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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1925)
THE KLAMATH NEWS Wodnpfulav. April 8. 1925. Page S evert Hi" tk Kali raJ Snappy Sporting Notes CLASSIFIED ADS "KAi'so for coi.dh" Forbra pure drugs, 8th and Main. A7-12 W TOAST v BAN rRANl'IKCO. April 7 - Heat I and tan Frani'laco buttled tn CHAMBER WOUK or any kind domestic work wanted. H. K., tJs-W. ' A8-10 (Ireenfleld waa permitted In remain 'champion prize flKhters and one ra in tli box (or the remainder of the 'tired champion received amnesty name, lint Martina waa taken out (or from tho Now York (Itcht commlHalnn a pinch hitter In tho seventh, and gt Tuesday's meeting, and will be Hurry Kully finished up (or the Hen-1 allowed to give and take aim He In itlora. 'the New York rlnn. tholr pant acta of Score It. II. K. ! Irreverence toward Hie commission ,auJ. to . rrank llrower chalked up New York 4 9 t. forgiven. 'aiiwo bom runs for the openliiK day. Washington 6 9 1 juH(.y Walker. welterwelnht cham- t Score It. II. K. Iluttorles-Srott, Greenfield and I)(((n. Mk), MTtKiie, light heavy- "Miig.,,!, i g j Hartley; Oovaleakle, Martina. Kelly i wc)jit j,uj jl(my Dundee, wln 'Ian Francisco 6 10 and Ituel. Tate. the featherweight title laat o v Batteries Sutherland and Karl 'year were tho penitents, aid win; McWeeny and Yclle. ATLANTA, (la., April 7. Tho He-1 walker haa been suspended for re- Uroit Tigers got a running sturt on fllKnK , f)gn, l)uye Khade and for Pais SACRAMENTO. April 7.- In a j Atlunta Crackers Tuesday after-1 pBimlnt hot remarka which reflert rlll,jaje devoid of spoctiirular features, and continued the sprint until td reHpert for t)le dignified com- Sacramento defeated Oakland In tho t Crackers were beaten 6 to 4. n)on. lie agreed to fight Kliado M Irat Paclflo Coimt League HUG oa- Delrolta runs were equally dlvld-H((m0 McTgue waK reni,tBted oa gam a Tuesday. Foster, pitching I""1 between tho first and second ; tne understanding that he MDr tha Oaks, outclassed HlnOh-iiliuck I frnnien. Johnson and Ilassler form-r,Bk n)l) ,tlo BgBinHt 0me aB the mound for the Senators, ex- a"tai,pt ' lB ,,rKl In"'""- Mil gcora ' It. H. K. ml tMkklaad 3 6 3 WOMAN WANTS Job aa bundle wrapper or cashier. R. K 438-W. Ag-lOg A, Ft. It KNNEIX announces new spring and summer Una to meas ure suits, 21. it to 188.60, hand tailored. For appointment any time pbona 109. Satisfaction guaranteed. MIS A16 rinc hai.h loaay only, liwu, 1920 Iteo Speed Wagon. Cood condition. First cash offer takes. .Mr. Wells, (larich's c a m p WANTED Neat ground. A8 WANTED Middle aged woman to do chamber work. Apply 80S Main St. M25t( Edward B. Ashurst Attorney and Counsellor at Law Suite and Federal Courta Bulle No. 6, Loomls Bldg. Phone 227 C. C. BROWER Atlorney-at-Law - General practice State and Federal Courta , Willita Bldg. i WANTED Man and wife, man to drive tractor and woman to cook fi.T about three. Apply L. F. 0 News office. A8-9 COLOUED KOtiH For aale by Camp Fire girls. 60c per doi. Delivered. Orders taken until 8:00 p. m. Friday. April 10. Phono 246-W or call 1019 Jef ferson. A8-10 appearing young! girl, medium belgbt, experience i not necessary, (or chorua work. I Apply between 10 and 11 a. m. atj Pine Tree. M25t( FOR BALE Klamath grown Red Clover. While it lasts at 22c per pound. Murphy's Seed Store, 906 Main St. M26t( Nil Hone Corseta, Elastic Re ducers and Corset Ictts Made to Measure. Guaranteed. ROMS RANDALL r?2l Jefferson St. Phone 277-W Hend it to the Laandry I'nion Laundries! KLAMATH SUPERIOR as FRENCH HAND Ldrjr. Workers I'nloa No, 22f) ed the winning battery. " '-acramento " i Batter( , , inback and Shea of . C 8 1 Foster and Head; Hhnl- h.v 'BALT LAKE, April 7. Vornon luri cored alngle run In the third ' ar'-rama today, and the Salt Lake team "'on, 4 to , largely due to