Page Four riv.'rsday. April 9, W2Th THE KLAMATH IDLE LAKE TOUR (Continued from Pace l,ne) Lot river originating below the Clear lake reeTvolr as taken care of. A a result the surface eleva tion of Tule lake was lowered by seepage and evaporation, over two feet annually. Today the lake bed is dry with the exception of a two or three squire mile drainage bain in the center where surplus water from the surrounding imitated land is held in a seciuue ha-:r.. About 6000 acres made available by the reciw-imi f Tule lake were first watered in 1917. Tiay. aVmt one-third of ue toral area of the lake bed has been cor- let ivy re claimed by a perfec; yt:n i! drainage and irrigation oanaU. and many thousand acres m.'re will ulti mately be cla-a?d as etinaliy im proved. Below the area whiclt may De irrigated lhc- U1 h? al equal area for tue growing of lux uriant pasture and non-irrigated grain, w here the nn Isture will re main near enough to the surface of the ground that irrisaiion will not be required. soil is a black sandy loam enriched by centuries 1 Dealers Used Car Exchange LOIIE HO AG LA Xl, Mgr. 8th and Pine Sts. Open Evenings and Sunday. CERTIFIED rSKI C.UIS 1925 Oakland, new Guarantee 10?X 1M Buick Six Touring..- 30 1921 Buick Six Touring. New Paint 500 1921 Buick Six Touring. Duco Paint 5"5 1921 Oldsmobile Six Tour ing, Guaranteed 650 1921 Oldsmobile Four 4 Touring, New Paint 650 1921 Nash Touring 3"5 1921 Velie, Fine Condition 600 1920 Buick, 25 License .... 350 1921 Lexington Touring.... 375 1920 Buick. Reconditioned New Paint, 25 license 4S5 1921 Dodge. 25 License .... 350 1920 Maxwell "Touring, 25 License 125 1920 Maxwell. Sew Paint 140 1922 Bix Six Studebaker, Calif. Top 1050 1919 Dodge. New Paint and Guaranteed -- 375 1918 Dodge, New Paint and Guaranteed -5 1923 Dodge. Guaranteed Condition. 25 License 500 1920 Chandler. 7 Pass. Duco Paint 450 1920 Chalmers Touring, New Paint 450 1917 Buick Six Touring .... 200 1923 Chevrolet Touring.... 375 1921 Chevrolet Touring .... 300 1924 Star Coupe, New Paint, 25 License. Reconditioned, guar anteed 625 1923 Moon. 4 Pass. Coupe. New Paint 1200 1918 Dodge Roadster 245 1921 Overland Mvstery .... 300 1924 Ford Sedan 25 Li cense. Guaranteed 500 1921 Ford Coupe, 25 Li cense 350 And a Big Selection of Guaran teed Fords. ,.; vcaitaticnal decay. It product excellent crops of potatoes, alfalfa, oats, birley and and It i claimed there Is no more pr.duc the land on tlie Pacific .oast. The elevation of the Klamath project is 4u00 feet and prevalent late spring frosts until early June. pro hibit the (.rowth of the less hardy en r. making it es-entially a live stock country. The irrigating sea son begins May 1 ami tnd Siutem ber 30. The year jnt c! -cd was a banner year f.'r the Klamath pr. jert from t'e standpoint of produ tivity. Al though it was a year of universal drouth all along tlie coat. the Kia nuth project had surplus water t.i ..ell to a local hydroXe. trie power ok . .ird m tre I'" t: i" i''!-' it-: i-t 'gallon rcriis tts. The Tu'e la'.e sect oa was proven a "t- n j-'f'Ae with a nvcrd of 710 ooO SuieN of grain prod.iad from ap-'r.ix'm.itely . 20 v" acres of its non-irriitcl area, and the entire project pro da. ed (rem i;a irrigated land 90. '000 tons cf alfalfa and nearly 10o. 000 acks of potatoes. Tule lake was formerly the nest ing grounds for millions of wild geese and ducks which still invade the grain fields of the lake bed (lur ing the winter months, undismayed r.y the disappearance of their for- , The lands i !,e mer flood lands. M non-irrigated section are g". ment lands and leased seasonally by, local farmers. The harvest on these lands begins about September 1 and continues until November. During the past two years a spirited