd of geese, and wit-'
Inesae aay that ha4 the flight orerj
iKSamath Fails been ft few hoars!
Portland Men on Railroad Situation in
Oregon; S. P. Official Asks Understand
ing Between Communities and Roads.
so ctimerous were, A fall report of the speeches of Ben C, Bey, chief attorney
lister, daylight would hatre bees
, turned to dusk.
ithe birds. The aksr was filled with n,., c,.i, n r.j- t . , . ...
them from horizon to boHn j ""T" T Pat ra ust
'scorea of Klamath Fail, resideuu J' Carl R. Gray, prestdent of the Union Pacific,
(reported heariae the soaawkv eraa.: before the annual meeting of the Portland chamber of com-
FEDERAL COURT ROOM,j-es they pajised over the euy.!merce last night, was transmitted faultlessly to The Klamath
k ill plat and wll a SOO-acre bodv of land immediately t be aiHmi.ied in the irifie faiis, GREAT FALLS, Mont., April! Jbe flotks' i&ateai ot being formed News by the radio receiving facilities of the Earl Shepherd Co.
then the Ameriian Pacific toaat from-24, Senator' Wheeler was
ia croups of 70 or SO in taslr
V-shaped flying formation.
As far as it is known this was tlist firs iwjnM!ai nf
Aia.ka to iite I'.nama tanal 1 aafe found not uilty of the charge ' pJneTfn Ktll' Pw ' the USe o the radio here 48 a Conveyor oi the full details of
, . ' . ,or;:that ha mi.uted hi aenatorial s The hundred, of flock. Dreeit6d a v,tal news eveEt- B h3 case the radio has supplemented
Harbor, the Hawaiian saral
.n the Houth, which he now own'.,
Bf.sire to jfive Klamath people of moderate means
fcant livinjt conditions than the UHual cramped city
kiisi-ii WLshard to take no the tituttinir hih! niitt. ..f
v.. tract at this time. 'crumble iM-fora tho attack, the returned in federal district iir tormauoa. ine announcemeni oi tae important Fortland meeting earlier
' .... t i 0eri BIDail IJOflta OI W&ite DfI!-!iT tha st'ulnn
I 111 HIV b. , 1, 1 , 1 .
tM orougat tip toe rear,
rr.;l pea. e
tm.aiion ana tn rewjorces oi peart- . . ... . . . , t,fc. . . ... v ...... ... norWb , ?t;j j t j ..a..a
us use cruici or a ury w waaies saeiexoa wua ,w.1; p ti , waju .cs tcascu wire, asigs iitialiea
each. A fru watei
1 .,,.." id t Viu m m,,t:,,u .m I... I'nitfd Ktat mttitt ftnit new TnnKnM COUrt herfi tontsht.
i ... t of iffene ut n Kuarastee of aecurlty , Tho tur.irs rl.rlari Hial.t . . . ' In tneir speeches last niehl the distinratshed srsIrjamjM
mm i:i n- iu live miu- - -t --- ' , m Bre geese nordes before them.', , , , , , .
ii'iit will accompany each I . jtoaacr ot tne. iJaugherty mves-Toe pelican, aa.hored la the Upper' . 1 ee reat systems mumatea clearly the Se-
und that is sold in the new district. Modern im-' ; ligation innocent of allegations Kota. jstgns taai eacn nae on me luture aeveiopment of the raii-
I roaaiess empire oi central and southeastern Oregon, and par
l ticularly the Klamath country.
. a ... - - i , ?5.,.- ' 1 ? . " t " "
t;,,., will I... i.c.i ;,!..,) Th,.r.. w ill ! tkr Bierin beneath a ht sun. to thei resent Gordon Casipbcll, Mon-i Awarded Kv Sr i weoiKe i. saser oi roroana weicomea we nonor.
blocks ill the main plat of the diHlritt, each block !"pe"t of beea tr.nKhoW. , tana oil man, in connection
sixtv-foot roadways runiiinK north and south, and! "r" ? " .--y.WIUl 0U permits. -
' ' nvitr nil rlhnt Iraffin e 1 huv ntmhta
roads running cast and west, and each block en-trough ,be Dlirraw glreeU. They
V, COIIMSlilllt OI It
brunt of each lot
I woven wire fence with ornate posts painted white, j are guarded by steel heimuted, fully
ad running parallel with tha present highway out
it, will also run through the sub-division.