Hill Pler- U(:T' pitching. ftraiVu 8core- prot-'croon ' " alt Lake u Batteries linrsott and II. K. & 1 PHILADELPHIA, April 7. Con nie Mark's Athletics not only were beaten by the Phillies In the spring series Tuesday at the Phillies' park, 11 to S, but also lost the services of First Baseman Joe Hauser, who Buf fered an Injury to his knee rap, and will not be able to start the season next week. Ilauxer, In going back of the bug in the opening Inning to take ;! lowuy's throw of Coorge Hums' grounder, twlHtcd Ills knee and foil .'lereejr and Pel its. RES "tojLOa ANGELES, April 7. Port wet ltad Beavers drove Itoot out of the apedlox In the eighth Inning and broke It 1 4 8 0 i to the ground. He luy unonncloiin Murphy; ' for several minutes, was carried to tho bench, and then to the hospital. Dr. Frank II. Ilulrd, the team phy sician announced Tucsdny night that Iluuser'a knee was fractured, and an operutlon might be necessary. man to be named by tha commission within sixty days. BABE RUTH A VERY SICK MAN AFTER A SUDDEN COLLAPSE ipro te patting aver four runs and ilohlng their initial gnme with Los 'rmsatDKelee 7 to 3. at, Score It. II. E. neat 0rtland J. 7 10 S lent' t"0" Ab",m 3 7 "3 phi Batterlee Winter Yurrlson. llln nst4 tley and , Crosby, Itoland; Itoot. '' tamaeF and Sundhurg. C - ills k "pCHOITION GAMES remii; , AU0O8TA, (lu.. April 7. A wild tic relay by George Kelly of a throw bees from Ross Young to the plate In the Dl"r,u enth Inning allowed Cioone ComIIii u,a. A'ecore.lrlih tho winning run Ini'il" cl"K taken -to a hospital Inliifuesday'a game between the (Hants suid. Physicians, although not con- Tho count was 5 t Bluntly In attenilance, regularly vis ited tho "swat king," the nurse declared. a thrina jaace nna aouniea to rignt. a nuiu io ion l t rood throw would have held (Joslin "mtt.p ,t tnird baee In (act he nad ("..jtopped there, but made a fresh ncil itart when ho aaw llnrtloy could not dwthandle Rally's throw. d to I A home run by Kelly In the sixth I'nua on tho train could not bo con g Inning had tied tho score after the firmed hero Tuesday night. How I MgSenatore had held a ono-run lead ever- he complained of a headache si' torfrom the eecond Inning, and In the ani h'Bh fver during the afternoon, moo seventh the Clants hnd scored three!" was 8al(1- Real Estate ONE OF THE last close In 5-acre tracts for a home, three mllea from Main street, on Market road like highway, all under Ir rigation and In cultivation, mostly In alfalfa, on easy terms. Price 81,750. 6V4 ACHES located al.out 2 1-3 miles from town on highway, sultalilo for small homes of one acre, or one home of six acres. Thls tract Is one of the heat lo cations for suburban home near this city. All under Irrigation and in cultivation. Price $6,500. FOIl SALE Mammoth Everbear ing strawberry plants, $2 per 10f. J. F. Coldsworthy, 802 Doty St. Phone 223-W. A8-10 MAN AND WIFE wanted for two months' Job: furnished living quar ters, wood, lights, water, etc.; easy, pleasant work. Apply at News office. A8-9 WANTED Woman to do light housework and be companion (or elderly lady. Phone 282. From 8 to 6 p. m. M17tf LADIES PARAGON tailored to measure coats, spring and sum mer styles, $18.50 to $36.76. For appointment pbone 1C9. M8 AS J. A. OOI.UHMITH Custom Tailor 810 Winters Bldg. Suits From $8.IW to $70.00 R. L. ELLIOTT Attorney At Law Addrees 2.3 Hugarnianj Bldg. Tel. 120 Office. Home nt-J Office Hour n a, lu 5:8 p. LOST A large, oral agate pin. Liberty reward. Mrs. I. A. Baker, 327 Grant St. A7-9 MR. ENSLEY, teacher of guitars, banjos, mandolin, and ukele. 