race had developed between the anxious farmers and the hungry game birds as to their respective share in the crops. Bird Reserve SoufrlU There remains a huge area of the Klamath project that has not been prOTen that is the dry bed of Lo er Klamath lake, a peat bed of de cayed tules with a spongy, inflam mable soil running from less than a foot to 50 feet in depth. Owing to the nature of the aoll which would require vast expenditures for proper drainage and irrigation, the development here has been retarded and most of the land has passed Into private control. Only $30. 000. amounting to 50c per acre, has been expended since 1917 toward its development. During the spring runoff the ex treme flood area of Lower Klam ath lake was 75.000 acres, and in the fall the low water area but 25.000 acres. The lake wag fed through a channel from the Klam ath river by which flood waters were backed into the basin and as the river receded the flow through the Inlet was reversed In direction and water flowed out of the lake. About 1909 the Southern Pacific railroad built a line Into Klamath Falls constructing a fill across the Lower Klamath channel known as the Klamath straits, making an ef- West Frankfort, 111., Loses 100 in Tornado Knight. Templar To I Attend Church Eattrr (ntuliy ('iiiiinisiiiliiry No 10. knight" Teinplur, will attend dnxier nervlces In a body at tliK Flrat llau tint church, in u re hi n x In full mil fm in from the Mimniilr hull, where they will I at 10:30 a. in. (inr rell Van Itlper la the Kmlnniit I'mii- llllllliler BIG DANC? Aflrr llie 'kiuW IH. Hu rt. Min ,w ,,.'" an-. lUrn. M,n,.f(, ""V k tun iiuii.ii,.. fUBII lll(UM HK.I ..I !.. ."" t:Eitvitoitv w:uw i it 4 IC lake. Xc-',' . : .... ' More than 100 persona were killed by the devastating tornado that left the prospermia Utile rli, bl Aest Frankfort, 111., a total wreck. This alrplans ro'osl'h howj those fortunate cuuuun lo a f ai-. death or Injury searching in the ruins for the dead and wounded. feetive dyke at no cos, to the pro- ;.;.. -t , r .p. r. ad over 330 miles There has been repaid b ho .et- ject. A regulating structure was .( ,, ,rrig.-in canals have 1 n Hers to that ;-" f,,r Placed in the railroad embankment built. It, addition the proj-e 1- .miction and 18.000 tor opera-, and this M:e having been closed ive", water lo 5000 acres along t;o and maintenance. 1 no net In- tontinuailv ince 1M7. the lake the Van Briaier ditch, a pioneer v. stm. nt . the goornim ut on bed U now drv. . strict below toe town . f pioneer July 1. 1:4. a $:l.!io3.oot. That part of ,V.e lake ,nd'rlct below the Un of Merrill . In the fall of 1922 acres, . . , .... . 'i iVo,.- Uai..r -a aUo Dumped ' the Tule lake reclaimed land lanas on tne uregi.n s.oe hthi- . .. --- v a.., .- f-i.m ! main canal to the Enter- were thrown open ea iuiu lae iiauia.:i u:auiir,c u.a- -. , . . ...... ioi- .-a ,n ioi7 nri(e Irritation district in the same entry with a preferential right tract was entered Into between the vicinity with an irrigable area of ex soldiers. ,t;irici and the Eovernmi-nt acreed 3uu0 acres, and the Pine to keep the flood gates cbscd con- district with 1000 ac i w i . ft v l II It -J e, , '-r. - I 11 X--..'.. X A'I I 1 X-:.':.:.- I homesteatl to About 65 tracts rot- ilrove erlng over 3000 acres, were filed In addi- on at thut time. Then on January ditloned upon the district making tion there are eight or ten smaller 15. 