News in 'J V : ' ' 'i v I i . . -r -iarr-n. Maa..... - a. - . ENGLAND'S PORTRAIT PAINTER AND HIS IDEAL UNITED STATES BEAUTY Katherine Spencer Smith is tn posir.g for John S. Eland, noted English portrait pointer, who selected her as the ideil Amencm Beauty. Miss Smith, who has won fame on stage and screen as Katherine Spencer, is the daughter oi Alvin W. Smith, former U. S. Consul at Trinidad. B. W. I., and is only 20 years of age. She won fast prize in a beauty contest recently conducted by a movie con:ern. n e ' -aro"x V t. . i jt I j t ill .. : i tADY NOHTHESK SETTING STYLE PACE AT ST. MORITZ Lady Northesk, formerly Jessica Brown, New York chorus girl, v;ho is setting the style-pace at St. Moritz, Switzerland, the present "land of sport". In particular, her bob-sledding costume, has received favorable mention, and plenty of visitors copy her idea. It is a knicker suit of crimson ana green ani light sweater, which makes quite a flash of color. Incidentally on the first wearing of this costume she won the Cresta bob-sled race. Her husband is heside her jnW.Tl:Vil.-;.. ...... , V a SAYS THE BATTLESHIP HAS PASSED Rear Admiral Wm. S. Sims, retired (right) testifying before the House Aircraft Investigaticn Committee. He admits that the battle ship is absolutely helpless in confllict against a powerful airplane, and the same in proportion to a ba't'e fleet. In his testimony, he brought roars of laughter when he called the G-ntral Hoard "the gang" which had trouble in getting new ideas into their heads. : : :,. J..-- , . . . . ,''..' y-,. 'i'- -' ' ' , ..- ' " .-.a - , ."' ' 1 UNcASY LIKS THE HEAD THAT WEAKS A CkOWN Anu King Victor and Quten llc.ciia of Italy almost felt the full ln;,0r,D "' ,n"'"Vl,r- King Victor Emmanuel, by his refusal to a low Premier M.,o!,ni to a-lj ,urn Parliament and call , er2 e1-ct,on, saved himself from the ignommy of flight, for his move was lust in time to stem (lie flow o( anli-dynastis feeling over-running " Pictures 5 '.V T ,aMeV V. . - X w 1 ,v. V' - ;lisTH Si IKM'K WK1KTV l ilimir IliiililiuiC I till. I iin.l Main Sl. " i in Siin.1 siliool. a in Sun 1 1 itiw . i,h;.-. t I n f"r Sunday is. r:ilH .'f Al " 1 1 i ii i) p in W.'d i.-diy metlnn Yx f rci.l :m i .imi a:i, t.- I.'iiJ hrjry .i-n fr.-m -' ' ' -I0 1.1 T i.-.J .. Til ir.-.l. y. anJ .1 iv. a'. .1! ( i:ii' xiiTimmsi ihikiii imti .im.i I'i'i si. TI.ii-. Ii. .iin.-s. I'iiHinr. ' l". :i :n S-ia-Uy li'i il las, ' .- t'l 11 '.i a in. V.i-aiaj srvi. ' hi K irnplv." Mr- Harry l..'il':n .'f K'.i:n.i-h A:i.y s.iu $ .1') p. m Kpw.irt'i I. (?ii I'll .ill erri.- at l:s lil.'r:au ilrjrii. THK Stl.VATlOX mi I'upl. mid Mi-., t'.. HopiXT in 1i:irir 11 00 a. m V.?r. Osluira will p-alt. i ) p. m Sun J S. ho.'l ( Oil p ni. Kvn:r.g srvi. Kwri 't-i-ly (jr.l.a!:y ;nv:rJ. f's- .'.on w('!;-.):iu. iii:t it ii hi c in mil .. I-'. Siliuil.ilK, l';l?tor. 1) u.j j ni !'..!. s'ojI. 11 'i') a in M.irnil? sorvi.