1 THE 1 1 Page Six Thursday, April lfi. It'--"'- OH! MARCY! Rr( U S l' Oil Copyright by United Feature b)ndicU. Inc. By John Held Js rLl I DRESSES MUST BE FITTED. J -v Q, ft mciv J&s. USs - . Mm I ' . .1 1 M r .", I - I BaK-a1 I IIII IIIBII V . Jl!-' X lit I ill V i '.- . WHATVOUMiV- C4LLEMV ML5T &E SELECTED SHOES AND .at " m Ml J fcqiK HER PROM OTME tHR0 expECTED testant is git-en $25. no in trade, j Contestants from Fort Klamath.' Henley, .Merrill, Bonanza and are entered in the contest from MANY KLAMATH COUNTY HI SCHOOL STUDENTS OUT FOR SCHOLARSHIPS High school students all over of votes, for a third nrije -he cm-. Klamath county are becoming in terested in the annual scholarship content c-ft-en hv fUnvpr'e iunJi'v -itcre, which started yesterday. Every Malin i,oy or jiin in me county who isn t itfraid of work has a chance to win a scholarship to some business col lide or to take a short teacher's training course. Four winners in the contest staged the past two years are now in schoois in ( aiiiornia or Portland. The only "strip!;" a'taclted ti the offer Isn't really a strin-.- at all. Merchandise ortlrs on the jewelry :.i'ji"fc are sold hy Hie conte-t:in. a.'O. as the t antes: rs'Bs two r.iot.ih-. :iiil 15 to June i-K graii'iati,),". an i .1'iut hride gifts a.-e in order. T!.i. l:.ta.ls (hat sifi.- will Le pur-!,;, itlnl the Stli.'ter.t V.llo huTiMi f..y rder on ttie .store ets the vuv v.'hi.h helit him w.tha ti months- ' otid .Si Injfil. KV'-; in tlie store at fl is rease some friinl's RAIL MERGER DECISION 10 'ready, and three students KUmath county high school. Ulovers do this every year as a neans of indin ;ng boys and girls who want college educations to go or. with their school work after th-y are out of high s-hool. Many sttt-dent-i who would prooably have drop jit i r.('uat;onal efforts are being s r.t through scbnttl nr are being given enough sihoohng by Mr. and Mrs Cluvr to fit th-.-ni for good posit:. ,n. I'bt'.res of thoe who have w.ui previous coatesl.s will ay. t ear in a l,i!-r i,-ue of Th - N-,vs. 6EMMS00,' I'.UoAlx .TI; t.Mi.. STATION ) mi::;. i) ami: may I'llK'AI.O, April 1J..-.A gift of a l"o.O'.'u five thousand kilowatt ratiio station to -Wire Han:e univt..-. flty at South Bend. Intl.. was an nounted yesterday by ISoetitis H. Sullivan, wealthv Chic I'.y THOMAS L. STOKK3 WASHINCTOX. April 15 The cor.res: before the interstate com merce c imniission over application f.'r the minimi tn Nickel Plate rail road merger, engineered by the VanSweriagen brothers cf f'leveland. Ohio, liecan tod.iy. There were oc casional flashes in the cross tire of attorneys but no real fire works. Th two brothers, (irris P. and Mant:s J, Van.Sweringen who have sitdd-nly jumped into prominence thro-.r.'a this giaanti - ra:!rci.l tr.ms a ti m were pre-..nt but inonspic- so. They sat in the crowd in'etfly w.it,hing the pro s. with nothing to say n to tlieir array of attor- (otirse in som tmrchjise madf time i ote; The prizes consist of tuition, car fare, and ten dollars towards books, in some business college. U.autiful i.nicne aru mn r I ..... t .... . .1 , ' pnz' ' ; ' ' n 1111(1 ottered similar Richmond and Louisville was len In ne to the boy and one to the t.iri net to th- i . .. . " . "a lei .ecuring the .second greatest nun ' Champa e0.U ' " "ZTr! """"" r. . holders of the Chesapeake & Ohio, ui ii-: i::i--ce.