137 First St., corner Pine St. A6-13 WOULD APPRECIATE information leading to recovery of German Police dog. female, missing since Sunday. Phone 758. Van Fleet. A7-8 LOTS 1 to Falrview. are 25 ft, 13. block 4. Price $2600. lots. Second These ty-nHBd Senators. ma Ir mi Ooslla had been on first base A8HVILLE, N. C. April . Bah? Ruth Is In his room at the Battery Park hotel, "quite conscious but very sick" following his collapse on Tuesday afternoon in the Asheville railway station. A private nurse refuses to discuss tho Bambino's Illness. Until possi bly Is suffering from an attack of flu, she admitted, however. Ituth's condition did not warrant she Yankees and Brooklyn Robins left the train here Tuesday afternoon. The two teams aro scheduled to play an exhibition game hero. Rumors that Ruth had been delir- SPLENDID RESIDENT lot on Johnson Ave., good view of city and country. A BARGAIN In resident lot on 5th steet, on pavement. Price $650. SPLENDID LARGE business lot. close In on 6th street, 70x104. FOR RENT A sleeping room for one or two gentlemen, close In. rent reasonable. Phone 277-W or 621 Jefferson St. A7-9 FOR RENT A sleeping room for one or two gentlemen, close In rent reasonable. Phone 277-W or 52 Jefferson. A5-8 JHOE REPAIRING Best mater ials, prompt service, work ahoea and gloves (or less. Jack Frost, 119 So. 6tb St. J28tf WANTED Watches, clocki and all kinds of broken Jewelry to repair I. D. Bostwlck Jewelry Co., 605 Main St. Jy24tf DR. F. R. GODD.WID Osteopathic PhyHtciao-Snrgnoa Pbone 821 Office and Ree. I. O. O. V. Temple Klamath Falls, Oregon HL'HHY TAXI Open aad Closed Cara Waldorf Pool Ball Phone 861 ALAINE BEAUTY SHOPPE Open Tuesday, Haturday 107 Ho. 7th St. Thursday and evenings, Pbone 7041 , " 1 .-iti-niviiuumn ( n . UK. rrtlLlr COLE General Practice of Dentistry Open Evening by Appointment Phone BOO 518 Mala Over Moe's Store s FOR SALE By owner new 4-room house. Pbone 394-R. M29tf IF YOUR WALLS ARB dirty let us kalsomine them. Call Brown ing. Phone 461. A5-12 nd 14. I. 7 Mora rona, all tholr scoring being 5 done at the expense of Joe Martina I, JIB the laat halt of the Beventh. Kent ; lots Greenfield, however, who had re nd le'li,,! J.vk Scott In the box for New I 18 i to 111 Ont iropert'i rby k 1 SiK Impr Tork, waa. rapped for three runs. TWO WORLD CHAMPS GRANTED AMNESTY BY NEW YORK STATE NEW YORK. April 7. Two world DAILY PEGS Written by Westbrook Pegler r. or ot. NEW YORK, April 7. The Olympic circus of 1928 aeems h" to bm on the market because the Dutch parliament is reluctant Hall ' to furniah 100,000 florins for "mere sport.".. A year ago J' Franco waa very alow to raise the loose brick in the chimney rtmoi piece and dig up the backing for the program of 1924. I Iop";,- Perhaps Los Angeles or aome other American city will re , M ;liev Holland of the load. There is no known limit on the t'nbipr'C ' port in this country. Fewer than 90,000 Americans " p paid $1,626,000 to see a big black-browed fighter slug a slight, fair-ha!.d set-up for lest than 12 minutes four years ago, and U it was then thought that the fight fans had sucked all the Etui' juice otat of its oranffe. But 18 months affo the same black J',"' Browed athlete played to a million dollar house at the Polo rorol Grounds in his engagement with Luis Firpo. And before the pu ,, aummor is over he probably will draw a million once again, d oil ' The) big money era in American sport dates back to IS ' tti when Tax Rickard crashed into the fight business by offering rthcri! Cant and Nelson a guarantee of $40,000 for a finish fight at ; Goldfield, Nevada, and drew a house of almost $70,000. Dempaay wouldn't draw on a glove for the entire gate receipts r",of ' B' ''aTht today, and Tom Gibbons, who is no champion, )wtio f wants three times as much for a limited bout with Harry Wills, GAii''. who is no champion, either, rlll,!': John McGraw was regarded as a plunger when he paid 'i$ll,CC3 for Rube Marquard in the days when such ball play K .Jors as Johnny Evers starred for $3,000 the year. Marquard "till broadcasts an occasional chuckle at those who