-es. S.'r n n r.y K; I t ilryjir. .-:r:: n T.t' Ii III (i W p. m. II T. I. U. sr. imi i.'s ri'isciii'Ai. niiiscii A. . I . W. Hull ran Ally aii.l Main St. 'f a. m H !y cjiLluuni'ia. !tf ) a. ni. Cliur.-h 11:U9 a. in !! c iiliiuiiuion iijv-r nui-i" r-'SJai .1 Kar'Wl; --rx-,a !t. T. A. .M-r-i:!i. N i evQ.ii s-rrir. ri.'Kl.iTI X tlllTKH W. I'.. I'l.lil.ili. I'.i-ti.r. ! I a. m. 11. !:. a h.vjl. 11 a. ni. M jrnini; s-tti. . i;:1') p. ni. C!.ritlan Kndoavor. T::i' p. in. Kvftiini; prayer, r 7.3') p. m. Kvniiig srvi. I I'nioj pj ri.iric s-rvi( at Ir by.r:arj churrii. 7-pi.v i.iTHKitix ciuncn lliatiihr i.f I 'oiiinirre Hioui i. W. Iloffiiiso, lalor. 9:3') a. ni. Sunday school. 10:14 a. ni. Mornin; service. IMMAMKI, IITIST CHIRCH l liui-nlli ami Hiirli Sl. W. W. HitvN. I'aiiKir. 10 00 a. m. liilile school. 11 00 a. m. Morning service. ":3'i p. ni. Kvening servio. A (o.-J a', invitation ex.?a.ld to i i::st i-i:i:s!:vn.i:n rm nrn Sivlli nn: rim- Sl. inliiir I.. l:iri MiniMcr. 1 u uu ii. iii. rhiin-h Kijhri.)!. 1 ':'." Chuv. a stliu..! with cla.stM f ir ail. 11:00 a. in. Morning sermon: "!iy Fuilh Wo Sea." S'jlu, Miai Kloise Mil'liiTson. :3'l p. ni. C. K. 7:30 p. m. special "Patriotic Day Service" in charge of the Kulalona Chapter ol II. A. U. SKVKXTII HAY .IDVKXTIST Public l.ilir ,11 y l!Ms. Alva W. Walker, Past,,,.. 10 a. m. Saliljath school (Satur 1 day. ) 1 1 O'l a. in. Sermon. "Weighed and Wanting." RUNAWAY AIRSHIP ! IS UNDER CONTROL i I'l'I.HAM. Kng.. April 17. Twenty weary airmen descended , from the dirigihle K-jj afler slle THE LIBERTY A THEATRE I T!.. I.ilHTty Has thn Vivturr. TODAY IJICK IIATTON' in 'Come on Cowboys" Conudy Urban Class and THE PACEMAKERS SUNDAY A Big Thrillo-Drama "The Cyclone Rider" Saturday. April IS. had ri'turniil from lifr kiiIh (Irlv.'ii flilihl mr.iiw 111 Norih I" "l lunJ. ami Ihu iinly llilun In tili the nn'ti wrn mm InttMvuied H""1 in hIi'.'i a a rlieurfti'' Thirty f.vl ( Of It 31 non 1 1. i.l jr l 111 riu liliiK f"i''' if Hi wind, and li rani h. r h.inciir at I'lillmiii nli J.'"" .um Itfi uf h-r lnr.'1'.irt tlaiiint I (pit th (nous .liiii.i'. mi- i. i.ii.'.l t') th iriitt 1' H r.' lei r.'p.ur hr. Air iu.v ni l, :...;. t.i In- able l.i r-sul'l.' Ii. r fiitlll RICHARDSON REFUSES Cl.CMENCY TO REID s i : t: " .:' I I " Irn.'.s .n r.-Ii s-.1 i, -:. i . uliv I.-itM-li. i in I"' half ! i l ir n il'iifl-i K' l.l. mi l r .- nit n In i!i uu lit K.tllns lit San (ui'tilin Krtdav. April (ir l'i iii'iid'-r uf Harold Vintii I'Mi. Alliflf IlliTt ilant . MANY FORGETFUL OF NEW POSTAL RATES Potn-astpr Ju'in A M.Ci'l! i. Ihf uttrtititiM uf pub!,'- pittniv jtt-i!car.N iiumKi) wrli ld dI'I r:tl.' "stilt::p of till- lit. U;ll Ii, i!.1:iv.m t th lu. ;il p.H'n.'fi frni! t i 1 -t.i s T :ir.- !!. I f.r - v.U-i,- th. -!iitT iMi V. p. iv. :i tin 1 1 ht a-l! r-.i- of t ti -i :: : i Im: lirA Vh'H-v-r tin- M ii'liT is riii'm n thf T ur- r.-tur-Ti I Uy r-m.