Jiig of the advantages to the prospective home
hi in me new uittnci. Aiodern m- ,, . , , , , , .i v.i w .uts. .
ilotioiuiu has chanced over aiieht s... . j e
it c mler Daved traded roadwav .. .. .. ,t!iat he had appeared before!-,. , . ., ,
it iii.iiti iJiti.u, KiaiRH roauway f,m M t.cpy cn uf terra cotta' , ... . , . , Bids For Rnarl Wnrlr
. city water, tlectiic lijjht, and tele-, buildings and flowering trees. shiiu-:the interior department to rep- ola8 for ROaa worit
The jury reached a verdict
Son the first ballot. There was
armed soldiers. pracucauy no otscussion, i ne
lieyond the harbor entrance, the; jurors said they Would have
slender tube of a periscope shows rendered a verdict in five min
imi by the new sub-division. Mr. Wishard pointed TI'T"!! " 'ff" Utes after, they went in, but
! . - . i'earl Harbor maintain a constant ...;vJ tn t j;
vlglt. Mine sweepers drag the1 , , -
waterway., and passenger oeU are! government expense before
arriving and departing under aaval ' Voting,
Mtrnrt I Wheeiftr wa. indicted about a
fry facility in the way of light, water, phone, etc.,
be found in the most up-to-date city home would
e for the residents of his tracts, and besides, owing
age lying just outside the city limits the rjsidents
id be faced by less than half the taxes of the city
and most important of all, they would have suf-
j,, , , , ! ed guests at the great Portland meeting, attended by several
Highway Commission j thousand of the leading business men and citizens of the Ore
MT.ivnTT.i u . gon metropolis. The mayor said: "Portland's 350,000 peo
Zol r i:l Wciate the f -Pntatives of the great
ed the contract for re-pacing As- ra,,way systems. They are extended a regular Portland wel-toria-STeasoa
section of tie Coium-i come and every citiEen appreciates the wonderful develop
bia river highway to Simonsen aad'ment possibilities their coming means to the whole state ef
Hefty, on a sid of $261,405 for a 'Oregon, -
cement type ot payment. Bea c. Dey; chief S. P. attorney, speaking for Jalias
wart Cot "colf utsf nitt chakman of board of directors, and William
paay or $25t,S9i for bitumfBOajsjSproule, president of lus company, said: "Our president aad
pavement. A total of eight biasjour head of the board of directors desire me to express the
Overhead the "eye," of the de-i"" 6 wheo he WM at tiie helght j m,da n the oh
deepest regret at their absence. They are unable to be here
fending black force are constantly , " " """"" v....ra, uniract jot woric is i,aKe cotta- tuSJt. wause vey bic tu nsw lorn, esgagea in ne movirig
l.i.,rtth. Uhn, it,n. investigsuon, von resuueu m lae , ty was awarded as follows: (of the headoaarters of thi 5?oi3thorrt Psjifi railrna fM
hi to keep a cow. chickens, and to raise a great many j8,.mtts) ,, mber. The drone ot; igaation of former Attorney Cen- Lake eouaty Sarfaciag . j Kew York to San Francisco, on nur Pacific " faBnk,
and Harden produce which they are now forced their motors Is heard from sudden! "al rry ""f- , ,N". Cllff-Muater sectioaj Natron Cat-Off Readv Ahead of Time
lie market. "These people will be on the most fer- dawn until long after night has drop-
soil with plenty of water, and if one acre is notP-'d like rurtain across the purpie
.-;n t r;.. Tt,,.i ...;tl l. tv.., I mus.
.lll tltl'lfl in t'UVl C lKIVl.1i 1 HHV ,tll lilt
ividual holdings within the district."
hmi is already surveyed and platted, and the active
for its sale will be launched just as soon as fences
tys surrounding the blocks can be installed.
Kiidebara, $47,051.
Compietioa of the John Day high-1
I way la in gtgat.
At this point you will pardon me if I say a few words
! in tribute to Julius Krutschnitt, our venerable chairman of the
! a A-atMa nt.A , - V O 1 . MR.t f ! f . . .