called him MATH' tha $11,000 lemon so long ago, and that astounding purchase price ia just a little more than one-fifth of Babe Ruth's annual th salary this year, ( 'J Carney Dreyfuss's wild gamble of $22,000 for the battery r,i,oijt OTalle and Kelly was another landmark along America's M"! eamrraar of spending for sport. O'Toole and Kelly flopped, and ol ') Crtr.ti has never taken another flyer of the kind. m A decade ago New York promoters managed to drive the for I'' a 7, into hysterics by paying Pucky McFarlnnd and Tom buil": C 'tort 1 at t. Price $200 per foot. FINE RESIDENT LOT on pavement with stone retaining wall and cement steps. Prlca $750. 4-ROOM strictly modern house In good loratlon, near store and school. Price $4200, on terms. TWO BRICK business buildings ad. Joining, just off of Main, cen trally located Income $450 per month. Price $45,000, 1-3 down. SPLENDID home on 9 th street in a fine five room bungalow, cor ner lot, nice lawn, garage, a good borne. $6,000, terms. BEAUTIFUL home on 6th street. Strictly modern, with (urnace, (ireplace and completely (urnlsh- ed. Garage, nice lawn and In good location. Price $3,000 terms. SPLENDID LOT on Main street 67x100. Price $400 per (t, LARGE LOT on Klamath Ave., close In and centrally located, $5,000. THREE LOTS In Buena Vista on pavement, all (or $1200 or $450 each. TWO OF THE BEST resident lots on High street. Price $1200 each or $2200 (or both. GOOD RESIDENT lot on Pleasant Ave., price $300. j TWO GOOD lots adjoining, for $450 or If sold separately $300 (or comer lot $250, Inside. FOUR LOT9 in North Klamath Falls for $400 a bargain. ONE 4-room house on lot 60x120 (oot lot and one two room house on 50x120 (t. lota ad joining good cement garage, splendid view, ot part of both Upper lake and Lake Ewauna, about one block oft paving. Price It sold together $2600, half cash, if sold separately, price ot 4 room house $2,000, two room house $800. SPLENDID HOMES from $800 to $20,000. City lots in all parts of the city, also farms in lrrl gated districts, cheap. SPLENDID RESIDENT lot on White street, Mills Addition. Price $271. FOR RENT A modern apartment with private bath. One block from Main St. 213 Cedar, corner of Pine. A5-8 FOR RENT A modern furnished apartment In the McCarthy Apartments. Phone 800. A5-8 FOR SALE Central Hotel, fully quipped, 13 rooms and bath on second floor, lobby, dining room, kitchen, store room and laundry. Laundry equipped with electric! washer and mangle. Death In j family compels sale of above pro perty. W. F. HcCollum, Dorrls, j Siskiyou Co., Calif. M17tf Washington Nursery Co. Everything in Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, 1 terries, Htirube, Vines and ltoeee. llurdy and true to name. i. A. PARLEY, Klamath Falls P. O. llox 402. Phone 670-M Phone 100-J. Room 10, Loomls lildfj. DR. W. A. LEONARD Dentist Specialist la Extractions, Oral Surgery aa Diseases of the Month. A paper where all the people have ! opportunity to express themselves if ! tbey desire that's The Klamatb News. FIRST CLASS APARTMENT for rent. Evans Apartments. A5t( f lH' B.t i a total of $37,500 for the ten round no decision fight ton Beach, New York. They were two of the cleverest tt the world and the fight was terrible, but the same i i today would draw at least ten times as much, FOR SALE By owner, 4 room fur nished House with double gar age. 336 Lincoln. Apt. 5. A5-8 FOR SALE $9,600 One of Klamath Falls fin est homes. Very close in. Pave ment all paid up. 16.000 Strictly modern 6 room house In Hot Springs Addttlon. 