-mhrtiini! to pl.ut a - rent sl:tinp on p: tur p!s. Imth P'm.ffi.-i. a tul th p.ttruii will lw Screen Offerings AT THK I.IISKKTY K ir.w-i. who liaj th- I ,. iu ma'- ro'. in "Th t'yi-lon Kidr." whi.-h is coming t.i th l.i!i-r'y :V.a:r f'ir a two dir run li-in-nirt Sunday had 'so many hair lir.vidth H.-aps when th pii'Iur was being mad that h aiiii(nincd he was going to tak a three-month va'Mtinn from the camera Jut an -oon as lie completed all his r.m ira''.ti. Whn you see "Th "yrlone Kidr." you will not wonder re gardini the young daredevil's in tention. Instead, yuu will wunder that he U still alive. AT THK PINK TIJKK , "Reckless Hiiinanre" which conies to th Pine Tree today is taken from th Nw York xtaRe "What's V.iur Wife Doing.'" "Clir tie-Ilizetl" into five reels nf pure fun. WiOi a IiU i-.unedy cas: in.-lu,!-ini! T. liny lianes. Wanda Hi.vl.-v. Ifirry My..-s. Tilly Mar-hall. S.i. i l'i ..iiner and .lack Huffy. Tin- ureal "Alliurtus" pels better and h-'ler with earn performance and even c!i.itif:c aid prof-sslinul men are number among thosr; who ak h I III for information, and none can explain the secret power that enable! him to reveal long hidden secrets. XOTIIK OF KAl.ll OK lti:. ! liSTATK 1!V (M AP.DIAX Nnlice is hereby given that from and after the ltnli day of May, 1 ! 2 . I. Krank If. McCornack, guardian j of the person and estate of Frank , II. McCornack, Jr., a minor, will. ' pursuant to an order of the County , Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Klamath duly entered : the 23rd day of March, 1925, pro ceed to sell at private Bale for cash, or part cash and balance secured by first mortgage upon the property sold, the following described par- 1925 Schedule CM lis llil.innilli l',i. KI.AM.VTII PAI.I..S tiii: for VKIIKA Woe. MT SHASTA Mil I.OI DPXSMI'IK f iai l.l iici" u, lb ...,al of 4'.l "'"' " "" "! Hi fomity MH ' Oivnnn. I" ": I'nni'l S'l. I All of th rlitlit. till " llltrt 'f ' i"l""r. I ii IH..I .-.-ru'ii im ' Jr.,., ! t!:i' 151 .,1,., l.-,lrl.- p.l lln ..I i.iiinli-r : t' '"I'- and .lipid. I ,. ,. ,1 ill i.." nous l'i:ri i" it, i!'.r' one i 1 1 i. " 1 I,.,.,, , tm l..:i.iii thinv ,.., 1M sou'h. t-iiig" mi'" , ", i Will .uu. i- ..-r ' .., . ...t,.t,s ! H'v la.' I :'. . - v i :-i;i. and t -.. Iti:- 1. I1!.: i. I .1 I' I ni i, ,.t,:.--i,l:tii t: i I U 1' .,n, j o tn p tic. plain II v.-l' on i. "'' of K -her f 1'1'iel K.I 'HI" II I. at... " Pm-.ii X. - The rttt'lt o( . .in.l '"' nieni to erect, eon -I r ti.'I . repair, repl maintain and use. from utile io nine, ah 'he oir. h iser. ! e.sors und assigns in.iy ee t.i. over, a loll it. Jcr.s and 'h her. 'ii ifi- r l , I for traiHiiil'slnii and ,1- r Hi- n "f !. 'r.citv and for all purposes connect.! tl.TCAlth pel-, Utl.l ir.S S1IS. I ti ' .1 th -reci an I -iipportcl t : i .Hid all n s ai or p;-. c.-r c: irtu. I.r a. co'i nei' "oils, f .1 s! .-ii 1 1! I and other api'llall.