-di not i neys. Th will five Lou!- attack on the merger, which draw into one great system railroads stretching from St. to ,ew lork and Buffalo tn one of the roails involved. They were defeated, how.-ver. in their effort to hold ui proceedings and their lawyers spent the ret of the day cross-examining those who sup ' ported the merger. At the outset Chesapeake & Ohio minority stockholders had moved to defer the commis hearing until Virginia courts ruled on a suit bruugl't in Iti mond challenging the merger, a unanimous vote, the ci ninii overruled this request. The ne'-work of lines ex through Virginia. West Virgnia. Kentucky. Michigan. Illinois, ana. Ohio. Pennsylvania. New apj New Jersey the District tolum.:.a and the province of tario. Over the Chesapeake & nhio lines it woti'd be the principal coal moving n.ute ot the Atlantic through Hampton Roads and the other lines of all other of traffic, m.inufactur-s. agriculf and livstok and forest prod'o Its advocates point out that will inerejse ( 'tiipctition by !.: ing a strong system t ,,,, with the lialliniore & Ohio. Pennsylvania and the New 'Mitral, the o-her principal sy. in this territory. In addition to this. I think unification is necessary to provide for the quickly growing industrial activity of the northern mid 1!" west, particularly Michigin. obit. Ken lucky and Pennsylvania'' Thomas (". Powell, vire iresld"tit of the Krie railroad told the commi ssion. MoVliV We ar- TO I.A sion's have ch- l!y -ion nil Indi-York of On- OVer kintls the t'ork r 'If! Pis. m 1 i Its for the llntlltable Savings & I. nan Assoclntlnn tif Portland, and have money to lonn on Improved propertv within the city limit of Klamath Kails. We huve a special rate on dwellings, and a special rate on bitslnens pro perty. Sou don't have to buy alork and lonns arn madn without rail tap". If you neej money to pay off a montage or for Imlldlnir pur. poses, com,, in and get the Kqult ..tb!" p'.in. t'hllcote A Sintih, 727 Main S'. IV It t K i:t ITCV IV T!lf lllSTItlCT I III ItT (IK tpi: iMriiii stm i-'s. nut tiik IHSTCMT or ltlt,o. In the Matter of Kl ! ( olidrey. I:.itikrntt. To th- ( reilliorg ,,f Kfnil cn,rev Noii.e is bereliv giv.-n that on Mir.h 21. ltl.i. Flovd Collilrey was du! adjudged bankroll! mot iho 't.lte of C. A. Kothetll; ceased, has rendered, ptiwl e..t!..i,.it und fl,.J .! bin final account of tk trillion of said estate. Hon fir the distribute and that the 4th day oft ' at the hour of 2 p, in ' at the routity rourthouu. nth Kails. Oregon, him i appointed by said court tt I lllHtll Jlf Ml.l final .st the henrlng of said petlkl trliiiitlon. at which tlnnsj ativ persi n Interested In- III IV file his exceptions. I to the said final accus otite-t the same, and if ny. why a final d.sr said estate rshould not li Dated thlt 30Ih d.iY i IS23. r. it : t j lly ( II sS DKI.AP. Clerk A.) NEW CAPTAIN OK ATHLETICS Earl Mack, son of Connie Mack, owner, who has been made the captain of the team by hit Dad. Earl is known as a clever player, inheriting quite a bit of the well-known foxinesi of his father. the first meeting I", held at the office sigm.l. at 4u:t Mam ath Falls. Oregon. 1 at '' o'clock p Mine creditor, tn.iv heir claims, cxamtu" trustee and .lite of the Cher th. in. Hat Ml lui- tness as tn.iv rs will nnder- Klam April 27. at hlch .i"fiid prove t'e- b.inkritpt. ' : i-i - i- t such liefor.t Ml d April 1(1. m:. J r li'TKMC Itefere.! In l: itikruptcy. 