I KLAMATO-N ;'""ft. A m il 1, v.2:. Page Five r n i!awl to lntT ' Aid U.i nii"- T KU.I.S. M ' Al"!l ' w I.r. ... trial " ... ..it tin""' ' ' ' Il..!' of llordoll llrlll. Minn.."" ,r..,l..e.l l'ljy ''V ., .11. f"1 I nr. Ill" ' II. I"4 .,r.'illl"n Clv.lr i Oml'1"'11 lielMI'll" m-r. former em- rrii here. r-i.llnll ne "V.T- , 'ii.l.-H. W lM-lT pK.r.l UK rn.lt on.ain , ,- ii.t-iir il 'liTlmriil In ,.,. r.K.ii !"! . ,. Kv,.rniin ii ,.ol n: .1 I" ""' h,,i,.r iii.-p.iiy ,, mUil'-n II mill Hi lll-rilllta .:i, la ! in it I t iti n i x.rii'.l hl (... lilt ill.nl. interior lprl- . ,.. vi .' Ii LIBBY CflflHRG CLUB HAS MEET un'l I'lipiln nf the i riool. Thl lit f ataiii Hijurdur Ctiilniunrtsnn, m.ir t ti - f Ithi atandurd eluh Ih.it tin In. r and adventurer whu was In ln n orcaniz. d In Ihe Ml.l.y din-1 Siberia durinir a Kreaier portion trl.i and the bi.-ya and Iflrla have i.f ll.o lloliilievlk strife at tlx wont, dune ixkII.iii work. Frank Hex- Colonel ;eori;e Kallia. pastor of Inn, run nly !ul leader was preaent the Canadian Memorial churrh at at I hi- inei tiiiK and nave a Hhort , Vamouver. I). '., Who wai a l:.lk on the value and achievement! chaplain In Frame will be here, of chili work in Klamalh county .viimleal number in.lud Ihe MAURETANIA HITS A i RUM FLEET VESSEL uiifl Orr-pon. DATE SET FOR i mm 1511 '"'I. -,.'4 fr-r iiili I W V L The l,ll,l,y Me CooklnR cl.ih ' i i.ni!i:.,K t ,.K,t im-mbem held a hi. i ; in, at ,). ,,y .hi lion y.m. rd:.)- iifiernnon. Thla In Ihe first Hii.ndarci club in Klain aih c.mi.tv t, coinilet.. all the re iiilre, umi imt of work. I.oia Itoh .Iik'.ii xave an t n r.KiiiiK talk on Ibnak makiiix. expliiliiliin each pro cm. I lale Knox :ave ru!e f,r unliiK atepa In I in- kitchen; Kath , "line Kaiidra jave receipa fr pre parinit km, biaiiH and lianh to re place in. at ; Jack Zl.inden nave a lUt ..f body b.iil.liiiK fooda; Wll- , ma Kanney Lave a Hhort n.lk on i:,,,,,,.r,. ,.,.,,... ...... ...n ... ! ,,llll),l,j, ..i.i.ii i uir the ii.anufactiirB of flour; Deltnar tentative list of performance,, thin , Know s aiihj.et wii, .,n manner of year will nee the bett program IcookiiiK veicetableH; Kvelyn Zbln- ever held litre under a Chautauqua i den on cookliiK arid cervln cer-'tent. eals. and Ksther Ilerkin enliKht- The tentative program include ened Ihe dull with rules of etl- the comic opera "Mikado" which 'in. tie. Cluli Hones and yells will be conducted by May Valen w. re iilven. KollinvlnK tlie meet- tine. "Daddy Long I-egs" Is also Inn a very delicious lunch of Hand-'to be here with Donna Voorheen and wl.hea and cake, which wa pre- Lawrence Johns playlnK the lead pared, rooked and nerved by club InK roles. ' """"-r t' t"e parents, teachers' The list of lecturers Includes : Churles . Ica ke's Mitchell concert trio and orchestral entertainers. This feason's ('hailtaii.iia will be held In Klamath Kalis June to 10 Inclusive it was announced yes terday by the Klllxon While Chiu- NKW YORK, April 18. The Cnnur.l liner Msuretanla, inward bound, picked off one of the rum fleet vessels in a dense fojr today. The world' fastest trans-Atlantic liner was nosing Its way into Ambrose channel when It struck the rum runner, which went down immediately. Three men and ft few aes nf whiskey came to the sur ifa.e, the former admitting they had '. been on a little liquor amuKling Motive power for a new tire pump expedition when the giant prow of Is obtained by holding it against , ,he Mauretiinla loomed up out of the fan belt of an automobile. j the fog, too suddenly for them to ' escape Class side curt iiik for automobiles ,. , . . . Cap'a;n Kostron lowered a boa; that can be Instal ed without tools . . ,. , . . , . and rescued the smugglers, have been invent'.d. ; Office ei.ilpment and a radio tele phone have been Installed In a Lon don man'M airplane so he can transact business while flying. . uliljili fi.