-is all, I fixture. and !. for lei. -phone pi-poe of a I par. ha r. hu m. .-.-sori an i ;.-.i4iis ii'.o. r.-ino t ' tie. a: d in ike th- . I.irlii.t n r v ,.: ."MM, ! T I Ii pnrti af..r -.:!. .- : p-it ;n l'!a. e n.-'- '-arv i:uy wir.s and l.ri.e af l nil' w.r.s t.i Ire's aiwm; iid liu. itii.J to c.:ti tru-t a ii ,1 to a i n l a i u cit. s at a:l feces . r .s. d l.r mi. h 1 1 .xiiMiiis-tton llti..-. th liinls to le' cr. i-.-d by said rut'it of wav l.eitie more pirllr uiririy d.. Tilled as follows: ! i 1. t wen v t till and tw.-n'y (. .:'i.l. tweu'x s .X 1 J ' ' to w II I . p I V r' v .ir,''.' 1I siulh of I iju-e-ir'it v t K ist Wli'xiM.-lt.. M-r:d'aii In Klatlia'h County. Oregon." Pnr.-l Xo. It "Til perpetual il.;ht. prlv lleee and eas.-Illent cf over flow. ng and. or uncovering, a the ca-e may lie. lots two iii. and f. r Mi of :,.n t.-u I 1 i : lots lie 111 to six I 6 I . IroO'i-ive ;i n d th we-t half ( W '.j I of HOUtll.Vea! l)-.Mrl.-r iSWlil Of Section fourt..,.n I I 4 i : th past half i K I nf section flfteeu llal; lots on ill and nine 111 of Section twenty-two (22): lots one 111 to tn (101. Inclus'v. th northeast quarter (N'Kl of northwest quarter i.NWit i and the northwest quarter INW!s I of (southwest quarter I SW t nf section twenty-three I23; lots one i 1 I and nine I V i of section twenty-five I2i: lots on.- i 1 I and t wo ( - i of s -i-tion t n'y-six (2!i all in t .v. n ship tiiiri v-.-iitht i .1 s i "Ut a. rallit eiltht I I east, in Hi i.per t'l.oi . f any , i-n iir.l or i.-i::i!;il.o.i :.:i.: . .;r-oi of th.. wi-ers of th l'pp-r Ki tMllth Lake, le-l Veen the eie. viitioii.-. of 1 1:17 mid 41 1: : fet above mm level ll', S. Ileclalllation Servi; e dai i , waiving any and ail claims fir daniane or injury heretofore re uniting or that may hereafter result, i.r be claimed to liav resulted to sat, lands, or any of them, or any crops and or the property thereon, by rea son of the operation of audi dam and 'or regulation and ,'oi- cunt to I of (.aid lake." Parcel X, I "lli-ninning at u po ut in th Hock Creek County lload and th e north line (,f section twenty-six i:i Township thlny-elght CIS I South lung ciithl ( x i Kast Willamette Me. ridian. distant thirty-five 1 35) feet more or less. Kast of the northeast corner of the North west quarter IXtt'm of the northeast quarter I NK of said section twenty-six (26): thence southeasterly along the Siskiyou-Klamath Baseball League A I At Vreka At Weeil xkws Sports May 21 Auk. 2: lime 'iH A 111;. tl The News for Spuria July lit) May .11 Inly III June 7 A u. HI The News for Sports May 17 lone I I An, July 12 July 2tl July j May L'I June I I June II Aug. June 1H 'tntf. u ,,.i,.r I f the II. ick rrm-k I 1111111 v lload u followa: Houlli Oi' ' Kast, !! fl mora (ir liiiMic In III" l't Clou ,. ',. of a I I i iirva. 