1923. the secretary of The In- certain payments and proceeding district which, combined with the terlor withdrew the public notice with the reclamation of the lands, new Shasta View d strict re- opening the land. Since that date If the-e condlticas were not com- centty established, will Irrigate an no filings have keen made and It; plied with, and if the land proved aggregate of la. 000 acres. In the i not known when tho land will less valual le for agriculutre than vicinity of roaanaa. a pumping dis- again be thrown open to entry. It a5 a bird reserve, then the gates trie! has been organized with a total suffices to say there are many i were to be thrown open and the ar. a of Hi. 000 acres, and I.angell thi' i-and acres of this pul lie laud lake reflooded by 1927. Local in- valley Jut l- -y nd will have 16.- of the highest fortuity which will terests predict the mare valuable Ot'O acres which will mostly he wa- ultimately lie available for settlers marginal areas of Loner Klamath tcred for the fits', time in 1925. ' the Klamath country, made avail will ultimately be dyked off and the Horsefly or Corner dam on llhl" by the I'nited States reclama the center of the lake, whlih is de- Miller creek, now under construe- I'm service in their conquest to cidedlv alkaline will again be tion. taking cure of ulioul 60U0 transform 260.000 acres originally B. 1. O. KLKS MKKT Thursday evening. Visiting members welcome. Elks Tem ple, 3rd and Main streets. CHARLTON CVRR1N. Exalted Ruler TOM DELZELL. Secretary flooded. of the total. The water supply for t'c.e Klamath The probable ultimate irrigable prcject is derived mainly from I'p-, area of the Klamath project is about per Klamath lake, supplemented by ' laO.WiO arres. In addition there are water from Clear lake and Los; abcut 100. 000 acres of irrigable river when the need arises. Tpper land bordering Vpper Klamath lake Klamath lake contains a low wa- and the valley of the Spraguc river, ter area of 65.000 acres, and has moat of which will eventually be an average annul run-off of 1.-'. irrigated. This land is admirably 500,000 acre feet, and a maximum adapted to growing of forage crops run-off in excess of 200.000,000 a n it for blue grass and clover mea acre feet. Tpper Klamath has a d wa such as the remarkable dis great many important inlets, chief trie: around Fort Klamath, which of which is the combined Sprague turns off an average of 10.000 fat and Williamson river and Wood cattle each seasf.n. rlve" . The United States has spent on Much Yalcr Available ),,. Klamath project to Julv 1 At the p-esent I'm, water is iv.m. in rnn, ,,,ln,,,nrili ii'sur,.- tur anout 4a. 000 acres of oo in construction "..u. uc va.i'u .:! maniam nn opera' lakes, to 150,000 ductive farms. acres of pro- TRY THE BLUEBIRD'S MALTED MILK Featuring Fancy Drinks To Suit Your Taste. ",i0 Get Your Easter Candies at BtucBird pn Li I Ru Pi 'in bn - el I IK W ! 1 l M h tt .tb i . Hli ; i ige , I : ti -t inn r i du rc ai viT RC B f . K H . ! -non . ao lllillll tntiTii' I t w I III'" I lilhara and and tC54.ono ni aintenance. ' - " "f Chief Figures in News of the Day LUMBER OPERATORS' HEADQUARTERS in KLAMATH FALLS The ARCADE HOTEL Every Convenience i'1 ft Dr. Paul M. Noel DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE REMOVAL OF HIS OFFICES From the Underwood Building to Suite C, Slough Building a. L if ... vr- ;4 lS ' H". l At - v'v' ,7 fcUu Th. former Prlncei. X.n. .Lrom. 'h.'!. P hi. B. Ueds, who tahert ed the fortun. nf m"'1 ?.0w " OI Wl"'' WldowTf th "OnTlM." Um ..f hl, 'Tlncess AnMataia. ltSltntSX"1" Vork from ,n,. 1 tha ifrench Chanber of DeoutJe. L- br r,ot 'rte1 annooneed that m dVta?m?i.7?-B Pre"Pr Kdour'1 V.r. . trftnnrirau h KZ THERE IS NEW EVIIDENCE OF THE EASTER SPIRIT IN 1 HL New Creations Just Arriv ed, a Ship ment of Beautiful New Leghorns in the Latest Modes AT THE IHAT SHOPPE i MOTHERS A Visit to Our Infants' Wear Depart ment Will Convince You Our Stock of Dainty Layettes Is Incomparable W 14,000 anned If to a irta. 1 OfJreyer TWffi 8aaa' Vgiiat to -yltate lTo UU. yo mi