For the present there is a paucity; shw ,h whe,Mr nsfi ! y U, ia .tght. . -.vvw... "
of military knowledge. After the ,D nite and demanded that a I M ,u aext month the , lon yars m lne service OI tne system, io Bira we lOOK SS a
"attack-1 ha actually beiun, i coninliUce be appoiated to determine i 8,a,e a'snway commission wiii call model of our service, his career has been from the lowest
board of umpires announced "war"j hls ll!BOC(ace because if he werejfor blds toT fotns ths final see-: ranks, as ail great railway men I have known has been, to the
correspondents will be given detailed, RulUjr of gach' u fharBe he moM bejtloa- betweea Unity aad Cow valley, ! highest peak of achievement. It Was the promise of Julius
grand Jury here ta ureal r ang, wttn-j j
out warning. j
Ktory of Case
Shortly thereafter Wheteer arose
Id the senate and demanded that a
tract owner in "Altamont acres' will be a voter in jeiiauatioaS of what has transpired (tJpend tTom ,he Mnate, The Malheur county. The section is j Krutschnitt that was responsible for the building of the Natron
L.i. ,, , . .. .1. . twice riftitv. ( . ... . ..... ., ... mi&i. I. !.nn an ift i ..... r
tth irrigation district matters, such as the election
s for the district.
Ibcr Road I Jim Thorpe's Indian
Sated As Class i Bride Wins Divorce
d . . i n & i i .
ftoaa ay AssemDiy tclsa. okia., April st. ua M.
'Thorpe, wife of Jim .Thorpe, famous
IN'Tt), April 24. Vnder In athletics, has been grnnted a dl
if a bill orlgtnully pass- vorce on the grounds of abandon-
charge was specifically that he vio
lated section US of the penal code,
which state, that ao member of con
gress can act as attorney tor any
private client before any of the gov.
Local Sportsmen To
Help Referendum For
No Increased Taxation ernment departments. It was con-j Girl's Death Caused
estimated cost is approximately has been lald and 18 belng grated, Hlles out of Oakndge, 'in Ine county, and thirty-nine miles out of Kirk, in Klamath
: county. Eighty-three miles of grade has been completed.
lute assembly today Cal-
avH would be devided
and 11 primary ays
a secoadard system.
pud 11 roads would re
p 30 per cent respective-
1J I roud building funds.
pnn Crescent City to
line mini Keel Bluff
ment, it became known today. Mrs.
Thorpe, a Cherokee Indian, wa.
granted 11 25 a month alimony for
is rears, and custody of three
I AKTKH1A. N. SI., April 24. Al
bert It. lleymer. 45. Taroma, Wash.,
Y ' L"i .loiiil
f to
... iH..nnlv vtttmt and
Itl,.l...r f, Al-ilteOIOKI" " '
r,.K'liae are class!- 'faKIn II. . 40. nlso a ReoloBist.
A or main trunk roads 'of Casper. Wyo was Injured today
Iwbcn their automobile collided with
another machine.
j The men worn on their wa:
if.,i,lial Itock to work out a l'
for oil operitiora.
I The traffic committee, rcpresent
jlng civic organizations and the gen
eral buslncffl eH'ment, met yoslcr
- i ti, eliamber of
d;ty iternn "
commerce and after dlscu?inB tlt
congealed conditions of elty streeU.
decided to hold a meetinB from
2-30 to 4:30 o'clock Monday after
noon, to which everybody Wrest
ed In traffic condition. I n,,f
to come. From tho decision made
at this meeting the committee wll
appear before the city round! and
recommend certain traffic ctaM
The committee ts composed of it.
n, Amlcke, K. Sugarman, Andrew
Collier, J. W. Kern, and J. H. Mar
tin, chairman.
jkeen vision." says Me!?,
t seem so be nmiind on
Steps have been Inaugurated la
Portland to Invoke the refereadum
against House Bill No. 502. Sports
men of the. state are behind the
movement aad their interest lies In
an objection to the ten per cent
tax to be added to the general tax
ation fund when they buy hunting
and fishing licenses.
The hilt title ha. been secured
aad If to appeal 1. filed by op
poneata to the move the petitions
will be circulated over the entire
state right away after Sunday,
April 26. ft will be necessary to
! tended he received $4,000 from Gor
don Campbell oa a promise that be
would clear up certain oil permit
matters, which Campbell htea bad
pending before the Interior depart
ment, A committee of the senate wa.
appointed with Seaator Borah,
Idaho, republican, as chairman, aad
after a fall laevstlgatios the com
mittee returned report, exoner
ating Wheeler,
Some additional evidence that
was not produced at the Borah hear
ings was Introduced here.