1 Large double garage with sleep- Ing room. K you want a real ! buy let us show you this home. $1200 Nice Htlte 3 room house. Close to highway. $300 cash, balance monthly. FIRE AND NO INSURANCE Yon always feel sorry for the fel low who loses his home, or any of his property by fire and has no insurance. How about YOUR SELF? Aro yon covered? If not yoa better call us today. MOMYER & MOMYER INSURANCE CO. Hapka Building Browne's Paint Store 1029 Main Street. Phone 75 GEORGE K. ROSENQUIST General Insurance Room 4 Sugarmaa Bldg. Pbone 820-W Honrs 0 to B Bat. Evenings FRED BTJESnro Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1020 Main St. Pbone 274-W PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER and ACCOUNTANT CORAL J. SABO Tel. 848 205 Ilopka Blilg. CHIROPRACTOR . DR. GEO. E. MALLETT Office over Underwood's Residence Phone 067 7th and Main Office Phone 4M 650 Very Close in. choice lot 57x100. Good Terms. $250 Per acre, on highway, un der irrigation in 5 or 10 acre tracts. Terms to suit pur chaser. A A. BELLMAN A CO. 700 Main St. A5-8 SCANDINAVIAN ROOMS Are Now Open. Stricly up-to-Date. Rooms From $6.00 Up. MILLS AHPITIOS T.OT8 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS (or Mills Addition lots, close to the mills and factories. Big level lots at $175 and up. Only $25 to $50 cash and $10 a month. We have more than two hundred of these lots. Come early and get some of the best. A pleas ure to show you. Chllcote & Smith, 727 Main St. A5-8 AUTO LAUNDRY CHAS. tNMAN, Prop. Can Oiled and Greased 87 Esplanade A Spring Sts. PHONE 833 Every kind of construction and building. All work guaranteed. Every job completed in the shortest possible time. No delays. Free estimates given. See me before letting your contracts. I can save you time and money. Thomas Bomar Phone 55, Baldwin Hotel DR. J. O. GOBLB Glasses Fitted and Grouni 709 Main Street Phone 18S-W A booster for Klamath eowtn and Klamath Falls and every legit imate industry therein that's lbs) Klamath News. TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT 023 Main Phone 624 EVANS Shoe Repairing Good Work Right Prloea 1014 Main Stutt Klamath Fans, Ore, FOR RENT OR LEASE 5 acres with 2 room house. MRH. KATE OTTERBEIN 001 Idaeota, cor Oth. Phone 580-M FOR SALE Several furnished and unfurnished houses, also unim proved properties. C. 8. MONTELIUS 708 Main Wt. A3-9 BEXD-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE Now Operating Dnily Trips CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE 103 So. 7th Phone 513-W WANTED Watches and Jewelry to repair. Expert workmanship done by experienced Jeweler. Let George Do It. George Motz, Jeweler, 622 Main St. M31 A30 URS. NATE OTTERBEIIf Real Estate 001 Lincoln St. Phone M6-M W. P. MYERS Lawyer Room 0, Court House Phone, Office 216-W Res. 170-W TAXI Phone 185 Large and small cars. White Star Line Better Service 1 FOR RENT Small house, furnish ed. $20 per month. Phone 748. M27tf WANTED Seed potatoes. Write us stating price and varieties yeu have to offer. State also when ready tor delivery. Monarch Seed Company, Medford, Oregon. J17tf FOR SALE Cheap. Jordan tour ing car, has all accessories, in first class condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Write R. 8., Klamath News tor appoint ment. M2tf FOR SALE Real silk guaranteed hosiery. Mrs. B. B. Durham, 10t4 High St. Phone 882-R, Aie A circulation oorertbg the elty ol Klamath Falls and tha county e Klamath that's tha Klamath News FOR RENT Offices In the Hopka Bldg See Momyer t Momyer, tot Hopka Bldg. Al- BtoxtH tag Gray Tubes rn Vulcanised Spiles I I $1.50 rj 12x4 (Ply I -J Cord Tire ! $18.50 i LI Hub Tire Shop U ' BOfl . Bth Bt. Southwell Stationery Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE WE INSTALL BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 024) H Main SU Phone 002 Bring Us Your HIDES and PELTS We are rn the market fur Hides and Pelts, and will pay the highest market pries. Lewis Grocery 223 & 6th Phone 355 Let Your Glass Troubles Be Ours Window Plate Mid Windshield Glass; Sash, Door and Cabinet Work. THE GLASS HOUSE 11th aad Pine Phone 477-W