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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1925)
r KiAMATH NEWS Saturday, April H, 1925. Page Three ..... IIVII.I TKXAS SECRETAUY OF STATE HERRIOT GETS A "What Is this gossamer stuff?" I, i.r. i.y !"' ,rom h ".. . . ,uv of May. 12B. , CONFinFMPF Vnxr ""wy underwear for flappers ii--Mc. UIL;.N(W Hav.n lleglsur. TOMORROW IS EASTER DAY Co to Church to Sing and Pray ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Seventh and High Streets Services, 6:30, 9:30 and 11:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL tier I'"' l r l ii Mi'iMM'. I'AKIS. April 9.- The lumber of deputies voic confiilenie In Prsmler Altl) OK TII.INKH In"' " "'V f orcinti. for Kdoiinl llerr'ofs financial program ' Vt wish to thank our friends after a wntr.t'linr .eili.n whirl. and neighbors for their kindness i t "" " .... .l,.l. ,.l.,r...l ' t x."' r...i ,doml,,.',.. , i;y a fighting ,p,.erU f roin I own 1?jr"!4K the "ln,",1 ,nd. dM?ih ,,, ... ! of mir loved one and also for the tin IIjm of tl'e i;Ur,ait atateimao. , he.u'lful floral offerings. I llerrlnt obtained a majority of 49 MI18. TIIOH. A. 8MITH voteti after a reasoned ntnt imont that' MR. AND MH8. R. F. 3rd "' ' ..i. r..r rah 1 "" '' , ...! i. d secured I P" ...... rihnil nur-l 'ep.s.-d the trite rondltlon of Kren-hj v' kviith flniiner.s for the first time since the i,,, La ' r' . ... ..II Mil III. I. Ill III ... ii 111 . , The vote was 211 to 242. IlROWM All 1 U II..' rlKlil. Ullo mill lr,l ' " ... - V Iv I Milt till It - 1,1 ' ihrrn 131 V ....I., litis full. I..a I. re "ii .j , .-,Hii- thirty-two ' u 131 1. and I nil i J ' . Lv i .hi i li.oni.hlp Ihlrly- , 1S S.ltllll, !.- WlllillUletle JllTldlllU, f1 ' . .....t.l Ihlrfv. , .is, n.Hith rnK Unt .. '. ii -iiu.n..tiM M r Id 1 All. . .n..u rriktii thn Dowwr (Xlflltiiop. - - . r ih.. lifirnt Omron r..fiiiiiiiiv un thn wwit L l(f Link Hivr t th i . nn,l mini nine nlunt fll l nii'- "'" - L. l, ,',,rn k "II In" 4 of l l'ler l.ain.M ... r .l.l of wny and MIM"- . ... net. rmnlrurt. repair. I.e. iii.ilii' iin mill u. from ,,, illlli. tHr piiriimnnr. ,,,,.,.,,r mid aiilKni limy f. i.MT. Ill.llir. it,,. I.iikI, li.Tt-in Hirer n j f,,r in.tiHiiiliiili)ii Wild :.,i!i,,ii nf rlirlrlrlly n nil aM ,iirwii' nil,. ,,.I.H oiul wlnn u I ihiTi'im unci mippurlvd iiv ml nil iuT,'ry or r cr,,-. ,..niM. lirari'M, con ,n. f..i.iiliiKii mid othi-r in..-, im.l flilurKi. nl L fur ii li'i'liuni- imrpiKin of nir, li.ii, r. Iil uM .Hiiir as.i:ii. ill.,.. I" rnino .mil mam. I lie rlrnrliiir. ..try nr i.".'r;illi fur lh ;.f,,r.:.lil . ami. In put ii.r.H-.irv ituy lr.' iiu'f ii.'i.H mill atlm-h ruy in in-. .iIi.iik "aid line; .. run -t i ii, ! mi,) maintain ftnifi. itosh..i1 ly tnitifiuiHlun lln.n; thn til I,. itiihmimI l.y Hald nf wiiv Ik'Iiik iiioro parlir . n follow: UK ii iily lhroi. 1231 i,niy flv.. 5, twenty cm, inwuililp thlrt) IIIM miiilli nf ranxn IKi Kiist Wlllanivtlo Hi, in in Klamath County, in. Piirri'l No. II lie 'rpituul rl(;ht, prlv nn,l I'aH.'ini'nt of over :ik und Hr iiniovrrlnit. u ! may In,, lulu two (21, f, :ir ill nf ni'i'llnn ten Inis in,' I 1 1 to alx (61, Ivo ami the went half V- 1 l,f fniithwi'dt qiiiirtcr I nf Hun fourteen Hi,' imm half (KV4 ) of n lifii'cn I5; Iota ono ml nltii. (! of ii-rtliin v i,i i 22 i : liit ono ( 1 " il"i. Ini'lualvo. the ait quarter l.NKKtl of .'it nuarti r INW V. I and :iirtli.".t niurtiT (NV 4 ) uinwr:;! quarter (P.V itleii twenty. three (23); on,- Hi and nine (9) "itiun Iwenty-flve (2G): "ne Mi un,i two (2) of n tu.-ntv-Klx (28) all In '"'up tmriy-elicht (SSI ranee eKit ( K ) east, operation of any dam " regulation and rnnlrol lie waiera of the Upper 'Hi Lake, between the ele- I-I7 and 4143.3 aliove I,. v,. (j. s. 'wation Service data I '"l! any and all claims for "'e or injury heretofore re ;": "r that may hereafter !- 1 I 1I ':iim..rl In hnva '''il to Kal.l himlH. or nnv i'l'ln. or M11V crmta (...,1iir properly l hereon. Iiy rea of the iiperallon of audi inilor regulation and lonir, f ,,,1,1 Ke I'ar.el No, 4 I'l'ilimi; in a m.ti.i I.. .1... 