22 feet i'iciii oiitli 7" 2"' F.aal, i;; ! fct. tliiic In lh right long th arc uf a 10" rur. I'M ; fct . Iheiic anulh 5t or Kast. l"6 I fi: lhnc in Hi I'd al um th arc nf a 10 , .!.. I t.'i II feel, tlielli Hunt1' I ,i l-i 2IHl 2 feel i tlielli " l.i l In- i Ii hi -il. tia lli arc nf ii ..I , me lis 3 feel . III. Ill ;., !, I,, nil' l'i ITX tl f.-et. to ., ,., nt ell t lo- line bet coll si c I .,. I . ell'X to I I I l.i.l, I , i I .'il I ; lllelli to Ih 1,1, ..' I ! Lie of .1 a''' , , , v .. , I 'i Co i . t lo in i. on Ii i ): II .1 o t..ct th.-i , , . . ' tt .-t'oll the IIIC I.f 11 1 ,, , ; . .. I .id 7 f. et . thence in Ii fiS X fe.-l. . , ... .. i . 'h.. r' al iik the , r a t-i' . ui v... ; :i f I . i le- -. tll-i. e north f.,,tn ' ntr lin of tlie It,,, k Crek Coulllv lload to in ' re It t the I'pper i;i..mi:h l.ale. I'l.-ii.-n imrt li-w.-stellv III. UK the ..Mitlierly shore Mile of the l'pr K I II III - i. Ml I. ike to a point which l North :tx' Ol' l; I'd i"l ft. mo- ir I, from Ih point of ti-.itiulng. then. contli H ID' West t'Jfi 110 feel t.i th . . nt l,f I- !! lllllllB. being a . ii t of lots lour l I i and flvu 11 ..i.-r.ill IWelllv three Ijtl. lo: i one l 1 i and lime I 9 . -o. I ion t ent y f v I :''. I and 1 Is on III llll.l ' w o I 1 . -Moll I nty six t :;. nil in t,ru.iti thirty-eight (3.H I south r.init i-lvlit (xi. l-iast Willi.iin tt Meridian, an I con- la ii ti 1 . o a. : -. hi 1 1 ' ' P. I X.i . f " r i h' eiei.t f 0 I K I s ni 1 t h iVuv S ' 1 t of ll' eitoll. par' cillat ly lles.-'tl -.1 ih I :io. A Sir p 1 f lam! 1 l' 1 il" ' f- el will . : ...oi; '..-i i.loi f.-ei .01 each aid of thn Center line nf that 1 ota;n inn'r road knowu a he It. -k CreeH road, us Mir.'i o-r atid u.T.... ll.a i:euiii.-4 of KratiK 11 M Cor- I-.1.'k Jr. !u seet'.o-is twelltv. I'.r.-e i.'Ji. tntyli liCl and I'U') fir 1 j 1 . I.i:ir:i l 'h-.rty i ts 1 s oitti Mti-.-i. :!tt 1 x 1 l.a-' ', iraui:te tii.-rtd an. lievnti at s'iit'oii '.'II p'ut s if K.-.-s creek lload Sinv-v. which staltoli Is ap proximately rive hundred ten feet north of the quarter ( ' .mor whi.-li Is common to xerliiitis twenty-two 12-1 nnd tA-.-iry ihre t'i'it. township thirty elKht (3xi. south r.inif.. eUMn (XI Kast Wlllallielt M-rid aii. thence running In a southeasterly direction approxi mately elt;lit thouMinds flv liuildred torly-slx (Xi,(0l feet to H'.atP 11 327 plus 33 of the aald aurxev, which nutton lri ap proiimalely one thnusand three hundred twenty feet (13iui f-et east and three thousand e.rtct hundred I.I.XUOI fet 110; th nf th section corner wlio- i is i. imrnon to fl.o-tl"n s t 10 i.x I 'J'! 1 . 1 . II T y f ! v 1 1 . t . irt y f u. 1 :t ."1 I . a '.-I t'i'i'.v it 1'i 1 town -tun Ihirtv. i. 1 It 1 -. 1 11 1 ii rani :i:ht 1 1 Kit V ; tn . l. r.dtati. ... ::l e-ni'Ml of road e'lt -t thiol- - ,1. I five hundred f .rl -ix 1 ". ( ' 1 f'-.o . a p;ro 1 :na 1 el v '! -n " t.i) s.'Vet, t V Veil o.e I ' 1 1 1 1 d'lis 1 I 7 77 1 acn-s " 1'! Ip.'SliS tO ptltllHlM' N.I 111 ..l' 'S of real . Sl.l e or Cither I.f tl.eltl in.iy he mide to in at III Loomis il,iod:iu. Klamath Kalli. CreKin Haled and tlrst puhllshed April 11. n: I SIKH".! 