-rmlis II. in 'I . lk r, , m th.. IJ.iliiI.'iW hotel .,.,.. -;:! !: he'ird f'u.ll. I, , . ir'lp r. William llllea. ,,.,. ,t w .. r thin "if, , ,., ,: i In tiling la per-; ,n m ''" Mi-;..an , Ihr.ni s d'n ihere fur ; ,. alf'.' l I" 'livld.'d up :m " jmt h.-fore Wheeler left i m, br talk, d t" me more inr one else. He nked me I b;m a no m r..nii.im on me- of the p. rinlt and that he I .(. I nl BtulglltelleJ llllt," I tr.llf!,,! .I'.il hut lie gave niphath- lestlinony i it v. ;.i Uat ing coin f'n.i which alisnlv- In. 'at !.- !hf ll.ir.. ,n V..h:. an ..: sail .l:. I'll, ciin- int't .nil on t Kiiilt S'.ltie v. r . ..tit. il sal.l ..1 I.. V 11.111- . hill. the Si .. WllV he r If (a III ti ll. i a pl'u )..i- uv?" V.'al !i 1-lf.AI. ItlSIINCj IMACIi Or WOODKOW WILSON COM I'l.liU:.) I I NMIONAl. CATIItUKAL AT WASHINGTON lie iirn-h.-.,:!,' y, W jo.lrow Wilion within the prrmarent lo-nh, )! cviii; c c,l :n ti e llrinlriiem Cliapcl of the National Ca'liedral ( I ' ) l VV.i lunctrn D C. The sarcophagus is of warm, cream 1.1.. .rj iii..c..i.,.ic, .i.n..y int.r.lcil v;nh a Crusaders' ciois auj t!ie 111.1. e "VVoo.iuw Wi.'su.i" ni birth and death years: "Init" and ' " lri ii is a ianipy ( b'uiif.i'ly carved dark oak over which aie :et ISier h..inic li.: In ihe center the American Hag that the fir I U S tit., n carrie I cn tlinr march through London, the first Aneriran flag e'rr s.il itrd by an English king on Kngliih soil; on r liiri nle. il.c c 'tii nl I'irti.ieiil's Mags presented to Mr. Wiljon by the to Hiren ai l it two inaugural ceremonies. At the back of the arclf'l m I.e. 8 (eet wide and 18 leet 6 inchci deep, in which the W"j"'' r't. is a heauti'ul interior window of stained glass; In Iron, a fine wrought iron grille of antique design, the ban tipped with cresset tli mil republican hlagaalne had ob- The action of the Mississippi tallied an affidavit from (Dosser af- river Is d. iosltii.g soil at its mouths ter taking h I tii on a "free ride" makes Louisiana the only state that down In Denver. Is Increasing In Hle. He said bis expenses were paid ! (..an. but d.-nied r.-rvlvlng any "ne of th.- laig.-st t.-l.-j.':. r..-. c:r- udditlon.l money. culls In the world, fr.-n Itrlshane, Ju. lite l-'rank S Dl..trii !i ili i l.n. d (...n . n.I..n.I. to I". rtli. W. -t Auslra- t.. .-t the wltnc:H answer a .u. tl. n drlnkliiK nn the trip. While (t!..M , r l:.s Ml Ihe i.tan.l 111.' -ru .. -rull.'tt etilered sev.-rat telegrams nn.l let. rs pa' -ilng li. tw en Campbell :i ml Wheeler. In i. lie Wheel. -r a 'li ed f. r a complete Ii t of I he hulil- II... Is under cotKinieM.m. A New Freight Line for Klamath Falls, Chiloquin and vicinity. Trucks leave daily at 1 1 a. m. Stage terminal, 615 Main. 6 Crews & Anderson WE'RE ON OUR WAY To DON HALL'S White Pelican SANDWICH SHOP Our Hamburger Sandwiches can't be beat 10c. Pie The kind mother tried to make 10c. ... Beef Stew, Bread, Butter and Coffee 25 c. Quick lunch "Clean as a pin." J 115 No. 6th St. in hiil in; mil. .: .erm. i.f (ami.- I I-. t.. ' :l lirownc's aint Store 029 Main Street. Phono 75 Defeice Sltil. The ll f-ll-e of.'.-ed !.!.. ;,t tile I II' ! U Wal-!i Inter. "I'd .liiii:;. n in. Hi. n to strike II' record all e lil"ti. e rel. mit t wl.li'i . the Interi.'r .1 ii.i. V.'h. . !fl sir .11 Iii.