1 ' r.ek Couiny Koad nnd "'nil line of aecllon 11 '-is I2fi Township 'eiKht cis i south llanga s Kast Willuinelto Me. " distant thirty-five (36) more or less. Kaat of Iho '"'-i comer of the North- lU li ter ( MV I, i ,.t .1... "'ctloii ivvpiity-aix (26): " ""nthensterly alonu tho r line of the Ilnclt Crerli '" s f(,n0W8: south '"'i.'l. !!)() feet more or ""n,e to t,,. left nlonn "' n 14 curve, 228.2 'llelli'e u, ...... ?ua on' L'n.. " '''"I; Ihenen to the rlht ; ""' urc of a 10' curve, lOI'l: III,,.,,. a u,,0. R. !':'s. 44.0.2 feet; thence to ' aiont; tlm nre of n 10" ' 1 !r, Ii foot ; thence South H. 208.2 f,.t: thence "' "s'll "line tho arc of a '".V". 1 H S . 3 fp,.(; thence 1 '"" mi' K. 1 7S.9 feet, to "il the lino between sec- 'etnyfivo (2r.) nnd 'y---i (28); thence to the in.' nrc of a .1i la.l.J feet; thence north '" K. 140.0 foot; thence '" '"ft nlonn the nre of a ''"'v; IHO.7 feet; thence 1 I l..' i ono o . . III v ii M Ik i JTres. s; try: meharg. uw ih. ? u j1 ,h" MPolnled ;.. 'lw-l .u k, , r 8'"r Hl,' "'' "' i rio.r Mr, Iho shore line of thn Upper KUiuath l.ukc; thence north WHKterly along the southerly shore line of the t'pper Klnin nth Luke In a point which Is North 3f 4U" K. lr.nij feet, more i r Ichs. from t!ie puliil of lieglnnlng; thenre south 3H-40' West 19S (III feet III the point of beginning, being a part of lots four (4) and five If. I section twenty-three (23i, lots one (1 and nine (9), section twenty-five (25 1 and lota one lit and two (2). sec tion twenty-six (26), all In township thirty-eight (3K) south ran (to eight (S), Kut Wlllamettp Meridian, aui con taining 15 0 acres, mere or less." Inrrrl No. 5 "A right i.f way or ease ment for a county rend in Klamath Count. Stale of Oregon, more particularly descrll ed aa follows: A strip if land sixty ICOI feet wide, 1'oi.ig ihlnv 1 10 1 feet on each aide of the renter line of that ceriiiln county road known as the Reck Creek road, as sur veyed over and across tho premises of Frank H. McCor nnck Jr..' In sections twenty three (23). twenty-six (28) and twenty-five (25), towiiehtp Ihlrty-ulKht ON) south range eight INI Fast Willamette meridian, beginning at station 241 plus N7 i f It. irs Creek Road Survey, which station Is ap proximately five hundred ten feet north of Iho quarter (V.) corner which Is common to section,! twenty-two (22) nnd t . niy lhrie township thirty-eight (3S). aouth nnge e'.ght (8) Fast Willamette Meridian: thence running In a southeasterly direction approxi mately eight thousands five hundred forty-fix (irMtfi feet In stall, n 327 plus .13 of the said euriey. which station Is ap proximately one thousand three hundred twenty feet (13201 feet east and three thousand eight hundred (3H00) fee: north of the section corner which Is common to sections twenty-six (26). twenty-five C5. thirty-five (35). and thlrty-lx (36) township thirty eight I3S) south range eight I VI Fast Willamette Meridian, loitti length of road eight thou sand five hundred forty-six Ii46) feet, approximately eleven and seventy-Bcven one hundredths (17.77) acres." I'roposala to purciiaso said par rels of real estate or either of them may he ninde to me at 16 Loomis Building. Klamath Falls. Oregon. listed and first published April 11. 1925. (Signed) ( FRANK II MrCORNACK Charter No. 1 1 KOI. Reserve DUlrlcl No. 12. ItFI'OlIT V CONIIITION OK THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OK KM MATH KAMJ4. : At Klamath Falls, In the State of Oregon, at the close of buslne:-; I on April 6. 1925. !". II rcc i Loans and discounts, Including redis counts, acreptanres of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts, sold with Indorsement of this bank 1755,716.00 Total 2. Overiirafla. unsecured 492.83 4. I'. H. ffvemrm-nt eymrltiea owned: (a) Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8. bonds par value) 100,000.00 (b) All other 1,'nlted States Government securities (including premiums. If any 113,959.26 Total 5. Other lMno, stocks, iwsniritln, etc: 6. Hanking House, 124.000; Furniture and fixtures, 110.000 7. Real estate twned other than bank 'Rome ft. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank 9 Items w'ti. ''ert-rai Reserve Rank In pro cess of collection ('ash In vault and amount due from na tional banks Am. jnt due from State banks, bankers. ' and trust companies In the United Stales 1 (other than Included In Items 8, 9. 