1925 Schedule Siskiyou-Klamath Baseball League Ll ltS KLAMATH FALLS VIIKKA Weed JIT SHASTA Mcci.oun DlNiSMim At IKlariiath Falls TIIK MiffS for Sports June 2H AiiK. ' May tit Inly IS May 17 Itily 2(1 Jane It At Yreka May 21 At Wind The Mews for Sports June 7 AiiK. June 1 1S. 2-1 July 12 Amg. a Auir. 2:t July 2(1 Mf At Shasta At M.-L'loud June 7 AuK. 2 July 1!) Hie for New, Sport July 12 May 21 June 14 June 2ft Auk. tt A ur. SO June 21 Tlio News for Sports June EH Alia;. 0 May t At Diinsntuir June 21 A iik. 10 May 17 Auk. 3 Aug. S May SI Tim News for Sports June 7 July 1 July 12 A hi?. :) May .11 June 21 May 17 July Bn Auk. 10 Aug. 2:1 Tim New for Hporta F0LS0M PRISON GATES SWING OPEN FOR OLD VET WHO MUST REMAIN FOR LACK OF A HOME irsar: 1.-1 olsom prison gates swung Iiiii i " fr old r. Simpson 2 J "b. i t "T V "" "" oldest inmate todav. Hut Iti II s, ' r'"'"r'1 "-i ti...i t l,is; i-ii ill lir son 11.. inside. Wit i :..,.! forty-year s.-i, ! has no plaei. t , H" IS ft T' t let he iitnteit nr mail rush f,,i 1 prison r-.il,. .-j i. ..i.... ' 'eia OetailSe 1 is tern " 0f 1 ' ! ho. sort that ,e I," behind him. itin ,is ti nn,t , ..i 1 , ...ii.iieni gloried i " 'iiM'i Hn rtiri ui . lit . t.. i . - '""" fr -ho.e who fought ,',.' Hill 'r u'"!' T ""' h 1 ""! Kiev of tb.. ..r.... r..,, : ' '' ""livs eray '! fust i .. If.obl. I Down soiilh ii....... . . , ..... foUow-, of Jeff )11Vj'I1' rcciird 'aft'e ri-r-v1 ti . . w,rn the rare of a Sol-m .California ...i . ; a r"""' ''and . u.i.j n in liu titiiii i. lime aaKolson, aull,rm,.. n , " . ' :i! .x - n,ayo;;,;i,,TM,: Old mil SllPs0n 1, 8 ypara ,,, 'oser. ' n ril.ln-1 xotick TO TIIK LAND OWNKHS OK THE MKADOW.S DHAINAOK Ills). THIOT OK KLAMATH COUN TV. OHIKiON: Notice la hereby Slven that the annual meeting; of the land own tr of the Meadows Drainage Dla rlct will be hold at the office of he Board of Hupervl.ora at No. '2 N. 7th St.. Klamath Kalla. u'Zn- "a Jhe 20,11 d "f April . ' lh h""r of 9 o'clock " ,,,r th purpose if electing one supervisor to serve for a term hreo years, and for the purpose of transactlni? mthor business whlch may legally come before the meet- OlVen hv Order ..f .1.- t, . int. iwinr.1 nr Supervisor. K. L. DAVIS. AT.S.,.l0.1I.l.,4.1B.i.I7ro,p OTI( U TO CHKDiioTtH ! It Means all It moans mud you, and we kno to have your forms, booklets, ( rrs, stationery nod closures printed W It means just in i- to have them print' a right price. Phone 93 W.O.Siuif Printing Company "ijuallty rrituiDi e. de. is one bp. ml .1, inn., " all. Pi'b-on file, Ht,oW be Wils nir,.l. .. i.-i 1 county lalicb. ' i, ,. I ll"W freed. no lilt on ii -. ''' "y "Id fasl,(.d ,...,.' ' "'ice hereby rtiv.-n t,. ""'I'-signed h, ,, , "'"" l dtnlllrator , f , ,"f "-V1" Abblegat. .-.-U Hp, ) j (,::... ..." havmg ,,;, ;:;;,;;., ; ' I'-lin.d lo pre..,,, s line lo III,, will, nroner .. ,. I April"!,'. iC" "ro- KL.MKIl f. APPLKdATrS. A !l. I C. 21 ii.ii, Administrator. the r'1 " wy t Hazen. ',. the nar,.!.. .. " " was trudgi,,,, ,..... My Old Kentucky . ''t moriili.e mo .., 1 I . ...ii niiii Km. v.... - ' i'. "I'' m. ri i i WOOD M We can supply n fuel needs on notice. Block Limb F...I Oil Pevton & C ha. hH prl8"n '"'""I f't. toward " n Phone Orders to ni Main the Mutter of the V. ,', . "Wood to Bum'