-tri. Ii in fn.tu ttie lll'i to .er- re not p.-ndiiut hof.-re pirttlletl! at the t.Ill.' (' I lit II- Dealers Used I'UIK IHi..l.M, Mitr. and I'lne Sis. Vra KienlKs mill Kim.liiy. fEHTirilil) ISIilt t'AHH I! Ford Hue. Kactory Body 325 P Ford Iuk.. nchuilt Hilly 175 J Overland Tnurlnit .... 4 00 f Overland Hoadxtor .... 450 Hudson 7-1'ass. Duco 'Hit 885 2 Bulrk (1. 7 !.,,.. Ktw I'alnl 860 ' 0 a k 1 a n i 4 1'asa. ""'IM. 25 License.... 800 2 Illll. k 6. Tourlnir. New ':iit 700 3 !" . Slndchnknr. Cruss Air Shocks .... 850 ' Hllilsi.n 7-Pasii C.rnsa Af w ks Rr.o ' "'"X 6. Now Motor (I il. i'T. 1 I. hell In -tii ii ti.iry. 1HLM. Sit.iliiinc of Wash's nioCi-'ii by th - cut! would prevent intrn.ln' lii.n of Ihe testimony of II. J. Ci'le- ni in. of Ullllnc,. Mont i" of Ihe Klar witnesses for the pro -ei'iitliin. t "Ti t. 1 r. 750 125 H'Vrolet ' Piir.l Coupe. Iota nf ""''usuries, Duco '"int. 25 License, "Ua run teed t Knr.l v . . tli i ' 1,1 ami .... r1' ri Hue. I.leno Top .. 20 Yr nilB. Kt,.r.e' 'elldera P' Kurd Tour nn '"'0 Tour. Unnr. I fsna-Dtn.. AA a. "' 2UU f-ord Tor 550 3G0 100 175 325 75 125 Nti siM.rxrrioN ok '"ARAIHTRRn FORDS OK ' v.: f ri : A" J' i i i e- .! .T-V1 L v fitfiii! s Vi't'.i' Ki -j r I it v. X 4o ft V par, 4r A -. if i. f ( 4.i , 5 4 - ' . 7 Mr. Kenneth Maier won sec ond scholarship in '23. He is attending Heald's Business Col lege in Oakland now. A letter received this A. M. from the col lege to our store gives this in formation: It may please you to know that Kenneth is one of our best students. He is enter ing into his work with an excel lent spirit and is a very hard working young man. He is an excellent young man. He has received G and E in all his work this month. We wish to co-operate with you in this wonderful work of giving scholarships. Yours very truly, Heald Business College. Kenneth was a graduate from Klamath High in '23 Miss Dorothy Short was win ner of last year's contest. She was an ardent and'faithful work er, never was daunted by any thing. She will graduate from Hen ley High this month and expects to enter Teachers College with her scholarship in September. Miss short has been reared on a farm and reflects the happy good natured and ambitious way of her home teachings. She says: "If you want a six month's scholarship that's easy to win, work for Glover's. Miss Hazel Morrison was win ner of last year's second prize. Miss Morrison has high ambi tions and is completing a com plete Secretaries Course. At present attending St. Margaret's College in Berkeley and will complete her course there and enter Heald's for her business course in June. Miss Morrison is a beautiful girl of wonderful character, very appreciative of her scholarship. She graduated from Klamath High in '24. Miss Cordelia Cantrell, win ner of first scholarship has com pleted her course at Bahnke Walker College in Portland and is now prepared to accept a first class position. Miss Cantrell was a graduate from the Klamath County High in '23. She is a girl of sterling char acter and greatly appreciates the opportunity given her to work in the Glover Scholarship Contest. Miss Cantrell is home on a vacation at present, after which she will enter the business world and make use of her education. Jri . 2r ST 3L T...H. IMMIKM 4 " ' THE FRKSIDENT A Into photograph of President Coolidge. BELOW ARE THE NAMES AND STANDINGS OF OUR CONTESTANTS FOR THIS YEAR Marion West 1,925 Rosalie Hickman 1,850 Elva Moon 1,400 Ruth Crocker 6,575 Frances Short ...... Kenneth Caldwell 2,600 Glover's Jewelry Store "The Home of the Big Street Clock"