10) j 13. Checks on other inks In the same city or 1 town as repi rllng hank 1 To'sl of Items 9. 10. 11. and 13 337.798.81 !l4. (b) Miscellaneous c-ish 'leins 1,111.52 i 15. Rer'emptlon fund with 1. S. Treasurer ' and due from U. S. Treasurer 10 ! 11. J755.716.00; 432.83 213.959.26 78.330.39 24.000.00 75.616.34 64.357.11 20.000.00 104.398.78 192.922.63 20,477.40 1,111.52 Total I 'v' V ; ' ' 1 i MttllllUicn ; VI ' ' J 17. Capital stork paid lu ', 18. Surplus furd 19. (a) Undivided profits $ 20.381 09 (cl Lss rurrent expenses paid 15,967.58 5.000.00 $1,498,382.26 $100,000.00 si 25.000.00 ! accrued 28.797.44 isE 20. Reserved for taxes, interest, etc. 21. Circulation notes outstanding 24. Amount due to State hank, hankers, and trust companies In the United States and foreign countries 25. Certified checks outstanding 26. Cn"l',",s r-"i' r...t'nd,n'. Total of Items 24, 25. and 26 Dt'iiiwn.1 flrfo"itrt (other than bank de poHita) mihles-t to Itrarrve (depoaiU payable within 30 days): 27. Individual deposits subject to check 28. Certificates cf deposit due In less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) ,,l.l,ll.,0 r. , Cn. A..ntU n. ..,.... n...nnnnl .tnnnot.c Guardian of the person and .,'. . . H . nota r ... rK b estate of Frank II. Mc- ul ' a ur Burc; uuuu Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposit) subject to Reserve Items 27. 28. and 29 989,244.78 Time depowlta "ubject to Reserve (pay able after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal sav ings) : Certificates of deposit (other than tor money borrowed) 35. Other time deposits 36. Postal eavlngs deposits Total of time deposits subject to Re serve, Items 33, 35, and 36 245.451.74 Cornack, Jr. All. 18. 25 M2.9 731,364.79 10.892.08 246.987.91 KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL. In readiness day and night to care for confinement patients. adv. 21 A circulation covering the city of Klamath Falls and (he county of Klamath that's the Klamath News 11:00 a. m. s ! EASTER MUSIC AND MESSAGE 7:30 P. M. EASTER CONCERT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sixth and Pine Sts. Arthur L. Rice, Minister 33. 30.798.14 202.981.36 11.672,24 $1.496. 3S2.26 Total State of Oregon. County of Klamath, ss. I, E. M. Uubb. cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly ewear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. M. BUBB, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: W. C. DALTON. MARION HANKS. M. S. WEST. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me thin 10th day of April. 1925. E. S. V'EATCH, Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires 7-14-28.) . DON HALL'S WHITE PELICAN Sandwich Shop Real Specials An' I don't mean Mebbe Hamburger, 10c Delicious Pie, 10c and i two bits "Clean as a Pin" 115 6th St. Used to be Sip & Bite quarter (NKVl) of I J Klamath Indian Convention WLUL-KSE KLAMATH INDIAN RESERVATION ON THE DALLES-CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY JUNE 22 TO JUNE 30, 1925 Steel Filing Cabinet Sections If s-Tl " At suikCjMMW m vr !J Uocassait Hies 1 Letter! Uss ew 1 r.r r1. is. vft WMB 1 crony files you T&ant Southwell Stationery Co. 626V Main St. Phone 602 4 ,.rj p11 1; II t h lflt.,.rJl 1 We have in stock a com plete line of canned and fresh fruits and vegetables as well as the necessary staples. And Lewis' Coffee! Have you tried it? We mix it ourselves and the blend is perfect. Try a few pounds at only 50c for one pound B. P. LEWIS GROCERY Meats That Ease The Cooking Problem The success of your cooking is half won when you start with wholesome Meats. Insure tasty and economical meals by pur chasing fine Meats at such low prices as the following: Rib Roast Beef 15c Boiling Meats -122 0 Prime Rib Roast, Boned and Rolled 25 C Veal Roast -18c Shoulder Veal Steak Sc Milk Fed Lambs And Fresh Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red Spring Chickens SEE OUR WINDOW SATURDAY Sanitary Market - CHOICE MEATS Special Attention to Order Trade. 7th and Main St. Phone 22 . ' " " ''iirvo, 78.3 foet. ' r IpHM I linn ... . I. h. ' iiitMiua iiui in Ck V'T ,cen,pr " o' th 1 v," county Road to