Hayes Star Witness
The prosecution played a. Its star
witness Ceorga B. Hayes, Kew York
secure tho signatures of 13.000 reg
istered voters and the certified list. , attorney, who appeared dramatically
must be la tho office of the secro-,on the stand without anyone but the
tary of state by noon, May 27. Local -prosecutors knowing who he was,
sportsmen will assist in the work. I (Continued on Page Fonr)
'There are but twenty-nine miles to be completed, and the
By Grandma's Whipping wor' on a s we" underway. The tunnel at the summit of
ithe Cascades, 3300 feet long the longest tunnel on the new
administered early Tuesday morn
ing will be bandied by C. R. Cbapla,
attorney of Tillamook tt u as
Bounced today.
Chapia aae made so statement ;
tillamook, Ore , April 24 ( "ne a" completed but 1200 feet. That means that all the
Defease la the case of Mrs. M, c, I building operations will be on this side of the mountains by
Patoa whose granddaughter is I this fall. The most favorable progress on the work to date
dead as the result of ouaisbmeat j indicates that the line will be completed early in 1926, ahead
of our alloted time,
Rail Heads Human
T am not a railway president, not even a vice president,
so I want to say a word in support of railway high officiate.
about the nature of the defense They are human, but they are often most unjustly abused.
and win await developmeau ot the They want their lines to serve the people efficiently and well;
grand jury report waica is expect- ftey want the understanding and trust of the people, An in
ed early Saturday evening after the dividuars or a comrnunltys trouble with a railroad is gen
arrival of Judge George Bagley . . , j , .
from Htiisboro era"y ue t 8 Iac understanding.
Chapia spent some time la the' T fcave nothing to say at this time of the railroad situa
city jail with sirs. Paton, attention in Oregon what lies in the future I don't know, If the
some points 1a the case and aiss! business men of any community will call upon our executives
for farther sanity examiaation io and fjy t0 come to an understanding with them and their prob-
the office of Dr. J.
county health officer.
E, Shearer, j
i. iems, the public interest in the long run will be sooner and
j better served."
WALLACE, Idaho, April 24.
Fourteen men trapped in the Star
mine, through a fire which broke
out In ths Hecla mine, were res
cued about 4 o'clock Friday after
noon. None of the rescued miners
suffered Injury, but all showed ef
fects of their harrowing exper
ience. The fire to now under control
and soon will be extinguished. The
pumping station on the 2,000 foot
level, adjacent to the shaft was
destroyed, the ahaft was saved ty
turning in a deluge of water from
the level above.
LUr rescue worker, equipped
with smoke and gas helmets des
cended the shaft and turned a
stream from a hose directly oa the
fire, which sooa was sufficiently
under control to release the Im
prisoned men who had taken re
fuge la the Star workings.
The Hecla miae is one of the
large producing silver aad lead
mines of the Coeur d'Alene district.
It Is connected by drifts with the
Star miae, the main workiags ot
which are nearly two mile. away.
It wa. believed by officials that
the miner held prisoners by the
flames aad .ought ety in the Utter.
(Continued on Page Eight)
12 Chinese!
five patrolmen raided
lottery joints today taking into cas-j
tody operators and visitors..
Within an hoar 23 Chinese al-j
leged to have had something orj
other to do with the conduct of R'ta or shine, Mails will have .bat arrived yesterday la Malta aad
the game, were at police head- '! rodeo tomorrow afternoon. This! the show will be a ars thing to
quarters along with 2$ men, most-j the announc ement yesterday j morrow.
iv white who haj been nicked uo'of Malitt official who are la charge A field I la raediasa jaat eat-
as visitor.
of the eveats. The rodeo scheduled ; side Salin (or the stasias ef the
for last week had to be postponed , events, which will include backlog
tA8T KIGHTKH GETS MKCIBIOS ! because ot the delay ia arrival of
Sammy Compagno, coast boxer,
stepped tea lively rounds and took
a decisioa from Patsy Flaaalgaa
of St. Louis ia their meeting here
tonight. They are lightweight.
the central figure, Jack Kane, Hol
lywood movie smi who will pur
chase 30 of the wildest backing
horse that perform la the events
tomorrow. Kane hss been in Lake
view the greater pan of the wee':.
contest wild horse Tares, steer
throwing aad steer roping contests.
Lake county tackaross will ess
pete with Ktaaiata cattlesses tor
steer roping honors. A wild west
barbecue will add to the rodeo program.