1 1 KltANK II M, CllltNACK tluird aii of the p.-rsoii nnd stale of Krank II Mc Cornack, J; All.lX.2j MS, I) syl ii;i:i:i. puisdmnii Notice In Property llHiiers. Couiily of Klamath. St.le of (lri.U. ftS KNdW AU. MKN II Y TU I'SK I'HKSKXTS. (hat the (Jen-ral Laws or the Stale of Oregon. Volume 11. Section 83SU. provide as followa: "H.ljU: Duly to destroy ((round squirrels und noxious rodents. It At Ml. S!in,l,i At XI. Clou, I A I lliiiisiimlr June 7 ii. a June 21 Auk. July 12 Auir. Illl July III May IT An. ;ii) Mny ill June 21 An;, mi June 21 A mb. 2 May 17 I lie News May ill July 2il A11;;. Id lor Spoils June 28 ti,,, N,.w, ' for Sp,is AiiK. IS'I May 21 June 7 July Hi Tim Xewa for HinrU nan n , ,, . -' ih. .I..,- . . n"rW. j '' "i avtr . i ,,"l",r rahlu. .,'" atlon uwiiIik . '"in. : posae.alii! r i,.,'".. dominion oi.r ,, 'H l"'H.lln. .Iruciur, ' .UM .11 VK WHICH Is lllf,,,."" k 'iilrrla ami ,, ! ur ill-nil .... i . . au-fth uriiii.!. I't liU, th.t n n .i - r iih ,. ..." Hll. ll l. ' l(w i ... nppropn,,,, ,,: 1 ineiins 1 1. f,., ,, "M rl ""'""'HI Tl,., mils HI. II J I e. I .. . .." - - -. . da I- III' I'll. for Co. e,t,, I i .iiiii.I ..irlr-:, ,,, ,," ;:" v' II on ill II . C,niri,J(J ' Call.: from V-, , y 1 li.liv. 1. , ,' '-'''I. li.I'lM, J.,,"' .M.urel.. i, . :,., " '.' - - HI; i I ' i s ti htnrii, K--ii,i That the m..t Ii,. f ( III II polM. II ,, , I.l Wit Ploc. I,-,,.,,,, iii. ii out, ui in niir u, ni in nii.row on wira diva, preferably In Cover ill eiiilrn II..I4 tills lllallllr III wltn.s H..r.,f 1 I 1M .lav 1 f Aplll. Il' ami sal I s:ned 1 ' A IIKVji AUrl.-uLuial .ltl, for th C.iiii'j ath. Stat of i, Sii'is.rlheil and .w.,n, 1 1 n'v clerk In and fv v of K lam ith. S'a ! (p lCMi riiy of April. H:i r Cm I'v c II Hl.ip le..V MriUK I'll VlIK l.NII OWNKSi X'KXtl'IWS IHtMMi TIIICT (IK KI.AilAp TY. OltKUUN Nutlc I liarahy ira itiuual nieet'ag of thtJ rs of the Meadowi bJ ir ,-l will bn hald at ivl ' Il..ird of Uapi-rvkv 1:4 N T I U bl K.'th. Mreeoll, 111 thn Z t b ii'i ll'.T.. at th knur . A . M . for the purp it on upcrv' lo a-.r!'. of thn. yeura. and ta if Irunaictiiic olhnr lnuJ may Uatally coma b-fsn Inn Clven by order of la Supervliora. ml A7. ..! ll.U.M.i; U Klamaih Lodxa No : avery Krldar nlijlit. I V O. Pr-jjiperliy Itebexah J till M..i, first nnd : Uya. Mil VI. ill J.mei Kwauna Kncsiii.iue! Meeti every Tueaday 1 (.11 ml. C. P Canton Crater Ni ..very Wednesday tJ nndell Commandani It Means aj It mentis rs. you, nnd we be to have your i forms, booklet! ' era, stationery iti closures printed N It means just U; to have them prill a right price. Wo f'illl fuel needs on nitirrv Block. Df?S Limbi L O. OJ. I Phone 93 W.O.Sri Printing 1 Companj yuiiiiiy I'rintui if wooc J ruei . Peyton & tj nun., rinhtrs to Hcliiiliiio stiirta Muv IT- , ' 601 M' , ur S. "Wood to "